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Fire Emblem Awakening |OT2| PAL reinforcements


I'm now at 700 hours, just replaying it over and over, lol.
I cant believe I have miss out on this game for awhile, really enjoying it alot so far :) Hopefully Nintendo will release another one sometimes soon.

Well parts of Intelligent System are already occupied with their new title for 2015, Codename S.T.E.A.M.
which looks amazing
But there's still hope for Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei at least.


Started this game the other day, my god it is magnificent.

Question about pairing up - should I be doing this as a matter of routine? It has its obvious advantages but then a clear disadvantage in that in some turns a character won't get an attack/EXP.

Also I assume stomping everyone with Frederick is generally not a great idea?


Started this game the other day, my god it is magnificent.

Question about pairing up - should I be doing this as a matter of routine? It has its obvious advantages but then a clear disadvantage in that in some turns a character won't get an attack/EXP.

Also I assume stomping everyone with Frederick is generally not a great idea?

The game especially on Hard difficulty and above designed around pairing, so make sure you get used to that and not changing pair too often.

Also yes to your second question. Don't use him except as pair bot. Heck, I even recommend to unequip his weapon at all as a pair bot for extra exp.


The game especially on Hard difficulty and above designed around pairing, so make sure you get used to that and not changing pair too often.

Also yes to your second question. Don't use him except as pair bot. Heck, I even recommend to unequip his weapon at all as a pair bot for extra exp.

Well I'm playing on hard but I wussed out of perma-death, I don't think I could handle that. I would end up restarting levels constantly.

So you're saying make some pairs and stick with them?

Also, is any of the DLC especially worthwhile? Seems like I'd need to re-mortgage the house to buy all of it.


Jeez already quite stuggling already on Ch5 :(

Obviously I'm not very good but this game is difficult.

If you're having trouble with the game, you could buy the Golden DLC pack which gives you infinite money, exp and item maps so that you can grind up your characters. The other DLC packs are mainly side-story related, but none of the DLC is required to beat the game.


If you're having trouble with the game, you could buy the Golden DLC pack which gives you infinite money, exp and item maps so that you can grind up your characters. The other DLC packs are mainly side-story related, but none of the DLC is required to beat the game.

Thanks, might check it out.

Edit - just looked it up, cannot believe they charge €6 for that, my god.

Finally have a handle on the map though a load of my chars died (I am not playing with perma-death on), as soon as I got comfortable initially the enemy spawned a load of reinforcements, thought I was getting trolled :(

Choke points with high def chars are your friend anyway, lesson learned.

Map cleared, hallelujah. Might do a bit of grinding when I can.


Thinking of starting a new game, just to catch some more fun support conversations. The current game I've got going in the third slot isn't really that fun. I got two things I want to try in this next one.

1. Chrom marries Olivia.
2. The Avatar does NOT overshadow the entire army on his own.

For the first one, well, how do I DO that, anyway? I'm thinking that Chrom needs to avoid every bachelorette or they have to be married off already to pull that off. Got any tips? Sumia is going to be the tough one to dodge with the automatic Pair Up happening in that chapter. I suppose Gaius will have to intervene if they get a heart. Keeping the Avatar in reserve so he can take a bullet for Chrom, too.

For the second one... my last Avatar was an archer and he STILL tore up the map. What can I do to hold him back a bit? Thief? Knight? ...Priest?
Thinking of starting a new game, just to catch some more fun support conversations. The current game I've got going in the third slot isn't really that fun. I got two things I want to try in this next one.

1. Chrom marries Olivia.
2. The Avatar does NOT overshadow the entire army on his own.

For the first one, well, how do I DO that, anyway? I'm thinking that Chrom needs to avoid every bachelorette or they have to be married off already to pull that off. Got any tips? Sumia is going to be the tough one to dodge with the automatic Pair Up happening in that chapter. I suppose Gaius will have to intervene if they get a heart. Keeping the Avatar in reserve so he can take a bullet for Chrom, too.

For the second one... my last Avatar was an archer and he STILL tore up the map. What can I do to hold him back a bit? Thief? Knight? ...Priest?

1. I forgot how the forcd Pair Up works up, but you just need to avoid battling while Paired Up.

Chrom x Olivia isn't too hard if you follow the golden rule of don't trigger (i.e. watch) any support conversations between Chrom and his bachelorettes. If you do, you must marry off the girl to another man or kill her.

If you keep to that, nothing will stop you pairing the two up. Having the "Talk" option in the support conversation menu is OK. Then once you get Olivia, just pair her with Chrom and nuke a few Plegians.

Don't use the Avatar?


1. I forgot how the forcd Pair Up works up, but you just need to avoid battling while Paired Up.

Chrom x Olivia isn't too hard if you follow the golden rule of don't trigger (i.e. watch) any support conversations between Chrom and his bachelorettes. If you do, you must marry off the girl to another man or kill her.

If you keep to that, nothing will stop you pairing the two up. Having the "Talk" option in the support conversation menu is OK. Then once you get Olivia, just pair her with Chrom and nuke a few Plegians.

Don't use the Avatar?
Ah, you can actually trigger the Talk option, but as long as you don't pick it, then you're okay for Olivia? That makes it a lot easier. I thought for sure that if Sumia had the Talk option, he'd pick her.

I was thinking of pairing the Avatar with Chrom until that chapter, really. I mean, if he's not doing any romantic supports and the Avatar is keeping his options open, too, then that seems like the way to go. So, if I keep the Avatar in the back for most of it, he shouldn't outpace anyone. Chrom on the other hand should probably be strong enough to take on that map with Olivia on his own...

I'm liking the idea of a Thief Avatar, actually. Always having a Locktouch unit seems like it'd be handy.

Also, as a bonus objective. I want to find the most odd pairings for the rest. Sumia/Henry is on that list. I just can't see how that works, even if their personalities combined sure would go a long way to explain Cynthia... Just for fun, really. I've done all the sane picks, maybe it's time to branch out a bit and go silly.
Ah, you can actually trigger the Talk option, but as long as you don't pick it, then you're okay for Olivia? That makes it a lot easier. I thought for sure that if Sumia had the Talk option, he'd pick her.

Yup. I did some pretty extensive testing a while back : )

Not sure if it's boring, but I always wanted to try a healer/support Avatar. With Rally Spectrum, they'd probably make the game kind of easy though.


Ah, you can actually trigger the Talk option, but as long as you don't pick it, then you're okay for Olivia? That makes it a lot easier. I thought for sure that if Sumia had the Talk option, he'd pick her.

I was thinking of pairing the Avatar with Chrom until that chapter, really. I mean, if he's not doing any romantic supports and the Avatar is keeping his options open, too, then that seems like the way to go. So, if I keep the Avatar in the back for most of it, he shouldn't outpace anyone. Chrom on the other hand should probably be strong enough to take on that map with Olivia on his own...

I'm liking the idea of a Thief Avatar, actually. Always having a Locktouch unit seems like it'd be handy.

Also, as a bonus objective. I want to find the most odd pairings for the rest. Sumia/Henry is on that list. I just can't see how that works, even if their personalities combined sure would go a long way to explain Cynthia... Just for fun, really. I've done all the sane picks, maybe it's time to branch out a bit and go silly.

You dont even have to do this, you could just restrain yourself and have the avatar in the back taking some kills here and there but not overleveling.

Here is something you could try to do. Try to go through the game without playing any random battle or dlc battle, also try to level up donnel while you are at it. I did this and it gets hard, but not lunatic stupid levels of hard, and it's fun! I even tried a no pair up run which is fun too.


Huh, didn't catch this one before.

First line in the opening after the proglogue:
Lissa: "Chrom! We have to do SOMETHING!"

A little later:
The Avatar: "Thanks Chrom!"
Frederick: "How is it you know milord's name?"

Well, um, no mystery there at all, is there? Lissa said it as the very first word when the Avatar woke up. I'm thinking this might be something lost in translation. What's Lissa's line in the Japanese opening? Obviously, the Avatar is supposed to know Chrom's name from the Premonition chapter, but this just makes it look like Frederick wasn't paying attention. Some bodyguard he turned out to be. Maybe that's why he's so grumpy initially.
Huh, didn't catch this one before.

First line in the opening after the proglogue:
Lissa: "Chrom! We have to do SOMETHING!"

A little later:
The Avatar: "Thanks Chrom!"
Frederick: "How is it you know milord's name?"

Well, um, no mystery there at all, is there? Lissa said it as the very first word when the Avatar woke up. I'm thinking this might be something lost in translation. What's Lissa's line in the Japanese opening? Obviously, the Avatar is supposed to know Chrom's name from the Premonition chapter, but this just makes it look like Frederick wasn't paying attention. Some bodyguard he turned out to be. Maybe that's why he's so grumpy initially.

Haha, never noticed until you mentioned it.

But yeah, in the Japanese version of that scene, Lissa calls Chrom "Brother" and not by name. Guess the localisers thought it'd be awkward (does anyone still call their brother "Brother" and not by name?).


Haha, never noticed until you mentioned it.

But yeah, in the Japanese version of that scene, Lissa calls Chrom "Brother" and not by name. Guess the localisers thought it'd be awkward (does anyone still call their brother "Brother" and not by name?).
Yeah, I suppose "Bro! We have to do something!" doesn't fit well in Lissa's mouth in the localization. Could have gone with a generic "Hey!" but it''s a small thing.

I'll just amuse myself thinking Frederick was picking pebbles off the path in advance so he didn't hear Lissa yell for Chrom at first.


Yeah, I suppose "Bro! We have to do something!" doesn't fit well in Lissa's mouth in the localization. Could have gone with a generic "Hey!" but it''s a small thing.

I'll just amuse myself thinking Frederick was picking pebbles off the path in advance so he didn't hear Lissa yell for Chrom at first.

Well, "Brother!" would have fit nicely with her usual language and character. She is kind of formal, sometimes at least.

I didn't catch that either so thanks for pointing it out!


Well, "Brother!" would have fit nicely with her usual language and character. She is kind of formal, sometimes at least.

I didn't catch that either so thanks for pointing it out!
Yeah, but she only has one mouth movement to work with. It's a cinematic. It's just kind of funny.


Yeah, but she only has one mouth movement to work with. It's a cinematic. It's just kind of funny.

You are right, it's only one syllable. Still funny.

"How did you know my name?"
"Well, that blonde girl just said it and you reacted to it." *shrug*



Ok some stupid noob questions - I have various characters now between the levels of 8 and 16, but I haven't changed anyone's class yet. Should I be changing classes? Do you just use the seals (?) to do so? The game has basically not mentioned anything about it so far.


Ok some stupid noob questions - I have various characters now between the levels of 8 and 16, but I haven't changed anyone's class yet. Should I be changing classes? Do you just use the seals (?) to do so? The game has basically not mentioned anything about it so far.

Just use the seals yeah. I personally change classes at lvl15 and then depending on whether I want skills from other classes switch to that class or reincarnate in the same class (if it is an advanced class).


Saint Titanfall
Ok some stupid noob questions - I have various characters now between the levels of 8 and 16, but I haven't changed anyone's class yet. Should I be changing classes? Do you just use the seals (?) to do so? The game has basically not mentioned anything about it so far.

Keep in mind if your doing an unpromoted class change you'll need to get to level 10 to change class again so pick carefully. (matters less on normal but you don't need to class change on normal anyway).


Just use the seals yeah. I personally change classes at lvl15 and then depending on whether I want skills from other classes switch to that class or reincarnate in the same class (if it is an advanced class).

Keep in mind if your doing an unpromoted class change you'll need to get to level 10 to change class again so pick carefully. (matters less on normal but you don't need to class change on normal anyway).

I'm on hard. So I have Cordelia at lv 16 here, I can change her to a knight/healer, or else I can upgrade her to some sort of uber-pegasus type. Which would be better off? If there are skills from the healer/knight go for that then upgrade to the pegasus class?


I'm on hard. So I have Cordelia at lv 16 here, I can change her to a knight/healer, or else I can upgrade her to some sort of uber-pegasus type. Which would be better off? If there are skills from the healer/knight go for that then upgrade to the pegasus class?

Cordelia can change to a merc or dark mage, you might be talking about Sumia here.

Anyway, knight/cleric doesn't have great skills in their base class, but some of their promoted class skills are great (luna,/dual guard +/tomefair are some of my fav skills). However, this is kinda gamebreaking if you do so and not necessary.


Cordelia can change to a merc or dark mage, you might be talking about Sumia here.

Anyway, knight/cleric doesn't have great skills in their base class, but some of their promoted class skills are great (luna,/dual guard +/tomefair are some of my fav skills). However, this is kinda gamebreaking if you do so and not necessary.

I'd say the best option is promoting to Dark Flier and getting Galeforce to majorly break the game, then reclass to General for Pavise for more gamebreaking.

Yeah you're right sorry, don't have the game in front of me.

Chrom just proposed to her too. Brought a tear to the eye.

Canonical pairing FTW.


Saint Titanfall
I'm on hard. So I have Cordelia at lv 16 here, I can change her to a knight/healer, or else I can upgrade her to some sort of uber-pegasus type. Which would be better off? If there are skills from the healer/knight go for that then upgrade to the pegasus class?

I wouldn't say you need to change her into a healer, falcon knight uses a staff and class changing her into that would remove all offensive capability which will hurt if she's a major unit. Plus you have plenty of decent healers to fill a pure healing role anyway

Also class changes (at least once, can't remember the exact plateau) have greatly increased level up rate compared to a promoted unit so do not promote your units until your level ups greatly decrease in rate from class changes for hard one class change is more than enough. so depending on how much you want another classes skill you can just go to 20 and class change just once or get get the skills you want and class change.

Keep in mind children are extremely powerful and pretty much OP in hard since they add together their parents max stat bonus and add one to it. They also inherit their parents final skill slot (meaning you don't have to grind out that skill, so you'll want to get them quickly and level them up while you can


I'd say the best option is promoting to Dark Flier and getting Galeforce to majorly break the game, then reclass to General for Pavise for more gamebreaking.

Canonical pairing FTW.

I'd just keep her as a Dark Flier anymore is pretty much overkill (I'm not a pavise guy but give me luna/tomefaire for her, I'd give Chrom dual guard plus).


Saint Titanfall
I'd say the best option is promoting to Dark Flier and getting Galeforce to majorly break the game, then reclass to General for Pavise for more gamebreaking.

Canonical pairing FTW.

If your talking about game breaking make a third gen morgan. I made a third gen balanced Panne Morgan, turned him into a paladin inherit gale force, gave him that uber spear the emperor wields and pared him up with a dual support+ dual strike + and dual guard+ Lucina.

Wrecked anything and everything, soloing those max stat spot pass with just those two characters in utter ease is so good. and I can just imagine the poor sods that fight against that team.


Alright, I'm up to Chapter 11 on Lunatic, and I need some advice. Mainly - what is the most optimal set of pairings skillwise for Lunatic(+)? I've got all of the DLC so grinding up the characters doesn't bother me, but I'd like to know which pairings give the best skills to which children. The stat modifiers aspect of it doesn't really seem to matter when we're dealing with +3/-3 at most in a stat.

Edit: I should also mention that I'm using a male Avatar, so any pairings that depend on using the female Avatar are out.
I have been getting back into this recently, and whilst I am @10.5 hours in and just finished Chapter 8, I am still getting somewhat confused by the mechanics.

1) When is pairing up a good idea/beneficial? When leveling toons, should I pair them up, or have them stay solo as much as possible?

Now that Robin and Chrom have an S Rating, and Robin is now level 20, Chrom barely gets xp and is still level 14.

I usually have Chrom on his own, but there are times when he takes heaps of damage and almost dies :p

2) When paired up, is it random, to have the 2nd toon defend, or get an attack in, or is it something else? I try to use Frederick on defense with a low leveler, such as Maribelle..but he rarely defends her, so she tends to drop easily. Same with Donnel. I can't seem to get him past level 3 as he dies far too quickly.

Robin tends to defend Chrom quite often, but other pairs it seems all over the place.

3) I did one of the DLC's last night, Harvest Scramble, and came across
Counters. These were new to me, and WTFPWNED most of my guys!! How can you stop from being one shotted?

4) How do I stop weapons from breaking?

5) Is forging weapons worth while?


1) When is pairing up a good idea/beneficial? When leveling toons, should I pair them up, or have them stay solo as much as possible?

Most of the time there's little benefit to keeping the characters separate, and the advantages of pair up will just improve alongside your characters. Stronger units are superior to bigger numbers more often than not. There's only a late game chapter where you need to protect a certain unit where you'll be pretty much forced to separate your units in order to build a wall around her.

2) When paired up, is it random, to have the 2nd toon defend, or get an attack in, or is it something else? I try to use Frederick on defense with a low leveler, such as Maribelle..but he rarely defends her, so she tends to drop easily. Same with Donnel. I can't seem to get him past level 3 as he dies far too quickly.

There's a chance based on the units' stats, support levels and some skills. The information is given to the player before attacking. Robin defends Chrom more often there because they have an S support.

3) I did one of the DLC's last night, Harvest Scramble, and came across Counters. These were new to me, and WTFPWNED most of my guys!! How can you stop from being one shotted?

Ranged attacks.

4) How do I stop weapons from breaking?
You can't really. There's a Hammerne staff that repairs weapons, but most of the time it's better to just let them break if they aren't unique legendary weapons. And even in that case you could get more of them with a certain DLC, and...

5) Is forging weapons worth while?
Yes. Like Pair up, it's something that will become better later in the game. By the end, forged Brave weapons (weapons that allow the unit to attack twice as much as normal) will be better than most legendary weapons (which can't be upgraded with forging).


Alright, I'm up to Chapter 11 on Lunatic, and I need some advice. Mainly - what is the most optimal set of pairings skillwise for Lunatic(+)? I've got all of the DLC so grinding up the characters doesn't bother me, but I'd like to know which pairings give the best skills to which children. The stat modifiers aspect of it doesn't really seem to matter when we're dealing with +3/-3 at most in a stat.

Edit: I should also mention that I'm using a male Avatar, so any pairings that depend on using the female Avatar are out.


Even though the link doesn't have an exact Lunatic or Lunatic+ section, it does give a good basis for what I believe you are looking for with options based on how you play for the most part. I would check all of it but mainly the Dynamic Character Analysis section.



flavia pls




Alright, that smash trailer pushed me over the edge.
I need to buy this game, however I am a cheap ass gamer.
Where can I buy it for the best price or should I wait for a deal or something?
Alright, that smash trailer pushed me over the edge.
I need to buy this game, however I am a cheap ass gamer.
Where can I buy it for the best price or should I wait for a deal or something?
Either amazon or check the b/s/t thread. It's an amazing game and you will not be disapointed :)


Agreed, the price is what held me off from previous FE games, but I just sucked it up this time around and it really was worth it. Second favorite game from last year!


The Smash trailer hyped me and I started Awakening again, this time on Hard. The game is much more fun now to tell the truth. The first time I played it, I had problems because I didn't know the game but this time I actually have to grind and think my moves wisely.

Anyway, I'm thinking of spending some money on DLC this time. Not that much though, a map or two. One of the Scrambles seems like a good idea, probably the famous beach one but I'm not sure if they worth it. Other than than I'm thinking the EXP or the gold map but I'm not sure if they're that useful. Oh and I heard that there are DLC classes but I don't know how I can obtain them.

I'm not interested to the most challenging DLC right now, as I've just started the game. I have a question though. Does the difficulty of a DLC map changes based on the set difficulty?


As far as the scramble chapter goes, it depends mostly on your favorite characters and the kind of interaction you want. All of them focus on conversations between characters of the same gender, although there are a few exceptions, mostly for the Avatar and the Bonus Chapter characters.

Harvest Scramble - conversations between characters who already have support conversations. No new conversations for the avatar, the 6 bonus chapter characters and a few other endgame 1st generation characters, but otherwise it covers both generations.

Summer Scramble (Beach)- Conversations for characters of the first generation, besides the ones shafted by the support system (for example, Tiki and Say'ri who have a very small amount of supports don't have any dialogue here either), featuring pairs who generally don't have supports with each other. Sorcerer outfit is reskinned into a bikini in battle animations.

Hot-Springs Scramble - Conversations for characters of the second generation and the first generation characters with low amount of supports (People like Anna, Tiki, Say'ri and the Bonus Chapter characters). Swordmaster outfit is reskinned into a kimono while in battle. Also, the conversations for the 1st generation characters are mixed gender ones.

Oh and I heard that there are DLC classes but I don't know how I can obtain them

Lost Bloodlines 2 (Dread Fighter, male-only, for any male character) and Smash Brethren 2 (Bride, female-only, for any female character) are the ones with the DLC classes. You need to finish the chapters to get the promotion items for them though, one per playthrough.

I'm not interested to the most challenging DLC right now, as I've just started the game. I have a question though. Does the difficulty of a DLC map changes based on the set difficulty?



I'm not interested to the most challenging DLC right now, as I've just started the game. I have a question though. Does the difficulty of a DLC map changes based on the set difficulty?

Apart from Golden Gaffe and EXPonential Growth, the difficulty of the DLC maps change depending on the difficulty you chose at the start of the game. Also, remember that if you chose Classic (permadeath mode), your characters can die in the DLC maps too.


Apart from Golden Gaffe and EXPonential Growth, the difficulty of the DLC maps change depending on the difficulty you chose at the start of the game. Also, remember that if you chose Classic (permadeath mode), your characters can die in the DLC maps too.

The Challenge Pack and Apotheosis do not change difficulty either.
Apotheosis is always in lunatic+ mode


I completed the main story for this the other day and I am in love with this game. I really want to play more games in the series but I only have a 3DS and Wii U :(

I guess I'll just play all the side quests/DLC and hope they release them on VC.
So when this first came out I went up to Chapter 6 and then stopped. Once Robin and Lucina got announced I decided to do a restart play from the beginning. Just completed Chapter 9 and I am pretty hooked! Playing on Classic Mode - Hard (since I've beaten Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn before). I am loving the team-ups and waaaaay better support system. Mounted Units though can no longer move after attacking nor can they really rescue, so there isn't much of an advantage them except for the movement bonus.

And where the hell are the master seals? I've only found 1 so far. Going to need a few more soon.

Also being able to fast-forward during animations is genius!


Woo! I started playing this two days ago and it's AWESOME. I have both impressions & questions (sorry if some/most/all of them were answered before but this thread is 300 pages long!). In list form, because it's easier ;)

1) Fire Emblem? More like Sims Emblem! Most of the time I'm thinking who to pair up with whom. :D!
2) That said, I screwed up. Chrom didn't romance any of the ladies before
the first time skip (after killing the Mad King)
he went and married some Maiden :(
. I wanted to ship him with Anna, but later realized that she can only increase her support level with avatar (in my case Raphael) and some character I don't yet have. My biggest mistake was letting Sumia die in the first mission she was available in (one-shotted by some stupid archer!) and not realizing that she wouldn't be available to me later. The "I can't die here, have to flee!" line misled me into thinking that I'd still have her in my party :<
3) 13 hours in I think it might've been a mistake to play Classic. When somebody dies I restart the game anyway. Losing Sully or Virion would completely destroy my party's offensive capabilities.
4) Sully and Virion, holy crap! I wasn't really planning for this but somehow they worked well in tandem on the battlefield (her in the front, him in the back, both destroying fools) and their dialogue was silly enough that I let the become a thing. Now they're unstoppable!
5) My two other marriages: Raphael (avatar) + Panne and Lon'qu + Cordelia. Both planned by me. Sims Emblem. :D!
6) First question: should I wait with upgrading a character's class with a master seal until they hit level 20? Seems like it would make sense so as to get all the stat points?
7) Second question: how can I level-up a low-level character like Donnel? I wanted to change him into a capable fighter and have him romance Lissa, but in the first couple chapters I needed characters that were already somewhat capable and he just wasn't working out. So now everyone's level 15+ (Tharja just hit 20) and he's level 3. I have now idea how to make him catch-up :(
8) And I need to find a lady for Vaike, but none seem to fit. He's one of my best characters and I want him to be happy :(



6) First question: should I wait with upgrading a character's class with a master seal until they hit level 20? Seems like it would make sense so as to get all the stat points?
7) Second question: how can I level-up a low-level character like Donnel? I wanted to change him into a capable fighter and have him romance Lissa, but in the first couple chapters I needed characters that were already somewhat capable and he just wasn't working out. So now everyone's level 15+ (Tharja just hit 20) and he's level 3. I have now idea how to make him catch-up :(
8) And I need to find a lady for Vaike, but none seem to fit. He's one of my best characters and I want him to be happy :(


6) Yes, while there is no limit on how many times you can level up (meaning you can grind until you max all your stats), the internal level increases with every level up and that slows your experience growth a lot. If you upgrade at level 10 and go to lvl 1 advanced class, the internal level will go from 10 to 21, thus leveling up as slow as a unit that is in level 20 at least.
7) Any early stage is fine actually, even in hard you can get donnel to level 4-5 in the very same stage that you recruit him. You need to give him a forged bronze lance and pair him up with someone strong
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