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Fairly new, second video of that Mario pianist (6/24/04)


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
He still has major timing issues on some tunes (probably doesn't have a good sense of rhythm), but overall he has gotten a lot better with some very impressive new additions.


insert blank space here
No problems with the d/l here... getting 350 kb/s.

After seeing the previous vid I'm really looking forward to this one :D


Dice said:
He still has major timing issues on some tunes (probably doesn't have a good sense of rhythm), but overall he has gotten a lot better with some very impressive new additions.

Umm..ok champ let's see the video of you doing better (anyone for that matter).
Since when does stating technical issues of someone else mean that you yourself can do better? I can notice the fact that he has timing issues but I can barely do a basic major triad chord on a piano without taking all day.


kpop100 said:
Umm..ok champ let's see the video of you doing better (anyone for that matter).

if you ever have a complaint about a game or movie...i'd like you to make a better one.......or just STFU and let people complain, because your 'defense' makes you a hypocrite


Not bitter, just unsweetened
he should learn how to do the end song to super mario world fully, record it... encode it at dvd quality and let me figure out how to play it :D
I wouldn't say he's got a "OMFG BAD SENSE OF RHYTHM" but he really should work on getting the timing down right before worrying about blazing through the songs.

Justin Bailey

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Tre said:
Good rhythm doesn't mean he can play 16th notes at 300bpm.
But the fact that he kept the beat most of the time does. He wasn't so far off to say he doesn't have a good sense of rhythm.

Edit: Oops, gotcha before the edit :D


0G M3mbeR
There are not a lot of people in this world that can stand at center stage and hit everything perfect for 10 minutes. I enjoyed that movie quite a bit. Into the "keeper" file.


reminds me how many very enjoyable songs were throughout the Mario series... minus SMS for whatever reason

as for the guy, i would have rathered he paid more attention to his timing than speed, but oh well, pretty amazing toward the end.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I was mostly talking about the SMB overworld theme. There were still issues on other ones, but they were faster songs so it was harder to notice. It's always easier to keep a rhythm if it's faster, the SMB theme is not only slower but doesn't really have a constant "backbeat" part, so that tune is where his true skill (and any lack thereof) in keeping time was shown. On other ones like the underwater theme he does much much better, reason most-likely being because his left hand has something constant going that keeps him on track.

What I said is very subjectively interpreted, I'm not saying he's incompetent or anything. And saying he doesn't have a good sense of rhythm is not saying that he has a bad sense of rhythm, just that he has some ways to go. I'm a musician (guitar) and I've had a good amount of experience playing with pianists. I can tell by the way this guy plays that if we were to play together, he would need to listen to me in order to keep his time. He would be able to do so, so he doesn't have bad rhythm, but he probably doesn't have good rhythm if he can't keep it by himself. Very much like my earlier days where I could only play songs on guitar that had my arm in constant motion.

Don't overstate my critiques and understate my praises just because you are very impressed by his performence. I've been doing music for a long time and stuff REALLY stands out to me (lets just say I almost always agreed with Simon 100%). In music generally you don't just want to do it right, but you want it to be so natural to you that you can even subtly add in your own personality and feeling to it. Music without feeling is like food without seasoning, it may get the job done but I'm not going to praise it a whole lot. Technical skill shows your hard work, but it doesn't show your gift.


Very nice! There were a few mistakes but hearing those 1-up sounds (not to meniton the song at 9:15, one of my favorite mario tunes, thats some crazy shit with with his hands) I'm willing to overlook any of that. Makes me want to learn how to play the piano so I could do some stuff like that.

Love the SMW stuff, that game had some great music.


I agree with some of the others, this guy is kinda fun to listen to, but he really does need to work on his timing. I don't play the piano, but that doesn't mean that I can not keep a beat, or sense bad timing. His is going a great just but his timing is very inconsistant. He needs a metronome


Not to say it isn't legit...but at the very end when he plays he last note and raises his hand off the piano and down, it sorta looks like the speed of the video went from really fast to normal speed.


works for Gamestop (lol)
miyuru said:
Not to say it isn't legit...but at the very end when he plays he last note and raises his hand off the piano and down, it sorta looks like the speed of the video went from really fast to normal speed.

I guess I'm not the only one who thinks the video was sped up at the end


Hero said:
It won't let me save as and if I go to the webpage it says angelfire does not authorize it.

Open Windows Media Player, then copy the link and stream it.

EDIT: Hmm... I wonder if angelfire took it down. Seems that way.
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