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Do most Western AAA third party kinda suck these days?


I totally agree with you OP but what you forget in your question is that most 1st party suck just as well.

It's AAA gaming as a whole which is in disarray


Uh? I meant the gay book store, where they stop to make quirky jokes in the middle of an apocalypse.

I mean, if sacrificing your game's atmosphere and setting to include that kind of stuff just for the sake of it being there isn't woke, I don't know what woke is.
So people can't make quirky jokes about lgtb topics because it's too much woke? How small is that fraction of dialogue to the whole game? Sacrificing atmosphere, sure. Whatever. We won't agree with this.

I don't know man. A chick with a dick is kinda woke to me.


We are in a post apocalyptic world. Steroids are scarse. Abby apparently has the rest of the world stock in their hide out, cus its near impossible for a woman to be this buffed natural.

And no, those body builder females are using steroids. It is not biological possible for women to be this buffed.

ND literally took a male body builder torso and put a female head on it.

You being defense about TLoU2 before anyone said anything says its all.

It's OK you like woke games.

The fact that you think Abby is trans. Ugh man. Then she's using steroids, anabolics. It's a fictional game. If she was thin, you would still be complaining how she can handle one to hand combat vs men. I bet you don't argue about Kratos impossible strength and how physics aren't applying to him. Whatever. Been down this road. Good luck enjoying games less and less.
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Why does it bother you if it doesn't matter? It's just one, not all of them or half of them being lgtb like the Apex Legends launch characters where I could agree. But it's just one.

" Oh, you have 60 non trans characters, but 1 is just too much woke"

Are you going take 10 points of a game because it has that? Like you're making it a bigger issue than it is.
Because it's annoying and unnecessary. If it doesn't matter, they wouldn't have added it. They added it for woke points.

Enjoy your western games.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Much of AAA Gaming has become stagnant. They chase the lowest common denominator. Focus on shiny graphics and puddle deep gameplay over intricate and well designed systems. It’s why we see games like Assassins’ Creed Valhalla, TLOU2, Horizon, and Halo Infinite getting developed and pushed out the door. Rushed games that mindless drones will eat up like cake thinking they are masterpieces when they are worse in nearly every way from predecessors.


Is there an American Latin AAA game publisher?

No. I'm not narrowing down. I really do feel Japanese publishers are better.

I never said 100% or ALL, but it's like 60% for USA PUBLISHED AAA games are meh or bad and 30% for JAP PUB are meh or bad games.

You can name a list of controversial AAA USA published games vs Japanese ones. You'll see the gap.
Latin American? IDK, Europe? Yeh. Believe it or not Europe is like 80% Western. Like... Dying Light 2 just came out a couple of days ago, by Techland... a Western developer? Made x2 Monster Hunter Rise and almost x3 ReVillage numbers on Steam...
Just to give a SINGLE example, the last one and pretty fresh.

Still waiting for OP's list for all the Eastern AAA awesome games.


Latin American? IDK, Europe? Yeh. Believe it or not Europe is like 80% Western. Like... Dying Light 2 just came out a couple of days ago, by Techland... a Western developer? Made x2 Monster Hunter Rise and almost x3 ReVillage numbers on Steam...
Just to give a SINGLE example, the last one and pretty fresh.

Still waiting for OP's list for all the Eastern AAA awesome games.
Look at my other replies.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
So people can't make quirky jokes about lgtb topics because it's too much woke?
No they can't, unless you want to make the writting on your game to specially suck ass.

I would get those kind of comments, I dunno, when they are on a safe place or between friends. But nah, let's make those jokes in the middle of a stealth section right after killing a bunch of people, haha how quirky we are. Wholesome!

Or maybe it's just that I hate this kind of modern writting that need to be quirky and ironic every few seconds, like the Marvel movies or the last Star Wars trilogy. Those too love killing the mood of tense or serious moments just for the sake of it.

edit: sorry if this deviates the thread.
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Gold Member
Man I was gonna come in this thread swinging and disagreeing with OP.....but then I realized that all the western third party games I've liked as of late were indeed remasters and remakes.

Huh...... I still wanna disagree, as I utterly despise weebs, but I'm having a tough time disagreeing with the assertion. If I liked online shooters I'd say I could list out some examples, but I really don't get much into that stuff. I've enjoyed a lot of western games in the past two years, but they were almost all technically first party games, so yeah. I dunno. I like western games a lot, but I think Covid kind of took a bite out of western third party development, or at least it seems to have affected game development project efficiency more in the west than the east, though I could be totally wrong, just my perception here.
I know you said OP but I agree with him 100% so I'm going to make the list.

Bandai Namco - Tales of, Scarlet Nexus, Tekken, Dark Souls, Elden Ring. They make Naruto games, right? Idk they have a lot of more smaller scale games, but I haven't heard Bandai have a f up with a game like Anthem, Bf2042, F76, c2077, gta trilogy, halo infinite debacle, siege when it launched, ghost recon breakpoint, shadow of war, battlefront 2, crackdown, sea of thieves, bleeding edge, state of decay 2, recycling sports games filled with mtx and call of duty annualy.

Capcom - Their resident evil multiplayer games all suck, but at least they weren't greedy with them. They just suck. Sf5 barely had content and Sony had to fund that game so I get it, but they turned that around. Post 2017 they have become the best third party publisher imo. Resident Evil, Sf5, Monster Hubter and Devil May Cry are all back. Pragmata and Dragon Dogma 2 are next. They closed dead rising studio but like I said, post 2017 they have made a comeback.

Square - Besides Avengers and ff15 (which is ok to me), ff14, ff7 remake, nier remake, nier automata, rise of the tomb raider (last one was meh because they changed developer and that was the worst decision ever because you ended up with avengers AND a lesser tomb raider). They have dragon quest. Deus ex had a good score. Just Cause was never good imo.

Sega - Persona 5 and the yakuza games have been pretty good. Sonic is lost tho. They're not as big anymore.

Konami - they are irrelevant.

Nintendo and Sony made better games than xbox last gen too. I know sony there were games like Killzone, Knack, the pokedex being cut in half but most of the time they excel.

I think we can see a pattern here. Japanese publishers are clearly more quality focused.
Tbf, Sea of thieves wasn't really as bad as people make them seem, nor was Anthem tbf. also Bandai Namco neglects their older franchises in favor of anime tie-ins, speaking of anime tie-ins, Namco had Jump Force as their screw up.

Square had Balan WonderWorld as their screw up. Nier remake and automata and FF7 remake weren't that bad either. (other than the later's strange episodic model)

Sonic is getting a resurgeance right now after Mania. Other than Forces and Colors Ultimate (at launch), stuff like the new Movie, cartoon and the new game look promising.

Nintendo right now has a problem with really shitty buisness practices, plus the newer Pokemon games aren't that good. (Cutting the pokedex in half was only one of SW/SH's problems) and Sony relies on Western devs anyways.

Also a very common trend with gaming dissapointments and screw-ups is that the game devs had a perfect track-record prior.
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Tbf, Sea of thieves wasn't really as bad as people make them seem, nor was Anthem tbf. also Bandai Namco neglects their older franchises in favor of anime tie-ins, speaking of anime tie-ins, Namco had Jump Force as their screw up.

Square had Balan WonderWorld as their screw up. Nier remake and automata and FF7 remake weren't that bad either. (other than the later's strange episodic model)

Sonic is getting a resurgeance right now after Mania. Other than Forces and Colors Ultimate (at launch), stuff like the new Movie, cartoon and the new game look promising.

Nintendo right now has a problem with really shitty buisness practices, plus the newer Pokemon games aren't that good. (Cutting the pokedex in half was only one of SW/SH's problems) and Sony relies on Western devs anyways.

Also a very common trend with gaming dissapointments and screw-ups is that the game devs had a perfect track-record prior.
Nah. Sea of Thieves was horrible. I remember when it went against God of War lmao.
Anthem was horrible.

You're right, forgot about Jump Force and Wonderworld. Can you classify Wonderworld as AAA tho?

What do you mean ff7 and nier remake weren't that bad? One was awesome and the other was still pretty good.

Sonic is not in a good position, gaming wise yeah.

Well we're talking about games and not practices. I agree with SnS but I can't really recall Nintendo screwing up a Nintendo title in recent memory.

I'm more leaned to western publishers being worse and not western studios.
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Fare thee well

They might, because 90% of my active games right now are what I would call midtier studios. They are Triple A quality games in my eyes, but just not talked about here much at all. Right now on my recent fav playlist I got: Battletech, Chorus, Ground Branch, Mordhau, Mechwarrior 5, No Man's Sky, Project Zomboid, Warhammer 2 TW (soon to be 3), Mount and Blade 2, Mechwarrior 5 (w/ a fuckton of mods), Forza 5, and Red dead 2; the last two feeling like the only games I see talked about here with any frequency. And then I'm tracking Distant Worlds 2, Kenshi 2, Ready or Not, ARC Raiders, MotorTown, Homeworld 3, Galahad, The Old Republic (KOTOR remake), Elden Ring, The Invincible, Wayward Realms, Mechwarrior Living Legends 2, Stalker 2, Everspace 2, and Space Haven. There seems to be tons of games I enjoy (that list wasn't exhaustive), but few feel like the hyped triple As.
Nah. Sea of Thieves was horrible. I remember when it went against God of War lmao.
Anthem was horrible.

You're right, forgot about Jump Force and Wonderworld. Can you classify Wonderworld as AAA tho?

What do you mean ff7 and nier remake weren't that bad? One was awesome and the other was still pretty good.

Sonic is not in a good position, gaming wise yeah.

Well we're talking about games and not practices. I agree with SnS but I can't really recall Nintendo screwing up a Nintendo title in recent memory.

I'm more leaned to western publishers being worse and not western studios.
Idk never played them, but they don't look like buggy trash to me. Maybe it's one of those cases where the games are playable but are pretty underwhelming compared to what people hyped it up was.

Didn't you dump FF7 remake and Nier with the bad bunch? or maybe I misunderstood your comments.

Nintendo did a bunch of trash during the Wii U era though, but otherwise the Switch was better in comparisson though and it seems their finally learning how to do Mario Party and Mario Sports games properly again. (Though their still far behind)
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Gaming in general has never been better IMO. But Japanese games have never been worse. I used to love them, regularly bought import cartridges for the N64, but these days - I don't know if I outgrew them, or they genuinely got worse, but I nope out of pretty much everything Japanese these days, Just too weird and samey. (Nintendo excepted, although even they have lost their shine a little for me).
Gaming in general has never been better IMO. But Japanese games have never been worse. I used to love them, regularly bought import cartridges for the N64, but these days - I don't know if I outgrew them, or they genuinely got worse, but I nope out of pretty much everything Japanese these days, Just too weird and samey. (Nintendo excepted, although even they have lost their shine a little for me).
JRPGs have become bad. Awfully bad. Monster Hunter is the exception I suppose. RESIDENT EVIL has been westernized and made into a first-person shooter. So what else is there really from Japan, excluding Nintendo?


Idk never played them, but they don't look like buggy trash to me. Maybe it's one of those cases where the games are playable but are pretty underwhelming compared to what people hyped it up was.

Didn't you dump FF7 remake and Nier with the bad bunch? or maybe I misunderstood your comments.

Nintendo did a bunch of trash during the Wii U era though, but otherwise the Switch was better in comparisson though and it seems their finally learning how to do Mario Party and Mario Sports games properly again. (Though their still far behind)
No. Ff7 and nier were good.


I speak for myself but i can hardly name many 3rd party western games that i loved post 2017, as opposite of Japanese games, but that's also a taste thing i guess.

What does the the great, post-2017, AAA, JP, 3rd-party list of releases look like?

Bandai Namco - Tales of, Scarlet Nexus, Tekken, Dark Souls, Elden Ring.

Tekken 7 was in 2015, Dark Souls was 2016, Elden Ring isn't out yet.

Capcom - Resident Evil, Sf5, Monster Hubter and Devil May Cry are all back.

Resident Evil is 1 game and remakes, DMC is 1 game in this timeframe.

Square - Besides Avengers and ff15 (which is ok to me), ff14, ff7 remake, nier remake, nier automata, rise of the tomb raider (last one was meh because they changed developer and that was the worst decision ever because you ended up with avengers AND a lesser tomb raider). They have dragon quest. Deus ex had a good score. Just Cause was never good imo.

Avengers & Tomb Raider were made by western studios, and again there is only one Croft game that fits into this timeframe and it's the one you are dismissing. Dragon Quest series as released a total of 4 games since 2005.

Sega - Persona 5 and the yakuza games have been pretty good. Sonic is lost tho. They're not as big anymore.

"Not as big anymore", right.

Konami - they are irrelevant.


Nintendo and Sony made better games than xbox last gen too. I know sony there were games like Killzone, Knack, the pokedex being cut in half but most of the time they excel.

Sony... with their western studios, you mean?

I think we can see a pattern here. Japanese publishers are clearly more quality focused.

This is just you playing really fast and loose listing titles.

Here's the reality -- the AAA space is thinner than it has been in a long long time for many many reasons, and on top of that the concept of what "third-party" means has also effectively changed. This whole thread is just a sharpshooter fallacy... why should anyone care about the moving target that is "AAA third-party" as if that and that alone should define or even categorize a region's development output? It's a question designed to exclude a lot of very fun AAA games.

Either way, the other thing this comes down to is just individual preference -- for instance I'm taking the likes of Back 4 Blood, The Division, Fallen Jedi, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Titanfall 2, and even those that must-not-be-named around here like FIFA & even the more fun Battlefields, over most of what you listed. See what I mean? Preference.
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Most fun I've had outside of sony's games all have been AA ones. Remnant, Hades, Wreckfest, Risk of Rain 2, Control, Darksiders 3 - genesis, Ion Fury and so on and so forth, fuck I even had a really good time with godfall and borderlands 3

Not to mention AAA like GOTG


Western AAA studios made the likes of Ghost of Tsushima, God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, and TLOU2. So no.
The thread says THIRD PARTY.

I do agree though. Third party games have been lacking. They all want to get into the GaaS wagon and it sucks. I'm actually excited by the possibility about Microsoft doing something good with Activition's studios, but that is just fantasy wishing at this point.


Report me if I continue to console war
Some do, some dont.

Development its painfully slow these days through.

I remember in the PS2 days AAA games would take 2yrs.


What does the the great, post-2017, AAA, JP, 3rd-party list of releases look like?

Tekken 7 was in 2015, Dark Souls was 2016, Elden Ring isn't out yet.

Resident Evil is 1 game and remakes, DMC is 1 game in this timeframe.

Avengers & Tomb Raider were made by western studios, and again there is only one Croft game that fits into this timeframe and it's the one you are dismissing. Dragon Quest series as released a total of 4 games since 2005.

"Not as big anymore", right.


Sony... with their western studios, you mean?

This is just you playing really fast and loose listing titles.

Here's the reality -- the AAA space is thinner than it has been in a long long time for many many reasons, and on top of that the concept of what "third-party" means has also effectively changed. This whole thread is just a sharpshooter fallacy... why should anyone care about the moving target that is "AAA third-party" as if that and that alone should define or even categorize a region's development output? It's a question designed to exclude a lot of very fun AAA games.

Either way, the other thing this comes down to is just individual preference -- for instance I'm taking the likes of Back 4 Blood, The Division, Fallen Jedi, Witcher 3, Cyberpunk, Titanfall 2, and even those that must-not-be-named around here like FIFA & even the more fun Battlefields, over most of what you listed. See what I mean? Preference.
Nope. American publishers are worse.
This is a bit like farting into the echo chamber to take a long, collective whiff afterwards. Enough people sure seems to like them to keep them all going which is all that matters. I guess enjoying the games they do like isn't enough that they have to piss on the ones they don't.


The thread says THIRD PARTY.

I do agree though. Third party games have been lacking. They all want to get into the GaaS wagon and it sucks. I'm actually excited by the possibility about Microsoft doing something good with Activition's studios, but that is just fantasy wishing at this point.

AC Valhalla, Jedi Fallen Order were good games then.


What does the the great, post-2017, AAA, JP, 3rd-party list of releases look like?
Tekken 7, Monster Hunter World, Resident Evil 7, Resident Evil 2 remake, Soul Calibur 6, Sekiro, Dragon Quest 11, Nier Automata, Persona 5 Royale, FF7 Remake, Guilty Gear Strive, Death Stranding and more.

I mean i can name great western games too, RDR2 is one of my favorite game of the generation/ and of all time, i love AC Origins as well (the only great Ubi game imo since ACBF), absolutely loved and put hundreds hours on the amazing Mortal Kombat 11 and Injustice 2, i'm huge fan of anything NRS made since MK9, i'm huge fan of Rocksteady Batman games, the last one was 2015 and Batman AK is one of my favorite game of this gen, platiniumed this game and still keep playing it after it's so awesome (to me this game was way more superior than Spiderman), but i can't think of much more outside of those games, as i said it's mostly Sony 1st party, like GOT, GOW, Spiderman, Returnal, ect.
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The Houser Brothers (creators of GTA) both left.

They make games once every half decade or so.

Both things I said were true.

Name me all the great western third party AAA franchises going at the moment if you disagree.
I like them ALL. 😂 What's your point. I don't give 2 shits what you like or don't like, I'll play what I damn well please. You are the minority! These "western devs" sell games and make money. That's all that matters. Adios ✌️


GTA trilogy sold 10m.

That right there, explains why I'm saying what I'm saying.
That's the issue nowadays, people buy games based on name, not on what's inside. I love GTA series, but there was just no way i would buy a garbage can remade trilogy lie GTA remaster. While Crash Bandicoot i jumped full price day one, in the other hand what an awesome trilogy remaster this last one was.


What time is it?
Suck? No. I'd say most games released these days are fine. They are all just so risk averse that they end up boring.


There's a lot of cherry picking that can be done on either side of this argument.

I've definitely lost a lot of interest in where big-budget 3rd party western games have gone in the last decade if you look at Ubisoft for example. But it's mad to say there aren't good games coming out. Remedy games are always good. Last year we saw releases like Psychonauts, It Takes Two and Returnal (this game really blew me away).

But it's not like Japanese games are any better. From where I'm standing, I'm not exactly seeing much innovation. Some of the games that have been mentioned in this thread are from long running series. Take Monster Hunter for example, feels like they released a ton of games in a short span of time. They all look very similar. There's also a lot of games with anime style and turn-based combat. I enjoy From Software games, but they're all very similar games in terms of premise and mechanics.

Don't really see the point in making distinctions and basing preferences of games depending on where a studio comes from. There's interesting developers and bad ones wherever you look.


I think it's unfair for me to say that modern gaming is a big pile of shit ( I do feel that way though), what I and a lot of gaffers are going through is something that happens to similar age groups in other mediums like movies, we play and enjoy XYZ in our formative years and develop a taste for it and crave for everything to be bleeding edge (that's the nature of technology) then almost a decade later we're older and now shit is expensive to make, so XYZ has to "evolve" due to the average consumer's technological expectations, this doesn't align with our palate, the same thing happens to movies (everyone wants to be a marvel movie). Sure you can say that the industry has alienated hardcore gamers but a part of the blame falls on us.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I think it's unfair for me to say that modern gaming is a big pile of shit ( I do feel that way though), what I and a lot of gaffers are going through is something that happens to similar age groups in other mediums like movies, we play and enjoy XYZ in our formative years and develop a taste for it and crave for everything to be bleeding edge (that's the nature of technology) then almost a decade later we're older and now shit is expensive to make so XYZ has to "evolve" due to the average consumer's technological expectations, this doesn't align with our palate, the same thing happens to movies (everyone wants to be a marvel movie). Sure you can say that the industry has alienated hardcore gamers but a part of the blame falls on us.

I am not so sure. I grew up going from 8 bit to 16 to 32 to 64. From PS1 to PS2 to PS3. I have seen massive leaps in technology, but what I crave more than anything is depth from games. Plenty of devs from AAA to Indie *can* create deep, memorable systems that intricately weave into narratives, locales, etc. However, many AAA don't do that. They overload you with numerous systems that are all skin deep. Crafting that has no real purpose and adds nothing. Stealth mechanics that are more rudimentary than games released 20 years prior. Combat systems that are mindless and offer nothing aside from good animations.

I want to see games take advantage of the medium again, at the AAA level. Sadly only a handful of games actively attempt to do that.


Yes for most of them.

Quality is in decline.
Innovation and New ideias are not supported by publishers.

Focus in delivery what you have and try to fix later is a big issue too.
GAAS model create the bubble delivery the minimum and left most of content for late.
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Uh? I meant the gay book store, where they stop to make quirky jokes in the middle of an apocalypse.

I mean, if sacrificing your game's atmosphere and setting to include that kind of stuff just for the sake of it being there isn't woke, I don't know what woke is.
People make jokes in all kinds of horrible situations. Human beings aren't robots. I didn't find anything remotely unrealistic about this.

Now the characters acting like smoking a joint is some subversive, illegal "can't get caught doing this" thing...that I didn't buy at all. What, is the DEA still around post apocalypse?
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