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Do you smoke weed?


Umm, drinking destroys brain cells worse than weed, too.

The brain is a very complicated organ, I assume since different substances affect it differently they also destroy cells of different areas. I'm don't know about the studies you're talking about but I do know that weed fucks up my brain badly and its effects are way more permanent than alcohol. Maybe it's just my brain that is affected that way, who knows, science is at primitive stages as far as the brain is concerned anyway so I doubt they're aware of all problems associated with certain substances.


Site pushes sponsored products I believe, but the information is still valid and worked in the past for me:

Got link from a surgical technician used to random tests that the hair, saliva, and urine test methods worked for him, but I've only had urine tests to vouch for personally

Thanks. I'll have to give it a look. Looking at maybe getting back into smoking some weed now and again, but getting random drug testing at work kills any hope of that happening...

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
How do you guys feel about being cross-faded? It's honestly one of the best things in the world for me. As for me, the subtle buzz from alcohol mixed with the dopaminergic rush from the THC brings me into a super comfortable state of mind.


How do you guys feel about being cross-faded? It's honestly one of the best things in the world for me. As for me, the subtle buzz from alcohol mixed with the dopaminergic rush from the THC brings me into a super comfortable state of mind.

What is this? The fucking 60's? You degenerate. I'll have you know I work on Wall Street and the only drugs worth my time are caffeine and cocaine. If I'm not doing more I'm living less. Keep your buzz and comfortable state of mind you hippie.


The Tribe Has Spoken
How do you guys feel about being cross-faded? It's honestly one of the best things in the world for me. As for me, the subtle buzz from alcohol mixed with the dopaminergic rush from the THC brings me into a super comfortable state of mind.
What’s cross-faded? I’m not up with the lingo. Alcohol & weed? We used to warn the kids to avoid that mix. It’s easier when you’re older.

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
What’s cross-faded? I’m not up with the lingo. Alcohol & weed? We used to warn the kids to avoid that mix. It’s easier when you’re older.

That is correct. LOL why? It was all the rage at University; unless that meets your proposed age threshold? It's truly a magical feeling.

What is this? The fucking 60's? You degenerate. I'll have you know I work on Wall Street and the only drugs worth my time are caffeine and cocaine. If I'm not doing more I'm living less. Keep your buzz and comfortable state of mind you hippie.



The Tribe Has Spoken
That is correct. LOL why? It was all the rage at University; unless that meets your proposed age threshold? It's truly a magical feeling.
Yeah, I’m talking high school age, but even some uni age and older. Plenty of adults I know still can’t do it. I found that as I got a bit older, it didn’t bother me anymore.

It’s a common thing that mixing alcohol and weed can make people puke and fuck them up (temporarily). There’s even a rhyme or saying that we used to say about it, but I can’t remember how it goes, probably because I’ve drunk too much alcohol and smoked too much weed, lol.

You’ve never heard someone say “don’t mix”?

EDIT: Yeah, here you go. From a quick Google.

As most recreational marijuana users can attest, however, there are limits to this feel-good effect: Drink too much before you smoke, and you run the risk of "greening out"—a nauseous sensation that kicks in when you feel sick and overwhelmed after getting too high. (Trust me, it's no fun.)

"Individuals may go pale and sweaty, feel dizzy with 'the spins,' nauseous, and may even start vomiting. This is often followed by the need or strong desire to lie down," wrote Constance Scharff, an addiction specialist in California, in a column for Psychology Today.

They even mention the term “crossfade” in the article. But, it’s from 2017. I’m guessing this is recent wordage (or maybe regional) as I’ve never heard anyone use that in my life.
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My job does the same. Is there ANY way around this???

those synthetic pee packs are pretty much infallible granted you use the heater packs right and the urine is at about 98 degrees when you turn the sample in. and obvs you can't be monitored using it unless you have one of those ridiculous ones with a fake dick or something

if i had to do periodic tests i'd be too nervous to hang my livelihood on them but it's a good go around when you unexpectedly land a job
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Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
Yeah, I’m talking high school age, but even some uni age and older. Plenty of adults I know still can’t do it. I found that as I got a bit older, it didn’t bother me anymore.

It’s a common thing that mixing alcohol and weed can make people puke and fuck them up (temporarily). There’s even a rhyme or saying that we used to say about it, but I can’t remember how it goes, probably because I’ve drunk too much alcohol and smoked too much weed, lol.

You’ve never heard someone say “don’t mix”?

EDIT: Yeah, here you go. From a quick Google.

They even mention the term “crossfade” in the article. But, it’s from 2017. I’m guessing this is recent wordage (or maybe regional) as I’ve never heard anyone use that in my life.

I had no idea it was that recent, the term.

Yeah but Idk I've never gotten sick out of it, if anything it makes my drunk way more tolerable. In special cases when it's right before bed, I can pretty much guarantee no hangover.


I had no idea it was that recent, the term.

Yeah but Idk I've never gotten sick out of it, if anything it makes my drunk way more tolerable. In special cases when it's right before bed, I can pretty much guarantee no hangover.

yeah strange i never did get sick because of mixing alco and weed
if i drink too much before smoking i may last 30min and just go sleep though
which is kind of helpful because otherwise i would probably keep drinking and had a massive hangover :messenger_dizzy:


I used to smoke a lot after a night of drinking in my 20s. I can't say I ever liked it, just that I did it a lot. It was a pretty unpredictable mix that seemed to depend on how ridiculously drunk you were before smoking.

One of my friends and I would buy a bottle of 151 and a bunch of Pepsi 20oz's and we'd drink the whole bottle in a night. Those were bad times to mix the weed in at the end.

Wings 嫩翼翻せ

so it's not nice
One of my friends and I would buy a bottle of 151 and a bunch of Pepsi 20oz's and we'd drink the whole bottle in a night. Those were bad times to mix the weed in at the end.


Last time I had 151, it was on a booze-cation at the beach with University mates... that did not end well. Absolutely would be petrified, I could not imagine being high while 151 drunk.



Last time I had 151, it was on a booze-cation at the beach with University mates... that did not end well. Absolutely would be petrified, I could not imagine being high while 151 drunk.
Yeah I remember puking out in front of the dorm area where he was staying one night. Going so hard when I was young is probably why I don't like drinking now.


I guess you could always try a vaporizer too. Then there’s really no smell. I’ve only tried a Volcano a few times though and didn’t care for it.

Maybe the guy who owned it wasn’t using it right but I didn’t really get much from it.


I smoked daily until January of this year, so that's almost a year clean.
I smoked for 3 or so years and in the last months I didn't enjoyed the highs anymore. I'd get panic attacks and be all paranoid and shit.

Last Friday I smoked once (as in 1 puff) with ex coworkers and had one sweet high that ended up me listening to Hendrix and just chilling in my place. Don't get me wrong, I loved weed and would like to do it again, but I don't trust myself to not make an habit out of it. Everything is better on weed, and that's the danger for me.

One thing is clear for me though, if I ever go back to weed I'm never telling anybody about it, I'd just be my thing to do at my place, at my own pace.

lil puff

Physically, I just don't enjoy the smell, as I find it very strong and pungent.
I'm the same.

I like to smoke, but I cannot stand the smell of other people's smoke. Smells like a skunk carcass. Even cigarette smoke smells better.

I am going to hate when they legalize recreational. It is going to be unavoidable.
I cannot fathom how some people wake and bake. What do you get out of being high on a crowded L train?


Old Member
Didn't try it until I was about 30. It's not for me. It was okay to relax I guess, but I just don't like the feeling of breathing anything into my lungs. I'm also just not one to drink or get high or anything, really. I tried shrooms earlier this year and all it did was give me the shits.

lil puff

Didn't try it until I was about 30. It's not for me. It was okay to relax I guess, but I just don't like the feeling of breathing anything into my lungs. I'm also just not one to drink or get high or anything, really. I tried shrooms earlier this year and all it did was give me the shits.
I ate one tiny piece of shroomz on a dare, and oo boy I regretted that.

Felt a weird stomach feeling like I wanted to dry heave but couldn't. I think I'd rather stay away from anything else other than a blunt or beer.


K... so... Christmas cake, where do you stand on it , like, not literally and stuff...
And has anyone made pot Christmas cake??


Nah, weed fucks me up good and proper, I go mental and get stuck in thought loops I can't control and freak out big time. Back in the day I did MDMA and speed as well as tried ketamine, coke, crystal etc, but nothing messes me up more than weed. It does my head in. Mind you I don't drink either, anything that put me in a state of not being able to snap out of I don't do well with.


K... so... Christmas cake, where do you stand on it , like, not literally and stuff...
And has anyone made pot Christmas cake??
Cupcakes yes... best ones made with butter frosting with nice green butter on top of in the cake batter.

Just a tip on the edibles: for some reason I cannot wrap my mind around yet, stick your extracted oil/butter in the back of the fridge and leave it there for 3 months or more... I don't know the science behind it becoming more potent, but is sure as heck does


I smoke, but I do not like edibles.

They sneak up on me and punch me in the face, sometimes even introducing a bit of anxiety.

I like to roll blunts, but in NYC they raised the price from $5 to $15. Luckily I have some bodega friends.
Hook me up.

I smoke. I believe in decriminalizing it but not legalizing it. I’m also glad that we (America) can start using hemp as a product for exporting. Hemp is a great, sturdy fabric, and trading it should help boost the economy.


Reason: I already do too many drugs. Alcohol, coffee, masturbation.

Though I wouldnt turn it down if someone offered it.

Remove Alcohol and Coffee.

Replace with Marijuana, and Chamomile tea.

You would legitimately turn that frown upside-down, as they say.


K I'm baked again... but I only post in here when I'm baked... and I come to gaf a lot. This thread is one of my favorites...so I guess I gotta stay high?? 🤔

Iced Arcade

Not really anymore but not against it. frequently did in high school BUT I find it burns me out too much and I like my regular energy.

Canadian so it's legal here eh.

100% would rather bump into a group of potheads over a group of strangers drinking.


Anyone in Ohio have a legal medical card? My buddy was recently telling me about how, in Ohio, you can actually get a legal medicinal marijuana card and it supposedly works the way California used to do things. But, there are very few "certified" physicians who are allowed to prescribe it and they have insane waiting lists to see them (no shocker).

From what I've heard from people in the old days in California, you could just walk in and say you have anxiety and they'd say wow man you need weed, here's your card. This thing in Ohio has a list of specific things it can be prescribed for and those doctors might feel a bigger responsibility to actually test to see if you need it:
Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, Crohn’s disease, epilepsy or another seizure disorder, fibromyalgia, glaucoma, hepatitis C, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, pain that is either chronic and severe or intractable, Parkinson’s disease, positive status for HIV, post-traumatic stress disorder, sickle cell anemia, spinal cord disease or injury, Tourette’s syndrome, traumatic brain injury, and ulcerative colitis.

As much as I want to be able to buy legal weed in this awful state, I just don't know if it's worth going through all this and having a doctor say I don't need it.


Used to smoke a lot of weed but prefer hash nowadays. I also used to smoke a lot socially but now I generally keep it to when I'm alone and want to listen to some music, or get creative in some way. I do however make an exception if I'm at a good rave :messenger_smiling_horns:


The Tribe Has Spoken
Live in London
Yep, could tell. Never catch an Aussie saying they prefer hash. Europeans seem to LOVE it. I assume it’s because they can’t easily access the quality of weed that we have here, but I could be wrong. Just an assumption. We do have world class weed here. Especially my neck of the woods.


Yep, could tell. Never catch an Aussie saying they prefer hash. Europeans seem to LOVE it. I assume it’s because they can’t easily access the quality of weed that we have here, but I could be wrong. Just an assumption. We do have world class weed here. Especially my neck of the woods.

Can't speak for the quality of the weed here as I don't really have a baseline. Although, I did try some stuff while I was in Toronto but couldn't really see a difference to be honest. I really do like the taste and smell of hash though, as well as the high it gives.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
Can't speak for the quality of the weed here as I don't really have a baseline. Although, I did try some stuff while I was in Toronto but couldn't really see a difference to be honest. I really do like the taste and smell of hash though, as well as the high it gives.
My experience smoking hash is very limited tbh. Always heard it is good. I just find that Europeans, especially Italians always go on and on about hash. I always put it down to a limited supply of the real good stuff. Just an assumption though, as I said.
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