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Ex-mistress to Donald Sterling, loses her home and other gifts to Sterling's wife

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Weren't they together publicly for 2+ years? I'm not for sure why she is able to recoup that money Alzheimer's or not.


I can understand getting back real estate or even a car. But taking back every gift she received? I didn't think that was possible but I'm sure the old wife has the best lawyers money can buy. I bet that mistress had to put some really nasty things in her mouth, rekt.


Hell hath no fury...

Course not like I can blame the lady. I'd go full slash and burn too.

Understandable given the whole community property thing, plus the leaked recordings.

Stiviano's recordings would have been technically illegal under CA law, so there is a good chance her leaking them to the press was done out of spite (perhaps the money fountain was going to get turned off?) and/or an attempt to get in the news/get a reality show contract.

Stiviano's recordings resulted in a $2.5 million fine on Donald Sterling. That would have come out of community property.

The $1.8 million + $800k judgement is...$2.6 million. Sounds like karma.

There's also the bits about Stiviano knowing Sterling was married and how she didn't like his wife. Duh. If you're sleeping with a married dude, his wife isn't going to like you.

Shelly Sterling said Stiviano had been nasty to her and taken advantage of her husband and didn't deserve millions in gifts. Stiviano called Sterling the "Wicked Witch of the West" and said she hated her.

Sounds like the awarded amount was also reduced during trial to only what could be verified:

Sterling initially sought about $3.6 million from Stiviano, a figure an accountant said was a conservative estimate of the gifts that included the $240,000 Ferrari, a Bentley, a Range Rover, extravagant spending sprees and world travel.

After Fruin said he was having difficulty connecting all the money to Stiviano, lawyers for Sterling reduced their claim to $2.8 million, based on evidence and Stiviano's own admissions.

Fruin awarded all of that but $200,000, saying he had no credible evidence to support Stiviano's guess that she rang up hundreds of thousands of dollars on Donald Sterling's credit card.

Guess that's a lesson to future gold diggers. Don't brag about being a mistress on national TV.


Lesson learned, don't fuck with the rich and powerful.

I doubt any lessons were learned, and if not for the rich and powerful, she wouldn't even have gotten a taste of the luxuries she desires. She'll stay fucking with that demographic, but perhaps she'll be smarter about it the next time around.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Eh, they all seem like awful people.

I think in general a mistress ought to be able to keep the money. This kind of thing is a business arrangement. But I get the Alzheimer's argument.

The mistress forgot that discretion is part of the job description, though. It's kind of like she resigned when she decided she didn't need to keep it on the DL


Your billionaire husband cheats on you, so you go after the mistress and force her from her home? How fucking vindictive do you have to be

Very> Some people will even take everything including the toilet paper out of revenge. I have seen this happen. By the time the husband got home, the wife had cleaned up their apartment with her new lover. Hilarious part was that the guy wasn't even cheating.


The problem with her was that she tried to go right to the reality show. She got the order mixed up. You fuck the famous person, then sell the tape, and then you get the reality show.


This is actually quite humorous. It is not likely that this person will find another sugar daddy considering how she behaved and exposed various things.

Donald Sterling comes across as a total idiot and a bigot to boot but his wife seems like the sort of person you do not want to cross.


Don't understand how this work. All these assets were still in the husbands name then? If he actually gave the stuff to that woman, as in everything is in her name, I don't see how you would be able to reclaim that money? It's like if he were to go to a casino, lose a few million, then after divorce the wife can reclaim that money directly from the casino. How can that happen? Would think that perhaps the husband would owe the ex-wife the monetary equivalent instead, but grabbing assets directly from a third party?


Don't understand how this work. All these assets were still in the husbands name then? If he actually gave the stuff to that woman, as in everything is in her name, I don't see how you would be able to reclaim that money? It's like if he were to go to a casino, lose a few million, then after divorce the wife can reclaim that money directly from the casino. How can that happen? Would think that perhaps the husband would owe the ex-wife the monetary equivalent instead, but grabbing assets directly from a third party?

Money he spent to purchase things or services can't be taken back by the wife. It's because he gave all this stuff as gifts.


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I doubt any lessons were learned, and if not for the rich and powerful, she wouldn't even have gotten a taste of the luxuries she desires. She'll stay fucking with that demographic, but perhaps she'll be smarter about it the next time around.

She's 31 and associated with a disgraced pariah, so I doubt she'll be able to become as well-off. Her best bet would be to write a book and try to establish herself as a C-list celebrity.


She's 31 and associated with a disgraced pariah, so I doubt she'll be able to become as well-off. Her best bet would be to write a book and try to establish herself as a C-list celebrity.

I am shocked she doesn't have a reality show. She better get on that money while folks are interested.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
All the money is in a family trust so technically it wasn't solely his money to spend. The wife is one of the controllers of the trust so she can ask for the money back... and did.

But shouldn't she be going after the husband, then?

The plaintiff in this case should be sherry, the defendant Donald. Not the person who Donald paid.


Hahaha the ex wife though, she went in to let the young mistress have it. It's like being stabbed and your attacker twisting the knife a few more times to make sure you are really dead.
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