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If you could change the DS and the PSP?


if you could change the psp and the ds what would u add what would u take away and how would u go by doing this????

I say the Ds needs its screens to be a little wider to match its current look and it needs an analogue stick really badly.

if u choose to say the obvious like the psp's battery life expalin how u would go about fixing it.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DS: Merge the two screens together. One large touchscreen with total pixel resolution same as combined resolution of the two current screens.

PSP: Support all current Memory Stick standards, not just Duo. Would also be nice if UMD drive could also read MiniDisc and Hi-MD, but I'm not sure how feasible this is.


i'd make the psp a umd writer so the umd can become the next gen md format. it would be cool to write movies and music to umd. i think sony will have to do this if the psp starts to bomb


I'd give the DS 24-32 MB memory and at least Dreamcast level graphics instead of N64 level graphics. oh and better audio as well ^__^

PSP I'd increase the screen resolution even more, making it insanely high res.


DS: 1 screen instead of 2, and an analog stick.

PSP: Something to protect the screen, maybe some sort of lid that folds back underneath when in use.


Pimpbaa said:
PSP: Something to protect the screen, maybe some sort of lid that folds back underneath when in use.

this can actually be made really easily and u could have it click to the back


Pimpbaa said:
PSP: Something to protect the screen, maybe some sort of lid that folds back underneath when in use.

Yep yep, that's what I was refering to also.

Hopefully they'll show something like that during TGS, or from a 3rd party.

Seems like the pouch is the method of protection right now. Not nice..



Can only see small part of the yellow one..


The DS definitely needs an analog stick. DS needs a better battery, or to not use so much battery power. Maybe dual analogs on the DS, for south paws, so they can keep the symmetrical-type design.


No additional functions
First, I would prefer it if Nintendo connected the two screens side by side to make one big touch screen. I could care less about it having two seperate screens and from the looks of it, it does'nt look like it's being used for anything that could'nt be done on one screen anyway. If Nintendo is hell bent on having two screens and concerned about the price of the touch screen, then it might be cheaper for just the top screen to be bigger. As it stands, the screen size of DS is a big issue for me, especially when you compare it to the PSP.

Next, they should have two speakers for stereo sound. It's almost backwards. Two screens, one speaker...sometimes Nintendo really makes me wonder what they're thinking.

Last. Make it so you can play the games on your tv. I know it's got two screens, but if FFCC and Zelda:FS uses two screens (GBA and TV) then the DS should be able to do it too. I don't think it would be very hard to use the touch screen on the DS while an arrow displays the stylus' position on the tv. It might be awkward at first, but I remember when I first played NES, the controller was awkward too (ex. when I made Mario jump, I would yank the controller). Nintendo failed to implement that into GBA and made us by the GBA Player. The demand to be able to play GB games on the tv is obviously pretty good or else Nintendo would'nt have released the GBPlayer. If they're gonna keep going for connectivity, they need to get it right.


PSP - just battery I think. A recent interview with Chris Deering suggested that you can copy movies to memory stick, and I just saw a 2GB sandisk Memory stick pro in the shop, so hopefully duo sizes will go up a lot too.

DS - analog pad, both screens touch sensitive. slightly more power (Dreamcast rather than N64)
Changes for DS:

1. Make it look less clunky.

Seriously, that thing's a rounded brick. Sexy don't hurt. See SP.

2. More horsepower.

Chuck the 67MHz ARM-9 for a 200Mhz one like the i.MX1 from Motorola (super cheap now days). Keep the 33Mhz ARM 7 for the second screen and Backwards compatability, but add a real 3D GPU like the PowerVR MBX Lite. Software rendering is sooooooo 1994.

3. Better resolution screens.

WTF is 256x192? Can't we have 320x240? Sheeeeeeit~~~

4. Add an analog stick.

For feck's sake!

5. More RAM.

4MB is fine for what it was, but with the MBX and faster CPU, 16MB is more appropriate.

6. Bigger capacity battery

To compensate for all the crap I just added. ;)

With the above, you can now justified the $199 rumored price. And make that digitiser and 2 screen thing more useful. Now they are more than just gimmicks! :p

Changes for PSP:

1. Make the battery replaceable and hot swappable, and increase the capacity.

2. Don't put it out until you can sell it for less than $200.


PSP- Longer battery life. While it's not too big of a deal since its rechargeable, 3 hours is a bit short. 6 hours should be the minimum.

DS- Get some damn interesting games! I didn't see anything at E3 that got me excited. It could also use a design change.


well not really...yet
DS - not make it looke like a playschool toddlers toy, analog stick

PSP - longer battery life I guess.
Hmm, let's see...

DS - Probably shave off some of the extra fat on the casing and bring the screens a little closer together. I think one screen would defeat the purpose of the DS. :p I would probably add a small analog stick with the D-Pad, and would add in that CPU for GB/C games.

PSP - First off, battery and if that just can't be done cheaply I would think that dropping the whole idea of a disc based medium entirely. I'm not a big fan of it for portables. I'd also add in a screen cover of sorts, I shouldn't have to buy an accessory for that. I would also never let Sony release a single reflective plastic model. Also it needs a built in microphone and if the touch pad keyboard came with the unit that would be nice as well.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Wondering where you guy guys got those numbers about PSP battery life, I'd say:

NDS - Add analog stick
PSP - Add touch sensitivity


DS: Analog stick. If I could change only one thing about it, that would be it.
Change the design.
Ability to play GB and GBC games.

PSP: Ditch the UMD-drive, and use Memory Stick only. That would allow the unit to be smaller, and would also improve battery life. Nowadays, a 256Mb ROM (more than enough for a game played on a small screen) in such a small package, can't cost more than a UMD disc to manufacture.

No d-pad, only one big(ger) well placed analog stick. After all, how many games, besides beathemups, use the d-pad for main control?

Build-in cellphone capabilities. Making a hybrid WiFi/3G radio can't be to difficult (just a matter of cranking up the power and using another protocol for transmission).


DS: No 2nd screen, one big PSP-sized touchscreen instead, A-stick, graphics filtering

PSP: Battery life long enough to play a game or movie during an international plane ride, writeable discs, low price


Changes for DS: Make it smaller if at all possible.

Bring the screens in as close as possible. I would say combine them into one screen, but I think the touch screen will be complimented well by having one screen space clear for viewing (it's not like a combined screen will be all that large to see anything).

I have no idea about analogue. It seemed pretty clear to me that they were going for a symmetrical design so they could finally accomdated people who are left handed. That's a nice thought, but obviously a stick is better suited for 3D. Maybe they will try to get a dual stick configuration in there if possible.

graphics--at least get the filtering and blending modes back in there. Dreamcast graphics would be neat, but I'm not going to buy a portable that needs recharging after a few hours, which leeds me to the PSP.


Sort out the battery issue. Two hours is going to be painful. Sony might think that every one plays portables at home, but I think that's foolish assumption. A lot of us game on the go.

If they can, add another stick in there.

Find a way to cover the screen. Having owned GBs for a long time, I appreaciate the clamshell designed of the SP--Sony should take note especially if the PSP debutes at 300 dollar level.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Nintendo DS: I think having to use a stylus for gaming is a REALLY bad idea. I prefer to have both my hands gripping a system when I play it. To me, the stylus idea is Nintendo being innovative just for the sake of being innovative. Yeah, it could probably be decent for RTSes and the like, but for a screen that size, I just don't really see the need. Plus, like everyone else, I think Nintendo needs to get with the times and slap an analog stick on the thing already. All in all, the DS and Nintendo's plans for it have me confused. It's better than the GBA in terms of power, yet not really all that hot in the 3D department, oh, and it's NOT the next Gameboy. Er? Kind of seems like something that was rushed out.

Sony PSP: Naturally I don't know what the gaming battery-life on this system is just yet, but something tells me it's not going to be great. I think Sony should develop the first nuclear-core powered portable and really usher in a new era of long-lasting portable gaming satisfaction. Also, the UMD format really needs to be writable for consumers. Find some clever way to prevent game piracy and allows us to burn our damn media on the UMD like we want, instead of forcing us to buy a ridiculously overpriced memory stick that barely holds crap. Oh, and also make it $50 at launch. ;)


"Nintendo DS: I think having to use a stylus for gaming is a REALLY bad idea. I prefer to have both my hands gripping a system when I play it. To me, the stylus idea is Nintendo being innovative just for the sake of being innovative."

I don't have a problem with the stylus as an option--plus it will be very handy for communication apps and games that are going to be communication heavy (like Animal Crossing). My only problem is implementation. Metroid Hunters is example of how NOT to use a stylus in a game. Hopefully Nintendo and other DS developers realize this early on and abandon such ideas.


DS= I would make it less bulky

PSP= Get rid of the disc altogether, as it just sucks up battery power and isn't that helpful for portable gaming.


"Nintendo DS: I think having to use a stylus for gaming is a REALLY bad idea"

The stylus it´s the point of the machine, it has not sense without it.

I don´t undertand how you can keep the same arguments against Nintendo DS after E3, have you read the features? Have you read about Pac-Pix? explain me how you do that without an stylus. It´s a good chance to think in new ideas and I played games that were only possible with an stylus and was fun, neat and original (Pac-Pix, Mario Baby, Submarine for example).

What I´m seeing here is people wanting a Nintendo DS to be sometype of DC portatile with big screen. I´m sure Sony would like it too, so they can crush them with style.

I would change the style of Nintendo DS, smaller would be great as is it.

PSP would be perfect with 10 hours of battery whatever you want to do.
Blowjob port.

EDIT: This thread is just precious. Nintendo needs to 'get with the times' and put an analog stick on the controller? And who brought the analog stick back in the first place?


No additional functions
Gaijin To Ronin said:
What I«m seeing here is people wanting a Nintendo DS to be sometype of DC portatile with big screen. I«m sure Sony would like it too, so they can crush them with style.

Once I was actually able to see the difference PSP's bigger screen makes by comparing it to DS, I was disappointed. If Nintendo really wants to prevent Sony from taking over the handheld market, I think they should at least try to match their features (excluding media). Otherwise, it gives Sony more leverage. They already have the upper hand with graphics, and the bigger screen makes it that much more appealing. If the DS is truly as powerful as N64, I think those graphics would be just fine for a hand held system. Take PS1 for example. When you play a game on your tv, it looks good, but pixelated. When you play that same PS1 game with the portable screen, the resolution looks ten times better. That's what I envision the DS should be, so it's graphics could be compared to Dreamcast. Right now the touch screen seems to be the biggest thing the DS has going for it, but it has a lot of room for improvement. To me, it does'nt seem like Nintendo is going for this "full force" like Sony is. Unless Nintendo wants to lose the handheld war too, they better start getting serious.


What Nintendo needs is doing something fun that everyone would like to play, not going any war. This business it´s about fun, not war, and Nintendo have done a lot of that in this industry, so if they feel that model wasted and want to try something different, force to them.

What do you want? another stupid console wars where they are systems that can do almost the same, runnning the same games, the same way, and just offering different exclusives?

Sorry, I pass, it´s a waste of space and money. I don´t want another lame wars, two systems, two different experieces and different classes of games, that is great for me. Good luck to both.
Kobun Heat said:
Blowjob port.

EDIT: This thread is just precious. Nintendo needs to 'get with the times' and put an analog stick on the controller? And who brought the analog stick back in the first place?

hear hear. I agree with most of what's been said.

DS: the DS is currently undergoing design revisions. Post E3, i'd expect iwata to wave his baton and make the design crew spend hours redesigning the console. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. They should make the screens a tad bigger though (but then, the screens are expensive.. so maybe not) and that's about it. They did a wonderful job with the SP so I have quite a bit of confidence.

PSP: needs cover; more info on price/battery life before I can make any recommendations. It is quite sexy; as are sony's clie line. I think the media is problematic. Those UMDs are just asking to be scratched. and not being rewritable; I don't know how we're going to be getting our mp3s onto the device.

what can widescreen do for gaming that a smaller screen can't? But what can a dual screen system with touch interactivity do for gaming? A lot more I reckon.


No additional functions
I agree with the "different" direction Nintendo is starting to take. It's fresh and exciting. There is no doubt though, that Sony want's to take over the portable market. That's why I called it a hand held war. Sony is trying to take over, and Nintendo is trying to defend their position. I'm not saying any system looks bad, but that Nintendo should do more. They can't afford to go half-ass with the DS when Sony is coming at them with everything they've got. Going in a different direction and offering something unique is great, but that alone won't stop Sony.


Whatever Nintendo is doing, its no half-assed in any way. Its a very carefully tought plan to, as they say,'' bulletproof" their handheld lead. And it just might work if they do everything right. I agree, I went to E3 expecting to see PSP get all the attention, ended just NEEDING to have a DS after what was some of the most fresh and fun applications Ive seen in literally years.

What may seem to you as half assed is probably the smartest choice and balance between technology, functionality (especially in regards to battery life, thats rings a bell, ha?) and affordability.


kaching said:
DS: Merge the two screens together. One large touchscreen with total pixel resolution same as combined resolution of the two current screens.

GigaDrive said:
I'd give the DS 24-32 MB memory and at least Dreamcast level graphics instead of N64 level graphics. oh and better audio as well ^__^
Actually, these two things are more what I'm expecting of the rumored GameBoy Evolution in 2007/8. A single large front-lit touch screen, DC/PSP level visuals, wireless, 3DROM card media, dual analog sticks, GB line backwards compatability, 10-12 hour battery life and all for $99. Maybe a 4 player Mario Sunshine port for launch too. :)


Shogmaster said:
Changes for DS:

1. Make it look less clunky.

Seriously, that thing's a rounded brick. Sexy don't hurt. See SP.

2. More horsepower.

Chuck the 67MHz ARM-9 for a 200Mhz one like the i.MX1 from Motorola (super cheap now days). Keep the 33Mhz ARM 7 for the second screen and Backwards compatability, but add a real 3D GPU like the PowerVR MBX Lite. Software rendering is sooooooo 1994.

3. Better resolution screens.

WTF is 256x192? Can't we have 320x240? Sheeeeeeit~~~

4. Add an analog stick.

For feck's sake!

5. More RAM.

4MB is fine for what it was, but with the MBX and faster CPU, 16MB is more appropriate.

6. Bigger capacity battery

To compensate for all the crap I just added. ;)

With the above, you can now justified the $199 rumored price. And make that digitiser and 2 screen thing more useful. Now they are more than just gimmicks! :p

Changes for PSP:

1. Make the battery replaceable and hot swappable, and increase the capacity.

2. Don't put it out until you can sell it for less than $200.

jeeze y not just make a completly new system hell that could just be the friggan Gameboy Next.


PSP: Changed to a clamshell design. Sorry, but it really is too big as it is. Also, it should come with something to protect the screen, it's going to get uberscratched.

DS: Perspective correction, anti-aliasing and texture filtering turned ON.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
DS: Up the specs a bit, add an analog stick, and change the shape. I'd also make both screens touch screens and make their resolutions at least 320x240.

PSP: I'd add a cover (like one of those TI-calculator slide covers) and develop a new fusion energy source that would power the damn thing for more than 2.5-3 hours.
For the DS, I'd clean up the case so that the unit is a little smaller overall and looks like an SP, but the "Game and watch" strip in the middle can stay. I'd also come up with an integrated stylus holder and a way to hook up the GC/GBA link cable and give it a real headphone port instead of the same adapter crap the GBA SP has. I'd also ship it with some sort of free cheesecloth to clean off the touchscreen. I'd also do something with the dead space on the left and right of the top screen, maybe include stereo speakers this time? Not real sure what to do there but it's not particularly aesthetically pleasing.

In spite of all the elitist whinging at the power, a 3" screen doesn't need more juice than it's getting for most things, honestly. The internal hardware is fine as is.

For the PSP, I'd ditch the optical drive entirely as it sucks too much juice and causes durability issues, clock the CPUs so that the unit can have 10+ battery hours but still keep that sweet screen, change it to a clamshell design, ditch all those useless USB etc. external ports, and make it play mp3s instead of this stupid ATRAC crap. Definitely keeping the memory stick compatibility and the wifi, just that you'll have to *GASP! buy a $10 reader to transfer files to it. Oh, yeah, I wouldn't sell the thing unless I could retail it for $150ish or hopefully less either.


TheGreenGiant said:
what can widescreen do for gaming that a smaller screen can't? But what can a dual screen system with touch interactivity do for gaming? A lot more I reckon.

Uh, a wide screen is far better then two small screens, for gaming.
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