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iOS Gaming October 2016 | When Ember leaves start to fall

Sega already put out an update that removes the ads for previous owners of Sonic CD. Downloaded it and it asks for your iTunes password so I'm guessing that's part of the method they're using to verify it.

Nice to see them deal with it quickly.
This method is called receipt validation. You can program logic in the app that varied the experience depending on the version of the app that was originally purchased.

It's something I championed whilst I was at Apple.


Not officially but it will be coming (along with Apple and Android TV support). I know on Android I cannot navigate menus at all with the controller.

Weirdly enough the game does fully work with some MFi controllers but it seems buggy with the nimbus and other controllers.


Weirdly enough the game does fully work with some MFi controllers but it seems buggy with the nimbus and other controllers.

Yeah, even on my Shield TV the controller works perfectly during gameplay, but not on menus. I've chatted with the devs though and they say they are planning full controller support on both iOS and Android.


Did anyone already mentioned how gorgeous and fun is PinOut, and how awesome is its music?

It's basically Stranger Things, the pinball.


Operation Dracula is no joke, holy cow. Game is hard as nails and very, very, very hectic, but a total blast and controls perfectly. An absolute steal at just $0.99

Also picked up PinOut, which is AWESOME. I looooooove it. Such a cool idea to do an endless pinball game. It's gorgeous to boot with a really cool soundtrack.

Also snatched Mos Speedrun 2 (never played either one) and Warcher Defenders for free! Excited to dig into both of them soon enough.


Dungeon Warfare is on sale for $1.99. Think there were some good impressions here when it came out. Worth picking up?


Blown Away, a very cool teleporting auto runner, and Onion Force, a challenging tower defense title with beautiful animation by a former Disney artist, are both on sale for free.


Did anyone already mentioned how gorgeous and fun is PinOut, and how awesome is its music?

It's basically Stranger Things, the pinball.

Liked it enough I bought the premium. It's like pinball ramp shooter the game, it has a good feel to it. Adjustable graphic option is appreciated as well. Bumping it down to functional smoothed things out on my mini 2, but balanced runs well enough too.


Haven't played it to know whether this is a sale or if it went F2P (there are a ton of IAPs listed on the store), but Ski Safari 2 dropped to free.

Matt Frost

Haven't played it to know whether this is a sale or if it went F2P (there are a ton of IAPs listed on the store), but Ski Safari 2 dropped to free.

Ski Safari went from Premium to having a ton of IAP, and all thanks to Jared. Thanks for ruining the game for the rest of us...


Saint Nic
PinOut was fun. Got to Infinity after 3 games. Scored 9500 or so. Not really interested in the full game since I don't see the value after going from start to finish that quick, ha.

Matt Frost

I doubt one person is the reason why a developer decides to shift from a paid to F2P

I remember clearly...

J: "I wish SS had IAP so I could buy all the things"

Dev in comments: "thats something to think about"

A week later arrived an update with lots of coins, doubler,...


I remember clearly...

J: "I wish SS had IAP so I could buy all the things"

Dev in comments: "thats something to think about"

A week later arrived an update with lots of coins, doubler,...

I played a bit and seems to be mostly cosmetic stuff which I don't care about BUT the prices for those things are ridiculous -- so, yeah, if it goes back to paid then the IAPs are way over the top.


Anyone try Parallyzed? Sounds good based on the PG preview. Kind of Limbo-esque but with some more puzzle like twists.

Edit: Tried the F2P version on Android and it's okay, but certainly no Limbo. Relies on color swapping mechanics with a split screen between the two sisters. Fun enough but can't say it's worthy of a recommendation.


Wow, after playing PinOut for 4 minutes it drained my iPhone 6S+ battery and made it as hot as Magic Duels and Mortal Kombat X did. Did anyone else experience that? I had to delete the app...

I'm on a iPhone 6S (or iPad Air) and never noticed it.


Hunters 2 got updated to work on iOS 10, all is right with the world again.

Great news, I didn't expect it so soon.
I've personally alerted them about Warhammer Quest giving the 'old app' message too since last iOS update (the game works flawlessly anyway).

Rodeo is on pause btw, but it's still alive.


Has anyone played Rok? It's on Halloween sale and it seems interesting.

Tried it a while back. Kind of interesting and different but the controls were kind of wonky and pretty buggy. Might have had some updates since then though.


I was hoping it'd come out this week :(

"VERY SOON", in all caps, made it sound like a much more immediate release.

Me too. I had hoped it would release last week or a surprise release this week (like today). That said, there's usually a big difference between developer "soon" and player/consumer "soon."


Surely Steamworld Heist has to be coming soon...hopefully this week. Been holding out on the console versions to have it on the go.

Have Binding of Issac on PC and Xbox One so I can wait on that for now -- even though that would be good to have on mobile too.


Surely Steamworld Heist has to be coming soon...hopefully this week. Been holding out on the console versions to have it on the go.

Have Binding of Issac on PC and Xbox One so I can wait on that for now -- even though that would be good to have on mobile too.

SERIOUSLY. Pitta has me super hyped.
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