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Fire Emblem Awakening |OT2| PAL reinforcements


6) Yes, while there is no limit on how many times you can level up (meaning you can grind until you max all your stats), the internal level increases with every level up and that slows your experience growth a lot. If you upgrade at level 10 and go to lvl 1 advanced class, the internal level will go from 10 to 21, thus leveling up as slow as a unit that is in level 20 at least.
7) Any early stage is fine actually, even in hard you can get donnel to level 4-5 in the very same stage that you recruit him. You need to give him a forged bronze lance and pair him up with someone strong
Thanks! Forging a bronze spear was the part that I was missing - a regular bronze spear wasn't able to deal any damage (thus giving no experience) and he couldn't use antyhing better.
I also realized that I can use a reeking box to summon Risen to a previously cleared stage. I have spent most of today leveling up Donnel, Gaius and Olivia. Also trying to improve Donnel's and Lissa's support level. Easy enough, they're at A now and I will bring them up to S soon.

Give Vaike to Nowi.

Might as well. Nah doesn't need Galeforce and Vaike passes down General and Hero.

I like Cherche x Vaike for super stronk Batman.
Yup, right now I'm heading for Vaike+Cherche. One disadvantage of this is that they're my only characters who can use axes, so if they're paired up and I want to take out two lancers in one turn it's harder.

But I have no idea who to make Tharja's man. maybe Stahl?


Any essential DLC? About to beat my Hard/Classic first run.

But seriously though, I'm still annoyed by the fact that you have to level up Donnel to recruit him. I would have done that if I knew about it. I just thought maybe this character will join us in the future if he isn't killed here. I have everyone except this bugger.


Any essential DLC? About to beat my Hard/Classic first run.

But seriously though, I'm still annoyed by the fact that you have to level up Donnel to recruit him. I would have done that if I knew about it. I just thought maybe this character will join us in the future if he isn't killed here. I have everyone except this bugger.

Doesn't the game tell you he needs to level up at least once to be recruited?

In any case, one of the best ways to level him up is to trap the archer in the top left corner into a place where they can't attack anyone, and then let Donnel slowly chip away his health until he levels up.


Any tips on what to do with my avatar after he's hit level 20 as a Grandmaster? I changed him to a Dark Knight so he could keep leveling up and keep his sword + tome weapon skills, but now he can't use Rally to give +4 to everyone's stats :(

Also, should I change a Taguel's or Manakete's class after they hit level 20? Right now I have both Panne and Yarne at 20+.

To be honest though right now I'm not really sweating all the minmaxing stuff as I'm playing more for the experience, the story and the characters. It is my first playthrough after all ;)


Any tips on what to do with my avatar after he's hit level 20 as a Grandmaster? I changed him to a Dark Knight so he could keep leveling up and keep his sword + tome weapon skills, but now he can't use Rally to give +4 to everyone's stats :(

Also, should I change a Taguel's or Manakete's class after they hit level 20? Right now I have both Panne and Yarne at 20+.

To be honest though right now I'm not really sweating all the minmaxing stuff as I'm playing more for the experience, the story and the characters. It is my first playthrough after all ;)

Sage is a good class to change the Avatar to, since they'll get Tomefaire (+5 Magic with a Tome equipped). Another option is to go to Swordmaster so that you get Swordfaire (+5 Strength with a sword equipped, which changes to +5 Magic with the Levin Sword), but they're both pretty much the same. Once you've learned them, you can pick and choose any skills you want, they don't disappear like in other games (looking at you, Path of Radiance).

You should change Panne and Yarne either at 15 because that's when they learn their class specific skill and you can reclass to a base unit (e.g. Myrmidon, Knight etc) or at 30 so they can reclass to promoted units (e.g. Swordmaster, General etc.)


Thinking about finally picking this up. Who's the best girl to waif?
It depends: waifu for the sake of waifu or waifu for the sake of gameplay?
For the former, I vote for anna, and for the later, I vote for Miriel/Sully or Tharja/Nowi for the galeforce.
Any essential DLC? About to beat my Hard/Classic first run.

The golden pack if you hate yourself and want to tackle a Lunatic run for a safe measure.
The Future Past for story content and more unique Father-Children conversation.
Challenge pack and Apotheosis if you want true challenge.


Sage is a good class to change the Avatar to, since they'll get Tomefaire (+5 Magic with a Tome equipped). Another option is to go to Swordmaster so that you get Swordfaire (+5 Strength with a sword equipped, which changes to +5 Magic with the Levin Sword), but they're both pretty much the same. Once you've learned them, you can pick and choose any skills you want, they don't disappear like in other games (looking at you, Path of Radiance).

You should change Panne and Yarne either at 15 because that's when they learn their class specific skill and you can reclass to a base unit (e.g. Myrmidon, Knight etc) or at 30 so they can reclass to promoted units (e.g. Swordmaster, General etc.)
Thanks for the tips! Yeah, it seems I should've changed my Avatar to a Sage since he mostly uses tomes anyway. Will think about that later. Will also wait to change Panne's, Nowi's and Yarne's classes till they hit 30 (if that ever happens).

By the way, are the side quests where you recruit the children supposed to be this difficult/irritating? Some seem pretty absurd compared to everything else, especially since you have to protect an AI-controlled idiot at level 10 base class :mad:


Thanks for the tips! Yeah, it seems I should've changed my Avatar to a Sage since he mostly uses tomes anyway. Will think about that later. Will also wait to change Panne's, Nowi's and Yarne's classes till they hit 30 (if that ever happens).

By the way, are the side quests where you recruit the children supposed to be this difficult/irritating? Some seem pretty absurd compared to everything else, especially since you have to protect an AI-controlled idiot at level 10 base class :mad:
The child side stories difficulty depends on how early you recruited the mother in the game. So Lissa's child has a rather easy mission, while Cherche's is pretty hard.

Also, the child may just be base class 10, but its stats are pulled from the parents. So if the parents are advanced class 15s, the child will be a level 10 character with the stats of a level 20/15 or whatever your parent characters are. Think about what that means for a second. Yes, children characters can be that powerful and still get easy EXP off level 10 base class enemies. Spend those first levels well. Also base class 10 is when you can use a Second Seal, so, you know. Reclass now since leveling up is cheap, and you're powerful as-is. If you haven't used the parents much, the child will obviously be weaker.

Also, for protecting suicidal NPCs, bring Rescue staffs. They run ahead, you pull them right back.


The golden pack if you hate yourself and want to tackle a Lunatic run for a safe measure.
The Future Past for story content and more unique Father-Children conversation.
Challenge pack and Apotheosis if you want true challenge.

Aye, thanks. I'll check them up later.

Thanks for the tips! Yeah, it seems I should've changed my Avatar to a Sage since he mostly uses tomes anyway. Will think about that later. Will also wait to change Panne's, Nowi's and Yarne's classes till they hit 30 (if that ever happens).

By the way, are the side quests where you recruit the children supposed to be this difficult/irritating? Some seem pretty absurd compared to everything else, especially since you have to protect an AI-controlled idiot at level 10 base class :mad:

I thought they were okay. Without even looking up skills and planning builds etc, I just put my Grandmaster MU pair with his S-link partner and they destroyed everything.

I second the use of rescue. Like with Gerome's map where the villagers are separated on 3 platforms, you can just bring them together. It's makes protection easier.


Oh god why is this still $40? Nintendo tax is full effect.

But yeah waifu for the sake of waifu. It'll be my first FE game and my second SRPG in general >_>


Oh god why is this still $40? Nintendo tax is full effect.

But yeah waifu for the sake of waifu. It'll be my first FE game and my second SRPG in general >_>
It's so people don't feel ripped off when other games drop 20 bucks or more weeks after launch :p


Oh god why is this still $40? Nintendo tax is full effect.

But yeah waifu for the sake of waifu. It'll be my first FE game and my second SRPG in general >_>

Not to mention the DLCs never have a discount.

Also, remember to take Hard playthrough if you found Normal too easy (you'll be). There is difficulty jump from Normal to Hard, but still manageable. In my opinion, Hard difficulty is the right way to experience the game to the fullest (either Classic or Casual).


I have a question about second seals.

Cordelia went to level 10 as a Pegasus Knight. I then reclassed her into a Mercenary, and she's level 10 again now.

If I promote her now into a Hero, can I use a second seal at level 10 to reclass to Dark Flier?


I have a question about second seals.

Cordelia went to level 10 as a Pegasus Knight. I then reclassed her into a Mercenary, and she's level 10 again now.

If I promote her now into a Hero, can I use a second seal at level 10 to reclass to Dark Flier?

Yes, you definitely can. But you better reclass it after she gain axebreaker at level 15 though.


The child side stories difficulty depends on how early you recruited the mother in the game. So Lissa's child has a rather easy mission, while Cherche's is pretty hard.
Hey, that really seems to be the case! Thanks for clearing that up :)
If you haven't used the parents much, the child will obviously be weaker.
At which are a child's skills determined? When their parents get married or perhaps when you start their sidequest? I hooked level 10 Kellam up with level 30 Nowi and I'm wondering if I should boost Kellam a bit before getting their kid.
I thought they were okay. Without even looking up skills and planning builds etc, I just put my Grandmaster MU pair with his S-link partner and they destroyed everything.

I second the use of rescue. Like with Gerome's map where the villagers are separated on 3 platforms, you can just bring them together. It's makes protection easier.
That's good advice, but I think I may have spent a little too much time grinding and I just powered through Gerome's mission without even having a healer on the battlefield :D

42 hours in and still at chapter 19. How many are there?


At which are a child's skills determined? When their parents get married or perhaps when you start their sidequest? I hooked level 10 Kellam up with level 30 Nowi and I'm wondering if I should boost Kellam a bit before getting their kid.

When you recuit them. Also, the skill they will receive from their parents will be the skill placed last on the parent's active skills list, so it can be changed anytime until you recruit them to your army.


At which are a child's skills determined?
When you enter the child's side story. Check the character on the map, and if it has the skills you want, start the battle. If not, cancel out of the battle and back to the map. The next time you start it, the skills will be recalculated. Nothing is locked in until you start the battle.

The skills the child gets will be the LAST two skills on the parents' lists, by the way. So, keep that in mind for the gender exclusive skills.


Also in Morgan's case, if you married [character spoiler]
Walhart or Aversa
, Morgan will received their unique skill, even if you placed it first on the active skill list.


Okay, thanks for the info!
Also in Morgan's case, if you married
Walhart or Aversa
, Morgan will received their unique skill, even if you placed it first on the active skill list.
Though I suggest you label your spoilers, man. I wish I haven't clicked that :(


Same deal with Chrom. Prince Morgan will always get Rightful King.

Chrom's daughters will always get Aether, his sons will get Rightful King.

Okay, thanks for the info!

Though I suggest you label your spoilers, man. I wish I haven't clicked that :(

This game has so much time travel/parallel dimensions stuff in the main campaing that you should not be surprised of anything.
It's even worse on the dlc.


Holyyyy I finally finished the
recruitment quest. Such a hard mission; if you mess up once, she dies or the 10 enemies that attack will swarm a weakened teammate. I don't know how any mission can be harder than one honestly.


Holyyyy I finally finished the
recruitment quest. Such a hard mission; if you mess up once, she dies or the 10 enemies that attack will swarm a weakened teammate. I don't know how any mission can be harder than one honestly.
And yet it is not the last SpotPass mission. I like The Wellspring of Souls. That one can be really nasty. Bring your best of the best for that. It's the proper way to play it.


Holyyyy I finally finished the
recruitment quest. Such a hard mission; if you mess up once, she dies or the 10 enemies that attack will swarm a weakened teammate. I don't know how any mission can be harder than one honestly.



The Radiant Hero is hard too I guess


Holyyyy I finally finished the
recruitment quest. Such a hard mission; if you mess up once, she dies or the 10 enemies that attack will swarm a weakened teammate. I don't know how any mission can be harder than one honestly.

I think that one is simultaneously the hardest in the game and my favorite. It's like "Time to put all your Galeforce users to the test, son!" and the desperation the player is made to feel lines up pretty well with how Chrom and Lissa are supposed to be feeling at that moment. Like, the last spot pass level is just a matter of "cut through this army and tank their hits" but that one it's like "Hope you know what you're doing!"

EDIT: Apotheosis tops it but I'm talking stuff on the map.


I think that one is simultaneously the hardest in the game and my favorite. It's like "Time to put all your Galeforce users to the test, son!" and the desperation the player is made to feel lines up pretty well with how Chrom and Lissa are supposed to be feeling at that moment. Like, the last spot pass level is just a matter of "cut through this army and tank their hits" but that one it's like "Hope you know what you're doing!"

EDIT: Apotheosis tops it but I'm talking stuff on the map.



The Radiant Hero is hard too I guess


plus you can use the same strat that everyone uses when recruiting Tiki. I actually dont care about Chrom and Lissa in that chapter, it felt inecesary to revive her tbh.


Holyyyy I finally finished the
recruitment quest. Such a hard mission; if you mess up once, she dies or the 10 enemies that attack will swarm a weakened teammate. I don't know how any mission can be harder than one honestly.
Which difficulty you play?


The Radiant Hero is hard too I guess

I wouldn't tackle the Radiant Hero on Lunatic without at least 12 pairs of unstoppable juggernauts and two rally bots.


Which difficulty you play?

I wouldn't tackle the Radiant Hero on Lunatic without at least 12 pairs of unstoppable juggernauts and two rally bots.

Shadowgift Morgan can do it. She can take most of the Aphosteosis by herself (and husband) too. She needs to be maxed out and have all the stuff of course


What's the fastest way to grind when most of your characters are all 80+? I have been doing Infinite Regalia with Paragon skills over and over again but it's just so slow. I just finished getting most of the kids, so I'm really not looking forward to raising them if it's going to take forever.

This is just reminding me why I took a 3 month break from this game. All that grinding was killing me.


Holy crap you guys!!!

I am at chapter 22 and was woried the game was nearing its end, but then I asked a friend of mine what are the spotpass missions and how do I get hem. For some reason I was sure that you have to streetpass with other people to get them, but he told me I can just download them via the game.

And there's so many of them! Bonus missions, bonus teams - there's so much more game in this game!!!



And yet it is not the last SpotPass mission. I like The Wellspring of Souls. That one can be really nasty. Bring your best of the best for that. It's the proper way to play it.

will do. I was playing A Hard Miracle for a week until I finished yesterday because I went all out and didn't try to get Weapon XP or Support Points.


The Radiant Hero is hard too I guess

I just looked up Aphosteosis; sounds scary D:

I think that one is simultaneously the hardest in the game and my favorite. It's like "Time to put all your Galeforce users to the test, son!" and the desperation the player is made to feel lines up pretty well with how Chrom and Lissa are supposed to be feeling at that moment. Like, the last spot pass level is just a matter of "cut through this army and tank their hits" but that one it's like "Hope you know what you're doing!"

EDIT: Apotheosis tops it but I'm talking stuff on the map.


Which difficulty you play?

I wouldn't tackle the Radiant Hero on Lunatic without at least 12 pairs of unstoppable juggernauts and two rally bots.

Hard with Classic Mode on


label your spoiler tag in an earlier post, bro.
If the label is not correct, just tell me.
Lost Bloodlines 3.

50 enemies.
Definitely this. But it would be much more effective if you split into three units you want to grind since the armies are so apart from each other and it'll faster if you baiting them to attack you.
Hard with Classic Mode on

Yeah I can see that level challengin especially if you do a no-grind playthrough.


Aaand DONE!

The in-game save file says 42 hours, the system clock says 49 hours. It shows that I played with permadeath on ;)

After almost 50 hours I am done with the main story. The game is absolutely fantastic, fun and beautiful. I totally teared up at the end! Love the simple yet important message.

I'd some up my thoughts on the final couple of hours/missions like this:
Chapter 24:
Overall: <3, also: Owain is THE GREATEST :D

I had no idea Awakening would grab me like that. Those 50 hours I spent playing it were in less then 7 days. I think this might be one of my favourite games of all time!

And what's even better is that there's still so much more of it! :D I still have to do all the spotpass missions, level-up some characters and grind a lot of support. Also, I haven't even bought any of the DLC yet, so there's that!

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