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HBO orders alternate universe Civil War drama [update: interview w/ producers]

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EDIT - Woah. Evidently I did not 'read the room' before posting. If anything this reads like a Liberal's wet dream. I know it has some very obvious 'triggers' for people (for want of a better word) but there's literally no way HBO are pandering to the red states with a show like this.
The last thing this is going to be is some alt-right dream show. HBO recently revealed they're doing Lovecraft Country with Jordan Peele and ordered a Who Fears Death adaptation. They're not going to back a show that takes that angle


How is the North lost a liberal's wet dream.

As molnizzle says..,

I can see them going all in with it. The Confederate president is probably gonna look and sound a whole lot like Trump.

If they don't do a "build the wall" sub-plot they're fucking up.

The Trump allegories alone could make this a home run. The South could be a North Korea esque state isolated from the rest of the world with a revolution brewing up within it.

The last thing this is going to be is some alt-right dream show. HBO recently revealed they're doing Lovecraft Country with Jordan Peele and ordered a Who Fears Death adaptation. They're not going to back a show that takes that angle

Exactly. The people who have Last Week Tonight as a cornerstone of their network aren't going to have fucking a series that would make M1lo squeal in joy are they?

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Based on my cursory view of Twitter and neogaf dot com, it really seems like HBO misread the room on this.

I hope Jordan Peele's show turns out good because it sounds awesome.


It's kinda funny to me thinking of all the fucking podcasts and talk shows and all that other shit Game of Thrones has and imagining if this had that same stuff.

"Hey everyone, Chris Hardwick here, welcome to this week's Talking Confederacy and man what an intense episode that just was!"


I liked "Underground Airlines" which was a alternate history mystery/thriller where the Civil War didn't happen and slavery is still A Thing in 2016, and I think that book did get optioned to be turned into a pilot.

But this is about CW3?

I was thinking about the same book. It's almost exactly the same concept but I would rather see one based on the book over this concept.
It's kinda funny to me thinking of all the fucking podcasts and talk shows and all that other shit Game of Thrones has and imagining if this had that same stuff.

"Hey everyone, Chris Hardwick here, welcome to this week's Talking Confederacy and man what an intense episode that just was!"
What I would give for a Chris Hardwick roast...


Didn't think I'd enjoy Man in the High Castle and here we are. My only problem is D & D will fuck up the execution. If they make it where the audience is meant to sympathize with slave owners then I'm probably noping out. This is kind of a terrible climate to be releasing something like this though. I mean it probably airs in an election year in 2020. I can only see it being worse than what we saw in 2016.
I love alternative history books, but aside from sensitive issues in the current context (yeah, it will go for sensationalism) I cannot see how that it will be a possible scenario.

I can buy the idea of the South winning or went into a stalemate in the original CW and remain a separated state with slavery legal, but for how long? It was not a viable state in the long term. A lot of nations still have slavery but one by one they would abolish it. The Confederate State can continue with slavery for like, 50 years more? Not much. A lot of pressure from external countries. Plus, they will be cut from any slavery trade soon, I cannot see an "internal production" of slaves being successful.

So I can see two different states, a Confederate and an Union on the current days, but slavery would not be a thing that distinguish them.


A little? I checked it out over the last few days and it seems the book thread is almost all comparisons to the book and/or speculation of future books. As a show watcher I'm glad the two are separated. If/when I read all the books it'd be nice to hop in and discuss over there, but I like discussion that focuses on the actual show rather than so much comparisons.
There is some, at least it hasn't had a 3+ page discussion on whether or not Cersei is actually evil.


Are they seriously going to try to paint SLAVE OWNING TRAITORS as some kind of righteous people try trying to make it day by day?? Fuck the very concept of this show. I'm sick and tired of people writing stories that either are based in reality where black people get brutalized(12 Years a Slave) or these white supremacy power fantasies. We're either a background prop or a whipping boy for most of Hollywood. Its disgusting.


Cautiously interested, especially with the Spellman combo involved.

This is why we still have 2 Game of Thrones threads, to quarantine the bait and shitposts.


Are they seriously going to try to paint SLAVE OWNING TRAITORS as some kind of righteous people try trying to make it day by day?? Fuck the very concept of this show. I'm sick and tired of people writing stories that either are based in reality where black people get brutalized(12 Years a Slave) or these white supremacy power fantasies. We're either a background prop or a whipping boy for most of Hollywood. Its disgusting.

Where did you get that impression from?


People are asking how this different from Man in the High Castle have to ask themselves did the confederacy really lose? You won't find a Third Reich flag flying anywhere publicly in Germany outside of a museum but think about how accepted the stars and bars here in the states. And that's just one way to think about it.

We're much more detached from Nazi germany than we are from the civil war and Antebellum America. The entire concept is tone deaf.
Sounds like it might be interesting although I don't really know how you'd deal with WW2, Nazi's, China, Japan, South Africa, Israel, etc from a global perspective while trying to keep a slave holding confederacy. Would other countries have taken up the mantle of technological innovation? How does a confederacy deal with South Americans, Asians, Irish, Italians, etc?


People are asking how this different from Man in the High Castle have to ask themselves did the confederacy really lose? You won't find a Third Reich flag flying anywhere publicly in Germany outside of a museum but think about how accepted the stars and bars here in the states. And that's just one way to think about it.

We're much more detached from Nazi germany than we are from the civil war and Antebellum America. The entire concept is tone deaf.

An arguement could be made that something like this could shape our distorted public opinion in positive ways. It could theoretically cause some "moderate conservatives" to have a "are we the baddies" moment.

It all depends on how it's handled, which is where my reservations stem from. These guys' track record with sensitive material is... questionable, at best.


An arguement could be made that something like this could shape our distorted public opinion in positive ways. It could theoretically cause some "moderate conservatives" to have a "are we the baddies" moment.

It all depends on how it's handled, which is where my reservations stem from. These guys' track record with sensitive material is... questionable, at best.

Lol, I highly doubt they'll have such a moment.


An arguement could be made that something like this could shape our distorted public opinion in positive ways. It could theoretically cause some "moderate conservatives" to have a "are we the baddies" moment.

It all depends on how it's handled, which is where my reservations stem from. These guys' track record with sensitive material is... questionable, at best.

Y'all have so much faith in people who have shown their asses time and time again and I quite frankly do not understand where it comes from


opening shot of the first episode will be a wide shot of a plantation and the first character introduced will be a young black woman. we will get to know her throughout this episode.

closing shot will be her being raped in a barn, as the camera pans back.


Y'all have so much faith in people who have shown their asses time and time again and I quite frankly do not understand where it comes from

I'm a veteran, I have tons of right-leaning friends who don't necessarily understand the consequences of their vote. Those are the types of people I was thinking of.

On the other hand, southern racists with confederate flags in their window could see a show like this as some sort of perverse fantasy... which is why it would need to be handled with utmost tact and attention to detail. I dunno if this duo can handle that.
Lee's strategy was a defensive war and not an aggressive war. Gettysburg was a mistakes because it went against Lee's overall plan to win the war.

Lee wasn't known as defensive minded general. Yes he had Longstreet, who was strategically minded General but Lee was actually more like Stonewall Jackson in that he favoured taking the fight to the enemy when possible. Lee's leadership style was also characterized as hands off. He loved to give vague orders to his two corp commanders Jackson and Longstreet and expected them to analyze the situations and plan accordingly. Jackson was very good at interpreting these vague orders to great success, always seizing opportunities to press his opponents. After Jackson's death after Chancellorsville, Lee reformed the Army under a 3 corps structure with Longstreet, Richard Ewell and AP Hill as corps commanders. Unfortunately for Lee, Ewell and Hill while good division commanders weren't suited for Lee's vague orders which is why Ewell failed to take Cemetary Ridge from Von Steinwehyrs division on the first day of Gettysburg. Of course the biggest mistake at Gettysburg is after the first day, Lee got his blood up and decided to attack the fortified Union position on the high ground rather thenntskin Longstreet's suggestion of packing up and moving around the Army of the Potomac and resuming the original plan of taking up a defensive position of their choosing between the Union Army and Washington and forcing Meade to attack.

Also if you want to look at defensive minded general force south look at Joseph E Johnston.
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