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ELDEN RING releasing 21.01.2022 - Summer Game Fest TRAILER 2021


If I hadn’t know what I was looking at, I would have thought this was Dark Souls 4. I really liked Dark Souls, but by the 3rd one it really wore out it’s welcome. I’m hoping this plays more like Sekiro than DS. Looks pretty good but I’m keeping my personal hype levels low.
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Visually Demons souls remake looks better IQ wide. But this is open world unlike demons souls remake.

Animations look good. I see a lot of seikero in that trailer and that's not a bad thing.

Edit: Forgot this was cross gen. Now it makes sense why it looks the way it does.
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It looks like more dark souls alright, to be more specific it looks like DLC for Dark Souls 3. After all the wait and Hype I expected a bit more tbh, I remember being more hyped for Sekiro than I am for this.


People expected this to look better than the Demon’s Souls Remake?

Half of the selling point of Demon’s Souls was the combination of jaw-dropping graphics and From Softwares great gameplay. That was the strength of the remake and why it was a good game to remake to make a graphical showcase for PS5. The gameplay and mechanics were already solid as ever.

I never expected Elden Ring to be as impressive as Demon’s Souls on a technical level.
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People expected this to look better than the Demon’s Souls Remake?

Half of the selling point of Demon’s Souls was the combination of jaw-dropping graphics and From Softwares great gameplay. That was the strength of the remake and why it was a good game to remake to make a graphical showcase for PS5.

I never expected Elden Ring to be as impressive as Demon’s Souls on a technicsl level.
At least on pair baby boy. Sugar coat as much as you want this look stale and old gen

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Looks like Dark Souls 3 with some new, great looking enemies. Some neat mobility with the horse. Seems the main character is able to jump a lot more as well. Good voice acting.

Looks like a ton of fun. Day one.

People surprised this isn't better graphically apparently didn't use their eyes when watching the leaked trailer.
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That's true but to me, shooters can feel very different depending on movements, weapons, speed, etc.
I don't want to offend anyone, I just tried Bloodborne so far and when I look at videos, they all look mechanically the same just with different skins. I do wanna be hyped by those games as well but I just can't 😅

And Souls are very different from DMC, Ninja Gaiden, Onimusha, etc. It's not their fault that motherfuckers have been copying them ad nauseum.


Thats all that matters, like I said before Demon's Souls (PS5) came out, I never liked the redesigns Bluepoints made with some enemy/bosses and no amount "graphics" is going change that. I always take better art direction over tech any day.
Yeah i don’t care at all, I think it looks fine and the art direction is solid. Elden Ring is a day 1 purchase for me.

I’m mostly surprised that some compare this to a dedicated remake built to only run on PS5 and be a graphical showcase. It’s a third party crossgen game and I think it looks fine on a technical level and excels in art direction.

Maybe everyone is just talking past each other when comparing how it looks.


Even just direct grabs from the Youtube video show it's a pretty solid upgrade (graphically) from DS3 and BB.






I wouldn't call it mind-blowing or anything, but the game definitely looks nice for a cross-gen open-world game. The amount of movement and animation in the environment is particularly nice.
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From what I see, it appears to be .. soulsborne style (not surprising, good for them)...

It's on all consoles so I guess it's not unacceptably partisan to say that for a game that so many have been mentioning in hushed tones the colossal drop in graphical fidelity from other games coming out around this time is very noticeable, and will probably remain a caveat on positive reviews (which is to say, people might say "sure it looks dated but we came for the story and gameplay"). I could be wrong but it seems to look worse than Bloodborne.. Maybe it's alpha build... I dunno what's going on with the protagonist's hair.. Maybe it's ceremonial straw attached to his helmet...

EDIT: interesting to compare this to the Demon Souls remake.. quite a gulf.. but this appears to be more 'open world'

As for the game itself? I'm not too hot on George Richard Reynolds Martin (wouldn't that be funny? ;) ;)), and since Miyazaki's name isn't Goro or Hayao I dunno what to think about him. I have yet to get into a soulsborne game (yet to get into any game much recently, actually) so I don't think this game will mean much to me.

But very happy indeed for everyone who has been waiting for the next Soulsborne title to sink their teeth into, I hope it lives up to past iterations.
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My problem with remake version is they made them look overly fat with severe skin issue which made look gross rather than sinister like original PS3 version.
I don’t understand why they did that.

The only reason I can think of is that it might’ve upset some people that would draw parallells to blackface or minstrel shows


No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
I also want to say that I feel some kind of pride or something for Geoff. He really is a fan of games and puts his heart into these shows, and you could really tell just how enthusiastic he was and how much it meant for him to reveal Elden Ring at the end there. Really happy for him, what a great moment. The hype for this game is off the charts, and as the trailer shows, it’s worth it. It’s oh so worth it.

Elden Ring has the makings of a game of the generation.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
with faster combat, hopefully no more hit detection delays for PVP, that would be very annoying.


The nicest person on this forum
I don’t understand why they did that.

The only reason I can think of is that it might’ve upset some people that would draw parallells to blackface or minstrel shows
My theory is wanted to show off their rendering techniques, more "detail" is better in their eyes regardless it fits the character or not.
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Is it just me or does it look like a different game from the last teaser we had about it.

Also graphic wise why do some devs have it so difficult with hair it takes your right out of immersion and it’s an eye sore . Especially when it’s flapping around they way it does .

mess kinds expecting this to look like demons souls remaster or better.

Souls games are not my bag but I have terrible anxiety and it would not be enjoyable but it’s cool to watch the huge boss fights.
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