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GOP Taunts Clinton Over Healthcare, Asks "Where's your plan?" Clinton Sends Link

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How dare Hillary Rodham Clinton respond to a tweet directed at her.

What a phony piece of trash. I bet she was sucking on a hot sauce bottle while typing it. Am I right?

This was so fucking embarrassing. We literally had people here saying she was playing a 20+ year long con of trying to appeal to black people with hot sauce in her bag and around the WH when she was first lady
Clinton "check my website" asks someone to check her website?!

I actually did check her website. There is no plan its a list of bullet points. What are my taxes going to be? What are the minimums for covering employees? What are my prescription costs?

Such a fucking bullshit answer.

What a crazy mofo this guy is.
OH yes, what a clap back. Re-litigating an election you lost, including a platform people didn't care for (or know about?). Winning!

I'm not impressed.

No one cares whether you're impressed, and since she didn't ask to be dragged into the conversation in the first place, you don't even make a coherent point. And above all that: you're ignoring the fact that she actually got more votes than Trump.


Rodent Whores
It's kinda funny since the plan is don't replace a decent plan with something worse. You can't really ask where's the plan when there's already a plan in place.



This is a pretty solid outline.

Again you realize they tweeted at her yes

That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?


haha so their smear campaign for their shitty reform is "well if our idea is so bad, where's your ideas STUPID?!"

What a party.


That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?

This is some "bitch eating crackers" shit, isn't it?
That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?

Are you giving shit to Clinton for having too much plan or not enough plan? because it seems like you are trying to do both :).

She had an outline, which is infinitely more information than was provided in a weeks before Republicans revealed their plan. Regardless of your feelings towards Clinton you have to at least acknowledge that...

EDIT: Just looked through your post history. It sounds like you are one of the Bernie bros. Don't get me wrong, I used to like Bernie, but lately he sounds like a sane version of Trump. It's nice to want things but likelyhood of Bernie's universal healthcare passing is about the same as the Mexico paying for the wall. I admire the ambition, but taking it as gospel is doing more damage than help. :)


That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?

Even if they're just bullet points, Hillary had the most detailed plan of anyone who ran for office last year. On both sides.

Like, I don't know what you're expecting here. A CBO report?
How could the idiot running the account not see that shit coming? This is the problem when you're evil and incompetent, you think everyone else is the same as you.
No one cares whether you're impressed, and since she didn't ask to be dragged into the conversation in the first place, you don't even make a coherent point. And above all that: you're ignoring the fact that she actually got more votes than Trump.

...and she lost, you're point?

I'm biased, I can't stand her for personal reasons. Point remains this is a bad luck. I was never on the "Hillary should disappear since she lost" train, that's not my point here. Just seems like a weak retort when you (once again) lost and people didn't care (or know?) about your healthcare plan. Not to mention losing to the guy running on full repeal.
That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?

You obviously didn't read it. There are multiple policy proposals there with hard numbers. And the idea that marketing teams are writing policy is ludicrous on its face. Just stop.


That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?

You realize there are links in the text, right?

Hillary will pursue efforts to give Americans in every state in the country the choice of a public-option insurance plan, and to expand Medicare by allowing people 55 years or older to opt in while protecting the traditional Medicare program.

She will cap prescription drug costs that people have to pay out of pocket, and limit excessive out-of-pocket costs for families.

Details into how she'd lower out of pocket costs:


Details into how she planned on lowering prescription drug costs:


There are about 10 more links in the text. And there are links within the links.


...and she lost, you're point?

I'm biased, I can't stand her for personal reasons. Point remains this is a bad luck. I was never on the "Hillary should disappear since she lost" train, that's not my point here. Just seems like a weak retort when you (once again) lost and people didn't care (or know?) about your healthcare plan. Not to mention losing to the guy running on full repeal.

what are those personal reasons


That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?
...and she lost, you're point?
If I have to explain why you are not correct in saying "the American people rejected her plan" when she literally got 3 million more votes, then you are probably not smart enough to be discussing this with people in public. And this:

I'm biased, I can't stand her for personal reasons. Point remains this is a bad luck. I was never on the "Hillary should disappear since she lost" train, that's not my point here. Just seems like a weak retort when you (once again) lost and people didn't care (or know?) about your healthcare plan. Not to mention losing to the guy running on full repeal.
What are your personal reasons for hating Hillary? Did she actually do something that affected your life?
That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?
There are specific policies within the broad strokes. Just admit you don't want to fucking read anything and just want her to disappear off the face of the planet because you clearly can't stand her very existence.


...and she lost, you're point?

I'm biased, I can't stand her for personal reasons. Point remains this is a bad luck. I was never on the "Hillary should disappear since she lost" train, that's not my point here. Just seems like a weak retort when you (once again) lost and people didn't care (or know?) about your healthcare plan. Not to mention losing to the guy running on full repeal.

...do you dispute that a more fleshed out plan from Clinton would have been better than what the Republicans put up? I think everyone with half a brain knows that Hillary wouldn't have screwed the country over on what was her pet issue.

Like, you say you're not in the "Hillary should shut up and go away train," buy I'm failing to see what is provoking so much anger here. She literally just linked to a page on her website...


Fail out bailed
...and she lost, you're point?

I'm biased, I can't stand her for personal reasons. Point remains this is a bad luck. I was never on the "Hillary should disappear since she lost" train, that's not my point here. Just seems like a weak retort when you (once again) lost and people didn't care (or know?) about your healthcare plan. Not to mention losing to the guy running on full repeal.
Believe it or not people care now.


...and she lost, you're point?

I'm biased, I can't stand her for personal reasons. Point remains this is a bad luck. I was never on the "Hillary should disappear since she lost" train, that's not my point here. Just seems like a weak retort when you (once again) lost and people didn't care (or know?) about your healthcare plan. Not to mention losing to the guy running on full repeal.
Undisclosed "personal reasons".

Sound argument.
That literally says nothing.

I will work to keep costs under control is not a plan its a promise.

Yes I realize they tweeted her. I'm sure she had all sorts of healthcare plans and policies ready to go. Her style of politicking is just bizarre and gross to me. Don't reply or send the actual plan, who the fuck wants to read her marketing team BS at this point?

It's perfectly acceptable as a response to an asinine tweet from the GOP
Trump ran on "replacing Obamacare with something terrific" and people bought into it because they're fucking morons.

Dumbass swing voters didn't think Trump would take away their health insurance.


The Autumn Wind
Oh great, another thread ruined by triggered Bernie Bros. because Hillary was mentioned.
I come into these threads and see Bernie or Busters continuing to shit on her despite the fact she had very detailed proposals almost to a line-by-line basis, and I try typing these long replies, but I've just lost interest. People are purposefully shitting on her without reading up on her policies, as they have been for over 20 years now. It's just tiring.


I come into these threads and see Bernie or Busters continuing to shit on her despite the fact she had very detailed proposals almost to a line-by-line basis, and I try typing these long replies, but I've just lost interest. People are purposefully shitting on her without reading up on her policies, as they have been for over 20 years now. It's just tiring.

On the bright side it shouldn't matter anymore. *Shouldn't*, but here we still are going over the same shit.
...and she lost, you're point?

I'm biased, I can't stand her for personal reasons. Point remains this is a bad luck. I was never on the "Hillary should disappear since she lost" train, that's not my point here. Just seems like a weak retort when you (once again) lost and people didn't care (or know?) about your healthcare plan. Not to mention losing to the guy running on full repeal.

They tweeted at her.

How is this a bad look?

Jesus christ
what are those personal reasons

I worked for the Obama campaign in 2007/2008 and dealt with Clinton bullshit first hand (especially when it became clear she lost), and later saw people I know lose jobs/positions based on who they supported.

However my criticism of the tweet is solely based on the merits of having an argument over...shit you lost on last November. I voted for her, etc.


...and she lost, you're point?

I'm biased, I can't stand her for personal reasons. Point remains this is a bad luck. I was never on the "Hillary should disappear since she lost" train, that's not my point here. Just seems like a weak retort when you (once again) lost and people didn't care (or know?) about your healthcare plan. Not to mention losing to the guy running on full repeal.

Because the guy running on full repeal was the equivalent of the eighth grade class president nominee running on eight hours of recess and double scoop ice cream every day.
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