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EPA fires members of science advisory board



The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fired members of a scientific advisory board yesterday.

The agency quietly forced out some members of the Board of Scientific Counselors just weeks after leaders told them their tenure would be renewed, said Robert Richardson, an ecological economist at Michigan State University and one of those dismissed.

The board is tasked with reviewing the work of EPA scientists and provides feedback that can be a powerful voice in shaping the agency's future research. The cuts "just came out of nowhere," Richardson said.

"The role that science has played in the agency in the past, this step is a significant step in a different direction," he said today. "Anecdotally, based on what we know about the administrator, I think it will be science that will appear to be friendlier to industry, the fossil fuel industry, the chemical industry, and I think it will be science that marginalizes climate change science."[/B]

EPA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

There are two main science advisory boards at EPA, both of which can hold significant sway over policy and regulation. The Trump administration has proposed a major weakening of both.

Earlier this year, the White House proposed slashing funding for the Science Advisory Board by 84 percent. Such a cut would essentially cripple the work of the 47-member board of outside scholars.

House Republicans have passed legislation to reform the Science Advisory Board, a move critics say is designed to increase the voice of industry in rulemaking. That bill is still awaiting Senate approval.

Richardson said about developments, "This is a significant step toward the erosion of science, and I think that it is happening subtly throughout the agency with this very large proposed budget cut to the Science Advisory Board."
At an April meeting, the Board of Scientific Counselors discussed the importance of climate change research at EPA and "the growing need for information on, and understanding of, climate change and responses to its impacts," according to an agenda. They also talked about the importance of considering climate change as a stressor in areas of non-climate research.

The Trump administration has already sent signals that it does not value some areas of federal research, in particular climate science and work that could lead to further regulation of the fossil fuel and chemical industries.

The board had 18 members, including Richardson, who said he knew of at least one other member fired. Departures could reach a dozen, he said.

The purge begins.
"Richardson said about developments, "This is a significant step toward the erosion of science, and I think that it is happening subtly throughout the agency with this very large proposed budget cut to the Science Advisory Board.""

Subtly? There's been nothing subtle about the Trump administration's anti-science bend at all


We're gonna have so much trouble luring the best minds out of the private sector once dems take back the white house.
I can't begin to imagine how many updates potential 2020 democrat candidates are making every single day to their "undo Trump changes" lists. They must each have like 500 bullet points by now.

Lil Marco

For better or for worse, the private sector will take over all advancement of science and sustainable technology while the government continues to languish and erode from anti-intellectualist right wing politics
It's probably going to take at least a decade just to get back to where we were before 45. And people are going to blame Democrats for problems that show their effects 4, 5 years from now.


The Autumn Wind
For better or for worse, the private sector will take over all advancement of science and sustainable technology while the government continues to languish and erode from anti-intellectualist right wing politics
Trump and this administration are probably welcoming that.


It's probably going to take at least a decade just to get back to where we were before 45. And people are going to blame Democrats for problems that show their effects 4, 5 years from now.

This is what saddens me the most of the whole Trump administration :(


People called Romanes they go the house?
"Anecdotally, based on what we know about the administrator, I think it will be science that will appear to be friendlier to industry, the fossil fuel industry, the chemical industry, and I think it will be science that marginalizes climate change science."


Seems like a good guess.


We are seeing the downfall of America and the rise of the dumbs.

The smarts had their time but there is a new sheriff in town. An orange one that assaults women and doesn't have time for that egghead shit.


Like does he think this will stop science or something I am confused.

it's literally about stopping science that runs contrary to his administration's agenda - anti-climate change, fossil fuel promotion - from coming to light.

If the facts don't agree with your position, then suppress the facts.
...friendlier to industry, the fossil fuel industry, the chemical industry, and I think it will be science that marginalizes climate change science.

Being friendlier to fossil fuel and marginalizing climate change does not protect the environment, you ignorant assholes.

The EPA is supposed to protect the environment FROM industry, not the other way around.
Yo Trump

Natural Gas is killing the Coal industry in America, not renewables.

Renewables only make up 11% of your energy needs.


The country is being set back decades by this administration. We're going to be playing catch up to other nations for years.


It's kind of just why bother pretending that they're the EPA, might as well dub themselves the EDA (Environmental Destruction Agency) at this point until they get someone in who is actually concerned with protecting the environment.
Small government for small minds.

It's too bad they all will have passed on before they have a chance to regret what they've done. Hopefully the repubs choke on big dildos.
Dark joke:

How many scientists does it take to convince Trump that climate change is man-made?

Enough to make the Potomac flood Washington DC.

Sorry Escape Goat.
I think the question is, what happen if private sector developments en up creating huge advancements in sustainable technology and killing fossil fuels that way?

Will Trump just outlaw it?
At this point, and I've been at this point for a good long awhile, republican decisions only make sense if their goal is just to end the world. Kill healthcare we want more people dead, get rid of the scientists we want humanity to go extinct, ruin education we don't want kids to become smart enough to stop us. I sleep easier thinking that this giant chunk of the world is just pure evil because thinking they are doing the right thing or they don't care is way more troubling.
lol "scientists", "scholars" and "experts".. what the hell do they know? they have been making a total mess of things for many decades now, it's time for average normal folk to take back control.

i think this is a fantastic move, showing sciencey nerds their rightful place. why did anyone want them to make decisions in the first place?? would you want to have some "expert" pilot in control of an airplane you're in? or an "expert" doing surgery on you? OR would you rather have someone who you could have a beer with?
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