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Iran Update: Failed IEAE inspection, Preemptive Strikes and SL declaring no nukes

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The only reason Iran might want nuclear weapons is so that they don't get attacked by the US or Israel.

Iran would never use them, they're not suicidal.
The only reason the US or Israel might attack Iran is if they get nukes.

...you see the problem here right?


The only reason the US or Israel might attack Iran is if they get nukes.

...you see the problem here right?

That's not true at all. The US invades or attacks all sorts of countries without nuclear weapons.

Libya for one, Iraq as well. North Korea got nuclear weapons, what happened then? All talk about attacking North Korea stopped.

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Nobody gives a shit, Iran isn't doing any R&Ding into anything anybody cares about. Let them in and quit giving Israel an excuse to fuck with them. It's the only way.

Nobody thinks Iran is doing cutting-edge military research. The question you should ask is how far behind they are in military research relative to other countries. Especially with regards to something like ballistic missiles which is what I believe they make at the Parchin site.

You don't need to the newest technology to make a war too costly for the other side.


That's bullshit and you know it, Israel would fucking lose it and suddenly every military postering may lead up to that one nuclear war nobody wants.

Look man, people in the middleeast all wanna live. Israel is a tiny country. a few dozen nukes is enough to send it back to the stone age. But they also have enough arsenal to send every tom, dick and harry in the mddle east to flames too.

No one is mad enough to use it. Everyone saw what happened in 1945 and that was weak compared to current new age weapons.


Industry Verified


That's not true at all. The US invades or attacks all sorts of countries without nuclear weapons.

Libya for one, Iraq as well.
Yes, yes we start wars and shit on everyone and everything without provocation or rule or reason. George W. Bush is eternal dictator and that same administration that started the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars is still here pissing on all nations. Libya? Not a joint international effort to assist in deposing a dictator murdering his own people. Gaddafi was a saint and a victim of fucking American Imperialism!

Parchin is an explosive weapons testing site, not a nuclear testing site.

Iran is not legally obligated to allow access to this site towards the IAEA because it is not a nuclear site.

so this visit really doesn't twist the "Iran wants a nuke!" debate one way or the other!

But aren't nukes technically "explosive" and "weapons" by default? I guess it's Iran's loophole.


Yes, yes we start wars and shit on everyone and everything without provocation or rule or reason. George W. Bush is eternal dictator and that same administration that started the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars is still here pissing on all nations. Libya? Not a joint international effort to assist in deposing a dictator murdering his own people. Gaddafi was a saint and a victim of fucking American Imperialism!

I'm not saying that attacking Libya was wrong, just that it wouldn't have happened if Libya had nuclear weapons. That's what Iran wants, protection from attack, so they can continue to be a shitty dictatorship.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider


Khamenei said:
We are not seeking nuclear weapons because the Islamic Republic of Iran considers possession of nuclear weapons a sin.
Can anybody point me the relevant passage(s) in the Koran that support this statement?




Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
I figured it was something like that. Which again, goes back to my Area 51 analogy. There are plenty of non-nuclear sites we don't want ANYONE near.

This is the truth.

I lived near Rocky Mountain Arsenal.

It's not nuclear.

Nuclear was at Rocky Flats.

But we wouldn't want anyone near there either.


No one is mad enough to use it.
We won't know that until somebody uses it. The Doomsday clock is ticking and it will inevitably happen one day. What I don't understand is that everyone really thinks that having a nuke will mean nobody will fuck with Iran. Get real.


Yeah because Israel is the one constantly talking about wiping iran from the face of the earth... O wait it's not, it's iran doing it
Iran doesn't really do that either, but dodgily translated statements might suggest it. Iran has an antagonistic relationship with Israel, but it's infantile to buy the line that it's single-mindedly pursuing it's destruction.

The crux of the matter here is that Iran is responding to the nuclearisation of the Middle East initiated by Israel, and the policy of regime change initiated by America. This isn't about avoiding a nuclear Middle East, because it already *is* nuclear and nobody is expending any energy pushing the sole possesor of nuclear weapons to disarm. This is about "the west" not wanting another state to be removed from the bottom rung of the game.

Compare and contrast the Western media/government propaganda* toward North Korea versus toward Iran. Note the difference in tone and imperative.

Propaganda from relatively "nice" regimes against relatively "bad" regimes is still propaganda.


We won't know that until somebody uses it. The Doomsday clock is ticking and it will inevitably happen one day. What I don't understand is that everyone really thinks that having a nuke will mean nobody will fuck with Iran. Get real.

who is going to fuck with iran if they got nukes? serious question.
I figured it was something like that. Which again, goes back to my Area 51 analogy. There are plenty of non-nuclear sites we don't want ANYONE near.

Also keep in mind that Iran has had a disturbing trend of a bunch of its top scientists dying in car bombs recently.


why do you think they don't want anyone in military sites?


We won't know that until somebody uses it. The Doomsday clock is ticking and it will inevitably happen one day. What I don't understand is that everyone really thinks that having a nuke will mean nobody will fuck with Iran. Get real.

Nobody fucks with North Korea. That's all the evidence Iran needs.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Also keep in mind that Iran has had a disturbing trend of a bunch of its top scientists dying in car bombs recently.


why do you think they don't want anyone in military sites?

Dude, its not the Israeli Atomic Energy Agency.

And Iran tried to kill Israeli diplomats in Georgia, India and Thailand.
Someone posted an interesting article from the other Iran thread where a former IAEA inspector said documents were falsified when it came to inspections in Iraq.

I can't find it, though.


This is about "the west" not wanting another state to be removed from the bottom rung of the game.

Compare and contrast the Western media/government propaganda* toward North Korea versus toward Iran. Note the difference in tone and imperative.

Propaganda from relatively "nice" regimes against relatively "bad" regimes is still propaganda.
Yes, truly we are the bad guys here. The middle east is not a boiling pot of bad fucking vibes waiting to explode and the only medicine is nuclear aspirin, in which all tensions for war will suddenly fade away and peace and love will reign under a nuclear rainbow.
Dude, its not the Israeli Atomic Energy Agency.

it's Mossad. They're fucking good at what they do. I think that results in some justifiable paranoia.

EDIT: also from your post on the retaliation strikes, I'm not trying to morally justify what Iran is doing. My only point is that Iran knows it's being targeted by a spy agency that is very good at murdering their top scientists. That seems to be a very good reason to not let anyone at all into military sites.


Nobody fucks with North Korea. That's all the evidence Iran needs.
Because North Korea is slowly dying on its own with over half of its population dying of famine. There's no need to fuck with North Korea, it'll dissolve on its own.
Arguement 1: Iran isn't trying to get nukes. It's for power and medicine and they just want privacy.

Arguement 2: Iran should get nukes. Everyone else has them so why can't they?

Arguement 3: US/Israel are bad. Poor Iran. Leave them alone. rabble rabble Palestians/ herp derp Zionists deeeerp.

This is the basic rotation of the Iran defense force on GAF.

Are you an idiot? Or are you just deliberately being reductive about peoples' arguments?

There are energy security and sustainability reasons that Iran might want to be self sufficient in producing nuclear power. There are geopolitical reasons that they might also choose to pursue nuclear weapons - as it would DEFINITELY protect them from the kind of bellicose threats they have been subjected to for the last 10 years or so.

Now I don't know if the anti-Iran folk are just genuinely scared out of their wits and believe that Iran are stupid enough to pursue nuclear ambitions to the point that the regime gambles away its future, OR if actually - they just don't like countries that aren't judo-christian in nature, and countries that aren't Western-Styled democracies. Maybe they associate it with Islam and they don't like that, or they think of Iran is full of brown people and they don't like brown people... with the kind of presumed guilt people have, and their complete lack of willing to read up on or acknowledge that Iran have - to some extent - co-operated in previous inspections and negotiations, I have to seriously believe that such extreme prejudices may in fact be present! In any event, people like you seem to be uncomfortable acknowledging that if our countries were in Iran's position, they might want to pursue nuclear energy or nuclear weapons without having to negotiate away their rights too.

The same people are equally uncomfortable acknowledging that there are geopolitical reasons (other than Iran being a threat) - that the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and others might want to build a case for war against the present Iranian regime.

They are sitting on a shit-tonne of oil, they are a scientifically sophisticated country acting as a lightning rod for the Palestinian cause and those who sympathise, they are allied closer to the Eastern entente of Russia, China, and many members on the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation than they are to the West, they are friends to the Syrian regime, they have plans to build pipelines that would strictly benefit the energy economies in those sorts of countries -- and conveniently enough for anyone wanting to build such a case of war -- they have prior misdemeanors in the form of their anti-Israel rhetoric and unquantifiable support of Hezbollah / Hamas etc. Turn that country a different colour on the map, make it pro-US, pro-Israel, pro-Saud and the geopolitical sands of the region shift entirely.

We went into Iraq on a load of phony bullshit, lies and talked-up intelligence -- and we twisted the words of UN inspectors and delegations to do that too. I'm not buying into the bloodshed this time. I am not interested in trying to establish some kind of long lasting Western hegemony in the middle east and persian gulf... if they get nukes and ever threaten to use them, we'll wipe them off the fucking grid and spark a nuclear apocalypse. I don't think anyone in the world wants that to happen, so I am reluctant to be gung-ho about this in any way, shape or form.
Best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Does this increasingly hypothetical argument have a US that has consistently threatened to undermine stability in the region or committed various human rights violations? What is its track record with the international community?

lol. so the US track record in the ME is one in which it brought about stability and avoided human rights violations? There arent enough laughing emoticons for this.
regarding the thread, of course Iran has something hide. (at a military installation, no less)
The stand off isnt solely about nuclear weapons, it's about regime change, which is what the US has wanted all along. why should Iran let an inspections regime, thoroughly penetrated by hostile western governments, angling for regime change, into sensitive military sites? what stipulation in the NPT says they are obliged to do that? could someone direct me to that, if they can find it?
as I recall, not 4 months ago, a fucking BOMB went off at one of their military sites and killed a top ranking general behind their ballistic missile program. why the hell wouldnt they be paranoid about letting foreigners near sensitive military installations.
Iran for a fact is lieng. Not that I'm mad though, I think that we shouldn't be able to control them like that.

We can't stop them. The only means by which we can will not sit well.
Nobody fucks with North Korea. That's all the evidence Iran needs.

Little different situation as NK could nuke SK without any ICBM because of close proximity. If Iran takes anything from NK it's that they shouldn't fuck around to much or risk being isolated to the point that all Iran's supreme leader can do is get his picture taken looking at various random things.


Are you an idiot? Or are you just deliberately being reductive about peoples' arguments?

Except no, he did a fairly reasonable job at pin-pointing most of the arguments. Nearly all antagonism to the big bad west seems to spring mostly (if not all) from GWB's reign of terror.

Now I don't know if the anti-Iran folk are just genuinely scared out of their wits and believe that Iran are stupid enough to pursue nuclear ambitions to the point that the regime gambles away its future
Not only do I believe Iran is stupid enough, I think Israel is equally dumb enough to start shit if and when Iran goes nuclear.
Guys, I know this is a thread about Iran refusing to cooperate with the IAEA following a report (suggesting Iran was attempting to obtain a nuclear weapons capability) and censure by the UN. That said, I think we should talk about Israel instead.

EDIT: Are people seriously trying to suggest Iran denied the IAEA access just in case they were Mossad agents?
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