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Is Demon's Souls gameplay a PS5 system seller?

Is Demon Souls Remake a PS5 system seller to you?

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Because these are system-sellers. If the criteria for being a system-seller is being an exclusive at launch, then games like Killzone SF should get the label.

I mean it did sell over 2 million units by January 2014.

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCE) today announced that the global sales of the PlayStation®4 (PS4™) exclusive title, KILLZONE™ SHADOW FALL, exceeded 2.1 million units*1 as of January 15, 2014.

And the PS4 released on November the 15th. I think it's safe to say that Shadow Fall did help sell some systems.
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As much as I like the Souls games and their influence in gaming in general, it is highly irregular for a game that was designed for the hardcore players to be in the ballpark of Uncharted - as a system seller.


Its definitely looking promising, but I never bought a conssole for just one game. Gotta have more.
Because these are system-sellers. If the criteria for being a system-seller is being an exclusive at launch, then games like Killzone SF should get the label.

System seller to me simply means a sizable portion of people will buy the system for that game. It doesn't need to be as many people as bought a Nintendo 64 for Mario 64 or XBOX for Halo.


It's funny that people praise a made up 11 year old game for 80 Euro like the holy grail. Can't remember that much excitement for the Dark Souls Remaster, maybe because it was cross-platform.
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It's funny that people praise a made up 11 year old game for 80 Euro like the holy grail. Can't remember that much excitement for the Dark Souls Remaster, maybe because it was cross-platform.

What does made-up mean? The Dark Souls remaster was a lukewarm offering, this is a full remake. Demon's Souls is the best example of next-gen visuals at launch, Dark Souls remastered doesn't always even look better than the Prepare to Die edition and certainly not a modded version.

I think for the first time I’d be playing current gen games on a next gen console. I’ve missed out on ff7r, ffxv, persona 5 and some to name a few. Would be playing them all on ps5 alongside those ps5 exclusives like demons souls remake.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
It's definitely not a system seller to anyone outside of the hardcore crowd. It is however why I pre-ordered a PS5. Just don't see it moving that many units overall though.


I do think it will sell much more then the original but using the comparison to DS3 isn't completely correct. Only half the sales of DS3 came from Playstation. That's still a big difference over DeS but not as big as people are trying to say.

I would think lifetime it would easily sell 3-5 million so not much to worry about. The Souls community is pretty dedicated but it doesn't have mass appeal yet.


By far the best launch game for next gen, and arguably one of the best launch games of all time.

It's a perfect launch game in that it's a very hardcore enthusiast game, which will appeal directly to the enthusiast gamers that buy consoles day1.
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Ms upgrades your old games for free “who would want to play this”?

Sony charges for an upgraded ps3 game “triple a system seller everything you could want”..

Um how about a new game?


Was my favourite PS3 game but I can wait. I grew tired of Sony and their I want it all attitude, I will pick up a PS5 bundle black friday 2021, this should still be active by then.
This may be a system seller from the hype and the look but for people who are not familiar with souls games they may not be happy with it.


What time is it?
Really? It's the only game I have preordered along with my PS5. Currently contemplating cancelling my preorders because I just can't get hyped for this joke of a launch lineup. Would instead put that money towards a 3090 or something.

As far as launch lineups go, Miles Morales and Demon Souls is a pretty decent one-two punch especially considering past first party lineups have been dismal on Playstation. I guess being cross generation could hurt the appeal of MM. *shrug*
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It's probably not a system seller to the casual/semi-casual gamers who only care about stuff like Spider-Man and Horizon, but to others, it definitely is. Since its reveal, I've seen plenty of people across all major social media sites say Demon's Souls was what instantly convinced them to buy a PS5, including people who love the original and those who love Souls but never had a PS3 to play the game that started it all.

So it probably won't push as many machines as Forbidden West or God of War: Ragnarok, but it'll push a respectable amount to a group who isn't particularly invested in those games. Like me. I'm interested in Horizon and God of War, but even if they were both launch titles too, I would still prioritize Demon's Souls with no hesitation.


if a remaster looks this good... wow.
seems the application of new rt lighting tech , makes such games , with moody settings , look fkin incredible.
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Demon's Souls has been the most requested game to get a remake since FF7 was confirmed.

It's not just a beloved older game, it's the Souls game that both started it all and was stuck on PS3, having sold relatively few copies, with very dated graphics compared to when the vast majority really started getting into the 'genre.

So for many, this is effectively a brand new Soulsborne game, exclusive to the PS5, and for others the fulfilment of a hope fermenting for a whole generation.

Add to that, it's bloody amazing, a game easily deserving to have started over a decade long trend in hardcore design sensibilities, and it's likely to end up being one of the best games in all of next gen.

So yeah, as a system seller, I'd say it qualifies.


Market for Souls games is too small for them to being system seller. Even Dark Souls 2 sold 10milion in 4 years. How much of that was on PC in heavy discount or even part of Humble Monthly Bundle? Even I have it somehow on my steam account, but I have no idea where and when I bought it.
It is too early to call. I trust bluepoint that they will do a very good job, but I still have concerns, because they have no experience with a souls like game. In the demo we saw, the enemies fell like flies and I hope that was just because they made it easier to show more in a shorter time, but it is so important in this game to balance the difficulty perfectly and the fighting system.
From Software's games definitely aren't as niche as they were when they first popped up but they still target a very specific taste for games. Dark Souls is one of my favorite games and I haven't bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and most likely also won't buy a PS5 for Demon's Souls. So if I am part of the target audience and I ain't buying it I doubt people out of that consumer group will. Maybe out of curiosity but may end up regretting it. lol As much as DS3 sold over 10 million copies, it was cross-platform which will amplify sales a lot. Pretty sure other Sony exclusives aimed at a more general audience sell that alone...

In short, the game can be a system seller for it's target audience which let's be honest is still somewhat niche-ish. But not at the same level as other games, not that they're better but just aimed at a broader audience.


The nicest person on this forum
If you are talking about “system seller” for your average person then no, they are much more interested in games like COD, Sports games and Fortnite.


special mention to the use of fog...
at-last! used for artistic direction , and looking like actual fog...
and not to hide distance of graphic pop in! lol.


Just imagine a world where the PS4 was about to launch and the best thing it had going for it was an HD version of "Battle Arena Toshinden"

I for one would not be opposed to that. Eiji was the man!!


That reveal reaction thing was fun to watch. Was cool to see different people realise what it was at different times.
I bought a ps5, but it was not for this. Since when has a remake ever qualified as a system seller - like are people actually going to buy a ps5 who weren’t going to strictly due to this game?


Gold Member
Souls games are interesting for me. I LOVE everything about them EXCEPT the gameplay. It has nothing to do with the difficulty, combat, controls, etc. The gameplay just isn't gripping to me, well, and in a lot of instances it's this element of jank that exists that I just can't agree with that always made me rage.

When Demon Souls originally came out I was on a QA team at a game studio and my director at the time told me about how amazing it looked and was. It was REALLY easy to be interested after the hype that was forming. I saw a couple of screens and videos, then went and bought a copy with him.

Initially I loved the art, music, sounds, aesthetic, everything about the game. That never ever changed actually. But the gameplay just didn't grip me at all. Then not long after there were moments where I got irritated about said jank.

Example, moments where I tried to attack an enemy and my weapon clashes with the environment, but the enemy's attack in the same area just clips everything all willy nilly. Being in QA at the time, it ran me up the wall. I remember bringing it up to fans of the game and they would always dismiss it as if it was some kind of gameplay element or charm, lmao. I was like, "Uhhhh..."

Eventually I got to that portion where the dragon swoops over you and you have to stop in the three different castle towers one at a time to avoid his breath before moving to the next one. I made it to the third one, was COMPLETELY AWAY from the door, and some how his fire breath clipped the wall and it killed me. I immediately stopped playing and sold my copy of the game, lmao. I was SO mad.

That being said I see what From Software has been doing since it's existence and I appreciate everything they do. I just accepted that the games just aren't for me for some reason I guess. Though I wish they were. I continue to give each game and iteration a chance to support them, but it just doesn't stick.

TL;DR: This remake will most likely get my attention as well at some point because it looks damn beautiful, but to me, it's by no means a system seller. But I know for a LOT of people it will be, and understandably so. People love them some Souls, big time.
You took the words right out of my mouth :)
I appreciate everything about the Souls genre but the games I find no fun at all. Having said that, everything about this remake looks fantastic and it's cool that games such as this one, which perhaps were not appreciated as much as they could have been first time round are getting another shot.
Not sure if it's worth a £70 shot but if the cost justifies the enjoyment the end user will get from the game, then fair play.


Gold Member
Ms upgrades your old games for free “who would want to play this”?

Sony charges for an upgraded ps3 game “triple a system seller everything you could want”..

Um how about a new game?

This is the most disingenuous console warrior response I've seen about this game. Designed to do nothing other than annoy people who are looking forward to the game coming out. You know it's not just an 'upgrade'. You know it's a complete, from the ground up remake. You've also seen the gameplay demo that shows just how next gen it is.

Seriously, grow up dude.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Spider man MM will have a higher attach rate even though its on the PS4 too.


I am absolutely getting it day one for sure.
But a system seller? Nah, I don't think so. BB2 maybe but as great as DeS might be, I doubt it will sell much beyond the hard core fan groups.

I still do play DeS on Archstones (you guys know what that is, right?) all the time but the game, its mechanich and bosses are very clunky.
It is an aquired taste. I will play it for sure but I have no illusions it will be a blockbuster.

Until then, please come to Archstone and do co-op in DeS if you actually like DeS that much.
(the average player count and how long you have to wait to summon a phantom seems to suggest there are a lot more people that talk about how much they love the game and play is than the summoning stats on archstones suggests.)
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