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Is final fantasy 7 not as big as people think?

Ryu Kaiba

Anyone that thought a remake of 7 would not be broken into parts is an idiot. It's been obvious for over a decade that they would have to do it that way.

Loved the remake. its not a 1-1 remake but that's okay. Its exciting not knowing what will happen next, and considering the job they did with 95% of this game I'm nothing but excited for more.


Gold Member
Don't forget this game was a PS exclusive, while the original sold more evenly accross platforms, including PC and even it took a while to reach 7 millions. I think this was very good, specially when there's people like me that don't care that much about the game since we expected a more traditional take and will play it some time later


They simultaneously tried to expand the audience while pissing off the "purists", which is almost never a recipe for success. That said, it honestly has done better than I expected that it would. Ever Crisis is more of the remake i was hoping that FFVII was going to be, but even that looks like it's just going to streamline the story and add a bunch of FFVII universe side shlock. Hope to be wrong about that, and it's an actual JRPG with world map, side quests, etc.

You must not keep up with the new i guess ? It is a gacha game . They milking FF7 right now


You got a source on that? Worst case scenario if so.

Nomura answered that the story chapters themselves would be free to access, as would the core gameplay. However, the game will feature gacha elements, specifically for acquiring weapons and possibly costumes. The special weapons will come with interesting gimmicks that weren’t present in the original games

here you go

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
well, Final Fantasy has a huge fanbase on xbox, so it's curious as to why Square chose to release VIIR as a PlayStation exclusive?

Those sales numbers would've easily been doubled , had Square released a day one Switch version.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Regardless of everything Square Enix somehow managed with ff7r to create a "spin off" parallel to the main series almost as big as a main new entry. That is if they manage to get the same sales with the next parts. If you follow the series you know they've been trying this for years and years with low to moderate success (compilations, sequels, prequels, spinoffs, fnc). They finally potentially scored it big. Now they might have "2 mainline" series alternating year after year...
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief
It is a gacha game .
They overestimated the nostalgia factor and sheer time that has passed. 22 years, most of those people probably moved on from gaming or just into something different right now. FF rep is also not what it used to be unfortunately (12, 13 and 15 progressively got worse). My first FF was IX (beautiful game) so was playing VII for the first time now on PS+. And let me tell you, while great to play, it certainly wasn’t aimed at newcomers because you will be left dazed and confused by the end. That’s not a good thing if you want new players and big sales - to turn off potential new players.

XVI is make or break for them.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
XVI is make or break for them.
I swear Ive been hearing this with every new entry announced. But they keep coming regardless of the doom and gloom.

The franchise right now is in a better shape than the previous decade and the one before. They have 3 main IPs multi-million sellers (main, remake, xiv) + tons of HUGE successful gatcha mobile games (see Brave Exvius).

It's a good time to be a fan honestly, the future is bright.
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For a JRPG it seems pretty good, and so far it's Ps4 exclusive too which is also limiting the audience.
But yeah, I did think it was going to be bigger. I think overall splitting it up into parts and making big changes to gameplay didn't do it many favors sales wise. They pissed off a lot of core fans and probably confused more casual ones.
Leading up to the game a lot of the discussion was less "OMG this game is coming" and more "How long do you think it will be? How long will it take between parts?, I think I'll wait until all parts are out, etc"


Those sales numbers would've easily been doubled , had Square released a day one Switch version.

Something Sony is well aware of. Think about all those lost sales and then understand that Square aren't total idiots so Sony must have given them a great deal in order to keep it exclusive.


XVI is make or break for them.

Not at all, Remake left them in a great place in terms of financial success, Fan reception and Critical reception.
Square is doing better than ever for both money and customer satisfication.

I think what you meant is that it's make or break for you.


There are very few replies on here that are based on real data. I remember reading that FF7R sold 3.5 million copies only a few days after release. Imran Khan of kinda funny games said Square was so happy with sales that they are expanding the scope. I actually think this may be one of the fastest selling titles not only in FF history but also among playstation exclusives.

Final Fantasy VII Remake 2020 performance on the US market.
  • Ranked #10 on dollar sales overall (includes physical and digital).
  • Ranked #6 on dolar sales on the Playstation platform (includes phisical and digital).
(Thanks u/Lulcielid from theLifestream.net)

And Reminder about Japanese sales, FFVIIR was at the top of the list:

This seem quite amazing and puts to bed any nonsense about Remake not performing well. Rather, FF despite being a niche jrpg has become one of the most mainstream video games in terms of sales.


well, Final Fantasy has a huge fanbase on xbox, so it's curious as to why Square chose to release VIIR as a PlayStation exclusive?

Those sales numbers would've easily been doubled , had Square released a day one Switch version.
You must not have seen the FF game sales on Xbox. Here's a hint...they weren't good. The 13 series didn't move the needle. FF15 didn't either. Type 0, FF12:TZA etc..
Even KH3 bombed on the Xbox and that was a same day release.
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I swear Ive been hearing this with every new entry announced. But they keep coming regardless of the doom and gloom.

The franchise right now is in a better shape than the previous decade and the one before. They have 3 main IPs multi-million sellers (main, remake, xiv) + tons of HUGE successful gatcha mobile games (see Brave Exvius).

It's a good time to be a fan honestly, the future is bright.
12 was worse than 10, 13 was worse than 12, 15 was worse than 13 (IMO). 14 has its dedicated fanbase (that I was part of) but nothing to scream about (monthly subscription will never help you reach wider audiences). 7R probably sold bare minimum to cover the costs of all those beautiful cutscenes.

In an age where garage Steam projects sell few million in a week, historic and legendary franchise such as FF shouldn’t be content with these results.

Not at all, Remake left them in a great place in terms of financial success, Fan reception and Critical reception.
Square is doing better than ever for both money and customer satisfication.

I think what you meant is that it's make or break for you.
Far from it. Final Fantasy as brand is significantly diminished from its glory days of 7-12. Today’s 5M is not the same as 5M in 1997. Back then, gaming population was a tiny fraction of today’s size. FF should, today, sell somewhere in the range of 15-20M for me to count them as relevant. Like Zelda for example. But they’re nowhere near that. And that saddens me of course because I’m huge fanatic of the franchise.

Make or break is in terms of will they ever become relevant again, I do believe this is the last train they can catch.
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At some point SE said the game ff7 remake has sold digitally and shipped 5 million (shipped isn’t sold through).

Since then we’ve heard nothing about how many units the game has sold? Is FF as a series on decline? Was the original ff7 really that massive to begin with? Last time I checked life to date sales of og ff7 were 10 million and that’s what 24 years?

Allegedly 5 million for remake doesn’t seem a lot for a game that’s supposed to be massive.
Maybe once the reception of remake came out and news of the kingdom hearts hack job people thought nah not for me. I’ve played og7 many times, with remake felt no reason to play it again despite its fun battle system.
How old are you? The market wasn't what it is today, ff7 was one of the best selling game of its gen, it was humongous, especially for a jrpg.


FF7 Remake is on my "I want it but I can wait a little longer" list.
Can someone confirm that it ends
when Cloud & co are leaving Midgar (they didn't even reach the end of disc 1?)

Because, if so, there's still a hell of a lot more to come and I'd rather wait for all of it in some "Complete Edition" or whatever they want to call it.
FF7 Remake is on my "I want it but I can wait a little longer" list.
Can someone confirm that it ends
when Cloud & co are leaving Midgar (they didn't even reach the end of disc 1?)

Because, if so, there's still a hell of a lot more to come and I'd rather wait for all of it in some "Complete Edition" or whatever they want to call it.
Confirmed but there’s some major fuckery going on for some time before and even during that scene.


Sales numbers would have been higher if SE hadn't artificially limited it to being a Playstation only title for nostalgia reasons or whatever. I doubt whatever moneyhat Sony threw at them was enough to cover the lost revenue from not going multi platform from the beginning.


I imagine I’m not the only one who has skipped it because it’s not the complete story and playing on an old PS4 is certainly not how I want to experience a remake of an old classic in 2021.
I imagine I’m not the only one who has skipped it because it’s not the complete story and playing on an old PS4 is certainly not how I want to experience a remake of an old classic in 2021.
I’m guaranteeing you’re gonna have a blast on base PS4 like I just did when it came on PS+. PS5 differences are laughably small because it was not base development console. I’m expecting a true spectacle in Part 2 and XVI of course.

Astral Dog

Its a great game but others like The Last of Us PART2 or Animal Crossing are the 'cool' thing now(on consoles) , and i think the Final Fantasy XIII games are at fault for the hit in popularity, they made those and many people lost interest in the series, i bet the open world ish medieval grittier FFXVI is gonna be a big hit however.
ive enjoyed some FF over the years, but never bought 7 (well i did technically but my computer couldnt run it at the time). was waiting for the remake/remaster. once the remake was announced my interest declined to near zero.

now im looking to just buy the original when I can find the time for my next rpg

also, I imagine a lot of people who grew up loving FF7 on ps1 have aged out/moved on to care anymore

series, i bet the open world ish medieval grittier FFXVI is gonna be a big hit however.
I'm only one person, but that poster doesn't make me want to play FFXVI. it doesnt restore confidence in me that was lost
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I’m guaranteeing you’re gonna have a blast on base PS4 like I just did when it came on PS+. PS5 differences are laughably small because it was not base development console. I’m expecting a true spectacle in Part 2 and XVI of course.
I know it’s a great game but it’s been 25 years and it annoys me that it’s cut into so small chunks, I’m waiting for more parts and improved PC releases.

Astral Dog

ive enjoyed some FF over the years, but never bought 7 (well i did technically but my computer couldnt run it at the time). was waiting for the remake/remaster. once the remake was announced my interest declined to near zero.

now im looking to just buy the original when I can find the time for my next rpg

also, I imagine a lot of people who grew up loving FF7 on ps1 have aged out/moved on to care anymore

I'm only one person, but that poster doesn't make me want to play FFXVI. it doesnt restore confidence in me that was lost
I think FFXVI is more in line with the current trends(grittier medieval fantasy open world, action combat, the writting style is completely different from other FF games including VII) and is made by the director of the revamped FFXIV wich was quite successful i heard.

The art or graphics don't mean much at this time, the game is still on early stages. But the general direction from what we have seen i bets its gonna be very popular once it releases
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Diddy X

If you go asking people "Final fantasy" is pretty popular but specifically VII, Cloud, Sephiroth, etc I think are way less recognizable.


At some point SE said the game ff7 remake has sold digitally and shipped 5 million (shipped isn’t sold through).

Since then we’ve heard nothing about how many units the game has sold? Is FF as a series on decline? Was the original ff7 really that massive to begin with? Last time I checked life to date sales of og ff7 were 10 million and that’s what 24 years?

Allegedly 5 million for remake doesn’t seem a lot for a game that’s supposed to be massive.
Maybe once the reception of remake came out and news of the kingdom hearts hack job people thought nah not for me. I’ve played og7 many times, with remake felt no reason to play it again despite its fun battle system.
They should have remade it in the PS3 era. Many people who grew up playing it have moved on.


Mismanage is a weird way of putting it. There's a different team and a different goal on almost every single FF so it literally is a case by case basis when it comes to quality. It's not like other series.

Perhaps if they had a different technique, it would be known as simply a quality series instead of "case by case basis". If the result is the consistency of Sonic the Hedgehog, there might be a better way...if, yes, the whole brand was managed entirely different. I just think the power of the words "Final Fantasy" FAR eclipses what they've done with it, and how many more games they could be selling...by that I mean, almost Mario-like numbers.


Unconfirmed Member
Perhaps if they had a different technique, it would be known as simply a quality series instead of "case by case basis". If the result is the consistency of Sonic the Hedgehog, there might be a better way...if, yes, the whole brand was managed entirely different. I just think the power of the words "Final Fantasy" FAR eclipses what they've done with it, and how many more games they could be selling...by that I mean, almost Mario-like numbers.
The difference between Sonic and FF is that with FF I'd argue that even the weakest of mainline entries are good 7 out of 10 games that have their own fanbases. I have never played an actual bad mainline Final Fantasy game, I have only played Final Fantasy games I particularly didn't like. That's the main difference. I have never seen a mainline FF game that is the equivalent of Sonic 2006 or Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. If anyone here thinks that for any FF title, then they haven't played enough garbage and broken games out there to make that claim.

I think the brand is fine and I just think that JRPGs overall are disconnecting more and more with western audiences, the more they seemingly become like J-dramas and anime. That's the real issue here and you need a story editor who understands this to reel in the visions of people like Nomura who tend to go 'full anime' when left to their own freedoms. Remember that FF7R could have been way worse if it was just Nomura at the helm, because he would have most likely introduced this guy(and his bullshit that comes with him):
FF7 was always overhyped, the situations surrounding the original FF7's launch has continued to cloud peoples head in years, the PSX had from late 1996 started taking names in sales and there were all kinds of hit American and Japanese games, right around the time the degenerate style of anime was becoming popular in the US creating the weebs, which also coincided with a deceptive marketing campaign about the games real graphics, while within a year after launch the Pokemon craze started while the FF7 craze still had steam, among other factors.

However, that lightning in a bottle did not strike twice for either FF8 and FF9 both which sold less than the one before and non-gamer anime/ova fans who didn't convert started moving away, and the JRPG commercial craze was also fading removing other gamers.

FF7 did about 2.3 million in the US, and 4+ million in Japan. It still did well in the US but it wasn't as big as the hype and circumstances surrounding it during it's release and it's first full year on the market. Going to 1.9 to 1.3 for FF8 and FF9 respectively. The perception created inflating the size of the game also led to the slight falsity that Jrpgs were the range because of the game, which isn't really accurate, there was an attempt by publishers in Japan, and even western publishers who would publish or commission Jrpgs to see if they can grab on to the belief that there was money sitting on the table, but the reality was that Jrpgs just weren't really popular outside of Japan, sure some games, and I mean a select group, may have moved from super Niche to somewhat of an audience during that time but the 3 FF games mostly due to FF7 were the only Jrpgs to sell over 1 million units on the console and most Jrpgs sold less than half that.

But the belief itself made sense if you were there, but it was more like a visual mirage than a real thing actually catching fire. MGS without any of the advantages and circumstances surrounding it, and in less time, sold only slightly below FF7, while Tony Hawk games and Spyro (only the first one) were quite a bit ahead in the US, same with Tekken 3, and none of the mentioned games had any spectacle and hype associated with them with the same intensity as with FF7.

When FF7 remake first came out many people expected it, even after it was confirmed episodic, to fly off shelves pretty much the entire first 2 years it was on the shelf, likely hitting 10+ million sales. There is a current and nostalgia audience for FF7, however it's nowhere near that big. It's not that FF7 is bad (although I personally don't like it much there's a lot of bad design, flaws, and bad writing even in the remake let alone the original) but it's that people forced themselves to believe that FF7 was more massive than it ever really was.

Now with that said whether it's LTD is 3 or 5 million those are both numbers many games and studios would kill for so unless Square messed up their budgeting (which they have many times in the past) I think they are happy with the sales. Maybe.

I'm surprised Square-Soft had that much money back in 1997
They didn't, some big games would get funding through sources or outsources partnerships, align with margin. FF7 did a lot of that you can see this just in the credits in game though there are credits out of game as well. Generally Square was always on the line doing this, that's why when they tried the same tactic with their first "movie" it nearly killed them by itself. They always were looking for the ball that hit out of the park so even with successful profits their margins were very bad from a business perspective.

dont forget, the impact of the previous title in the franchise, like since FFXIII to FFXV

FFXV is 3 feet from being the best selling FF game of all time, but It doesn't really have anything left to make it across the line but it's close. Considering the XIII games reception that's pretty crazy.

JRPGs are sadly no longer mass market. They had a moment in the late 90s where FF7 opened up the genre to casual/mass audiences, but its been in steady decline ever since. I dont really imagine any JRPG in todays market would move 10M units. At least not without also checking more mass boxes like "open world" and "emergent" and a bunch of other stuff I have no appetite for.
And in the original post of mine at the top of these quotes, you now see what I mean by the "belief" that FF7 opened doors, it didn't, it created a hallucination that there was money on the table due to the circumstances and hype surrounding FF7 at the time, causing publishers to try and catch a paper tiger, but there were no other mass success Jrpgs on consoles than FF7 FF8 and FF9 which all sold significantly less than the one before. In fact if not FFXV, FF7 is still likely the biggest Jrpg on consoles in the US. I don't think people realize outside of Japan Jrpgs are still very very niche on average on gaming consoles. You'll find more buyers on portables, even then only a group of games do really well, but better than consoles across the board though.

Of course some people may have differing definitions of jrpg.

I think right now there is probably more of a demand for a Chrono Trigger/Cross remasters/remakes. S
lol No there isn't.

Chrono Trigger is one of those games that didn't initially do that well (but did decent in japan) were the cult fanbase kind of gets drunk and completely ignores reality and current interests and demographics and pretends that the first thing a Jrpg fan wants right now is a remake of Chrono Cross and not FF7 episode 2. lol.

FF7 may not have ever been as big as people perceived it to be but it's still the number one Jrpg brand on average on gaming consoles.
There are very few replies on here that are based on real data. I remember reading that FF7R sold 3.5 million copies only a few days after release. Imran Khan of kinda funny games said Square was so happy with sales that they are expanding the scope. I actually think this may be one of the fastest selling titles not only in FF history but also among playstation exclusives.

Final Fantasy VII Remake 2020 performance on the US market.
  • Ranked #10 on dollar sales overall (includes physical and digital).
  • Ranked #6 on dolar sales on the Playstation platform (includes phisical and digital).
(Thanks u/Lulcielid from theLifestream.net)

And Reminder about Japanese sales, FFVIIR was at the top of the list:

This seem quite amazing and puts to bed any nonsense about Remake not performing well. Rather, FF despite being a niche jrpg has become one of the most mainstream video games in terms of sales.

There's no data here, we have seen many games sell gangbusters out the date and then hit a calm and sink period, or skipping straight to the sink period. Square has a history with putting out numbers and comparisons for successful games, yeah, it probably did sell well but if it even kept a third of the pace as the initial 3 million it would be at around 8-10 million now and we know that's not the case so there had to be a crash.

I have only played Final Fantasy games I particularly didn't like. That's the main difference. I have never seen a mainline FF game that is the equivalent of Sonic 2006 or Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. If anyone here thinks that for any FF title, then they haven't played enough garbage and broken games out there to make that claim.
I think you are contradicting yourself because if you had played Sonic Boom it's problems are not the same as Sonic 2006's and the word broken wouldn't apply. Yes, I can't think of a major FF release as bad as Sonic 2006, however there are several that as are bad or worse than Boom in their boredom, terrible writing, lack of content, poor or sparse gameplay, repetition, backtracking, lack of excitement, lack of immersion, and a shitty un-involved world. Or a world that's vague with no explanation and nothing to entice you other than to irritate you.


The difference between Sonic and FF is that with FF I'd argue that even the weakest of mainline entries are good 7 out of 10 games that have their own fanbases. I have never played an actual bad mainline Final Fantasy game, I have only played Final Fantasy games I particularly didn't like. That's the main difference. I have never seen a mainline FF game that is the equivalent of Sonic 2006 or Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. If anyone here thinks that for any FF title, then they haven't played enough garbage and broken games out there to make that claim.

I think the brand is fine and I just think that JRPGs overall are disconnecting more and more with western audiences, the more they seemingly become like J-dramas and anime. That's the real issue here and you need a story editor who understands this to reel in the visions of people like Nomura who tend to go 'full anime' when left to their own freedoms. Remember that FF7R could have been way worse if it was just Nomura at the helm, because he would have most likely introduced this guy(and his bullshit that comes with him):

Can we please stop throwing all the blame for bad writing on Nomura? He did not write Crisis Core, Or Dirge of Cerberus.

Astral Dog

The difference between Sonic and FF is that with FF I'd argue that even the weakest of mainline entries are good 7 out of 10 games that have their own fanbases. I have never played an actual bad mainline Final Fantasy game, I have only played Final Fantasy games I particularly didn't like. That's the main difference. I have never seen a mainline FF game that is the equivalent of Sonic 2006 or Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. If anyone here thinks that for any FF title, then they haven't played enough garbage and broken games out there to make that claim.

I think the brand is fine and I just think that JRPGs overall are disconnecting more and more with western audiences, the more they seemingly become like J-dramas and anime. That's the real issue here and you need a story editor who understands this to reel in the visions of people like Nomura who tend to go 'full anime' when left to their own freedoms. Remember that FF7R could have been way worse if it was just Nomura at the helm, because he would have most likely introduced this guy(and his bullshit that comes with him):
I don't think so or they would lose what makes them special and stand out in the first place, however we are going to see a slightly more westernized Final Fantasy with the upcoming XVI


There's no data here, we have seen many games sell gangbusters out the date and then hit a calm and sink period, or skipping straight to the sink period. Square has a history with putting out numbers and comparisons for successful games, yeah, it probably did sell well but if it even kept a third of the pace as the initial 3 million it would be at around 8-10 million now and we know that's not the case so there had to be a crash.
Ok, so where is your proof of anything you just said?


Unconfirmed Member
There's no data here, we have seen many games sell gangbusters out the date and then hit a calm and sink period, or skipping straight to the sink period. Square has a history with putting out numbers and comparisons for successful games, yeah, it probably did sell well but if it even kept a third of the pace as the initial 3 million it would be at around 8-10 million now and we know that's not the case so there had to be a crash.

I think you are contradicting yourself because if you had played Sonic Boom it's problems are not the same as Sonic 2006's and the word broken wouldn't apply. Yes, I can't think of a major FF release as bad as Sonic 2006, however there are several that as are bad or worse than Boom in their boredom, terrible writing, lack of content, poor or sparse gameplay, repetition, backtracking, lack of excitement, lack of immersion, and a shitty un-involved world. Or a world that's vague with no explanation and nothing to entice you other than to irritate you.

Boom was also a very glitchy, buggy mess of a game. Let's not try to re-write how bad it was apart from it's story and gameplay. Again, there's no FF like that. Yes, there are some of them with questionably told stories, plot, and setting, but overall they are still at best 7 out of 10 games with their own big fanbases. Show me that classic Sonic Boom Wii U fanbase.

Can we please stop throwing all the blame for bad writing on Nomura?
Kingdom Hearts.

I don't think so or they would lose what makes them special and stand out in the first place, however we are going to see a slightly more westernized Final Fantasy with the upcoming XVI
One could argue some of the earlier, 2D FF's, were more westernized in terms of storytelling, or at the very least more reserved than the newer entries.
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Nostalgia can only take you so far. FF doesn't really appeal to younger gamers but put Cloud in Fornite however and they'll eat that shit up.


It's still hasn't coming to other platforms though, especially PC.

I think it's just the testament of PS not being worthy of being the exclusive platform for AAA RPGs anymore. You need MHW PC for example else MHW will be called a flop if it released only on PS.

FFXV sells that much only because of bargain bin prices, selling on multiple platforms.


Zoomers don't care. And older gamers wanted the full remake, not part 1 of a dumb parallel world sequel.


FFVII was a great game back in the day i really loved it, the turn based gameplay, the minigames, the weapon boss fights, optional characters, summons, ultimate weapons the game had it all.

FF6 purists were salty for years afterwards and whenever the subject of FF would come up you would always see a few loud "FF6 best ever, all other FF is crap" voices.
I still don't get the hate the remake sometimes gets.
I am an older gamer (39) and love the original since it originally released, but I am very happy with the remake. Look I really would prefer a purely turned based battle system, but I think the battle system is the best compromise without driving away the younger audience, who prefer an action based fighting system.
Am I a fan of the changes? Not really, but I get what Square is trying to do, keep things fresh and surprising even for people who played the original multiple times. And I think they didn't change too much so that it be really bothering me. Okay I would be really offended if a certain character fate plays out differently, but that still has to be seen.
So all in all, I really love the remake and if I feel like it I can also go revisit the original.
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