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In his 50s, 'Unknown' star Liam Neeson became an action hero

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7:16 PM EST, February 17, 2011

Los Angeles

"Taken" changed Liam Neeson's acting life. When the action film was released in 2008, the Irish actor was 56 -- an age when most actors start looking for parts as grandfathers or crusty old neighbors.

There'll be none of that for Neeson. Since "Taken," he's played Zeus in "Clash of the Titans" and Colonel Hannibal Smith in "The A Team." Now he's the central figure in the action thriller "Unknown."

"I seem to have gotten a new lease on life since this 'Taken' movie was so successful. At the age of 58 -- I'm sorry, did I say 58? -- at the age of 37, it's great to become kind of an action hero," Neeson says.

Neeson's character in "Unknown" starts out rather passive. He and his wife are in Berlin for a technology summit. The action comes when he awakens from a taxi accident in a freezing river and discovers someone else has taken over his life.

Shooting the crash scene reminded Neeson that while he might be getting action roles, he doesn't have the bravado he did 30 years ago.

For starters, it was the coldest winter in Berlin in 20 years with freezing rain, frost and ice. Neeson says it takes talent "just to execute the film in those sorts of conditions."

To shoot the crash, Neeson had to appear to be unconscious while the taxi filled with water.

"It was very, very scary for me. I'm not a very strong swimmer. I came to water late. In fact, I learned to swim at the age of 20," Neeson says.

He worked with the stunt coordinator in a swimming pool to practice being underwater. The day of the shoot, the cab was lowered into a tank as the cameras rolled.

"I banged the window. I'm unconscious, feeling the water coming up knowing everyone is there. And the water got to there (Neeson puts his hand just above his nose) and I panicked," Neeson says. "We got out. The problem was I wasn't in control.

"I took deep breaths and lowered myself into the seat which was easier to do."

Along with that watery stunt, the film required Neeson to be part of a long car chase scene and in several fights while handling all of the mysteries and twists of the plot.

Director Jaume Collet-Serra cast Neeson because he had the physical and emotional intensity to make both parts of the film work. His evaluation was based mainly on Neeson's pre-"Taken" work, which ranged from action films like "Batman Begins" and "Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace" to more subtle work in "Love Actually" and "Schindler's List."

His ability to handle both the physical and mental demands go back to his youth, when he was an amateur boxer.

"The discipline of going to a gym and hitting a heavy bag gives you a respect for hard work as well as keeping you reasonably fit. It's a discipline you have to apply if you're lucky enough to get films. There's a discipline to getting up at 6, working 17 hours and coming home to work out or rest," Neeson says. "The training I did as a child has stood me in good stead in the motion picture business."

Neeson is enjoying his action-hero status but would be willing to take a break if the right theater production came around. It's been two years since he was on stage and he's feeling some withdrawal symptoms.

"Its kind of like a drug," he says. "A muscle you have to exercise every now and then."


Unconfirmed Member
Liam Neeson is just awesome. I will not hear a bad word said against Liam Neeson.


NinjaFridge said:
Liam Neeson is just awesome. I will not hear a bad word said against Liam Neeson.
There is nothing unlikeable about Liam Neeson.

If you take away one thing from his movies, it should be "don't mess with his daughter."




I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Good for him. Keep kicking ass into your 100s like Sean Connery, man. Taken was incredible.


_dementia said:
I haven't seen Taken yet. I should, right?

Yes. And all my friends who loved Taken really like Unknown. So maybe see both?

Its so odd that it takes so much to make a good action thriller.


Unconfirmed Member
ryutaro's mama said:
He accepted the role of Qui Gon Jin.

Best thing about the entire prequel trilogy. If he had been in all of them, they would get more praise.
NinjaFridge said:
Liam Neeson is just awesome. I will not hear a bad word said against Liam Neeson.
Yup. Just saw Unknown and liked it. I just hope we get another cool film early next year to complete the Liam Neeson "Like a Boss" trilogy.


"Get off my plane!"... I mean..."Where is my daughter!?"

I love the man ever since:


But he wasn't 50+ back then.


exarkun said:
Yes. And all my friends who loved Taken really like Unknown. So maybe see both?

Its so odd that it takes so much to make a good action thriller.

Think it has to do with movies trying too hard whether it be with special effects or story. Taken to me felt old school and simple and is probably why I enjoyed it.


From recent movies of him, I have only seen taken but it was gud. He is also going to star in Ji-woon Kim's (I saw the devil, Bittersweet Life, and so on.) new film.


Drunky McMurder
NinjaFridge said:
Best thing about the entire prequel trilogy. If he had been in all of them, they would get more praise.

No, they really wouldn't.

But you can't really blame him for taking that role. It was the new freaking Star Wars. Back before we saw the new freaking Stars Warses and realized that they were awful.
Archaix said:
No, they really wouldn't.

But you can't really blame him for taking that role. It was the new freaking Star Wars. Back before we saw the new freaking Stars Warses and realized that they were awful.

Sure you can if he read the script.


Unconfirmed Member
Archaix said:
No, they really wouldn't.

But you can't really blame him for taking that role. It was the new freaking Star Wars. Back before we saw the new freaking Stars Warses and realized that they were awful.

Liam Neeson makes movies better simply by being in them. If he was in all 3 films they would all be better. This is a fact.

Also, Liam Neeson mentored Obi-Wan Kenobi AND Batman. Think about that shit.


I've been a fan since 1991's Under Suspicion - a taut British crime thriller that made great use of its setting and stars.

It's amazing to think Liam Neeson is 58 years old! I would love to be as lively, vibrant and physical at that age.
NinjaFridge said:
Liam Neeson makes movies better simply by being in them. If he was in all 3 films they would all be better. This is a fact.

Also, Liam Neeson mentored Obi-Wan Kenobi AND Batman. Think about that shit.

Oh dear...

Someone obviously doesn't understand the difference between a "fact" and an "opinion".


Taken is so awesome. It's a clinic on the 80s action movie throwback. The indespensibles or whatever Stallone's movie was called forgot what 80s action was all about. It's filmed on the cheap in Europe or Asia, it's focused on one guy who is a murder machine, it has bad guys who are irredeemable scum you can't wait to see murdered, and it has bad ass quotes. The only thing Taken needed was a montage set to synth pop.


I walked right past him as he was leaving a best buy. Damn! At least I got to meet frank langella back when the project was called unknown white male. nice fellow


Drunky McMurder
ryutaro's mama said:
Sure you can if he read the script.

Well, yeah, but are we entirely certain there was one of those when he accepted the role? For all I know the casting process involved a rolodex of agent names and a bunch of tequila.

If George Lucas in 1997 called up and said "I've got this role. It's like Obi Wan from the first movie but I haven't really developed it yet beyond that, I'll get around to it. You in?" nobody would have turned him down. They would have assumed he was telling the truth about developing it beyond there.


Unconfirmed Member
ryutaro's mama said:
Oh dear...

Someone obviously doesn't understand the difference between a "fact" and an "opinion".

Oh dear...

Someone obviously doesn't understand the difference between "exaggeration for humorous effect" and "a totally serious post".
NinjaFridge said:
Oh dear...

Someone obviously doesn't understand the difference between "exaggeration for humorous effect" and "a totally serious post".

Doesn't read in the context of your post but at least you found it humorous.


Unconfirmed Member
Draft said:
Taken is so awesome. It's a clinic on the 80s action movie throwback. The indespensibles or whatever Stallone's movie was called forgot what 80s action was all about. It's filmed on the cheap in Europe or Asia, it's focused on one guy who is a murder machine, it has bad guys who are irredeemable scum you can't wait to see murdered, and it has bad ass quotes. The only thing Taken needed was a montage set to synth pop.

see also: Man on Fire

"I will give you her life for your life."


Draft said:
Taken is so awesome. It's a clinic on the 80s action movie throwback. The indespensibles or whatever Stallone's movie was called forgot what 80s action was all about. It's filmed on the cheap in Europe or Asia, it's focused on one guy who is a murder machine, it has bad guys who are irredeemable scum you can't wait to see murdered, and it has bad ass quotes. The only thing Taken needed was a montage set to synth pop.

Watch this with your favourite synth pop tune in the background?

(spoilers for those who have not seen Taken offcourse)


Taken is my favorite action movie for the last several years at a minimum. Gotta make sure you watch the Taken Extended Harder Cut.

Biggest holy shit this is awesome moment is when he
shoots his friends wife in the shoulder
Draft said:
Taken is so awesome. It's a clinic on the 80s action movie throwback. The indespensibles or whatever Stallone's movie was called forgot what 80s action was all about. It's filmed on the cheap in Europe or Asia, it's focused on one guy who is a murder machine, it has bad guys who are irredeemable scum you can't wait to see murdered, and it has bad ass quotes. The only thing Taken needed was a montage set to synth pop.

Actually not really. The way it's produced, edited, and film doesn't give off any of the cheaper 80's style of action film making. Very kinetic, and fast paced, rapid editing, even has free running, and the aged hero of someone like Liam Neeson doesn't fit the bill of the 80s hero either.

This film making is very in line with producer Luc Besson's energetic style of the last 2 decades since the 90s who's style is not very 80s.


Misleading thread title, I thought you meant Liam Neeson was an unknown actor... crazy :D

Other than the movies mentioned already I thought he was great as Jean Valjean in that Les Misérables movie from the late 90s. Kind of surprised he's 58 as well. I can totally see him going into his 60s and 70s with grace like Sean Connery.
ryutaro's mama said:
Doesn't read in the context of your post but at least you found it humorous.

It was pretty obvious that he was exaggerating. "This is a fact," sorta cements it. Nonetheless, Liam Neeson is good people.


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Actually not really. The way it's produced, edited, and film doesn't give off any of the cheaper 80's style of action film making. Very kinetic, and fast paced, rapid editing, even has free running, and the aged hero of someone like Liam Neeson doesn't fit the bill of the 80s hero either.

This film making is very in line with producer Luc Besson's energetic style of the last 2 decades since the 90s who's style is not very 80s.
Actually, yes really. It doesn't have to be a carbon copy to conjure up the feel.
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