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Ga. parents offended by "Far East religion" of yoga get "Namaste" banned from school

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The war on Christianity loses a battle

So when administrators at Bullard Elementary School in Kennesaw, Ga., implemented yoga and other mindfulness practices in the classroom to reduce students’ stress, they probably envisioned peace and relaxation in their future.

Instead, they received a flurry of complaints — from parents who felt yoga represented the encroachment of non-Christian beliefs.

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Bullard’s principal, Patrice Moore, sent parents an email last week announcing changes to its yoga program.

“I am truly sorry that the mindfulness/ de-stressing practices here at Bullard caused many misconceptions that in turn created a distraction in our school and community,” Moore wrote. “While we have been practicing de-stressing techniques in many classrooms for years, there have been some recent practices associated with mindfulness that are offensive to some.”

Among the elements of the program that will be eliminated: the Sanskrit greeting “Namaste,” placing hands “to heart center” and coloring pages with the symbol of the Mandala (a spiritual symbol in Indian religions representing the cosmos).

Moore noted that a rumor had also spread about using or teaching “about crystals having healing powers.”

“We will ensure that nothing resembling this will be done in the future,” she said.

Parents were concerned about yoga’s spiritual origins.
Cheryl Crawford, a yoga instructor who has taught at several Atlanta-area schools (although not Bullard), told the Journal-Constitution that yoga can help calm students who are anxious about their studies or coping with anger and bullying issues.

The exercise is not intended to endorse any faith, she said.

Facebook parents:
“No prayer in schools. Some don’t even say the pledge of allegiance,” Cobb County mother Susan Jaramillo told NBC affiliate WXIA. “Yet they’re pushing ideology on our students. Some of those things are religious practices that we don’t want our children doing in our schools.”
“Now we can’t pray in our schools or practice Christianity but they are allowing this Far East mystical religion with crystals and chants to be practiced under the guise of stress release meditation,” he wrote. “This is very scary.”

Smith directed people to “google ‘mindfulness indoctrination.'”

Mindfully bring this thread to a peaceful end if old

Read about this on Reddit. According to some people on there the whole "Parents against Yoga/Religion" thing is click-bait that the media ignored. The actual issue was that the Vice Principal of the school is big into natural healing in the form of using "Crystal Rocks" to solve ailments like headaches. Students were being taught that in classroom that "Healing Crystals and Yoga"could cure illnesses and diseases instead of modern medicine which is what the complaints were about.

Just want to throw this out there before people get outraged that the parents are against religion or some crap like that.


First they're learning yoga, then they're stretching their arms to pinch people's butts. You have to draw the line somewhere


Literally against developing concentration lmao


Hearing people say shit like they do in the OP makes me fucking sad


but after reading the excerpt, i'm not even upset. if there's literally no aspect of religion in their schools, then they should avoid talking about chakras or using spiritual symbols. you can practice yoga and meditate without those, which is what they're doing. not banning it.


I see nothing wrong with this.

Schools don't need to be teaching mystical bullshit about aligning your chakras.

If it is taught at all, only the parts with some scientific backing should be taught. Cut all that spiritual newage nonsense out.
If I remember correctly, the issue about this was that the head teacher is a real nutcase. She genuinely had been providing students with crystals and was having people teach the kids which crystal works to cure which ailment and hawking other crazy psuedoscience.
Read about this on Reddit. According to some people on there the whole "Parents against Yoga/Religion" thing is click-bait that the media ignored. The actual issue was that the Vice Principal of the school is big into natural healing in the form of using "Crystal Rocks" to solve ailments like headaches. Students were being taught that in classroom that "Healing Crystals and Yoga"could cure illnesses and diseases instead of modern medicine which is what the complaints were about.

Just want to throw this out there before people get outraged that the parents are against religion or some crap like that.


Read about this on Reddit. According to some people on there the whole "Parents against Yoga/Religion" thing is click-bait that the media ignored. The actual issue was that the Vice Principal of the school is big into natural healing in the form of using "Crystal Rocks" to solve ailments like headaches. Students were being taught that in classroom that "Healing Crystals and Yoga"could cure illnesses and diseases instead of modern medicine which is what the complaints were about.

Just want to throw this out there before people get outraged that the parents are against religion or some crap like that.

it pretty much says that in the stuff OP quoted, too. seems they have nothing against yoga but what the teacher was using and teaching them.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Two words to demonstrate that this is all Satan's work: yoga pants.
but after reading the excerpt, i'm not even upset. if there's literally no aspect of religion in their schools, then they should avoid talking about chakras or using spiritual symbols. you can practice yoga and meditate without those, which is what they're doing. not banning it.
Yeah I don't have any problem with this. Keep religious stuff out of the school, whether it's Christianity, Islam or some Chakra thing.

They're not banning yoga, but the religious stuff by the looks of it.

Although some of those parents sound like they might not really know what they're talking about.

Read about this on Reddit. According to some people on there the whole "Parents against Yoga/Religion" thing is click-bait that the media ignored. The actual issue was that the Vice Principal of the school is big into natural healing in the form of using "Crystal Rocks" to solve ailments like headaches. Students were being taught that in classroom that "Healing Crystals and Yoga"could cure illnesses and diseases instead of modern medicine which is what the complaints were about.

Just want to throw this out there before people get outraged that the parents are against religion or some crap like that.
If I remember correctly, the issue about this was that the head teacher is a real nutcase. She genuinely had been providing students with crystals and was having people teach the kids which crystal works to cure which ailment and hawking other crazy psuedoscience.


Well the religious/superstitious/wonkey stuff should be removed.


Meh. Yoga good for you, but because it's an intensive stretching/balancing exercise, not because of some mystic bs. I don't mind yoga, but it should be taught to children without all the crap.


Read about this on Reddit. According to some people on there the whole "Parents against Yoga/Religion" thing is click-bait that the media ignored. The actual issue was that the Vice Principal of the school is big into natural healing in the form of using "Crystal Rocks" to solve ailments like headaches. Students were being taught that in classroom that "Healing Crystals and Yoga"could cure illnesses and diseases instead of modern medicine which is what the complaints were about.

Just want to throw this out there before people get outraged that the parents are against religion or some crap like that.

Jesus Fat Biddha Christ. I'm completely behind the parents protesting that, it's dangerous levels of misinformation. The school needs to put a stop to that immediately. Freaking Crystals? If they're nutty to go that far I would be worried about what other bullshit they might have been teaching.

As much as I hate to admit it, even the fundamentlist Christians have a point too: if prayer, blessings and crosses are out then chakras and mangdalas need to go to. I'm split on the namaste but I'm leaning towards not using it out of respect for hindi speakers because it just mimics hindi for some exotic flair, it doesn't make sense when you conduct the rest of the conversation in English.

Yoga and Mindfulness can stay. They're secularised enough and have good enough empirical evidence for that.
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