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EA's Peter Moore: 'I'm not sure video game press conferences have a future.'

Press conferences make sense if you actually have stuff to reveal. The new Star Wars game, Halo, Uncharted, Zelda, etc, will make an impact at those things and get coverage. If you just show a bunch of already revealed games, they don't add much I think.

Still better then that livestream EA did this week though.


I think he has a point. In a time when there are so many different ways to get your message and product out to consumers, and in an industry whose consumers skew so young, a buttoned up structured press conference seems like such a dated concept. Look at the reactions on here or around the Internet when these things are going on, all everyone wants is trailer/game footage one after another do you really need to hold a press conference to present that in the age of twitch and YouTube?

Exactly. There is no point in having the press conference format these days, when all anyone really wants is gameplay footage and release date information. It's more of a formality and PR stunt now more than anything. I feel like they matter less and less every year.


I wish he told the PR person to fuck off. The gaming press does enough advertising for games companies, without being forced to go down a line of questioning few if any give a shit about. The PR person must surely know who Eurogamer are and thus not expect them to ask about such drivel.
"Take it from me, I held two unsuccessful ones simultaneously. I mean we showed Star Wars! Still no one cared."

I think the show floor needs to change, have a public day or two, but the shows when done well can do wonders to market games. EA doesn't do them well. The fact they went back to showing people working on computers rather than showing the game they are working on again shows how tone deaf they are.


I wouldn't mind the MS/Ubi/EA press conference model to die. Sony E3 2016 press conference and Nintendo Directs are great.


Predictable first two posts. Smh. He has a point. E3 is on the decline and there were alot of empty spaces and halls last E3.


He has a point . E3 is getting smaller every year as more and more publishers pull out. Sony and microsoft don't do press conferences like they used to several years ago. Now they just put on a show for fans. If they wanted to they could easily break off from e3 and do their own small thing.


I'm not sure EA conferences have a future.

and we're done.....last two years by EA have been terrible.....I can see why he would say that

if E3 does go more public though and hands on.......it needs to evolve and do a better job then the E3 experience they held this year. It was really bad compared to a real experience.

But I don't mind year round conferences and events......shit would be better then waiting for E3 every year lol. Have a company do an event with announcements and stuff every other month. Year round announcements and conferences!!!


Things change, we live in a different world now where information is so easily accessible that these companies do not need a large conference to share information to media and to consumers. Nintendo had the right idea with its Direct videos and I will not be surprised to see more companies move away from the cost of conferences to having either smaller events or keep everything online, on its own schedule.
Maybe if EA realizes that only a small portion of the crowd who is really into sports games and the people who watch video game press conferences intertwine he will change his tune


I feel like what they've said is correct, but they're the wrong ones to say it. Their sports segments kill the pacing of their press conferences. They'd be better off in their own event as it's hard to get excited about a thing that comes every year and doesn't change fundamentally except between hardware generations. Their recent star wars segment was boring as all hell because it was all about development philosophy and approach to building star wars games than actual games. That's great for star wars super fans, no one else gives a crap they just want to see footage or an announcement.


The announcement of Shenmue 3 broke NeoGaf, but here were are 2 and a half years later and we've seen almost nothing since that original megaton announcement.
I'm sure somebody has already pulled you up on this, but it's been like a year and two months since the Kickstarter announcement, a year and one month since the funding completed, and only 8-10 months since the game entered prototype.

So, I'm not exactly sure Shenmue III is the example you want for the point you're trying to make.
I'm not sure EA conferences have a future.


First post does it again.

Especially as long as they keep doing those dev diary things. When that's most of what they have they should take a year off from having a conference and then come back the following year when there's something to show. No one's watching a conference for those and even moreso if there's no full game reveal trailer with significant footage to go with it afterwards.

They should also probably just pick one of their sports games to highlight at E3 each year and then have a conference event just for their sports games to go through their whole lineup so they can pace their E3 better.

Meanwhile Sony just had a full round of basically excellent conferences dating back to last year's E3 (though people may complain about the abrupt ending to PSX, which we now know was likely because Kojima was blocked from appearing), even their last TGS was excellent.
He's kind of right. I mean look at Sony's show at E3 it wasn't even a conference but more of a show just with trailers and gameplay. It's better to save up your money and just post your games on the internet.

E3 is becoming irrelevant as of late especially compared to the past and will continue so.


Wut. With EA barely trying for the last 3 years and recently spent over an hour on a fucking FIFA, all he can comes up is this?
Seriously, fuck this guy.


I found the Ubisoft and EA conferences really boring, even some of the PC conference was dull despite the cool format of the show.


FIFA 17 presentation was insulting. A guy always dreamt of being a professional player and realized his dream in Career mode of a videogame? I fucking cannot believe EA would treat the audience like this. They make gamers look abysmal and pathetic.


If conferences do go the way of the dinosaur I will end up missing them. All the pomp and ceremony leads to something uniquely exciting in the lead up to, and when watching the streams with everyone. Much more so than just dumping the trailers on YouTube anyway.


'enry 'ollins
I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Give me 3 days of Treehouse-esque coverage over a few hours of cringe sprinkled with a few gems in between.
Gamers hate change.

As someone who enjoys these conferences (cringey as they are), I can see how they are losing their relevance. Most of the gamers I know in real life have stopped watching these conferences since they can just watch these trailers on YouTube and get all the information whenever they want. If one of these companies were to unveil a new IP through a YouTube live event, they could easily do that and reach the masses. If you take a minute to think about it instead of going all "Fuck Peter Moore", it makes sense.
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