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Favorite Console Hardware "Gimmick"


Console gaming is filled with gimmicky hardware. Platforms need to stand out from each other, so they need unique hardware features and controller inputs that developers can use for their games to stand out on the system. Often times, many of these features end up as cool concepts that go under-used, or concepts that sound great on paper, but are only so-so in practice. Of the consoles (and handhelds) that you've played. What "Gimmick" did you feel like was fairly underused, but well executed in the games that did use it, or were neat novelties that ended up being impractical for most applications.

For me, I always apricated the VMU of the Dreamcast

It's a weird, ambitious device only held back by the limitations of the tech at the time. It's battery life was terrible, using expensive obscure watch batteries to boot. It's internal storage was anemic, and most of the games you could play on it were ridiculously simplistic. But Goddamn if this wasn't a cool concept. Having a Memory Card be a gaming device unto itself, complete with a controller layout, multiplayer, AND can be used as a second screen for Dreamcast games? And those games could then unlock and gain new stuff in the main game? I'd be lying if I said the VMU wasn't ambitious as a hardware gimmick.
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I also thought this was a novel idea although I never bought it. Seeing two diff images on one screen to play couch coop sounded dope.

Detachable 2 part controller on the Switch.

Sold mine about a year after purchase because I rarely used it but I loved how you didn't have to have your hands together to play. I played in the weirdest poses while spread out on the couch.
Lightguns (Guncon in particular) and VMU probably. The VMU was such a cool concept. A little screen in your controller that's also the memory card. Take it out and it's a little portable device with controls. Speaking of VMU, it just reminds me how the Dreamcast was so ahead of it's time in many ways. Official arcade stick, light gun and fishing rod, official mouse and keyboard, 56k modem packaged with the system, internet browser, online games, dlc. Poor little bastard deserved so much better.


I was absolutely in love with VMU, but that beeeeep was bad.

great concept. Hope some party continue with this idea with a much better battery and screen


If so it's gotta be Wii Mote. What rise and then what a fall. It spawned PS Move and Kinect lol.

But even so Wii Sports was most fun and not too much fuss to play with fam and friends.

For a while the rockband stuff was great too - honourary mention!


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Lightguns, of course. We have a lot of classics that uses it, and will be awesome forever.

I thinked in Rock Band instruments, but they were a nine day wonder

Agent X

Gold Member
I don't know if I'd consider it a gimmick but ps eye and move. I fucking loved sport champions. It was really precise and gave me an exercise.

Sports Champions was truly a great game, but Sports Champions 2 is even better. I paid $2.50 for the download on PSN a few years ago, and it's found a permanent home on my PS3 hard drive ever since.

For anyone that likes "light gun" style games, The Shoot is a good one that uses PlayStation Move.


Extra (classic) contollers for emulation in Wii. Memory cards (or the ability to save games inside cartridges).

Edit: Oh, obviously light guns.
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I really enjoyed the Dreamcast VMU. Also some gyro controls in PS3/4/Vita games. For PS4 I also enjoy the social functions. They may not work too well, and are a bit spammy, but its fun seeing what my friends are up too. Also the media section under a game's tab. There have been plenty of shots that made me want to start a game up right then, as well as plenty of laughs whether through quality moments in games, stupid bugs, or great humor from fans.


PS2 Missile Guiding tech
PS3 Cell Processor
PS4 Supercharged PC archictecture

Honestly, the Wii Mote. Such an unique gaming experience. Sony as usual tried to replicate years down the line without having much success.


always chasing the next thrill
If you are a fan of racing games. That trigger rumble on the xbox one controllers


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Do wireless controllers count? If so, I vote for them.

On the VMU for some games it displayed information that wasn't on the screen and I think in one racing game it gave you a low pixel rear-view mirror. Totally fucking pointless, no-one is looking at their pad from their screen, which is why it was such an awesome little device!
PS2 Missile Guiding tech
PS3 Cell Processor
PS4 Supercharged PC archictecture

Honestly, the Wii Mote. Such an unique gaming experience. Sony as usual tried to replicate years down the line without having much success.

The PS2 Eye-toy came out before the Wii and the company that tried, and failed, to replicate the Wii was Microsoft. Kids these days, honestly.
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