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Digital Foundry's Alex on Project Eve's main female character: "old (2000's) and not flattering to a Modern Audience...in comparison to...Forespoken"

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The modern gaming community is such a fu***n cringe-fest sometimes.

Sexy designs... not allowed.
Dedicated people working hard to provide the best art possible...not allowed. God forbid if a team is putting in the hours to make their piece of art as good as possible, and in the style they want..
Videogames is supposed to be a art form, right?

I mean, Glenn Schofield had to freakin' apologize for PRAISING his team recently. That's some real bullshit right there.

The team making this game will probably apologize for their design choices and change it so nobody gets "offended". (Or make it more "flattering").

What if a bunch of crybabies actually got their opinions heard about stuff like this in music or film industry.. oh, wait. They already are, to a certain degree (Artists changing their lyrics etc)

To many Jason Schreiers and Kotaku's running wild in this industry.
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Alex is definitively not "for the boys". You can't rely on others to be "for the boys". YOU must be the person who is "for the boys" in your own life. Say "yes" to long legs and jiggly tits, brothers.



good for him. he can dislike all he wants, but I do not agree to generalize the "modern audience" and to speak for everyone. I, for one, like the design...

We shall see if the game sells
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Hey I'm all for sexual objectification in games so long as it's done equally between characters. I do gotta wonder what the reaction would have been seeing that clip from Tekken 8 if the guys were wearing some cheek-splayin', ball squeezin banana hammocks.

And holy shit - 17 pages of this? lmao!


20 years later, I fully embrace the idea of video games being, if not toys, just simple pastimes. Pure entertainment. Sure, some of them can be deeper than others. It’s usually not those that try too hard to be ”mature”, though.

I don’t know what pushes the desperate attempts to “elevate” games to something more than they actually are.
It reeks of a need for validation from people who were shunned in their youth for liking video games. I’m pretty sure it was exactly that for me, back then: “See? See? Vidya gamez are srs business, folks! I’m normal, I swear! I’m not a lonely nerd who’d rather spend hours in front of my TV than go out and meet people! I’m into something totally serious here!” Meanwhile, dubious “academics” were writing totally delirious books and articles about games and cinema, games and literature, games and society. I read some of those. For most of them, my time would be better spent playing games.
It's the money. You began to see it during the PS2 generation because the industry was expanding at huge rate, and I think the powers that be began to see the growth potential of an entertainment industry that still had not achieved recognition from mom and pa or even from the other sex. Games were a niche interest for a very small percentage of girls during the '00s. In order to fully realize this growth potential, they've tried to make a wholesale aesthetic change to an entire industry because... they think the old style drove women away??

Nowadays, I also think it's about all of those billions of dollars needing to find equitable pockets and bank accounts (ie. you can't just have men making video games anymore, etc). I bet they feel like it's a hard sell to get more women into these projects while character designs look like the one in the OP while the women they're hiring are anything but. Personally, I think all the hand wringing is an overreaction, but then look at this age we're living in when even Victoria Secret can't escape the criticisms.

Somehow, we know it is bullshit, and somehow there are many people who don't. It's very strange.

The modern gaming community is such a fu***n cringe-fest sometimes.

Sexy designs... not allowed.
Dedicated people working hard to provide the best art possible...not allowed. God forbid if a team is putting in the hours to make their piece of art as good as possible, and in the style they want..
Videogames is supposed to be a art form, right?

I mean, Glenn Schofield had to freakin' apologize for PRAISING his team recently. That's some real bullshit right there.

The team making this game will probably apologize for their design choices and change it so nobody gets "offended". (Or make it more "flattering").

What if a bunch of crybabies actually got their opinions heard about stuff like this in music or film industry.. oh, wait. They already are, to a certain degree (Artists changing their lyrics etc)

To many Jason Schreiers and Kotaku's running wild in this industry.
I'm 'bout ready to lay all of the blame on just Twitter. Twitter is a shithole place where this kind of toxic echoing amplifies. All we can really do is attempt to wait out this bullshit until a counter-culture with enough momentum pushes back, or just become unruly and hostile ourselves. Not sure either will work out, honestly.


Gold Member
As far as the design, we've seen Snake and Raiden wear similar clothing, so people who have an issue with it need to show consistency.

I'm actually more worried about the gameplay, I've got no idea what the team has made in the past - and I don't get excited by game characters in revealing/tight (virtual) clothing.
We’ve seen Alex himself wear similar clothing 🤣

Hypocritical fruitloop, him.


DF are weirdos

Honestly, that's where I'm ending up. Because games look so, so good now, and the consoles are so close with each other and even the gap with PC has narrowed, there's very little left for them to discuss. So, they end up elevating the tiniest issues.

Haven't watched their content in a while. NXGamer is a far better watch.


Hey I'm all for sexual objectification in games so long as it's done equally between characters. I do gotta wonder what the reaction would have been seeing that clip from Tekken 8 if the guys were wearing some cheek-splayin', ball squeezin banana hammocks.

And holy shit - 17 pages of this? lmao!
Hey, there is only one way to find out. Make the game, cut your trailer as describe, make bank $$!


Can't watch but is he literally offended or is he just stating it as an observation? If the later he might be right but it doesn't necessarily mean it 'bad' per se.

I mean just because something is from a bygone era doesn't mean it doesn't has its place. Of course things hit differently, like watching Top Gun 1 seems almost like a 80s parody in this age but it's still fun.

Maybe the modern audience isn't the target audience? Sales and consumers will decide what's acceptable and what not and for what reasons.
There was one shot that showed they modeled the suit so tight it showed off her labia. I’m all for having natural full figured gals but when I can distinguish the labia it’s a bit much, like seeing the head of some guys dick when he’s wearing sweatpants and no underwear.

It still looks like a cool game to play.
Did we saw the same video? If you saw her labia is because you were searching for it... I was watching the gameplay and yes is sexualized but you are overreacting


Gold Member
People are attracted to good looking species. People, that are not attractive or too lazy to try, have a problem with it.
Their ideology in a nutshell.

/thread and all treads before this and all the looney toons ones after this one.

John Wick

Ofcourse the Anime Avatars are already furious about his opinion.

Personally: I think he has a point. There's a clear difference between sexy and oversexualization and a lot of camera angles clearly served no purpose other than to do just that. Its even more ridiculous in the announcement trailer:

But TikTok is full of women dressed worse than this accentuating their curves. Where are these modern women?


To be fair the character model does look like something I saw in a thousand PS2 games back in the day. I'm bored of ridiculously overdesigned costumes and weapons - it just becomes a total clusterfuck.

Nothing wrong with the sexiness though.
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