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iOS Gaming August 2015 | Last chance to play your favorites before iOS9 breaks them


Deathwatch graphics with higher tier marines and weapons is nothing short of amazing.
It's even better in motion too, with so many animations.

Sneaking in an outpost overrun by aliens for a sabotage mission.
Bishop, my only tier 4 marine,is already down :(






Aaron D.


Farming Simulator 16 ($4.99) launched last week and it's good. Really, really good.

I've played the last couple mobile versions and FS16 shows a marked evolution in presentation and design. It won't convert the cynical, but it's golden for genre fans. The mobile version is finally closing the gap in look and feel with its big-brother PC version. It still has a ways to go obviously, but it now feels like the same ballpark.

148 review.


Sidhe / PikPok
Looks cool, but this here

just screams Clash of Clan-style base building. Hope I'm wrong

Given how it looks, I imagine that part is for Royal Revolt 2 style base building where your base can be upgraded and built out which gives you resources, perks, and unlocking abilities for use in the regular game but otherwise can't really be interacted with (or attacked?).


Given how it looks, I imagine that part is for Royal Revolt 2 style base building where your base can be upgraded and built out which gives you resources, perks, and unlocking abilities for use in the regular game but otherwise can't really be interacted with (or attacked?).

Yup, that's also exactly how I'm picturing it. And I'm sure it will be heavily influenced by CoC given the popularity of the show and of CoC. But I'd be surprised if they didn't include a defend/attack mechanic against players and zombies. Seems to be a given.


Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath is just 2.99$ for a limited time on iOS:


If you don't have it already, pick it up!


Sidhe / PikPok
We just announced Breakneck for iOS will be available from 27 August 2015.

Here is the announcement trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNrolcIADqs And the product page here http://pikpok.com/games/breakneck/ And the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PlayBreakneck

We pushed an update for our softlaunch live yesterday evening, so if you can access the Aussie, Singapore, or Swedish App Stores, you can get that interim build now. The game will receive another update with more features, content, and optimizations/polish before release.


Sidhe / PikPok
Awesome, definitely checking it out when it releases. Between Breakneck and Monsters Ate My Metropolis this thursday I sense a great PikPok month ahead xD

Thanks. Has been hectic between these two games and what is coming downstream.

Breakneck is F2P but the "good news" is no energy/timer mechanics.
Thanks. Has been hectic between these two games and what is coming downstream.

Breakneck is F2P but the "good news" is no energy/timer mechanics.
I'm really enjoying it. The unlocks come at a steady pace, and the whole boost mechanic is really visually satisfying with the lightning crackling as you skim walls. Just in general, the visuals are awesome

Maybe I haven't gotten far enough, but I wish there were more hazards. Like moving obstacles or collapsing stuff, kind of like how The Maze Runner's levels were dynamic.

I do like how tense it feels, as I find I'm always just barely scraping by (in a good way), getting enough boost to give me some breathing room and always looking ahead for the best path to build up more.

Also finding that I've getting the occasional framerate issue and crash on my iPad Mini 2

Matt Frost

Thanks. Has been hectic between these two games and what is coming downstream.

Breakneck is F2P but the "good news" is no energy/timer mechanics.

Awesome news for the lack of timers. At first I tagged it as a Race the Sun clone but I jumped to conclusions to early. Like the ship and the grind against wall, and like More_Badass I would like to see more dynamic levels like in Mace Runner as well, that would be sweet.

"Coming downstream" sounds great to me after these two (and the original MAMC or Monster Flip) I am looking forward to more :D

Thank goodness. I wish that statement also applied to Metropolis.

I found the timers in Metropolis (I did log in Facebook) quite good. If I win, energy refills entirely, just look for the last and weakest opponent on the list and you are set (Fluffy league)


I found the timers in Metropolis (I did log in Facebook) quite good. If I win, energy refills entirely, just look for the last and weakest opponent on the list and you are set (Fluffy league)

I'll have to try it again. What impact does the FB login have? I generally hate logging into FB for any of my iOS gaming.

Currently have a major space crunch on my Mini 2 so don't have either of the games installed.

Speaking of timers, anyone playing Apocalypse Meow? Really nice shmup with more or less the same F2P mechanics as Sky Force 2014, but a little more generous with 10 lives to replenish.


Sidhe / PikPok
I'm really enjoying it. The unlocks come at a steady pace, and the whole boost mechanic is really visually satisfying with the lightning crackling as you skim walls. Just in general, the visuals are awesome

Maybe I haven't gotten far enough, but I wish there were more hazards. Like moving obstacles or collapsing stuff, kind of like how The Maze Runner's levels were dynamic.

I do like how tense it feels, as I find I'm always just barely scraping by (in a good way), getting enough boost to give me some breathing room and always looking ahead for the best path to build up more.

Also finding that I've getting the occasional framerate issue and crash on my iPad Mini 2

If you watch the trailer you can see a bunch of the dynamic stuff. Some of it only just came in with yesterdays update, so grab that if you haven't.

There is a lot more content coming in the final release build too.

And we've fixed at least one crash, and are working on optimization including specifically trying to address the lower framerate on the iPad Mini 2.
If you watch the trailer you can see a bunch of the dynamic stuff. Some of it only just came in with yesterdays update, so grab that if you haven't.

There is a lot more content coming in the final release build too.

And we've fixed at least one crash, and are working on optimization including specifically trying to address the lower framerate on the iPad Mini 2.
Oh wow, somehow I missed that when I checked the presskit earlier
Amazing stuff there. Actually way cooler than anything I had been envisioning as dynamic obstacles

So...uh, any chance of that getting a PC version? With 60fps and 1080 HD visuals?
Are there known issues with achievements on the iPhone? I've got a couple of Fallout Shelter achievements that should have unlocked but didn't, and while playing Angry Birds 2 I got a couple of pop ups showing I'd unlocked achievements, but when I check my achievements I don't actually have them. I've got the achievement for beating the boss of the second world, but not the boss of the first world. And going back and beating them again doesn't unlock it.

Matt Frost

If you watch the trailer you can see a bunch of the dynamic stuff. Some of it only just came in with yesterdays update, so grab that if you haven't.

There is a lot more content coming in the final release build too.

Oh I never watched the trailer until now and I love it. There are tons of stuff going on there... I specially love that robot worm.


I did uninstall the game two days after I downloaded since GameCenter on iOS 9 Beta is broken... so I downloading it again now to check that out

I'll have to try it again. What impact does the FB login have? I generally hate logging into FB for any of my iOS gaming..

There is an option when giving permissions to hide the app completely so I dont care anymore. Just log in and get free stuff with all the games with it. Adapt or be frustrated. I prefer the first option xD
Are there any "building" games that aren't overt, IAP-filled cash grabs? I've been playing Fallout Shelter and it has me craving another similar game, ideally I'd just like to pay for something similar to this or Simcity and not have to worry about collecting resources, being incentivized to manually collect resources, and the other tropes of clicker games.
Are there any "building" games that aren't overt, IAP-filled cash grabs? I've been playing Fallout Shelter and it has me craving another similar game, ideally I'd just like to pay for something similar to this or Simcity and not have to worry about collecting resources, being incentivized to manually collect resources, and the other tropes of clicker games.
This War of Mine might be up your alley


Are there any "building" games that aren't overt, IAP-filled cash grabs? I've been playing Fallout Shelter and it has me craving another similar game, ideally I'd just like to pay for something similar to this or Simcity and not have to worry about collecting resources, being incentivized to manually collect resources, and the other tropes of clicker games.

You could look at 1849 too:

Barmark is now out on iOS:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/barmark/id1024511437?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo=4 …
This is a "point n' click exploration game" with a killer art style.

Holy Cow alert! Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 by Frontier (The real one, not the freemium crap) is out now:


Heroki and AG DRIVE on sale for $1.99 (thanks to killercow's twitter for the heads up)

Holy crap! That's a huge drop for Heroki ($7.99). Highly recommend both games.

Lots of big sales:

The Executive $1.99
Furdemption $2.99 --> $.99
Geometry Wars 3 $4.99 --> $1.99
Xenowork $1.99 --> $.99
Terraria $4.99 --> $1.99
Time Surfer $. 99 --> Free
Sunburn $2.99 --> $.99
Farming Simulator $2.99 --> $.99
Attack the Light - Steven Universe Light RPG $2.99 --> $.99
Monument Valley $3.99 --> $1.99


For the ones interested the Galactic Keep official Twitter account started tweeting A LOT today, after months of silence.
It tweets transmissions from another world....

I guess the release is pretty imminent (beta ended weeks ago).
It's a scifi heavy story RPG, turn based with an outstanding atmosphere and a real old school D&D vibe, you really shouldn't miss this one.

EDIT: in review right now at Apple.


Holy crap! That's a huge drop for Heroki ($7.99). Highly recommend both games.

Lots of big sales:

The Executive $1.99
Furdemption $2.99 --> $.99
Geometry Wars 3 $4.99 --> $1.99
Xenowork $1.99 --> $.99
Terraria $4.99 --> $1.99
Time Surfer $. 99 --> Free
Sunburn $2.99 --> $.99
Farming Simulator $2.99 --> $.99
Attack the Light - Steven Universe Light RPG $2.99 --> $.99
Monument Valley $3.99 --> $.99

Damn, so many games. At least Steven will be mine.


For the ones interested the Galactic Keep official Twitter account started tweeting A LOT today, after months of silence.
It tweets transmissions from another world....

I guess the release is pretty imminent (beta ended weeks ago).
It's a scifi heavy story RPG, turn based with an outstanding atmosphere and a real old school D&D vibe, you really shouldn't miss this one.

EDIT: in review right now at Apple.

Edit: Oops. Spoke too soon. It's Sentinel Command that is out in NZ.

Galactic Keep sounds good though.


Yep I beta tested it and wrote an extensive preview here long ago.
GLORIOUSes were frequent.
(It's an awesome game IMHO, with a mysterious and great story, set in a original and outstanding world).

I'm hyped even if I already completed it several times already...can't wait for new content :D

Plays wonderfully both on iPad and iPhone (it syncs too).
Actually when I discovered it was almost a one man effort, I was floored.
And the author went through numerous external problems (that's why it's over 6 years in the making)...it's truly his 'baby' and a labor of love, it can't be more 'indie' than this. I really wish him a big success to recover from all the frustrations and investements.

I do not think it will release today, but possibly in the next 10 days or so.


Yep I beta tested it and wrote an extensive preview here long ago.
GLORIOUSes were frequent.
(It's an awesome game IMHO, with a mysterious and great story, set in a original and outstanding world).

I'm hyped even if I already completed it several times already...can't wait for new content :D

Plays wonderfully both on iPad and iPhone (it syncs too).
Actually when I discovered it was almost a one man effort, I was floored.
And the author went through numerous external problems (that's why it's over 6 years in the making)...it's truly his 'baby' and a labor of love, it can't be more 'indie' than this. I really wish him a big success to recover from all the frustrations and investements.

I do not think it will release today, but possibly in the next 10 days or so.

Sounds great. And from your stellar tastes (like mine, of course :) ), one to put on my future purchase list.


Definitely checking this out, but I've never played this kind of sim/builder game. Well, I've played Prison Architect, but that's about it

What makes RCT3 good, challenging, etc.?

Everything :) It's the best 3D theme park builder after Theme Park World. It's detailed, demanding and quite expansive (with expansions). You can really create the park that you want and customize it to your liking. Things can go south (rollercoaster breaking down and killing people) etc.
You can also, a la theme park, visit your own park and take a first person tour of your rides!

It's really fun and one of my favorite sim game ever.
Everything :) It's the best 3D theme park builder after Theme Park World. It's detailed, demanding and quite expansive (with expansions). You can really create the park that you want and customize it to your liking. Things can go south (rollercoaster breaking down and killing people) etc.
You can also, a la theme park, visit your own park and take a first person tour of your rides!

It's really fun and one of my favorite sim game ever.
Sounds cool. Waiting to see if there are commrnts on iPad Mini 2 performance before buying


Still wondering if all those sales are part of another Apple organizatized event. In particular, Heroki, The Executive and Geometry Wars 3 at $1.99 each are especially incredible steals for anyone who doesn't own them.


Am I seriously about to download and play Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 on my iPhone?!

Yes, I am!! Wish it were Rct2, but I'll take any RCT in my life right now.


Despite the mixed impressions, at $2 I'm giving Heroki a shot.

Got The Executive and Attack the Light too. Never watched the show, but the game seems like a pretty fun Mario & Luigi / Paper Mario style RPG.

Edit: what the heck, getting AG Drive too.
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