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"I don't buy a console because it only has 1 or 2 games I'm interested in"


In my experience, it's worth buying a console for one game you really want. You're always going to find other games you didn't realise it had, which justifies the purchase. This is why I have most consoles, and I don't regret buying any of them.

It's very rare that a system will have absolutely zero games I'm interested in, but it has happened once or twice. Hello, PS Vita.
Generally speaking, there have to be around five games that make me considering a platform - be they future prospects or titles immediately available. The PlayStation 2 is a good example: previews of Devil May Cry, Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Silent Hill 2, and Grand Theft Auto III sold me on the PlayStation 2.

Sometimes one or two games are my main focus, while other games are seen as a "very neat bonus". See: Nintendo's Switch.

Would I purchase a platform that has really only one or two games to my liking on it? No, there has to be more to it.



I actually envy them. I have a pretty wide taste in games, not as wide as others but still more then average? I like a bit of everything. My backlog fucking sucks, and too much choice kicks in and I play less games.

Take my roommate for example. Really just plays shooters, and the occasional action game (like Fallen Order since he loves SW). He has no backlog, he basically just plays Modern Warfare and even considering he buys some of the packs he still spends way less then me on games.

I have another friend that really only likes MOBA, and Battle Royale games. He hasn’t spend more then $50 on games in almost2 years because his needs are fulfilled by League, CIV6, and Apex

They also have one platform, and don’t really see the need to buy another. My roommate is only PS4, and the other guy owns a budget pc build. They also both spend more time playing then I do despite having multiple platforms. Then you have all the people who play call of duty and like nba. Just because they only play sports and shooters doesn’t mean they are less of a “gamer” then you.
That's like eating the same thing for dinner every night.


I’d buy a console just for Zelda or Mario
I’d buy a console just for God of war
If buy a console just for Halo

Every other exclusives is a bonus.
I’ll never miss any game again!


The reasoning is that people are just talking shit online. Throw in a bit of Console Wars and there you go.

If you are into videogames then pretty much every console out there has something awesome for you. Unless you have a very, very, narrow and specific thing that you like and you just hate everything that isn't that.

Even older consoles and handhelds have a massive amount of quality content.

I've owned loads of different consoles over the years and never once owned something that didn't have awesome games to play.
So it doesn't really matter what system you get.

Some people just love the phrase "gathering dust".

There's a lot of truth in that, but it's not the whole story. For me in generations where I've owned too many platforms and had at least one get little use (including this one with Xbox One and then a gaming PC being the under used ones) it's definitely not been a case of feeling there were "no games" I wanted to play on them.

The issue is there were long stretches between games on them that I wanted to play more than what was available on my other platforms. Again, it really comes down to time. Games are time sinks. Especially if you like RPGs and/or play MP/Coop stuff that requires a lot of time. If you're gaming time is maxed out by games you're loving on however many platforms you own, it's really hard to justify to buying another platform even if it's easily affordable and there are games you'd enjoy on it. Point there being there that it's also not a "poor" people problem. Even with my wife and I making good money, and not having kids which makes it go WAY further, there's just no point in spending it on things that will get little use. Be it consoles, gadgets, tools etc. Even with a good amount of disposable income, being smart with it means retiring earlier, traveling more etc.

Anyway, and this isn't directed at you but the thread topic in general, there's no really legit reason to "need" to play everything that interests you. Do these people try the same with movies, shows, books and other things? There's way to much content for anyone with any semblence of regular life to possibly consume even every well reviewed thing that interested them, much less everything that catches their eye. What's even the point? To not have FOMO compared to people with no lives who can consume more? To feel you have a more informed GOTY vote in meaningless fan votes?

The only "need" when it comes to hobbies is having enough things someone enjoys within it that they're constantly happy and having fun and not getting bored. As long as someone is buying however many platforms and games they need to make that happen and they're golden. There's no need for people who want to own and play everything to not miss out to think they're more of a gamer or a more "serious" gamer or whatever than someone that owns fewer platforms and/or plays fewer games. Those people may spend more hours gaming than them and just be satiated with fewer games as they play mostly long RPGs or a few MP games instead of bouncing around to a bunch of 10-20 hour SP games. Others are just as serious about the hobby and would love to play more but lack free time do to work and family obligations. Not everyone, nor most people on sites like this, who don't own everything or have platforms "gather dust" are casuals who only like a few games. There's lots of reasons even people who truly love games and have the money to buy everything if they wanted just can't justify owning more than one or two platforms at a time.

I love gaming, but when I'm on my deathbed if I have any regrets it's not going to be not having played certain games or watched certain movies/games or read certain books. None of that shit is important at the end of the day. Their just fun things to fill the gaps between more important moments in life, hobbies to escape for a bit when work and life gets stressful etc.
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All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
What the fuck? How did this post end up in this thread?
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In my experience, it's worth buying a console for one game you really want. You're always going to find other games you didn't realise it had, which justifies the purchase. This is why I have most consoles, and I don't regret buying any of them.
It's very rare that a system will have absolutely zero games I'm interested in, but it has happened once or twice. Hello, PS Vita.
I bought a PS3 for Resistance. Would totally do it again. In fact, if Resistance Trilogy Remastered was announced for PS5, I would order it Right. Now.
'Course, I also bought a 360 for Halo.
PS4 I bought for TLOU and The Order.
So... yeah.
I got the PS4 early on because I knew Sony would deliver the games I wanted down the line... and I was gaming much more back then, so I played whatever for the first year or two.


I've seen this quote before and I want to understand the reasoning behind it
the reasoning is that an overhead cost of ~$400 isn't worth it to play one or two games. this doesn't sound unreasonable. would you pay $200 per game?

people don't have infinite money, otherwise they could afford to buy every video game system, regardless of the number of games they want that it plays.
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Right now I could easily buy a PS5, but I won't when there is only 1 game of interest.

My rule is to wait a minimum year for hardware problems and at least 6 games of real interest that make me buy the console
Shit bought a ps1 for mgs after I played the demo at a buddys house. Bought a Xbox for mgs 2 substance bought a ps3 for mgs4 and ultimately bought a ps4 for mgsv but that turned out to be total trash so 🤷‍♂️
That's like eating the same thing for dinner every night.
I’m not saying that I’m envious that they only play 2 games. I’m envious that don’t waste a shit ton of money on games they never play. They also enjoy those games so much that they don’t feel the need to play other games. There is absolutely nothing wrong with someone being very selective in the games they play..

Instead I’m over here buying a guy enjoying it for a few hours but never feeling like going back to it. Is it my own fault? Absolutely.


There are a ton of titles for PS4 that I would love to play. I'm so deeply invested in the PC, Xbox, and retro console ecosystem at this point though that I simply don't have time. One day.

Everyone's situation is different, OP.


Yeah with Microsoft and Sony the over lap is huge, 90% of the games are the same.

Spending £500 to play a few more exclusives isn't really worth it for most people. In perspective that would be an extra 10 new games on the console you already own, more if you include the software/subscription you'd need on an additional console.


I use to say I would wait until a console has 5 games that I'm interested in but I tend to get interested easily in a lot of games so this kills my waiting to buy strategy. I think originally I was going to wait to buy the PS5 but it seems silly when I know I'm going to end up buying several games for it when it launches. I might even get the xbox one x this time around at launch.
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I have a ps4 only for bloodborne (10/10) and i dont regret, i tried a few other games, and the only one that i liked is the new god of war (7/10).


I got the PS4 early on because I knew Sony would deliver the games I wanted down the line... and I was gaming much more back then, so I played whatever for the first year or two.

Yeah I do think early adopting a console is a different story than buying a second or third platform. Sony, MS and Nintendo are pretty much known commodities in terms of what type of games they focus on most with their first party games and with a Sony and MS you know they’ll get all the big third party games and that they’ll run and look roughly the same. Not much risk in buying early on as long as you buy whatever platform(s) have kept your entertained the past couple of generations. It’s usually going to be more of the same unless there’s some major change.

It’s a different equation when buying a second or third platform as then it’s really only exclusives that matter. Thus people will differ on how many must plays they need to make it worth the money to their budget, how much they care about trying to play everything, whether they have time for mkre games or are already samples on their current platform(s) etc.


King Snowflake
I wish I could say that. I buy consoles for a handful of games I want to play but can't play on PC. It's a huge waste of money. I wish I could abstain from the PS5 but if I find a preorder I will buy one and pay the 500 dollar tax to play 5-10 games over 5 years


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
I buy it just to watch TV on it ! No rly now if I did not had already a PS4 Pro I would get one just for Ghost of Tsushima !

After watching that GoT trailer from yesterday, I'm rethinking my stance on not buying a console for 1 or 2 games. If that game turns out as good as it looks, I think down the road I'll buy a cheap used PS4 to play GoT it looks so good, then donate it or trade it if the XsX has a mid gen upgrade.


You know, for a gaming "enthusiast" site, I find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that people can't find more than one good game to play on modern systems.


You know, for a gaming "enthusiast" site, I find it hard to wrap my head around the fact that people can't find more than one good game to play on modern systems.
You only need to read the posters history to get a good picture why.


Others actually care about playing everything.

So what's your favorite match-3 games, or hidden object games? Played any interactive visual novels recently? How about sports titles? Do you prefer Madden to NHL? Or is Fifa your thing?


I'm just saying no-one cares to play everything. Not you, not me, no-one.
Do you always take things literally?

My point was that you do yourself a disservice if you skip a platform that has good games, if you care at all about gaming.
Some people just don't care, that's fine.
Some people have an axe to grind (fanboys), those people are hopeless.


And exclusive games are getting more and more rare (outside of Nintendo). I REALLY want to play the FF7 remake but if I wait a year or so it will eventually find it's way to PC. Probably same with Kingdom Hearts 3 someday. Bloodborne is probably a no, ever, but that's the only loss in the long-term.


I don't really get this quote personally. If 1 or 2 games don't sell one on a console, than what would sell one on a console? Almost everyone hates console "gimmicks" that differentiate systems from one another, so I wouldn't even say that's a system seller anymore. So then that leaves games as a system seller. What's the point of getting a system if it doesn't have compelling games only available on it? Note: I'm not here to tell people how to spend their money, it's just I've seen this quote before and I want to understand the reasoning behind it.

It's why I never bought Wii, WiiU or Xbox One. Switch had more games that I liked. Really hope they do another Chronicles X. Still need to finish Astral Chain.


This discussion makes me realize how important it is to have that system defining game at launch. Features and teraflop numbers are great but it’s always and has always been about the game’s.

Imagine a new company (other than Sega w Sonic) trying to launch a new console without that identity and proven success like Nintendo has with Mario or Microsoft has with Halo— a new console is a hard sell without that one game no other system has.

Having multiple consoles for me is a little too much and not just because of the money— I had a PS3 and 360 last gen and I didn’t like having multiple systems in the house, I don’t have that much time.
With that said I will be buying a PS5 based solely on faith as I haven’t seen a game for it yet, but if Flight Simulator looks amazing on Series X, and I can buy a flight stick for the console, I’ll be buying a console for one game, but ultimately knowing of course that Halo, Gears, and Forza will all be amazing and available for it eventually. Flight Simulator is an experience I can’t get on PS5 or anywhere else and completely new to me so this is exciting—a new experience that looks challenging, beautiful, and endlessly entertaining, that’s all us gamers really want, right?


Because I am not going to fork $300 or more for one or two games. For example a ton of games I like on the PS4 are on Xbox one. Well I enjoy the PS4 exclusives far more so there isn't much that the Xbox offers me in addition to the PS4. I bought a Switch and rarely play it but my kids like it a lot for its exclusives. I have plenty to play on two systems.


I own a PS4 for, essentially, 3 games so far...but not because I bought a PS4, I was given it. 3 games, no matter how good they may be, is not enough of a library to get me to drop hundreds on a platform. Multi-plats are a no no because I can already play them on PC, so that only leaves exclusives...and amongst those my list of titles I'm interested in is extremely short. If Sony can't get me to drop money on more than 3 titles how do you expect them to sell me on the entire console?

Well what kind of games do you like? I'm sure we could all suggest some for you.


I don't like it but I would buy a console for just one game.

It would have to be a From Software game or CD Project Red exclusive.


Do you always take things literally?

Not 24/7 which is the definition for always.

My point was that you do yourself a disservice if you skip a platform that has good games, if you care at all about gaming.
Some people just don't care, that's fine.
Some people have an axe to grind (fanboys), those people are hopeless.

The thing is that what interests different people varies a lot.
A gaming enthusiast doesn't have to be interested in every new game just as a car enthusiast doesn't have to be interested in all cars, or a movie enthusiast doesn't have to be interested in all movies.

Now that said, obviously if the reason to not play a game that really interest that person is that it's on the wrong console, then that's something else. But even then it's understandable if it's about not wanting to pay for a new console. Sometimes people have to prioritize what they want to do - will they wait and have several new games for the console they already own or don't get those games but instead get another console to play whatever game interests them.

Personally I'm strongly of the opinion that if only one game interests someone on some console it's ok to buy the console for just that one game if they have money for that and the will to spend it. I don't think it's a waste of money. But some aren't that lucky with money so sometimes they have to choose - even if they really love playing video games.

But back to my initial point, if someone isn't interested enough in the new blockbuster game hits to get a console to play those games, that doesn't diminish their hobby at all in my opinion. Everyone has their preferences. Everyone is interested in different games. Some want to play only new games, some want to play only old games. Some want to play only critically acclaimed games, some aren't interested in those games for whatever reason. Some want to play only 1st party games, some want to play only indie games.
We can't judge who is an actual movie fans by how much they want to see the biggest hits. Everyone has only so much time in their lives and someone who would go and see all the new big budget films wouldn't perhaps use his time to watch some c grade horror movies too. And then again someone could watch those c grade horror movies as much or if not more than the guy who checks out every big movie that gets released. Both are legit movie fans. Different people care about different games and movies and cars, even if they love their hobby a lot.


It all comes down to "I would want to try this game" versus "I desperately need to play this game!" - if there's a game you desperately want to play and there is no other place to do so, then you'll pay every price and will forgive any flaws the system has, but otherwise, nah.
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