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Digital Foundry: “PS5 teardown is uninteresting, until we get our own hands on"

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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Seemed like a long multi year honeymoon to me.

DF had no problem telling gamers for years PS4 games are 1080p and Xbox One struggled anywhere from 720, 900, and hopefully 1080p. Don't remember seeing any PS fans saying that standard 1080p PS4 game 97% of the time is bad analysis.

Wow, they did not lie and focused on how resolution was not the be all end all and controllers and where your friends were was mor rimportante until the XOX came out and here comes the zoom and where most people play and controllers preferences stop mattering and which console has the highest resolution matters the most again.

It is clear who gives them access and as a result who they sign NDA’s with and who does not and thus who they want to cultivate good relationships with the most.


Because that's an actual engineer doing the teardown on the console that he helped design. The video itself was very well done and revealed slot about the system. Nobody is really complaining about it's quality.
but your complaining that digital foundry has not done a video on a video? again why not let them have a look at the console inside themselves?


If they didn’t send them a PS5, then why should they got out of there way to make a video. I don’t think they are shilling for Xbox it’s just they didn’t get a PS5 an the video dropped pretty randomly.


Lame. Blame Sony. I'm sure DF would love to get their hands on a PS5 and give you a breakdown. What else should they do, commentate over Sony's video while saying "yes, there is a heatsink" "oh look, there is the ssd controller". Those type of videos are only interesting when we still are waiting for information on what's in the console, we know what's in the PS5.

I'm sure DF and their community that watches would be better served to wait until they can touch the console themselves.
DF can make whatever videos they like and anyone complaining that they didn't make this video or that video is an idiot but honestly Alex's post is so full of salty bullshit.

You don't need to get your hands on something to comment on it. Did they wait to play Halo infinite before making a video full of excuses for it? Did they wait for Spiderman remaster before commenting on raytracing in it? Not really.

The teardown revealed things we didn't know like the fact that the storage is in addition to the onboard storage. It revealed that it can take different size SSDs. It revealed it had DRAM for the onboard storage. I've seen them make videos with far less.

Calling the video uninteresting is bullshit and saying they don't make videos of things they don't have their hands on is bullshit but making whatever video they like is their prerogative.
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I don't care much if they cover it or not, but that dude comes off a bit salty because they didn't get the VIP treatment from Sony. Regardless, I enjoy their content and I'm a happy subscriber.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
That Sony let Japanese YouTube influencers play their console in a controlled environment rather than sending it to one of the most trusted tech media publications online and other journalists, gamers etc to experience, and break down, first hand?

Pretty big problem.

If it was big-time Western influencers getting the scoop, you'd have a point. But this was a thing purely for the Japanese market, and with Sony being a Japanese company I think throwing a bone to their domestic fanbase was far from unreasonable.

It still kinda paints DF in a poor light as the inference is give us exclusives or we'll deprioritize you in our coverage, no matter your market share or the resualtant consumer interest in the topic.


DF can make whatever videos they like and anyone complaining that they didn't make this video or that video is an idiot but honestly Alex's post is so full of salty bullshit.

You don't need to get your hands on something to comment on it. Did they wait to play Halo infinite before making a video full of excuses for it? Did they wait for Spiderman remaster before commenting on raytracing in it? Not really.

The teardown revealed things we didn't know like the fact that the storage is in addition to the onboard storage. It revealed that it can take different size SSDs. It revealed it had DRAM for the onboard storage. I've seen them make videos with far less.

Calling the video uninteresting is bullshit and saying they don't make videos of things they don't have their hands on is bullshit but making whatever video they like is their prerogative.

you have answered your own question there, the video itself showed all the things you wanted. what do you expect them to say that the video doesn't?


you have answered your own question there, the video itself showed all the things you wanted. what do you expect them to say that the video doesn't?
The video made no mention of these at all actually. It was only people doing their own analysis of the video. You know, something DF usually do.

They've been at the forefront of beating the drum of a teardown video all year

Little did we know they only meant "give us the exclusive rights to do a tear down video".

Seems very self indulgent

Exactly, where is the teardown, where is the console all fucking year then when it is revealed "who even cares it's uninteresting ". Unless you send it to us of course.
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If they didn’t send them a PS5, then why should they got out of there way to make a video. I don’t think they are shilling for Xbox it’s just they didn’t get a PS5 an the video dropped pretty randomly.

just say that. “We’ll comment when we get ours to teardown” it’s the uninteresting part that ridiculous and unnecessary. It was obviouslyinteresting to the casual as well as the enthusiasts and to buyers of other consoles even. Come on
but your complaining that digital foundry has not done a video on a video? again why not let them have a look at the console inside themselves?

Why would it make a difference if Digital Foundry looked at the console themselves? I'll give you a hint at the end result.


Are you suggesting that the retail console will not be the same as the one they tore down?


The video made no mention of these at all actually. It was only people doing their own analysis of the video. You know something DF usually do.

Exactly, where is the teardown, where is the console all fucking year then when it is revealed "who even cares it's uninteresting ". Unless you send it to us of course.

again wait for them to get their hands on it and do it properly
If it was big-time Western influencers getting the scoop, you'd have a point. But this was a thing purely for the Japanese market, and with Sony being a Japanese company I think throwing a bone to their domestic fanbase was far from unreasonable.

They didn't invite Japanese tech or gamer blogs/enthusiasts either. IGN Japan even made a meme video, holding the Xbox Series X they were sent, mocking how Sony aren't letting anyone touch their console.

It still kinda paints DF in a poor light as the inference is give us exclusives or we'll deprioritize you in our coverage, no matter your market share or the resualtant consumer interest in the topic.

You see it as petty and revenge, I get that, but for me it's more simple.

DF have actual next gen hardware there in their hands. They got invited to teardown the console almost half a year ago. It's one month to release and it makes more sense for them to focus on showing what next gen consoles can actually do, rather than repeat what an engineer shows on a video.

Sony have really, genuinely messed up here. Xbox Series X is in hundreds of homes worldwide getting exposure. I'm sure they have their reasons for not doing the same, but you can't blame DF for prioritising what they have over what they don't, just like any other publication that has a series X.
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first off, it doesn’t matter if they do or don’t. But to call it uninteresting is ridiculous. Second of all, if they’re too busy then here’s a tissue. They signed up for this. Hire more people. It’s like a UPS driver complaining it’s busy In November and December. You knew it was coming. You signed up for it. Mature or not, they depend on clicks. It’s ignorant and short sighted to not piggyback a video that got 7million views.
i agree the 'uninteresting' was unnecessary.
he should have kept it at we are busy and it came out of nowhere.
maybe they need more people , in the end it's their loss.
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They didn't invite Japanese tech or gamer blogs/enthusiasts either. IGN Japan even made a meme video, holding the Xbox Series X they were sent, mocking how Sony aren't letting anyone touch their console.

You see it as petty and revenge, I get that, but for me it's more simple.

DF have actual next gen hardware there in their hands. They got invited to teardown the console almost half a year ago. It's one month to release and it makes more sense for them to focus on showing what next gen consoles can actually do, rather than repeat what an engineer shows on a video.

Sony have really, genuinely messed up here. Xbox Series X is in hundreds of homes worldwide getting exposure. I'm sure they have their reasons for not doing the same, but you can't blame DF for prioritising what they have over what they don't, just like any other publication that has a series X.

agree with this, they actually have a next Gen console to test so why would they do videos of a video? let them get on with testing the hardware they have in their hands
no but getting their hands on it and looking at the parts in close detail is different to watching a video

There are plenty of high quality images out there.


Not to mention we have the official specs from Sony. So unless they put the parts under a microscope their teardown will be pretty much the same. Also the other YouTubers revealed additional information that wasn't talked about during Sonys video. That's because they analyzed the images from the teardown itself. New info such as the DRAM and the capacitors were revealed by others.


There are plenty of high quality images out there.


Not to mention we have the official specs from Sony. So unless they put the parts under a microscope their teardown will be pretty much the same. Also the other YouTubers revealed additional information that wasn't talked about during Sonys video. That's because they analyzed the images from the teardown itself. New info such as the DRAM and the capacitors were revealed by others.

so what do you want them to say? that's not been shown in the tear down video already?


Yeah I'd agree with that, the screencap shows me that they were blatantly trying to cause shit by adding (uninteresting) to it, or to have a pop back. It was unneeded.

maybe the uninteresting was the fact it was a controlled video and there didn't get invited to do a hands on with other industry experts like Microsoft did.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
You see it as petty and revenge, I get that, but for me it's more simple.

No I don't see it that way at all. I don't think of it in personal terms, this is a business issue where "getting the scoop" confers a monetary advantage or reward.

It needs to be recognized that when such a situation is in play for the reviewing outlet, they should be very careful in order to portray an impression of impartiality and trustworthiness.


Gold Member
At least Alex has been clear that the Ps5 doesn’t interest him. Honesty is welcome, even if the sentiment isn’t, given the channel he works for.
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Gold Member
maybe the uninteresting was the fact it was a controlled video and there didn't get invited to do a hands on with other industry experts like Microsoft did.

Maybe, I think it just sticks out as a cheap shot, simialr to what I read on here from the fanboys. Just like a little comment which gets picked up an causes all the fake outrage. Just takes away from a reasonable reply I think, but that's me. Maybe I'm just worn out by seeing it so much these days.


I'm prefer to be mad at Sony for not sending PS5 and inviting for a teardown like MS. They prefer to invite japanese influencers where Nintendo dominates. They forgot about this side of the world or USA and Europe where Sony sells more PS and software than in Japan.
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Maybe, I think it just sticks out as a cheap shot, simialr to what I read on here from the fanboys. Just like a little comment which gets picked up an causes all the fake outrage. Just takes away from a reasonable reply I think, but that's me. Maybe I'm just worn out by seeing it so much these days.

maybe he found the format in how the video was didn't interest him? its his opinion. I personally thought the video was ok. remember these guys are supposed to be experts and maybe the video didn't offer enough for him personally
They didn't invite Japanese tech or gamer blogs/enthusiasts either. IGN Japan even made a meme video, holding the Xbox Series X they were sent, mocking how Sony aren't letting anyone touch their console.

You see it as petty and revenge, I get that, but for me it's more simple.

DF have actual next gen hardware there in their hands. They got invited to teardown the console almost half a year ago. It's one month to release and it makes more sense for them to focus on showing what next gen consoles can actually do, rather than repeat what an engineer shows on a video.

Sony have really, genuinely messed up here. Xbox Series X is in hundreds of homes worldwide getting exposure. I'm sure they have their reasons for not doing the same, but you can't blame DF for prioritising what they have over what they don't, just like any other publication that has a series X.

I'm wondering what touching a retail PS5 will actually reveal.

Maybe the system feels like cheap garbage?

Maybe the system feels extremely hot to the touch?

Maybe the system is a fingerprint magnet?

But to be honest not letting people touch it sure has made alot of people talk about the system.

and again they may have something new to share when they finally get their hands on the console.

What do you expect them to reveal that Sony doesn't want us to know from a teardown?
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I love how the person he replied to not only assumes that Sony has sent them a PS5, but also assumes that after Sony prioritizing Japanese influencers to get access to the PS5 in a controlled environment DF will clear the schedule just for them. :messenger_tears_of_joy: DF was about to wait for god knows how long if ever since it won't be a controlled environment by Sony...Laughable and the reaction of the Sony fanboys even more. But that is expected.


I'm wondering what touching a retail PS5 will actually reveal.

Maybe the system feels like cheap garbage?

Maybe the system feels extremely hot to the touch?

Maybe the system is a fingerprint magnet?

But to be honest not letting people touch it sure has made alot of people talk about the system.

What do you expect them to reveal that Sony doesn't want us to know from a teardown?

you want them to reveal something new you said in your last post, now your saying what do I expect them to reveal. man your running round in circles.


Gold Member
I'm prefer to be mad at Sony for not sending PS5 and inviting for a teardown like MS. They prefer to invite japanese influencers where Nintendo dominates. They forgot about this side of the world or USA and Europe where Sony sells more PS and software than in Japan.

Have you tried not being mad at anybody?

It’s fine for Sony to not send them a Ps5, just like it’s fine for DF to not be interested in the console because of it.

It’s also fine for me to not watch DF’s videos because their opinions don’t interest me. More people should probably do the same.


Well your not making alot of sense either.

Maybe we need to restart the conversation or just drop it?

again, wait till they get their own console and do a tear down themselves. its simple. if they reveal nothing new then cool, if they show close up pics of everything awesome. there is no problem they are putting time into testing the next gen console they already have

Evangelion Unit-01

Master Chief
The bias narrative is tiresome. If any critique of PS/Xbox strikes you as bias then take a long hard look in the mirror to see where the real bias is. PS5 and Xbox both have strengths and weaknesses. Neither is the perfect console-there is plenty to critique and applaud.

No amount of your console warring will make the PS5 more powerful nor will it make Halo Infinite a good game.

In case anyone needs a refresher on all of the "anti-Sony" DF videos:
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again, wait till they get their own console and do a tear down themselves. its simple. if they reveal nothing new then cool, if they show close up pics of everything awesome. there is no problem they are putting time into testing the next gen console they already have

I wonder if they are capable of putting it back together properly dye to the liquid metal.

Again I know why Sony did the teardown themselves as it was very professional and got them alot of views. That was the whole point of it.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Yeah I'd agree with that, the screencap shows me that they were blatantly trying to cause shit by adding (uninteresting) to it, or to have a pop back. It was unneeded.

But its his opinion.
Watching someone else open up a console might not be that interesting to Alex, let alone interesting enough to put the work in to make a video about it.
If it was a Q&A type video with the engineer taking the console apart and answering questions that tech websites had for them regarding the PS5.....that would be a different story.

And before you jump at the Series X opening video....the MS event literally had a section about opening the console up....everyone who was at that event saw the console apart and put together.
If Sony did the same thing we would have seen that video.

Its not like DF opened up the PS4Pro to show us how......err.....why do we want DF to open consoles up again?
PS4 Pro video in question:

Alex is Microsoft slave, he does what his master Phil says.


The gods.....i mean err mods keep on delivering.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
DF can make whatever videos they like and anyone complaining that they didn't make this video or that video is an idiot but honestly Alex's post is so full of salty bullshit.

You don't need to get your hands on something to comment on it. Did they wait to play Halo infinite before making a video full of excuses for it? Did they wait for Spiderman remaster before commenting on raytracing in it? Not really.

The teardown revealed things we didn't know like the fact that the storage is in addition to the onboard storage. It revealed that it can take different size SSDs. It revealed it had DRAM for the onboard storage. I've seen them make videos with far less.

Calling the video uninteresting is bullshit and saying they don't make videos of things they don't have their hands on is bullshit but making whatever video they like is their prerogative.
100% correct.


I wonder if they are capable of putting it back together properly dye to the liquid metal.

Again I know why Sony did the teardown themselves as it was very professional and got them alot of views. That was the whole point of it.
does it matter if they can put it back together? do you thing that console got put back together?

so its about views and not what DF actually thinks?


Gold Member
But its his opinion.

Yeah, I don't have an issue if it is. I don't care if he doesn't give a shit, I think just throwing it out there does no one any good. As bad as Schreier imo. It feels a bit 'points scorey' rather than justification. Or if it was his justification it was worded in a way to be provocative deliberately. there were better ways to say what he did, given the length of the reply and clarity on other matters.
does it matter if they can put it back together? do you thing that console got put back together?

so its about views and not what DF actually thinks?

Well if Sony gave them a console to analyze games on and they were to take it apart it would render the system useless if they couldn't put it back together.

As for views the official teardown has over 7 million of them which is why Sony did it themselves. Basically that's marketing for you.

Digital Foundry will just have to buy a PS5 themselves if they want to tear it down.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Yeah, I don't have an issue if it is. I don't care if he doesn't give a shit, I think just throwing it out there does no one any good. As bad as Schreier imo. It feels a bit 'points scorey' rather than justification. Or if it was his justification it was worded in a way to be provocative deliberately. there were better ways to say what he did, given the length of the reply and clarity on other matters.

You cant say you dont care.....then have a whole paragraph about why you care.


Well if Sony gave them a console to analyze games on and they were to take it apart it would render the system useless if they couldn't put it back together.

As for views the official teardown has over 7 million of them which is why Sony did it themselves. Basically that's marketing for you.
you think they would get one console?

and marketing is getting it out to as many people to promote your product as possible. that's why Microsoft got lots of people involved in the tear down. go see how many you tubers experts and the DF views all got and count them, I bet it would be more than 7 million. in fact go look at Austin Evans Xbox series x video, 15 million views just on that video. Thats marketing done properly
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The bias narrative is tiresome. If any critique of PS/Xbox strikes you as bias then take a long hard look in the mirror to see where the real bias is. PS5 and Xbox both have strengths and weaknesses. Neither is the perfect console-there is plenty to critique and applaud.

No amount of your console warring will make the PS5 more powerful nor will it make Halo Infinite a good game.

In case anyone needs a refresher on all of the "anti-Sony" DF videos:

This should be an automated response to any comment about digital foundry being biased.
you think they would get one console?

and marketing is getting it out to as many people to promote your product as possible. that's why Microsoft got lots of people involved in the tear down. go see how many you tubers experts and the DF views all got and count them, I bet it would be more than 7 million

Well those youtubers only got one console.

As for the green I'm seriously wondering which marketing tactic will be better at selling consoles. I guess we have to see if views really matter when it comes to console sales.

But you have to admit that Sony has alot of them.

I guess we have to wait and see what happens.
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