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[Insomniac]Miles Morals will be the main Spider-Man going forward


Perpetually Tired
Staff Member

it's 2023 you bigot sexist toxic male this is the new body positive correct Black Cat
Joker Pencil GIF by Pixel Bandits


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
"Boobs are yucky" Some limp dick self-righteous soy boy working at Insomniac.

I wouldn't mind different spider-whatevers to have a chance to mainline each new Spider-Man game. Or just skip it all to give me Venom.


Said no one ever.

Ohh man mercy.

Theres so many hot asian actresses they could use as her face model so theres no reason for her to not be hot and athletic because you know......shes a Spider.
Yeah, im just saying these woke fucks are allergic to hot girls in vidya gyms, Asian or otherwise. So don’t have you hopes up.
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From the way they were handling Peter, I'm pretty sure this was all intentional.
Oh. Why? No big spoilers please, I haven’t played SM2 yet, I have it on my to-play list but all I hear about it these days makes me want to wait for a price drop or PS+ release - too short and buggy for full price and too much shoehorned politics I can’t relate to.


Perpetually Tired
Staff Member
Oh. Why? No big spoilers please, I haven’t played SM2 yet, I have it on my to-play list but all I hear about it these days makes me want to wait for a price drop or PS+ release - too short and buggy for full price and too much shoehorned politics I can’t relate to.

They basically made him completely weak emotionally and always needing to be saved by everyone else.
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Off-Site Inflammatory Member
I enjoyed one, but hated the Miles bits. Never played MM because exactly that. My interest in playing 2 wasn't very high to begin with due to the 'two spider men' narrative - and I'm pretty sure I just won't now. Spider Man is Peter Parker. It's been that way since I was a kid. Those are the stories I'm interested in. I wish they'd just do a totally seperate Miles Morales series if this is what they wanted to do. I suppose that's what they're doing now, so good for everyone that enjoys it. Hopefully one day I can get a good Peter only game.


I mean I kinda wish Peter got a proper trilogy first, but I do like Miles and his spinoff game was excellent too so not tooooo fussed.
Still gutted no Gwen Stacy/Black Cat love triangle for Peter 😩 A lot of missed opportunities for his iconic roster.


Crazy how the term Woke went from meaning "aware of injustice" to now meaning jack shit the way people use it now.

On topic though, I feel like they just need to pause on Spiderman for a while unless it becomes vastly different. The game itself while good just is the same formula as the first and while its not bad, having another with the same formula would suck. Then again how much can they change gameplay wise for this character anyway?
Batman Arkham got 4 games and I want more


Oh. Why? No big spoilers please, I haven’t played SM2 yet, I have it on my to-play list but all I hear about it these days makes me want to wait for a price drop or PS+ release - too short and buggy for full price and too much shoehorned politics I can’t relate to.

No spoilers - the way Peter act and interact in comparison with Miles.
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I AM NOT CRAZY! ….. i am not crazy… I KNOOOOOW they’re trying to race swap Spider-Man, I know they want to make games with a black protagonist. Right in line with their whole pandering, as if rocksteady would ever do something so stupid with their Batman games, never, NEVER! We just can’t prove it! Th-they covered their tracks, they got those idiots on metacritic to lie for them! You think this is something? You think this is bad? This-this chicanery? They’ve done worse! That side mission!?? Are you telling me that a playable deaf black girl just HAPPENS to be in a Spider-Man video game? NO! They orchestrated it! INSOMNIAC! …. THEY DOUBLED DOWN ON THE PLAYABLE MJ SEGMENTS! And we still bought their game! And we should have, lauded it as a game of the year nominee… WHAT WERE WE THINKING!?? They’ll never change…. They’ll NEVER change, ever since 2018! Couldn’t stop aping rocksteady! “Oooh but not our insomniac! Couldn’t be precious insomniac!!” STEALING THEM BLIND! And they get to sell 2.5M in a day?!?! What a SICK JOKE! We should’ve stopped them we had the chance… and we-we have to stop them! We-……

(I’ll eat my shoe if anyone gets this reference)
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Hope he visits a different city or something, since they don't wanna move to a different hero altogether to switch up the gameplay.


I AM NOT CRAZY! ….. i am not crazy… I KNOOOOOW they’re trying to race swap Spider-Man, I know they want to make games with a black protagonist. Right in line with their whole pandering, as if rocksteady would ever do something so stupid with their Batman games, never, NEVER! We just can’t prove it! Th-they covered their tracks, they got those idiots on metacritic to lie for them! You think this is something? You think this is bad? This-this chicanery? They’ve done worse! That side mission!?? Are you telling me that a playable deaf black girl just HAPPENS to be in a Spider-Man video game? NO! They orchestrated it! INSOMNIAC! …. THEY DOUBLED DOWN ON THE PLAYABLE MJ SEGMENTS! And we still bought their game! And we should have, lauded it as a game of the year nominee… WHAT WERE WE THINKING!?? They’ll never change…. They’ll NEVER change, ever since 2018! Couldn’t stop aping rocksteady! “Oooh but not our insomniac! Couldn’t be precious insomniac!!” STEALING THEM BLIND! And they get to sell 2.5M in a day?!?! What a SICK JOKE! We should’ve stopped them we had the chance… and we-we have to stop them! We-……

(I’ll eat my shoe if anyone gets this reference)

Better Call Saul?


it's not such a surprise from what i've played of Spider-Man 2 so far, the writers seem to have such a disdain towards Peter Parker and the OG stories, not like a hatred but it's pretty clear they don't want him in the product. Which was so surprising considering Spider-man PS4 was such a heartfelt story around Peter, you could feel the passion of the team writing it.

having a brief look on the internet it seems like the whole writing team is different and it definitely shows, at least the Miles stuff when it isn't doing Pander quests is fairly interesting, although his character goes under utilized and is more just used to make "Statements". overall the writing in Spider-Man 2 is really awful which really disappoints me with how great the first one was and how incredibly awesome the second one is to play, holy moly is it fun to play.

Why do people keep getting hired in entertainment to work on things they clearly don't like, it's so baffling to me.

Now i know IMDB isn't official when it comes to credits and can be manipulated but the proof is in the pudding if this is true:

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Of course Peter Parker is being sidelined, Insomniac made him a whining, cringe inducing simp. Something tells me, that was the plan all along. The new instalment will likely feature Miles supported by a bulked-up Sam Fisher MJ. She was way more effective at taking down enemies than her super-human boyfriend anyways; and to think, she was almost completely untrained - who knows how formidable she could become given a little more training? Perhaps she will be suiting up in the new game?

At this point, is anyone actually looking forward to a new Insomniac Wolverine game? I wonder what their approach will be. Of course, they will have to establish how cool Logan is with women, gays and trans people real fast. Who knows, will Insomniac go full pander-verse and offer up a lame gay female sidekick? I'm expecting the maximum amount of diversity and inclusion from a potential Wolverine game. I'd also be disappointed if the game didn't offer similar or higher levels of obnoxious social commentary in comparison to Spider-Man 2. After all, that's why people play video games right?
I honestly have zero confidence in Insomniac's Wolverine. With the way they go about handling this it really screams that they'll revision his persona and character entirely from the ground up. The testosterone laden Wolverine will probably be more timid like the new Kratos. I want them to prove me wrong, but Bryan Intihar's attitude doesn't inspire optimism.


Yep. He has a "struggle", but wins. Peter has multiple struggles and seemingly loses consistently and needs to be saved from the help of his friends.

To put it in as non-spoilery terms as possible.
Thanks for the description. I’m sure the game is still enjoyable to play but not letting Peter be the strong one in this one seems weird. They already gave Miles his own game to shine in.


I honestly have zero confidence in Insomniac's Wolverine. With the way they go about handling this it really screams that they'll revision his persona and character entirely from the ground up. The testosterone laden Wolverine will probably be more timid like the new Kratos. I want them to prove me wrong, but Bryan Intihar's attitude doesn't inspire optimism.
hopefully as i showed earlier in the thread, the writing team that got pulled off of Spiderman PS4 is the A-Team and working on Wolverine meanwhile Spider-Man 2 had the C-Team.

that is my hope at least, but i'm definitely keeping an eye on it first before just buying it day 1, the game has to be really really good for me to overlook the shit writing


Their version of Miles is lame af. Miles in Into The Spider-Verse is much better.
He's not terrible, but yes, Spiderverse Miles is way better. I havent finished SM3 but i feel like he deserves one more game...but so far they have glossed over a lot of Pete's story by reference older villians he's already fought.

In all though, there needs to be at least a 4 year gap between the next game.


It's not about time gap but improvements to formula. I don't want to play the same game for the 4th time.

I understand, not the 90s or early 2000s when you could churn out 3-4 games in a series in just one gen, but given the scope and scale of some games its just not too feasible. Either more time is needed to revamp the series or they can churn out a quick sequel with minor upgrades/changes, but risk people getting burned out or claiming the cost isnt worth the addition.


If he covers the top of his head, sure why not?

Peter Parker is Peter Parker but Insomniac completely missed Peter in this 2nd game. I liked Miles character more than him to be honest.
Probably because writers did an amazing job making Peter an unlikeable, little, whining bitch. All according to plan.

Yuuuup! That's what the woke writers always do: They emasculate the character people care about in order to highlight the character they want to push.

It doesn't work. It never works.

All it will do is create outrage and make a solid percentage of the fanbase not buy SM4.

And why? Just so that Disney is hell bent on stop paying royalties to Stan Lee and Steve Ditko's descendants for using their character?



Moderated wildly
My only issue with this is...insomniacs miles morales...

I've not completed it yet, I like playing both...sadge.

Peter is my guy but I guess I'm old now and ita time for a new generation.
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