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IGN's Top 100 RPGs of All Time

eh? Legend of the Dragoon is on this list? Of all the wonderful RPGs to grace this green earth, I don't see how a game that is so thoroughly mediocre in every single way can possibly be present on a list such as this.

I know the game has its fans, and nostalgia plays a part for a lot of that, but 75th? C'mon...

Yeah, that's how I feel. The battle system is pretty decent, but everything else is subpar.

It isn't awful, but LoD is nowhere near best RPG of all time material.


Easily one of the worst Jrpg gameplay i had ever played. I throw 20-25 hours into the game and that even could not save the game for me.T_T Even 100 games, there are also much more many games that i believe sadly won't ever be mentioned there.

I guess it is the example of difference in taste i guess.T_T I really can't stand that game. I literally fall asleep on one of the battle there.T_T

I would even rate Tokyo Mirage Session to be higher than NnK here.



eh? Legend of the Dragoon is on this list? Of all the wonderful RPGs to grace this green earth, I don't see how a game that is so thoroughly mediocre in every single way can possibly be present on a list such as this.

I know the game has its fans, and nostalgia plays a part for a lot of that, but 75th? C'mon...

It would have been on my top RPG list if I made one. I adored LoD back in the day. It sold very well and had people asking for a sequel throughout the PS2 generation. Alas, it never came.


Even before going in the topic I knew it would hard for anybody to like the top.
I personaly couldn't even do a precise one at all.
But Chrono Cross would be in the top 10, not 85 ha ha.


I'm a bit dissapointed to see Valkyria Chronicles so low, its one of my favourite RPG's.

I can't really be mad, I probably haven't played half of the games they include on the list. I just want to see where Final Fantasy VIII ranks (my favourite game) i'll guess somewhere in the 30's - 40's.


I don't know about you guys but having a 'top 10/50/10 whatever' is fundamentally wrong as its really hard to set one excellent game over another. Instead they should rank them in tiers like Diamond, Gold, Silver.


Easily one of the worst Jrpg gameplay i had ever played. I throw 20-25 hours into the game and that even could not save the game for me.T_T Even 100 games, there are also much more many games that i believe sadly won't ever be mentioned there.

I guess it is the example of difference in taste i guess.T_T I really can't stand that game. I literally fall asleep on one of the battle there.T_T

I would even rate Tokyo Mirage Session to be higher than NnK here.

I agree with you here. Ni no Kuni might be pretty, have a good soundtrack and all that. But the battle system is utterly boring and you're going to have to battle a lot in order to get to the juicy parts.

I think I dropped the game after 20 hours or so. I was already forcing myself to play it and, when I evolved some minions and they went back to level 1 I just couldn't stand it anymore.
Legend of Dragoon wasn't even considered good when it came out, it just had a big marketing push from Sony. This is basically just a list of RPG's that the IGN staff remembered exist.


I can already guess their top 5
1. Witcher 3
2. Zelda BotW
3. Skyrim
4. FF7
5. Mass Effect 2

Zelda would deserve it but its an Action Adventure. -Even though it has a lot of RPG elements and even scales their enemies by "levels" Red being level 1, Blue Level 2, Black Level 3, and so on...
I agree with you here. Ni no Kuni might be pretty, have a good soundtrack and all that. But the battle system is utterly boring and you're going to have to battle a lot in order to get to the juicy parts.

I think I dropped the game after 20 hours or so. I was already forcing myself to play it and, when I evolved some minions and they went back to level 1 I just couldn't stand it anymore.

The battle system is truly a snooze fest, but luckily for me I was able to evolve the Puss In Boots line of familiar and that got me through the tedium. The AI is just..terrible. They waste all their MP within a single battle and then die to the same trash mobs in the next. There's not nearly enough variation in AI tactics to curb this...it's either all of nothing.

I loved everything else surrounding the game though, story (white witch arc does feel a little tacked on though), music, characters, world, side quests etc so I managed, but I certainly hope the sequel addresses the battle system.




I agree with you here. Ni no Kuni might be pretty, have a good soundtrack and all that. But the battle system is utterly boring and you're going to have to battle a lot in order to get to the juicy parts.

I think I dropped the game after 20 hours or so. I was already forcing myself to play it and, when I evolved some minions and they went back to level 1 I just couldn't stand it anymore.

I actually feel really bad actually not liking Ni No Kuni here. I really love the art, music and probably the story if i can push further but sadly, the battle system being boring let me down.T_T

And i also feel a bit hypocrite for hating the game here for simply the battle system as i sometimes feel that i am able to love other games which also had the same questionable battle system like Infinte Space,etc but Ni No Kuni battle system simply give me no pull to continue.T_T While Infinite Space actually give much more strategic and planning that i end up loving the battle system in the end.^^

Awakening over Path of Radiance? Barf.

Path of Radiance over FE 12 or 6. Pffft.^^
not even memeing, X-2 is one of the best final fantasy games
I wasn't kidding either

Just cause its camp doesn't mean it should be deleted from existence. I actually like it better than FFX but I'm not into X anyway.

Yaaas promote this Junior immediately.

Seriously though, if an opneworld WRPG from the last 10 years takes #1..lol
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Final Fantasy VI
3. Baldur's Gate II
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Persona 4 Golden
6. Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt
7. Planescape: Torment
8. Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
9. Dark Souls
10. Fallout: New Vegas

Man, it's so insanely hard to even come up with a potential top 10. There are easily 10 more games I think "deserve" to be in the discussion for top 10.

Also, I haven't quite beaten Persona 5 but it's very likely a definite top 10 for me.
Awakening over Path of Radiance? Barf.

For real!


I actually feel really bad actually not liking Ni No Kuni here. I really love the art, music and probably the story if i can push further but sadly, the battle system being boring let me down.T_T

And i also feel a bit hypocrite for hating the game here for simply the battle system as i sometimes feel that i am able to love other games which also had the same questionable battle system like Infinte Space,etc but Ni No Kuni battle system simply give me no pull to continue.T_T While Infinite Space actually give much more strategic and planning that i end up loving the battle system in the end.^^

Path of Radiance over FE 12 or 6. Pffft.^^

Also for real!

Re NNK, I get folks not being able to deal with the battle system. I was just so enamored with everything else...
For real!

Also for real!

Re NNK, I get folks not being able to deal with the battle system. I was just so enamored with everything else...

When combat takes up so much of any given RPG, having a shitty battle system with bad AI and a progression mechanic tied to fighting things over and over really hurts the game.

NNK2 looks like it fixes a lot of this, but NNK1 is irredeemable IMO.


Yeah, I never got the Ni no Kuni love either. The gameplay is terrible, but the story and characters also take a nosedive after a couple of hours. Level-5 can't make a good RPG to save their life nowadays. It sucked too, I was incredibly hyped for Ni no Kuni and even got the collector's edition (which is rad), only to end up disliking the experience.


Ah, Breath of Fire 3.

I loved that game as a kid. I remember it being one of the first games I really got invested in from a story perspective. Would love to replay it.

What's the easiest way to play it these days?


I don't know how people can play the Final Fantasy games and accept X-2 into their headcanon.

It's like thinking Star Wars Holiday Special is part of the original trilogy.

It's a game in a series loved for it's story and characters, with rubbish story and characters..

It's alright though, I liked it more than V or XV
I mean, aside from how short sightended this is list is so far...all I could really see is, "so far, all of these games aren't as a good as FFXIII", unless it just doesn't make the list at all. That would actually win this list some credibility.


Like one of these lists is going to have games on it that were never releases in the west.

That said, FE6 (Roy's game) wasnt that good.
You'd be surprised how varied the Gaiden chapters are. And they give you a sweet reward for completing them plus the best ending. Different endings are an underappreciated RPG feature.
Man, it's so insanely hard to even come up with a potential top 10. There are easily 10 more games I think "deserve" to be in the discussion for top 10.

Also, I haven't quite beaten Persona 5 but it's very likely a definite top 10 for me.
Indeed and there are many I still need to play. I guess mine would look something like:

1. Vagrant Story
2. Dark Souls
3. Shining Force 2
4. The Witcher 3
5. Persona 4 Golden
6. Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
7. Shadow Hearts
8. Panzer Dragoon Saga
9. Final Fantasy XII
10. Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel


I know this list will be bad, but so far i saw worst, thing will get weird at top 20

What i think so far should not be on this list at all :

97 - Fable II
90 - Divinity: Original Sin
89 - Dragon Age: Inquisition
71 - Jade Empire
70 - Fire Emblem Awakening


I bet that Final Fantasy VII will somehow be outside the top 10 even though it did more to bring interest to JRPGs globally than any JRPG not named Pokemon.
My top 5

1. Skyrim
2. Mass Effect Andromeda
3. Gothic 4
4. Dragon Age 2
5. Final Fantasy 13

Genuine question, not mocking your taste but are you serious or trolling? If serious you're a bit of an outlier here lol.

I actually liked Dragon Age II a lot. The way the story unfolded was excellent through Varric. The lack of dungeons and going into the same couple of maps over and over are what really killed it for me though. Not a top tier game for me but I enjoyed it and didn't regret the purchase.


Like one of these lists is going to have games on it that were never releases in the west.

That said, FE6 (Roy's game) wasnt that good.

FE6 for me is easily better than many other FE for how hardcore the game is.^^ And it had one of the best Helicopter enemy lol.^^

When combat takes up so much of any given RPG, having a shitty battle system with bad AI and a progression mechanic tied to fighting things over and over really hurts the game.

NNK2 looks like it fixes a lot of this, but NNK1 is irredeemable IMO.

Totally agree. For me battle system is important. If the battle system is bad, i don't think how it can help me to finish the whole game.T_T

I'll take Ni No Kuni's battle system over another iteration of FFs or DQ's battle system.

Lol. I would take a proper turn based system tens times more than just simply trash battle system that Ni No Kuni brought out.


Gold Member
When combat takes up so much of any given RPG, having a shitty battle system with bad AI and a progression mechanic tied to fighting things over and over really hurts the game.

NNK2 looks like it fixes a lot of this, but NNK1 is irredeemable IMO.

agreed. there's no way, no matter how pretty it might be, that any game with a battle system as terrible as ni no kuni's deserves mention on a 'top 100' list. i can still clearly remember just how flabbergasted i was when i realized that, yes, this was actually how the combat mechanic worked :) ...


I'm surprised to see Legend of Dragoon on this list. I'm especially surprised to see it ranked higher than Valkyria Chronicles and Chrono Cross...

Well, I guess people are entitled to their own opinions...even if they're way wrong.

Lack of Xenogears mention in this thread is really disappointing.

That's because it's bound to be closer to the top of the list. Give it some time ;)
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