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//: Global Starcraft II League (GSL) 2012 GSL Season 4 - KeSPA Strikes Back


I wonder if GOM will seed a foreigner into next season's GSL since there are none left now.

Who would they even seed? Seems like most of them left Korea except for Naniwa. Might as well just get used to zero foreigners in "G"SL
I wonder if GOM will seed a foreigner into next season's GSL since there are none left now.

I think they'll ride the Kespa vs Gom rivalry for another season. The only foreigners worth inviting at this point are Stephano and Scarlett and they're both not likely to want to stay in Korea for an extended period of time to play in GSL. Also they're doing that Korea vs the world match.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
They should try inviting some Asian players that are not Korean. WCS Asia could be a good excuse to invite someone with a good result.
But thats just a personal request. Id love to see Sen in gsl again :/


I think they'll ride the Kespa vs Gom rivalry for another season. The only foreigners worth inviting at this point are Stephano and Scarlett and they're both not likely to want to stay in Korea for an extended period of time to play in GSL. Also they're doing that Korea vs the world match.

That is definitely doable. KeSPA vs ESF is the most exciting thing to watch right now IMO anyways.

However, subs from NA/EU are going to drop a lot without a foreigner in the GSL.


It's such a bad idea for a NA/EU player that's any good to do GSL though. Such a big time investment for such a small chance of success.
Lol at that attack from bomber. Move command up the ramp into marines and not even notice until all your marines are dead.

Still, if a foreigner ever managed to win a GSL, he would be a legend forever.

The big foreign tournaments like MLG and IPL are a big enough deal. Honestly winning something like that is on a similar level as the GSL. Obviously winning the GSL is above everything but it isn't the same as BW where foreign events mean nothing.

I don't even care about foreigners in the GSL really. In BW it was a big deal because that's all we had. Now if anything there are far more foreign events than Korean ones so we get to see them competing against big name Koreans pretty regularly.

Sure it's nice when they are in GSL but i don't mind either way.


relies on auto-aim
Forgot Code A started early and actually had some games worth watching.

Looks like... Flash lost to the same player Naniwa did! Where's Hazaro so I can gloat
It's ok Flash is going through the 2011 Terran player phase when they were OP and only used MMM.

He should have targeted the sentries from his bunkers though, wonder if he knows he can do that.

And I forgot what beats Phoenix Collosus, but Ghosts should have helped right?


relies on auto-aim
(P)Vampire vs. (Z)HyuN
(T)Hack vs. (P)Squirtle
(T)Bbyong vs. (T)Heart
(T)aLive vs. (P)Creator

Seeing someone losing all their sentries like a scrub is always fun.


Random people playing Code A tonight. No Slayers players that's for damned sure.

Korean girls rapping is worse than Jessica.


relies on auto-aim
Well from last night this seems to be the only good match:
Poll: Recommend Maru vs JYP game 2?
Yes - 97%
I don't think anyone will miss anything by skipping tonight, honestly.
I can see:
(T)BoguS vs. (T)Happy
(P)Trap vs. (T)GuMiho

Having a good game or two.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Finals start in 45mins. If someone wishes to make a finals thread go ahead.



I think the ticket system sucks. I remember you used to be able to buy a ticket for one day (bought one for a final). Now you have to buy monthly or yearly service.


Flash has a pretty tough group, but he might be able to coast through with his TvT and maybe one or two good builds vs Sirius or Seed. He can capitalize on SlayerS disbanding and Supernova's possible lack of practice partners and maybe eke out a win to Code S.


MC said:
At the moment, I don't think there's any particular solution. No matter what unit composition that Protoss uses, it's impossible to beat Brood-Infestor. The proper answer is supposed to be the Carrier, but those are too easily defeated by Fungal Growth. I once talked to David Kim about this, and even he said that he doesn't think there's a counter in Wings of Liberty (laughs).I don't know how things will be in Heart of the Swarm. Even looking at it myself, I don't think there's a proper way to fix the problem because there's a risk of weakening Zerg too much.
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