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for the people who attacked 343 studios over the Halo infinite reveal are you happy with the outcome(delay)?

for the people who attacked 343 studios over the Halo infinite reveal are you happy with outcome?

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Attacked is a bit dramatic. If you are a professional and you fail to put out something that lives up to expectations (and let's be honest, it's not unreasonable to expect better than that) you invite and should be prepared for criticism.

True, some of the most "concerned" won't be happy until Xbox bows out of the console race altogether, but a tiny minotiry of warriors isn't worth worrying about.

Most folks are probably disappointed with how the game looked, but also disappointed that they'll have to wait even longer to play the next Halo, but also hopeful that the delay might make a positive difference, but also unhappy that as of now MS has no big gun lined up for launch. Are they happy? Yes, but not really, but also yes? lol.
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Jon Neu

Based on the 2018 In-engine trailer, if that trailer is not a misleading ad, they obviously don't lack ambition. But their ambition has been crushed by:

- Low standard QC from MS
- Awful and careless leadership of that studio.

It has been crushed by having to program the game for the Xbox One.

It's an Xbox One game that is going to be ported to the Series X. A year delay isn't going to change that.


Nah, now the outrage mob moved the goalpost and wants the removal of executive leadership.

Just kidding, I advocated for a delay and I'm very happy that it happened.
i think they want the removal of all women in the gaming industry ^_^

Kagey K

not so sure, that campaign gameplay didn't look fun to me, i don't think they're able to manage a semi openworld setting, all i saw is a bunch a randomly placed enemies and no strategy or planning whatsoever, hope i'm wrong, but it felt lackluster in every aspect
It looked like the Guns, grenades, melee I expect (and want from Halo,) but to each their own.
The game had to be delayed, that was an embarrassment and this is fucking Halo.

All the Xbox fanboys that kiss 343s ass can fuck off as far as I'm concerned. If 343 listened to them we'd be getting a direct sequel to Halo 5, it's thanks to the real fans that have been there from day 1 that the series even got a soft reboot.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
not so sure, that campaign gameplay didn't look fun to me, i don't think they're able to manage a semi openworld setting, all i saw is a bunch a randomly placed enemies and no strategy or planning whatsoever, hope i'm wrong, but it felt lackluster in every aspect
Yeah, to me it looked like a game that has seen some development hell. I bet most of the years was spent on the slipspace engine

Here's hoping we'll see some great improvements
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That "Spider-man DLC" is going to be huge for the PS5 at launch
They have nothing to play or to boost their ego with and yet they are still making fun of what PS5 is doing right, they act like they have seen what spider miles will offer, they act as if it is a current gen game with new story when they are clearly wrong just by watching the first trailer. They still act like their [foresight views/assumptions] are still respected.

Kagey K

They have nothing to play or to boost their ego with and yet they are still making fun of what PS5 is doing right, they act like they have seen what spider miles will offer, they act as if it is a current gen game with new story when they are clearly wrong just by watching the first trailer. They still act like their [foresight views/assumptions] are still respected.
Yet you act the same, but in opposite. Who’s clowning who?


Attacked is a choice word, but the past shows us that nothing instigates change in this industry from the consumer side as effectively as outrage and disgust so whatever works I suppose

Everyone should be for it, you'll probably end up getting a better game for your 60 bucks and the industry will observe that people expect a big fucking leap if they are being told to shell out 400-600 for a new box

No. I want it cancelled.

This made me LOL for real, good one

Kagey K

This made me LOL for real, good one

Unfortunately it’s probably true. After the failed Stinkles attack they realized only women remain and they couldn’t #metoo them.

So now they just want them fired for no reason instead.


Not happy at all it just shows the incompetence and reinforces the hot air in general at Microsoft. Crackdown 3 had numerous showings and delayed and look at what we got, an Xbox 360 looking game. Xbox just needs total reform and mental shift imo and give Halo to the best devs thy can put together to make it great.
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Yet you act the same, but in opposite. Who’s clowning who?
If you are one of those that had one concern towards spider man than i can appreciate it, but you should expect a comment like mine because every time i see salt thrown at spider man, sony goes and clean it, first, people have issue that the game is 30fps, then ray tracing, then 4k, then ssd, then a last gen dlc port, it never ends.

The funny thing even if we didn't get a fix for all of that, it is better than what MS is offering in launch. And the development cycle makes sense.

The difference is that unlike Microsoft's fans, we most of the time get satisfying answers of questions we never even asked, while Microsoft fans get over-promised then only receive downgrades and excuses. We don't even need to go and ask microsoft anything to expose them, they expose themselves.

If you are one of those that say this is a last gen dlc, than Spider man had an impressive showcase, comapre that trailer to spider man 1 and you will see a huge difference even though we didn't see much. Wait until you see something wrong before you hate it, i don't see why you can be paranoid like that when it's just one trailer.
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Kagey K

If you are one of those that had one concern towards spider man than i can appreciate it, but you should expect a comment like mine because every time i see salt thrown at spider man, sony goes and clean it, first, people have issue that the game is 30fps, then ray tracing, then 4k, then ssd, then a last gen dlc port, it never ends.

The difference is that unlike Microsoft's fans, we most of the time get satisfying answers of questions we never even asked, while Microsoft fans get over-promised then only receive downgrades and excuses. We don't even need to go and ask microsoft anything to expose them, they expose themselves.

If you are one of those that say this is a last gen dlc, Spider man had an impressive showcase, comapre that trailer to spider man 1 and you will see a huge difference even though we didn't see much. Wait until you see something wrong before you hate it, i don't see why you can be paranoid like that when it's just one trailer.

Don’t get it twisted. All I was saying is that everyone saw the exact same trailer.

Some interpreted it one way and others different, but everyone is basing their options off the exact same trailer.

As you just proved.
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Attacked!! Lol. Stick a 'problamatic' in that post and I would swear if stumbled into Reeeee.

They showed something, people didn't like it. They should really delay the box too until they have a game to go with it. First console in history to be released with no games, strange times.


I bashed it hard, so yes. I think everyone should be happy it was delayed. However they have a fundamental problem.

Developing it with the Xbox One in mind.

This extra however long they will spend on development might not mean much if they keep the Xbox One as a target.

We shall see what they do, but if they don't show something visually different next time, the delay will have been for nothing and I am sure they know that.
What’s the point of delaying it? 343 has already proven multiple times they’re incapable of moving the series forward. Honestly, the game should’ve been scrapped and either a new deal made with bungie or given to a new team.


1: Yes. I can breathe a sigh of relief and at least look forward to a more polished version of what we saw, complete with Ray-tracing. Some parts of it looked good for an Xbox One game, so it could end up being a nice game to look at.

2: Criticism on the internet is not being 'attacked', and the second we leave that mindset behind, we'll all be better for it.
There is no denying Xbox is now going to be at a major disadvantage come holiday launch
They were in a much worse position if the game released, imagine a game as bad as Ryze son of rome, but looking like Halo infinite! What a display of power...

Delay or cancellation was the only option. BTW, I don't see it coming out in 2021 either, I assume that other stusio will take over development and that the 343i employees will be sitting around at their des waiting for their severance package, I simply think they don't have the talent pool (and/or proper management vision) to handle a major IP and it seems to get worse at every release.
I dont know how much I "attacked" anyone, but I did say it looked like trash. And yes I'm glad they delayed it the same as I'd be glad if any other game in that state were delayed. I'm not against releasing unfinished games as long as we are made perfectly aware, but to release in the state it seems like it was in for that big of an ip just seems like it would be a mistake and really damage their image. Finish up the game, or at least get it to a better state, and then release a more polished product.
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They were in a much worse position if the game released, imagine a game as bad as Ryze son of rome, but looking like Halo infinite! What a display of power...

Delay or cancellation was the only option. BTW, I don't see it coming out in 2021 either, I assume that other stusio will take over development and that the 343i employees will be sitting around at their des waiting for their severance package, I simply think they don't have the talent pool (and/or proper management vision) to handle a major IP and it seems to get worse at every release.
It wasn't legit bad, yeah not great but it was enjoyable.


The pro consumer policy is going to bite them in the ass. I doubt 343i asked MS to let them code the game for xbone, x1x, xsx and pc all At the same time. I guess They are allowed to have creative freedom only after they fulfill all uncle Phill’s demands. Even Digital Foundry agreed on the delay. The game looked liked ass, it is better this way, I wonder if the legacy versions are scrapped what would the gamers that were expecting H infinite on their old console of choice do.
Halo was seen by everyone including fans of the game it didn't match the god level hype ms gave it and everyone made it known on all social media platforms not just on neogaf the only blame lies with ms they seen that gameplay video before it went live someone at ms must've thought it was good enough and that's more worrying than than what was seen imho.


Halo was seen by everyone including fans of the game it didn't match the god level hype ms gave it and everyone made it known on all social media platforms not just on neogaf the only blame lies with ms they seen that gameplay video before it went live someone at ms must've thought it was good enough and that's more worrying than than what was seen imho.

This is true.

Shouldn't be overlooked that apparently the people who make decisions at MS can't tell apart a grape from a raisin.


this is by far the best option for the true fans of the series, it sucks it was delayed, it truly does, and i feel sad for them.

but hopefully, now, they can get some people in to fix these problems, make it shine like it was meant to.

Fans deserve better than some half-arsed attempt of a game that needs to be patched 50 times.
Halo is a Brand selling game, it is at essence it's what defines Xbox.

It needs to be treated with some respect, this way it has a chance.

Happy for true fans of the game that it will be given its chance and i am sure they will deliver for them, keep those fingers crossed.

As for the fanboys, they can get fucked.
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I was never planning on buying the game, so maybe happy isn't the right word, but delaying the game was the right thing to do. I just hope they use the extra time to make some real changes, and by that I mean dropping current gen support. People think the game looks bad now, but just imagine how bad it would look if they released it a year later than planned to an audience that has gotten used to next gen graphics. All the polish in the world couldn't save it then.
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It's difficult to answer. People understand why it HAS to be delayed after the state it was shown in, but upset that its in such a state after 5 years and after all the promises the Series would be launching with a new Halo.


They spent $500 million dollars on the project up to what we saw. This was their bread and butter series. This was their big launch game to show off. This was Constipated Phil tweeting out smug "huh after seeing that PS5 show, I know people are going to be excited to see what we have coming". I gotta say, it's not just Halo that's upsetting. It's the Xbox management is pathetic and Constipated Phil isn't fixing the brand and them thinking gamers would be fine with that Halo showing? Then coming out with a blog that "most of the response has been positive" and now saying it's COVID related? I have no faith the finished project is going to be amazing.

Is it good they delayed it? Yes. Is the PR damage control doing a good job? Negative. Is the entire thing just a giant embarrassment on Xbox's brand? Yes. People blamed Don Mattrick for all of the launch issues with yet Phil has done jack for the brand too. He was watching over this Halo project and for the past 5 years thought this was ok. He's horrible.

And please don't give me the stupid "but gamepass!" crap. Gamepass has nothing to do with energizing the base for a new console.
Attacked lol what are we savage vikings??

Of course a delayed game will always become better game... most of the time.

But their direction is a gaas. that scares me. If the story turns out to be classic Halo with a better more thought out story, yeah then I will be happy.


i didn't attack them but did criticise the visuals/performance. generally i was happy with the game other than it looking a bit rough. i wouldn't say it was anything they couldn't have fixed with the time they had left.

but obviously we didn't know the full situation so if they felt they needed to delay it then i'm happy with them making that choice. i don't mind waiting.

there were definitely people going out of their way to attack it and they were definitely enjoying themselves. they can do what they want but honestly it's quite pathetic. these are probably people who would never have bothered playing the game.


Attack is a strong word. The game looks like ass and it doesn't seem to be ready to become a system seller for the next generation of consoles. In fact it wouldn't be a great looking shooter even on modern consoles. I wouldn't say that most people were attacking 343, just commenting on their incompetence and a poor state of the game months before launch.

PS. I am not a Sony fanboy. ;)
It wasn't legit bad, yeah not great but it was enjoyable.
It bored me to death... I have been a literal zombie since the day I played it.

Anyway, the point is, Halo Infinite doesn't look "special" or even appealing NOR is it a game that shows off the system (compare it to another rushed shooter like Killzone:SF, it was a serious looker at time of release, but it was flawed in its SP campaign, but it gave you something to chew on your new toy and you knew why you got the PS4 when you played it).

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
happy with the delay to hopefully get a better product, but bad for xbox because they arent launching with a AAA first party title on a new console


Gold Member
for the people who attacked 343 studios over the Halo infinite reveal are you happy with the outcome(delay)? There is no denying Xbox is now going to be at a major disadvantage come holiday launch when shoppers have to choose between the two consoles. Apologies for the Dramatics :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Why are they at a disadvantage? Because of Miles Morales “story expansion”? All third party games will look and play better on SeX. You have full BC going back to OG Xbox that will look/perform better.

I see no reason, at all for a PS5 at launch. Bugsnax? Remakes? Indies?


As a fan of the halo series I'm absolutely happy with the delay. You can't tell me a 500,000,000 game that's been in dev for years looks worse than most mods created by kids. 343 and Xbox should be embarrassed for how halo I looks, for how terrible it presented. Imagine nintendo releasing mario along side the switch but it looked like a super nintendo game with pop-in.

Also as far as being in a disadvantage I don't see how when as of right now the PS5 has nothing better than the Xbox launch titles. Godfall and death loop are not system sellers , miles may attract some people but that in the end is just an expansion
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Joe T.

It was the right move, but it's difficult to be happy about it when my confidence in the studio is lower than ever. This is a leadership/management problem more than anything so without that changing I have no reason to be hopeful.
Why are they at a disadvantage? Because of Miles Morales “story expansion”? All third party games will look and play better on SeX. You have full BC going back to OG Xbox that will look/perform better.

I see no reason, at all for a PS5 at launch. Bugsnax? Remakes? Indies?
1-'BC" is nowhere full for the 360 and og Xbox

2-Morales won't look and feel like a current gen game

3-More Sony AAA content is on the way, from studios that have a proven track record and a publisher that is known to manage their talent well

Sure third party titles are expected to run somewhat better in the sX, but I would not sweat over a less than 20% difference in compute performance.


Can you “attack” a corporation? It is not a human being it has no body no feelings it is a living fiction. It has no morality no personal hopes and dreams. Please with the “attack” histrionics.

I wish people would stop anthropomorphising game companies.
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Has a tiny dick and smaller e-peen
That's not the root of the problem. By delaying the game Microsoft did not vindecated the disease, it just tried to delay the simptoms.
The problem/disease:
1. Bad, non efficient upper management
2. Not very good developers

The game got postponed, but the graphics would be the same. 343 is the death of Halo.
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