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Fresno man predicts his own death, said Fresno PD is out to frame/kill him

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Any information and more to this story? Sounds crazy.

No investigation was ever properly done. They ruled that it was a crime of opportunity, thing was my father (white guy mind you) was not affiliated with any gang. No casings were ever found and they never even locked the scene down. My father remembers a specific ethnic group being the shooters. The cops blamed a gang that is of a different racial make up entirely so they could continue there war on crime in the city. So he spoke up about it at city council meetings for years. He was the subject of increased police activity for years to come. They eventually were able to test a bullet 10 years later and found it to be from a police issued weapon from that period. The case was reopened and later it was closed due to another case about "stolen" weapons from Fresno PD that ended up in the hands of one gang, the Bulldogs the gang that works with Fresno PD.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The timing is suspect though, but there are some issues with that as well, why stay in your home if you think you are in danger, and why would the police kill him after he said he thought he'd be killed by them soon?

Because if the police is already in the house multiple times, what makes you think they wouldn't get into a hotel room (especially easier), or go out of state to get him? I mean if they wanted him dead they'd make sure he was dead, yeah?


Man, that's fucked-up. This is the kind of thing that I hope the Anonymous powers that be will go after.
I really hope this gets some proper media coverage cause this is really freaking weird.
Nothing weird about this. Fresno PD obviously killed the poor guy. Police have been and are butchering people left and right yet we're still supposed to raise our kids to believe they need to be respected and obeyed. Screw that mentality.


As Internet savvy as this guy apparently was, you would think he would take the precaution of live-streaming the entrances to his home or something if he was that certain that someone was coming to get him. I don't know what to make of this story yet.


Nothing weird about this. Fresno PD obviously killed the poor guy. Police have been and are butchering people left and right yet we're still supposed to raise our kids to believe they need to be respected and obeyed. Screw that mentality.

This is wild but I feel like if the police really wanted to rub someone out they could've found a cleaner way to do it, or at least handwaved some kind of official rationale... it just seems very sloppy


He's compiled a lot of evidence... I wonder how he was so sure his death would take place at that specific time, that part I'm not clear on.

I will be following this. I hope it gets the attention it deserves.
This person seems crazy. Here's a quote from the blog linked

My situation starts back in 2009. I was having trouble in my marriage. Then I was ticketed two blocks away from the Home Depot on West Shaw in Fresno, where I had just visited. I later learned that Fresno Law Enforcement had a “pattern of practice” of unethically scanning license plates on private retail parking lots. They then pull the unsuspecting drivers over a block or two away from said parking lots. This was meant to optimize ticket revenue at a very minimal expense.

The added financial stress related to this incident crippled what was left of my marriage.

What exactly would the law enforcement officers gain by scanning plates at a Home Depot that you couldn't get just by following people around in this case? Why would that let them pull him over instead of just doing it the normal way. Also, the guy has a security system apparently with multiple cameras on his house and he talks about selling a jet ski, but the financial stress from being pulled over(he doesn't even say if he got a ticket) crippled what was left of his marriage?
Another gem from that blog

I was followed to Copper Hills Elementary School while picking up my daughter from a softball game by a green mid 90's Toyota Camry type 4 door vehicle. The driver was a male wearing a baseball hat. Very strange because the car was similar to my Saturn and the driver was wearing a baseball hat similar to what I typically wear. The driver appeared to be arrogantly mocking my appearance. The driver made eye contact with me and smiled, which appeared to be an overt and sarcastic way to let me know he was following me.

Or the person was normal and smiled at you.


Another gem from that blog

Or the person was normal and smiled at you.

This is definitely one of those things where he could have been overly paranoid as a result of his treatment by police. Some of his videos don't add up either, but the one with the camera in a van is very odd.

I don't know what to make of this, considering there's been proof of corruption from this PD before it seems.


This person seems crazy. Here's a quote from the blog linked

What exactly would the law enforcement officers gain by scanning plates at a Home Depot that you couldn't get just by following people around in this case? Why would that let them pull him over instead of just doing it the normal way. Also, the guy has a security system apparently with multiple cameras on his house and he talks about selling a jet ski, but the financial stress from being pulled over(he doesn't even say if he got a ticket) crippled what was left of his marriage?
You can scan a whole bunch of cars at once in a parking lot to determine if there is an issue with the owner. I'm not sure if you can just sit there on private property and wait for them to arrive and arrest them as opposed to pulling them over on public streets.


Hmmm strange I haven't heard of this considering I'm close to Fresno. Has anyone heard the results of the autopsy? It's been a week now.

Overall it seems pretty hard to believe. The Guy Fawkes mask profile pic doesn't help either. The fact that he thought the police, his neighbor, and coworker were conspiring against him is also suspect. The timing is suspect though, but there are some issues with that as well, why stay in your home if you think you are in danger, and why would the police kill him after he said he thought he'd be killed by them soon? Also if this guy has been at odds with the local government for years why is he now killed? Too much doesn't add up.

Yep. He seems like the exact type who would buy into a massive law enforcement conspiracy. There's plenty of details that on their own seem like they could be real (like a government official being peeved at internet commenters and harassing them) but it all adds up to implausibility for me. At the very least his death is a complete Streisand effect if some shadowy cabal of police was trying to silence him, and that means you have to buy the police being incredibly competent at evil and yet doing the exact thing that will make people more likely to believe this guy's story.


Another gem from that blog

Or the person was normal and smiled at you.

You seem to be one of those people who try to find that one thing that is or seems wrong and use that to hand wave every other piece of evidence. The video footage is damning and the manner the guy died is incredibly suspect here. If I thought I was being followed/harassed then I would document things that seemed weird. I'm not saying flat out he was the victim of a conspiracy by the PD but something obviously was going on here.


Could be like in that movie Conspiracy Theory where the crazy lunatic conspiracy theorist just happens to accidentally get something right somewhere along the line.
Because if the police is already in the house multiple times, what makes you think they wouldn't get into a hotel room (especially easier), or go out of state to get him? I mean if they wanted him dead they'd make sure he was dead, yeah?

Maybe but you're probably still safer in a more public place.


While this guy definitely sounds like he has a screw loose, there are seriously more corrupt police activities going on throughout the country, so this probably deserves some investigation.


This is some scary shit, though I get the feeling he was murdered less for outspoken political views (plenty of people in this country have those, the government only attacks them when they rock the boat like MLK did) and more for something else; maybe a personal vendetta?

Well this doesn't look shady one bit, I'm sure he stabbed himself in the upper back
"The man was just trying to scratch his back and accidentally stabbed himself. Then he attempted surgery and stabbed himself in the front. Tragic but clearly not something to look into."


May contain jokes =>
This guy sounds completely paranoid. There's an awful lot of information and I don't really have time to parse it all. This certainly should be investigated, but I wouldn't blindly believe his story either. Consider that the man was posting on Facebook just before his death inviting armed strangers to his home to "protect" him. Seems like at least an equally likely way for him to have been killed.


What was it that made him sure about the exact time of his own death?

Sounds like a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Consider that the man was posting on Facebook just before his death inviting armed strangers to his home to "protect" him. Seems like at least an equally likely way for him to have been killed.

He knew he was going to die.
If I knew that, I would also invite armed friends to my house. (or call the police, but in that case... yeah...)


My cynical ass would normally assume the guy was a child molester who knew he was going to get caught and staged his own death to throw shade at the local PD, but these links have me really feeling unnerved.

That was my first reaction too but then that video is awfully convenient for him.
He knew he was going to die.
If I knew that, I would also invite armed friends to my house. (or call the police, but in that case... yeah...)

How would you know that one of the armed strangers you have invited in wasn't one of the cops who was out to get you though? I would have thought a deeply paranoid guy like this would have considered that possibility.


Just read about this. I'm not one to to believe the paranoid posters but his post were extremely details. The license plate scam imformation was so detailed it actually scared me.


Honestly, looking at his website, this looks 100% like a classic "gangstalking" paranoid schizophrenic. If that somehow led to his death, that's really regrettable.


Honestly, looking at his website, this looks 100% like a classic "gangstalking" paranoid schizophrenic. If that somehow led to his death, that's really regrettable.

Yep, reading just the OP and it sounds exactly like a person who believes he is being gang stalked.


Honestly, looking at his website, this looks 100% like a classic "gangstalking" paranoid schizophrenic. If that somehow led to his death, that's really regrettable.

Honestly, looking at your post, this looks 100% like you didn't bother to look at any of the video evidence.
Someone definitely was staking out his house or street, that much is certain.

Wouldn't say we're certain of that either given it's just a couple videos and confirmation bias is a wondrously inaccurate predictor of things. If anyone sat behind a camera viewing people outside their house 24/7 under the assumption they were being watched then I can guarantee you they would find mountains of 'evidence'.
Just because he's paranoid, it doesn't mean they weren't out to get him. I was paranoid as fuck due to PTSD in the army and it saved me from being committed and framed for trumped up drug charges.
I could watch my house for five years and there would never be a van with more than one burly guy inside, pointing expensive camera rigs through a convenient sliding passenger door.


Wouldn't say we're certain of that either given it's just a couple videos and confirmation bias is a wondrously inaccurate predictor of things. If anyone sat behind a camera viewing people outside their house 24/7 under the assumption they were being watched then I can guarantee you they would find mountains of 'evidence'.

And then there's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkktSQNP5-g

There is a possibility that he edited the footage to fit a bias, there is also a possibility that the men in the van are associated with the deceased in some way. But, we don't know until an investigation happens.
And then there's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkktSQNP5-g

There is a possibility that he edited the footage to fit a bias, there is also a possibility that the men in the van are associated with the deceased in some way. But, we don't know until an investigation happens.

First of all that's not thermal imaging equipment. Second of all it proves nothing which was my point. I've seen city contractors photographing places for various reasons numerous times before. Could it still be some super secret op to kill the dude? Yeah, I suppose so. But I prefer to take an Occam's razor approach to things and not assume a string of events seemingly random are suddenly related just because they fit my paranoia.
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