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Do you like CGI game trailers?

Do you like CGI game trailers?

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I know alot of people seem to dislike them but I really enjoy some of them if they are well made with good art direction.

I consider some of them masterpieces and wouldn't mind watching a whole movie out of any of these:


West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
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Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I liked them on PS1. That Soul Edge intro was legendary.

It's cool at times. As long as they are not trying to fool you in some way. A CGI trailer at E3 or TGS is a no no for me..


I feel nowadays if the focus is next gen graphics, trailers should be made using in game graphics in a dramatic way. If the game looks nothing like the cgi, then no.

Back in the day it was different, but theres not much need for that now i feel unless its presenting a story related to the game that (with in game graphics) you really arent meant to play...just watch and experience.
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I like them if they're done well, ideally without present-day staples like that stupid fart/foghorn sound effect, cheesy voiceovers or mumble rap playing in the background.

I thought the one for AC6 was pretty good.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Absolutely loved them back in the PS3 days and before. There was something to those fantastic, film-like CGI trailers that really punched. Now? I absolutely loathe them. No point in them anymore when our games look so good. There's also the fact that they're often recorded at low bitrates and 24-30fps and look bad during the game with their low resolution and frame rates.

They need to go and are a waste of everyone's time.


Around 2000 it was still the age of multimedia and the CGI trailers for Diablo and Final Fantasy made sense because they were in the games. If they are giving game assets to a separate cinematic animation shop to make a hype trailer, then nope.


I used to love them, but nowadays after so many disappointments i only care about gameplay.
However i still do love them as in game cutscenes. The WoW Saurfang cinematics for example are absolutely enthralling.


I think it's alright when it's established characters. Something like a remake/revival/new console gen that sees characters you recognise in all their glory is useful in its own way. It's not always necessary, and CGI loses its appeal very quickly it's repeated because people want to see gameplay after that.
Yes, of course I do. I'm not stupid enough to mistake them from gameplay. And then if the gameplay sucks, it has nothing to do with the trailer.


Gold Member
Good for games I know what to expect or surprise games.

Armored Core had me hyped even without the gameplay. FFVII trailer from like 2006? Hype. KH trailer? Hype. Diablo trailer? Hype. MGS trailer? Hype.

Unproven IP or Studios is where I draw the line.


They can give you an overview look of the world, settings and whatnot. Then you wait for the gameplay trailer to judge if it's the right thing for you.
Trailers such as "hey, look at this new game that you will have no idea of how it actually plays thanks to this CGI trailer"? Nah
But give me a good cinematic CGI that shows some lore and action
I think it is totally okay for a surprise announcement of a well known franchise, which was pretty silent many years. Like if they would announce a Dino Crisis remake or even the first announcement of the new Test Drive Unlimited. But Test Drive Unlimited also showed how not to do it: several CGI trailers over years and still no gameplay.

I would say: Make a surprise announcement at some showcase with a CGI trailer and end it with a date for the gameplay trailer, which will drop around two weeks later (or earlier).


Targeting terrorists with a D-Pad
Depends. Some of them can be really good, but I truly hate it when they do a reveal with no gameplay. Pointless!
Doesnt matter to me, I understand that the game isn’t ready to show and they want to give their fans something to look forward to.
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