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God of War Ascension |OT| Gods up, Foes down


Anyone still play this? Starting to get the hang of online. Steep learning curve though since everyone who is a higher level has a huge advantage.


New user here. Hello!

Been a big God of War fan ever since the first game came out in 2005. Ascension, while disappointing in some regards, is still a GREAT game. It does many things better than the 3rd outing, such as puzzles and level design. The only place it was lacking in were the boss fights, even though the final battle was a gorgeous assault on the senses.

Overall, while the game had many glitches and weak sound design, the game was still a really good addition to the series. Hoping GoW4 comes out soon and the series is given a real send-off.


Borrowed it from a friend last night. 2.7 GB of updates?? The fuck..... 35 minutes later finally started playing.

Still can't believe its a PS3 game, so pretty.
Sony's peddling "full size" busts of Kratos now. 27.5" tall, 23.5" wide painted resin. Price is one launch PS3, 599 US Dollars. Limited to 500 units.

God of War website with preorder info

Preorder link

Youtube teaser video


They have a 4-way payment plan for us mortals.


My PS3 has spent at least 2 hours downloading what seems like at least 3 GB worth of updates for this game. Gotta love those PSN download speeds. Glad I started downloading these before the weekend started.

K' Dash

Gold Member
Hey GAF, I'm necrobumping this because I'm getting my ass kicked by this game, the combat does not feel as fluid as the other games and as far as I can see the enemies do not flinch AT ALL, they interrupt all my attacks and I can't get the fucking bar to fill to do better combos.

So, I ask you, what I'm I doing wrong? why the enemies don't flinch when I'm attacking? why do I do so little damage?

I kinda like the new combat, but I can't get a full combo going with 6 guys attacking me at the same time, no way to stun them, no way to attack the all at the same time, and I'm talking about you everyday grunt, wtf is going on?

I rented this on PS Now btw, playing on PS4.
Finally finished this monster of a download (plus nine patches) and first impressions aren't good. I've Platinum'd all three God of War games and this one just isn't clicking with me so far. The controls don't feel as tight as I remember the first three games being, especially when it comes to jumping. Like during one of the encounters with the first boss, it has an attack where it lays one of it's hands on the ground then slides it horizontally across. It seems like I should be able to double-jump over top of it as it comes across but I'm always taking that hit. Just feels off.
Was fully enjoying this game.
The dodgy camera pulling out too show the scale while getting my ass handed too me i can live with.
The dodgy counter system i can live with.
The do i thrash square too attack or is there going to be a QTE i can live with.
The dodgy lines i can live with.

But i can not live with and you possibly guessed, Chapter 28 and lack of saves on those fights.
I can get through the first fight qith about half my health left but that talos looking son of a bitch, then those fuckers that go under the ground which you have too pull out, i just can not do it :( I've maxed everything out but i just can NOT do it :( first game of the year and it has fucking beat me, this shit is harder than Bloodbourne.


Was fully enjoying this game.
The dodgy camera pulling out too show the scale while getting my ass handed too me i can live with.
The dodgy counter system i can live with.
The do i thrash square too attack or is there going to be a QTE i can live with.
The dodgy lines i can live with.

But i can not live with and you possibly guessed, Chapter 28 and lack of saves on those fights.
I can get through the first fight qith about half my health left but that talos looking son of a bitch, then those fuckers that go under the ground which you have too pull out, i just can not do it :( I've maxed everything out but i just can NOT do it :( first game of the year and it has fucking beat me, this shit is harder than Bloodbourne.

I thought that the part in question was patched to be easier??? I'm on chapter 25 and on Hard so I was banking on that...

Also did those fuckers seriously tease the Kraken but not make it fightable?? I mean I guess it still could be but time's running out.
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