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IGN reviews Shaun White Snowboarding [Wii]


A kid-friendly, motion-controlled version of Shaun White Snowboarding could have been a disaster, but this turns out to be a truly slick edition of the franchise. Not only is this one of the best-looking Wii games available, both remote and balance board controls feel really nice. I recommend it regardless of whether or not you own the board. This will be another good one to bring out when your non-gamer friends come over, as it fits the "pick up and play" description perfectly. The option to work through the entire game cooperatively is great but it would have been nice if your progression could carry over between single- and multiplayer. Overall this is a polished package and a great example of how to treat the Wii version of a multi-platform game.

8.5 Presentation
Shaun White has a slick art style, lots of friendly in-game options, and a few coats of polish.

9.0 Graphics
Kudos go to the developers for not trying to pull off realistic graphics with the less-powerful Wii. This is one of the best-looking games for Nintendo's current console.

8.0 Sound
Good selections from bands like Run DMC, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, and Blue Oyster Cult.

8.0 Gameplay
Not as deep as other boarding games, but it's still a lot of fun and provides a great tactile feeling.

8.0 Lasting Appeal
Cooperative and competitive modes for up to four players should keep you riding for a good while.

8.4 Overall



Some other reviews:

NGamer UK - 8.4
Official Nintendo Magazine - 8.0
EDGE - 7.0
NRevolution - 7.0

I guess it's not the Ubisoft Wii failure many were expecting.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I can only see and remember this game as the introduction to the worst E3 conference ever.

Good score, though.


Kudos go to the developers for not trying to pull off realistic graphics with the less-powerful Wii. This is one of the best-looking games for Nintendo's current console.
Has it come to this? This is a game with "realistic graphics" on Wii? Really?


Will rent, and if good, will purchase. The balance board tie in and the fact that I'm jonesing for a quality snowboarding title will push me to purchasing.

Ubisoft made a GOOD game for the Wii?

This could be a disaster of biblical proportions! Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave! Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!
Aaron Strife said:

Ubisoft made a GOOD game for the Wii?

This could be a disaster of biblical proportions! Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave! Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

Don't forget Ami saying he likes the Wii.

JDSN said:
Why shouldnt developers try to make realistic Wii games?

Because that would require effort and monetary resources, not "good enough" for their cash grab.

C'mon you know it's true. A sad truth.

Aaron Strife said:
Cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

Epic satire win.


JDSN said:
Why shouldnt developers try to make realistic Wii games?
Trying to replicate the look of the PS360 versions, which isn't possible, would've been a horrible choice. I think it's better that they gave it its own original look.

It wouldn't compare if they tried to replicate it, so instead they gave it it's own unique look which has some charm.

_Alkaline_ said:
Don't forget Ami saying he likes the Wii.

You forgot to mention Obama becoming president. Who would've thought?
JDSN said:
Why shouldnt developers try to make realistic Wii games?
Because the games are going to age really, really quickly. Twilight Princess vs. Wind Waker, for example; Twilight Princess is already starting to show its age while Wind Waker is still visually pleasing.

That and the Wii's hardware is significantly weaker than the PS3/360, which makes it look even worse by comparison.

If this game really is as good as IGN makes it sound, I hope not only that it sells well but convinces UbiSoft to put more effort into future Wii games. I noticed that the developer of the Wii version is UbiSoft Montreal (who developed the PS360 version), which would certainly explain things. If UbiSoft wants to put a bunch of casual games on the Wii, that's totally fine as long as they put a fair amount of effort into it.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I'd probably pick this up if I had the balance board.

The M.O.B

Too bad even if this game is pretty good, i doubt it will sell anything respectable unfortunately.

I'm already playing a couple games on the wii plus AC is coming so I might just rent it. (haven't rented a game in years)

bdouble said:
Still I think IGN needs to stop promoting the "style is the only way to get good visuals form the Wii talk"

Really getting sick of it.

style IS the only way to get good visuals from the wii

Twilight Princess
Mad World

on ps360 it's a whole different story


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
bdouble said:
Still I think IGN needs to stop promoting the "style is the only way to get good visuals form the Wii talk"

Really getting sick of it.
AAMOF, style is the only way to get good visuals on any current console (vehicle games excepted).


The M.O.B said:
on ps360 it's a whole different story

I don't care how many polygons and light sources and shaders you throw at me...If a game has shitty art design, it's going to look like crap to me...


The M.O.B said:
style IS the only way to get good visuals from the wii

Twilight Princess
Mad World

on ps360 it's a whole different story
Maybe style is the best way to go for Wii visuals, but CoD5 still looks decent. It all comes down to the developer.

The Conduit's engine looks powerful enough to pull off a great realistic looking game, but it's the style that's missing with that game.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
The M.O.B said:
style IS the only way to get good visuals from the wii

Twilight Princess
Mad World

on ps360 it's a whole different story

Basically. The Conduit has been blasted to hell and back because of it's (non)-art style, despite its impressive tech. Edit- Gratefully beaten by Ydahs.

The M.O.B

Jaded Alyx said:
What does this have to do with this thread?

His 360 is loud?

Edit: The Conduit is impressive technically but it's almost like they hired a bunch of programmers and forgot about the artists.


Trucker Sexologist
blu said:
AAMOF, style is the only way to get good visuals on any current console (vehicle games excepted).
Realism is technically an art style. If Namco can do Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast and Capcom can do Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube then Wii devs cannot cite technical limitations as an excuse. It just comes down to the amount of work that they are willing to put into it. The bottom line is that tere's really no point in pouring tons of resources into the graphics when the competition sets the bar so low and consumers don't put much weight on the visuals.

The game does look decent though so kudos to the devs for doing that much.


I just realized this game is out in Australia! Came out on November 13th.

Bizzyb said:
Don't lower your standards.
Even though I agree it shouldn't have gotten a 9, it does look quite impressive in motion.
After seeing how snowboarding could feel in wiifit, i never wanted to play another one with an analog stick again(like the wiimote). Didnt expect much of this particular game, but ill try it by default anyway.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
SapientWolf said:
Realism is technically an art style. If Namco can do Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast and Capcom can do Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube then Wii devs cannot cite technical limitations as an excuse. It just comes down to the amount of work that they are willing to put into it. The bottom line is that tere's really no point in pouring tons of resources into the graphics when the competition sets the bar so low and consumers don't put much weight on the visuals.

The game does look decent though so kudos to the devs for doing that much.
you're right - realism is a style, but you know what i meant by style - eveything but realism. as realism yesterday and realism today are fairly different notions - while yesterday you could slap some mocap on clearly anime/puppety figures and call it 'realism', today aiming for realims results in anything from awkward to outright disturbing. i know it's become a cliche, but uncanny valley is not just a name of a place in a game*. time and time again i've held my head in disbelif what genious art direactor decided the attrocities of human beings populating current realistic games would be considered eye-pleasing. everything stems from the fact that the more the player knows something from real life, and the more complex that thing is to model, the worse trying to portray that realistically in a game ends. so human chars end up as the prime carriers of uncanny valley syndrome as we all look closely at each other in out daily routines, and human physique turns out darn hard to model too, at least under the constraints of real-time on entertainment-class hw. simple question - what do you like better appearance-wise: assassin creed or the new PoP? for me, personally, the latter wipes the floor with the former.

* monster lab, wii/ps2/ds

The M.O.B

Bizzyb said:

Galaxy and corruption they gave 9.5's for graphics
Blur a 8 and TP a 8.5

Until you play it in your own room you cant truly say it doesn't stack up to those.

standard hasn't changed as far as i know...


Good to hear that it's not shit (well, if IGN can be trusted.. :/ ), but it won't be the best Ubisoft Wii game released this month.

Raving Rabbids, bitches!

Ydahs said:
:lol brownie points for emcee making the post.

sprocket said:
this , skate it , and Tales .. Its a good week to be a Wii owner.
It's like you people are teasing me on purpose.
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