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I’m too old for MP games


Maaaan I was thinking the same thing today. I played a bunch more mw3 and getting my ass handed to me. It kinda feels like I'm not used to the controls or I have settings that need to be changed etc .. but also maybe I am just old haha I lose almost every 1v1 today, very frustrating. I try to ADS and my reticle just doesn't seem to want to go where I need it to go. Then I watch the other person's kill cam and they're like near laser accuracy to my face every time. Sigh. *It's weird cause I generally did very well in mw1 and mw2 but pretty sure I changed some of the controller settings? Need to take a look at this
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Gold Member
I will be in my 40s by then. If i lose weight and exercise daily i'll still be as good then as I am now.

It ain't about being in shape my man. Vision not as good. Reflexes not what they were. Time does indeed take a toll.

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.


Also I worry this site won't be around in the next 30 years :messenger_grinning_sweat:

What? NeoGAF is forever.
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How long since you last played Halo Infinite MP? Because you can't expect to go back to the game after some time and do good against people that play it for hours daily. It's the reason I gave up on MP games, I simply don't want to dedicate my time to be competitive. I rather spend my time on SP games.


If you're getting your ass kicked the problem may not be you but the matchmaking system. I don't know how AAA FPSes do their matchmaking, but in my multiplayer games it... exists. Or maybe it is in the game and you haven't played enough for the game to place you properly.

Anyway, I don't like hearing "I'm too old for x". Usually the explanation is that you personally don't like doing something anymore and that might link to being more experienced and knowledgeable about yourself or because of some other new element in your life but not just because you're older like that prevents you from enjoying.. It's subtly dishonest in a way I really don't like.


Age does have an effect but it's mostly down to motivation and time to grind.

I know I can be as good as I was, but back then I was putting in 5 hours + shifts daily vs once every few days now.
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I’m realizing that most members around here are predominantly single player type gamers..

We should have a vote!


Gold Member
It may just be an off day for you. I'm 39 and can still hold my own plenty of times, but depending on the game I may have an off day or two and that's when I play something else for a bit,, lol.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Tonight I decided to go play some Halo Infinite and half the time I was getting my ass kick…but bad. I don’t know why but it became more frustrating then fun so I guess it’s time to hang to glove.
I am there brother


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
It’s funny because when I play valorant all these little kids do awful, make terrible decisions, don’t use mics, some fully mute game, others playing sub 30fps and a ton more of mentally ill behavior.

I spank but I can’t carry 4 brain rotted retards. Their reactions don’t mean shit.


Neo Member
Pretty much as other's have said, it's a time issue. Adulting requires too much time, not enough gaming time, you can't be as good as a kid or teen who plays 4 to 8 hours almost every day and has no responsibilities what so ever, these games operate on muscle memory, trained reflexes and map awareness.

It does suck though, because MP is fun! Just not if the only people you play against are "It feels like an aim-bot" good! Sadly, when games have implemented "casual" MP modes, instead of being a bit easier/less high level competitive, those modes become packed with ******* smurfs who get their fun by playing high-level against casuals, because it turns out... people suck!


Tonight I decided to go play some Halo Infinite and half the time I was getting my ass kick…but bad. I don’t know why but it became more frustrating then fun so I guess it’s time to hang to glove.
Seems like you may be more out of practice than you are old. Tons of older gamers still play online multiplayer games and there are even gaming groups/clans that cater to older gamers like TOG, Gunslingers, etc. I would bet I'm older than you and I probably spend about 70% of my gaming time playing multiplayer games like Halo MCC, Halo Infinite, Sea of Thieves, Destiny 2, etc. In Halo MCC, I have like 45k kills vs 35k deaths and can hold my own. Practice is the key, especially in mature multiplayer games where people have put in tons of time to master the game. Playing with a competent team also helps, as going in solo and playing with randoms is going to be more of a challenge.
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March Climber

Gold Member
OP the problem is that you’re probably still relying on reflexes. The older gamer strat is to rely on positioning and patience. Know how maps work, understand where players come from, understand where the hot spots are and why. Sometimes you will have to hover around a good positional area, leave for a bit, then come back. Sometimes you should disengage, lead an enemy around a corner, place a grenade there, etc. It’s defensive and strategic play.

These types of things will at least put you ahead of the ones who decide to rush in and rely solely on reflexes and high accuracy to grab wins. Now at higher ranks you might hit a wall, but that’s okay.
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In my 40s

Fired up CS2 a few times. I can still play it but can't sit there for hours anymore.

If you want to solo/semi MP then I recommend Diablo 4. Find an active clan and you can solo and mp at your liesure.


What time is it?
You aren't old, you just suck. It reminds me of the time I tried out for the Harlem Globetrotters.



Gold Member
Tonight I decided to go play some Halo Infinite and half the time I was getting my ass kick…but bad. I don’t know why but it became more frustrating then fun so I guess it’s time to hang to glove.

Naw man I’m up there with you maybe older 52 and while I can’t hang with these adderol players I manage to make up my own new rules for completion. In cod im. Ever going to get all my guns gold and grind 100 hours but I like the game so I made a goal for me to max prestige all my guns and mods. I am not good with some of them so it becomes a challenge for me and I just don’t care about the KD etc anymore it’s meaningless. I put more emphasis on wins and helping the team win.

You can do this with a lot of genres and as an older gamer MMORPGs are great especially if you developed the yourself to a support class plus people will love to play with you since they can get the 50kills


I'm 40 and mostly play competitive multiplayer games. I get bored of most single player games pretty quickly these days but can play multiplayer all day.

I don't understand how people can get progressively worse at something they do regularly. I'm probably better than I ever was at games because I never stopped playing. Age means shit all.


I've accepted my interest in MP has waned for many reasons. I've started to get into CRPG's again, and I'm loving the slower more cerebral gameplay. I had neglected this genre for a long time but am glad to have been reconnected.


Gold Member
gotta load up on sugar for those fast twitch games they're not sustainable games to play except only a couple sessions here and there you don't wanna end up with diabetes


I'm 40 and mostly play competitive multiplayer games. I get bored of most single player games pretty quickly these days but can play multiplayer all day.

I don't understand how people can get progressively worse at something they do regularly. I'm probably better than I ever was at games because I never stopped playing. Age means shit all.

Some seniors start to lose their minds in their 70’s while others may be sharp as a tack while in their 90’s. Peoples mental decline isn’t a universal metric. I know my loss in gaming skill is for a fact due to my age…could be the weed too.


For me it's not really about getting my ass kicked as much as it is about the stuff I like no longer being as popular.

I miss when we got more games with good ol' team deathmatch or like Capture the flag and zones and things like that.

Outside of CoD and Halo (don't have an Xbox though) it seems like everything new is some battle royale or extraction shooter or weird objectives with small teams that seem impossible to play properly unless you are playing with people you know and using voice chat.

Titanfall 2 was the last new multiplayer shooter I really enjoyed.
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Gold Member
Tonight I decided to go play some Halo Infinite and half the time I was getting my ass kick…but bad. I don’t know why but it became more frustrating then fun so I guess it’s time to hang to glove.
I'm 50 and still hold my own. Maybe your just shit at videogames? Unless your 80, then yes your too old.
For me it's not really about getting my ass kicked as much as it is about the stuff I like no longer being as popular.

I miss when we got more games with good ol' team deathmatch or like Capture the flag and zones and things like that.

Outside of CoD and Halo (don't have an Xbox though) it seems like everything new is some battle royale or extraction shooter or weird objectives with small teams that seem impossible to play properly unless you are playing with people you know and using voice chat.

Titanfall 2 was the last new multiplayer shooter I really enjoyed.

I often feel that there isn't enough innovation in FPS, and I've been put off by the spam type moves that just result in casual and careless deaths which is what pushed me away from FPS years ago.

Iced Arcade

Isn't really age, it more that you don't have the time you once did to play. Some of these kids play for hours daily. Work, kids, social life, vagina etc all absorb time.


I was never exceptionally good at MP Shooters, but in Halo Infinite i did quite well as an older guy. You should try Chivalry 2, that game is more forgiving for older people.


I don't know what SBMM is like in Halo (does it even have SBMM?) but at least in COD it doesn't matter how old you are because after a few matches SBMM should put you in a skill category that you can compete in. Unless you literally struggle to move the joysticks and press the buttons on a controller (even then the lowest skill tiers of COD SBMM are very, very low so even a seriously disabled gamer should find a group to play with) then COD will find people to play with you that should make the experience decent.
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Keep in mind that in whatever online game you are playing 95% probably still doesn't have jobs and play the game 2 to 3 times more than you.

Other than that current multiplayer games do have a lot of battle pass crap weapons or other noob friendly gameplay mechanics that will het your ass kicked even if you start with the upper hand.
I'll still prefer and old that shooter where you'll have to rely just on skill.


You’re too old to play brainless dumb dumb bing bang boom I shoot you in the face you shoot me in the face we shoot each others in the face *insert racial slur* military porn MP games.

That or your brain rejects that garbage. Congrats, you’re free of this curse on gaming.
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I still smoke kids in MW2. And im 44.

Yes my reaction time isnt what it used to be, but its more than enough to blast the Bejesus out of those foul mouthed brats.
I usually make the top 3 of my team.

But it drains more energy compared to 15 years ago. I get fatigued much quicker....
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Gold Member
I thought the same but i'm enjoying the hell out of darktide, the warhammer aesthetic and god tier combat make it worth the hassle.

Maybe you should try pve instead of pvp, darktide also look incredible on a 4090 like yours.
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Gold Member
MP is fine but you have to deal with yourself getting worse and everybody younger than you getting better. It’s a losing situation if you’re ultra competitive. Just don’t play ranked I guess.


I will be in my 40s by then. If i lose weight and exercise daily i'll still be as good then as I am now.

Also I worry this site won't be around in the next 30 years :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Iam in my 30s and its still okay with some mp games but it's a farcry from my skills 10 to 15 years ago. I still have alot of game sense and know what to do but iam just slow and mechanically less capable. Can't imagine how bad iam 10 to 15 years from now haha.
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