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Game Pass is at 23m subs as of April 20th 2021


That’s a lot of $1 months

(I have 35 months left)
I am curious about this.

But if we are honest about it, how much of the general gaming audience was aware of this deal and furthermore purchased 36 months and then converted all of it to Game Pass Ultimate?

I doubt that communities of individuals such as ourselves (the gaming news consuming portion of the audience) comprise more than a few percent of the total Game Pass subscriber base.

I could be wrong, but the more I think about the $1 Game Pass Ultimate cohort, the more I think that we are the only ones who really took full advantage of it.


Yeah and after all this year's is still not working and being basically ignored by anyone.
50 million subs = ignored by everyone, 22m subs = ?
If the service continues to have the success it is having and if more users sign up, many more third parties will launch on Day One and Microsoft will feel incentivized to invest more. Surely a deal between Nintendo and ms would benefit GP and indirectly xbox users
Microsoft will feel incentivsed to invest more if their game subscription service does well on another platform?

Yet, Bethesda games won't be on PS5?

Animated GIF

You know acquiring studios creating new ones acquiring an entire publisher are not things you do overnight.

Its Been A Long Time Waiting GIF

The development times of the games are dilated and the covid has not helped anyone

Covid started in 2014?
Once the first games will arrive with all the studios that Ms owns today will no longer have problems on releases,
What about the studios MS has owned since the 360 gen?

Microsoft has the largest First party portfolio of the big 3.
And is third of the big 3, with lowest hardware sales and software sales, with the least amount of first party games on it's platform. What an embarrassment
I think all their regular live gold members will subscribe to gamepass going forward.

That conversion is easy. It will be harder to bring additional subscribers and will be true test for MS.
I don't see how people could afford not to get Gamepass at this point.

Microsoft will feel incentivsed to invest more if their game subscription service does well on another platform?

Yet, Bethesda games won't be on PS5?

Phil stated plainly that they will support platforms that support Gamepass. PS5 does not and likely will not.


I am curious about this.

But if we are honest about it, how much of the general gaming audience was aware of this deal and furthermore purchased 36 months and then converted all of it to Game Pass Ultimate?

I doubt that communities of individuals such as ourselves (the gaming news consuming portion of the audience) comprise more than a few percent of the total Game Pass subscriber base.

I could be wrong, but the more I think about the $1 Game Pass Ultimate cohort, the more I think that we are the only ones who really took full advantage of it.
Well the fact that we get regular usrers on hrere, an unthusiast forum, who either dont know about it, or have to ask how to do it, well i think its safe to assume the vast majority of the more casual consoles gamers (who vastly out number us), probably dont know about the conversion trick.


I think all their regular live gold members will subscribe to gamepass going forward.

That conversion is easy. It will be harder to bring additional subscribers and will be true test for MS.
I think a lot of people buying an Xbox now will sub.


I think a lot of people buying an Xbox now will sub.
Honestly it would blow me away abit to think that the vast majority of Series X and S buyers wont have also subbed to Gamepass, especially with the barren landscape of next gen games in the eraly months.


23m .. that's kind of low no?
Compared to humans living on this planet? Yes. For a new service that started on the least attractive console gaming brand within a catastrophe of a generation in 2017 I wonder if that isn't the opposite of low, especially given the current increase of subscriptions.


Honestly it would blow me away abit to think that the vast majority of Series X and S buyers wont have also subbed to Gamepass, especially with the barren landscape of next gen games in the eraly months.
Gamepass gives you immediately access to hundreds of games, even if you were never in that ecosystem. It makes it very easy to move over to xbox which is a good thing. And additionally you have access to an ecosystem that seems to ensure confidence in your purchases as they already support 4 generations of games.
I think a lot of people buying an Xbox now will sub.

Regular gold subscribers are in big numbers and who have been with xbox since a long time.

I assume they would be the ones early adapting as well.

Though I did got series s and gamepass but never had gold before.


This is great. Love seeing more people getting on board with Game Pass. My favorite thing to happen to gaming since the Sega Channel.

Lets play around with some numbers real quick.
23m subs at just $5 is $115million a month.
23m subs at $10 is $230million a month
23m subs at a full asking price of $15 is $345,000,000 a month or $4,140,000,000 a year. And those numbers are just going to keep going up as more people get their Series S/X consoles or even just on their phones, tablets, or PCs.

Yeah, I get the feeling Microsoft knows what they are doing here. Regardless of how you feel about Game Pass it will be good for the consumers. Yes, even those that aren't on Xbox platforms. Sony will answer back and have already been stepping up their PS+ games.
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If this is where they're at before their exclusives start hitting, I think 50 million subs will be in sight by the end of the year. Xbox is going to have an absolutely massive holiday.
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I am curious about this.

But if we are honest about it, how much of the general gaming audience was aware of this deal and furthermore purchased 36 months and then converted all of it to Game Pass Ultimate?

I doubt that communities of individuals such as ourselves (the gaming news consuming portion of the audience) comprise more than a few percent of the total Game Pass subscriber base.

I could be wrong, but the more I think about the $1 Game Pass Ultimate cohort, the more I think that we are the only ones who really took full advantage of it.
Couldn't possibly imagine accurate numbers but yes I would wager we are the vast minority of subscribers. I will say that following deal sites, anything game pass ultimate related gets a lot of traffic.


If this is where they're at before their exclusives start hitting, I think 50 million subs will be in sight by the end of the year. Xbox is going to have an absolutely massive holiday.
lol i doubt it. I predicted 50mil subs by the end of the gen ,and yeah i'm probably going to be a bit out. 50mil by the end of the year is prretty much impossible though.


Bought a Series S in november, converted xbox live gold to 13 months of Game Pass Ultimate for 60€. Haven't spend a single cent on games since then.

Plus already have made enough rewards points to get 55€ right now in xbox store credit if I wanted. By the time my game pass sub runs out I will have enough for another year of ultimate.

Great value, and the numbers are just gonna go up and up once the big games are gonna hit later this year.


I believe you're mixing up PSNow with PS+, unless PSNow has jumped from 2.2m to 50m in the space of a year.
Maybe. I don't touch PlayStation so 🤷‍♂️
For a 'long time Xbox fan' your posts are very anti Xbox, hmmm.
Of course I'm 'anti-xbox'. It's frustrating as fuck going from day one OG xbox to this tripe now.

The xbone was shit and a bad idea, but at least they had an idea and a direction, albeit a stupid one.

Now though? look at this and other threads. Wall to wall of Gamepass, Xcloud, buying studios and Just wait.

Microsoft have no identity in the market and if anyone here can't see that relying on gamepass success and it being a huge success, will spell the end of xbox.

I don't need to bring up Halo, but I will. The fuck have they done to that game? Grappling hooks and zooming about? 😂

All this talk of amazing games coming. Where is Condemned 3 or Alan Wake 2? Why cancel scale bound? Why was crackdown 3 so shit? Why cancel Fable and then bring it back?

And the worst of all, of all of the fucking rare game to remake, Xbox have decided to throw money at a studio to remake perfect dark! A remake of a 360 game (which tanked) that was a remake of a Nintendo game. All of the industry defining genres that Microsoft have been a part of for 20 years and they remake perfect dark? Why not appeal to Nintendo fans by remaking Viva Pinata, the game that everyone enjoyed? or Conker, that would fit in very well as another mascot for Xbox

Nahh, let's buy studios (let's hope their games are managed better than Halo) and spread some more or bollox on twitter about how amazing THIS E3 will be. Ignoring all of the genuinely amazing Ips sat on shelves collecting dust

sick of it
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Maybe. I don't touch PlayStation so 🤷‍♂️

Of course I'm 'anti-xbox'. It's frustrating as fuck going from day one OG xbox to this tripe now.

The xbone was shit and a bad idea, but at least they had an idea and a direction, albeit a stupid one.

Now though? look at this and other threads. Wall to wall of Gamepass, Xcloud, buying studios and Just wait.

Microsoft have no identity in the market and if anyone here can't see that relying on gamepass success and it being a huge success, will spell the end of xbox.

I don't need to bring up Halo, but I will. The fuck have they done to that game? Grappling hooks and zooming about? 😂

All this talk of amazing games coming. Where is Condemned 3 or Alan Wake 2? Why cancel scale bound? Why was crackdown 3 so shit? Why cancel Fable and then bring it back?

And the worst of all, of all of the fucking rare game to remake, Xbox have decided to throw money at a studio to remake perfect dark! A remake of a 360 game (which tanked) that was a remake of a Nintendo game. All of the industry defining genres that Microsoft have been a part of for 20 years and they remake perfect dark? Why not appeal to Nintendo fans by remaking Viva Pinata, the game that everyone enjoyed? or Conker, that would fit in very well as another mascot for Xbox

Nahh, let's buy studios (let's hope their games are managed better than Halo) and spread some more or bollox on twitter about how amazing THIS E3 will be. Ignoring all of the genuinely amazing Ips sat on shelves collecting dust

sick of it
Thank God you're not in charge of Xbox :messenger_tears_of_joy:


50 million subs = ignored by everyone, 22m subs = ?
What?? Psnow is much older than gamepass and is a 2.2millions users. Honestly, it's a failure.

Microsoft will feel incentivsed to invest more if their game subscription service does well on another platform?

Hint: Other platform which will allow Gamepass on it.
Phil was very clear. If Sony allows GamePass on PlayStation you will see all ms titles (including Bethesda) on ps. Otherwise no.

Covid started in 2014?
What about the studios MS has owned since the 360 gen?
No, Since 2014 they have reformed the entire division. From the head up to the team that takes care of the hw.
From there we had the most powerful console on the market twice. the introduction of the best service, the best platform for online and Cloud, so many acquisitions that make all Xbox fans excited for the future. Each of these things takes a long time. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

And is third of the big 3, with lowest hardware sales and software sales, with the least amount of first party games on it's platform. What an embarrassment
The generation has just begun if you think the output of 35 teams may be less than what the closest competitor (Sony) will have (at least in quantity) you are so blinded I don't know what else to say.
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And the worst of all, of all of the fucking rare game to remake, Xbox have decided to throw money at a studio to remake perfect dark! A remake of a 360 game (which tanked) that was a remake of a Nintendo game. All of the industry defining genres that Microsoft have been a part of for 20 years and they remake perfect dark? Why not appeal to Nintendo fans by remaking Viva Pinata, the game that everyone enjoyed? or Conker, that would fit in very well as another mascot for Xbox
I don’t want to go off topic but are you really arguing that MS should make Viva Piñata instead of Perfect Dark? Which is only the highest rated console FPS in history, literally sitting between Goldeneye (96) and Ocarina of Time (98) in the pantheon of N64 games? You’re saying that a game where you breed fucking ducks in a pond is a better license to invest in?
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Gold Member
Maybe. I don't touch PlayStation so 🤷‍♂️

Of course I'm 'anti-xbox'. It's frustrating as fuck going from day one OG xbox to this tripe now.

The xbone was shit and a bad idea, but at least they had an idea and a direction, albeit a stupid one.

Now though? look at this and other threads. Wall to wall of Gamepass, Xcloud, buying studios and Just wait.

Microsoft have no identity in the market and if anyone here can't see that relying on gamepass success and it being a huge success, will spell the end of xbox.

I don't need to bring up Halo, but I will. The fuck have they done to that game? Grappling hooks and zooming about? 😂

All this talk of amazing games coming. Where is Condemned 3 or Alan Wake 2? Why cancel scale bound? Why was crackdown 3 so shit? Why cancel Fable and then bring it back?

And the worst of all, of all of the fucking rare game to remake, Xbox have decided to throw money at a studio to remake perfect dark! A remake of a 360 game (which tanked) that was a remake of a Nintendo game. All of the industry defining genres that Microsoft have been a part of for 20 years and they remake perfect dark? Why not appeal to Nintendo fans by remaking Viva Pinata, the game that everyone enjoyed? or Conker, that would fit in very well as another mascot for Xbox

Nahh, let's buy studios (let's hope their games are managed better than Halo) and spread some more or bollox on twitter about how amazing THIS E3 will be. Ignoring all of the genuinely amazing Ips sat on shelves collecting dust

sick of it
Condemned 3, Alan Wake 2? They don't own either IP, you feeling Alright? Crackdown 3 was pretty bad ill give you that but they've put thier most promising developer on Fable. E3 will be spectacular for Xbox that is guaranteed, they simply have too many great studios now for it not to be.


What?? Psnow is much older than gamepass and is a 2.2millions users. Honestly, it's a failure.
Fair enough
Hint: Other platform which will allow Gamepass on it.
Phil was very clear. If Sony allows GamePass on PlayStation you will see all ms titles (including Bethesda) on ps. Otherwise no.
You don't want gamepass on anything except Xbox. Honestly. I'll explain in another post and tag you in

No, Since 2014 they have reformed the entire division. From the head up to the team that takes care of the hw.
From there we had the most powerful console on the market twice. the introduction of the best service, the best platform for online and Cloud, so many acquisitions that make all Xbox fans excited for the future. Each of these things takes a long time. It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.
The elite pad is the best controller ever made, ever. Massive props for that. And the 1X is so good that i'm not upgrading to an XSX for a while. There may be reasons to be excited, but i've been burned by 'Phil' too many times. The failure that was Halo was a worse disaster than the Xbone launch, for me.

The generation has just begun if you think the output of 35 teams may be less than what the closest competitor (Sony) will have (at least in quantity) you are so blinded I don't know what else to say.
Since 2014.

There's no defending or excusing Microsoft and they certainly don't deserve the defense. They dropped the ball, whatever the reason, they fucked up, big time. They may be getting back on their feet, but that doesn't excuse the ball dropping, or the corporate ball washing. They need honest feedback to make decisions from.

I don’t want to go off topic but are you really arguing that MS should make Viva Piñata instead of Perfect Dark? Which is only the highest rated console FPS in history, literally sitting between Goldeneye (96) and Ocarina of Time (98) in the pantheon of N64 games? You’re saying that a game where you breed fucking ducks in a pond is a better license to invest in?
As you say, PD was great on N64, which is one of the reasons bought Rare back in the day. How did the 360 version of PD fair? I liked it, I don't remember it doing well though. Of all of the games they could have picked? PD isn't one of them. Not only that, Viva Pinata or Conker fill a hole in Microsoft's output and they don't need any more shooters, 1st person or otherwise (They just bought Bethesda!)

And PS2 dropped from 150 million to PS3 85 million, while letting Nintendo and MS go from 25 each to 100 and 85 in 7 years.
PS3 was a bag of shite and Sony learned from it. Wii U was a bag of shite and Nintendo learned from it. Xbone was a bag of shite...are Microsoft showing they've learned from it? It's touch and go atm. We will know more at E3
Well this gen has only just started, so hopefully they can live up to your expectations, as a massive loyal Xbox fan.
I hope so, because I have been massively loyal and Microsoft earned it. During the 360 days I bought every exclusive day one, with a load of 3rd party games as well. Even buying some little titles that most people have never heard of, because Microsoft earned it.
Condemned 3, Alan Wake 2? They don't own either IP, you feeling Alright? Crackdown 3 was pretty bad ill give you that but they've put thier most promising developer on Fable.
I know they didn't own AW, no reason not to chuck some money Sam Lake's way though. I thought they did own Condemned? Again though, nowt money couldn't solve. Very cost effective. I reckon you could fund a Condemned 1 and 2 remaster and a sequel for about fifty quid.

E3 will be spectacular for Xbox that is guaranteed,

No it's not. And it might be out of Microsoft's hands. I hope the digital format works for every company.
they simply have too many great studios now for it not to be.
I hope so.


What do we think the average sub $ amount is? Disregarding the retarded $1/month trolling of course.

I think anywhere between $5-10. That puts them between $115m and $230m per month, or $1.4 - $2.7 billion per year if it were to remain at this sub level. That's a nice injection of dough, and we're not even seeing big first party titles yet.

And that's without in-game purchases, Game Pass game/DLC purchases and game purchases from other platforms.
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Neo Member
Honestly it would blow me away abit to think that the vast majority of Series X and S buyers wont have also subbed to Gamepass, especially with the barren landscape of next gen games in the eraly months.
Xbox has confirmed the GamePass attach rate for new Series S/X consoles is 70%.
I think anywhere between $5-10. That puts them between $115m and $230m per month, or $1.4 - $2.7 billion per year if it were to remain at this sub level. That's a nice injection of dough, and we're not even seeing big first party titles yet.

Precisely. This is barely at the beginning stages of it’s potential. IF (capitalized for emphasis) the first party Xbox exclusives are must have, quality bangers, then look out. IF (again, for emphasis) Halo Infinite is excellent and amongst the best entries in the series, and IF Starfield proves to be a new IP on the level of Elder Scrolls and Fallout....then LOOK OUT.

But as much I am excited as an Xbox gamer right now....I really need to see Xbox deliver these first party titles before I think Sony’s position this gen is in serious jeopardy. But there is a road map in which I can see this happening.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Edit: oh, about me laughing reaction to you saying Gamepass contracts? Why would we kiss fight about it?

Thinking it contracts when a new generation is starting just doesn't make much sense to me and I thought it was funny so I reacted with laugh.
Well we don't know when the $1 deal is going to stop being a thing.

Not sure how a new gen would even really matter.


Maybe. I don't touch PlayStation so 🤷‍♂️

Of course I'm 'anti-xbox'. It's frustrating as fuck going from day one OG xbox to this tripe now.

The xbone was shit and a bad idea, but at least they had an idea and a direction, albeit a stupid one.

Now though? look at this and other threads. Wall to wall of Gamepass, Xcloud, buying studios and Just wait.

Microsoft have no identity in the market and if anyone here can't see that relying on gamepass success and it being a huge success, will spell the end of xbox.

I don't need to bring up Halo, but I will. The fuck have they done to that game? Grappling hooks and zooming about? 😂

All this talk of amazing games coming. Where is Condemned 3 or Alan Wake 2? Why cancel scale bound? Why was crackdown 3 so shit? Why cancel Fable and then bring it back?

And the worst of all, of all of the fucking rare game to remake, Xbox have decided to throw money at a studio to remake perfect dark! A remake of a 360 game (which tanked) that was a remake of a Nintendo game. All of the industry defining genres that Microsoft have been a part of for 20 years and they remake perfect dark? Why not appeal to Nintendo fans by remaking Viva Pinata, the game that everyone enjoyed? or Conker, that would fit in very well as another mascot for Xbox

Nahh, let's buy studios (let's hope their games are managed better than Halo) and spread some more or bollox on twitter about how amazing THIS E3 will be. Ignoring all of the genuinely amazing Ips sat on shelves collecting dust

sick of it


Just wondering what Gold subs are in relation to GamePass.... I would assume nearly all of these subs are people moving from Gold to GP?!

Which is good for Xbox, it brings in more money but it isn't growth in overall users if that is the case.
Well we don't know when the $1 deal is going to stop being a thing.

Not sure how a new gen would even really matter.
The $1 deal is not making as much of an impact as people think. It's been said by a lot of insiders and even talking heads for Xbox but GP is currently sustainable. In it's current form and current status. It will only grow more sustainable and more profitable.

And the new gen matters because you need to look at it in terms of potential market. The Xbox One generation is still going on and still has +50m console users who can potentially use GP and they ALL know that they can buy for Xbox One and move 100% of their content over to XSX and GP content will also transfer. Then you add in the PC market, all of who can use GP and then you add in a new generation of Xbox Series X where GP is being heavily marketed from the outset and now can you not see how the new generation with GP at the core of its value proposition matters? If anything, it matters even more than the Xbox Gold value proposition at the start of Xbox 360.


The growth is really impressive, and we genuinely have a scenario where the big three console makers can all say they are having great success.

Brilliant for gaming!
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