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Is it okay of Square Enix to not call it "Final Fantasy 7 Remake EPISODE/CHAPTER 1"?

Square Enix should ...

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I wonder how many people (who are aware of this) will be waiting until it's finished to purchase. I'm not buying a remake in parts.

I'm going to wait for reviews.

I've already played FFVII so it seems strange that this will be that same story but split up across a few games over many years.

Maybe part 2 will be a completely different style of game only available on next gen consoles and part 3 will be something else again and wont release until near the end of next generation.
If they would state it was the complete final fantasy 7 remake
they won't ofc as i am pretty sure Square Enix has a legal team.

Yeah but they're already made it clear that it's not a 1:1 remak. It would only maybe be a legal issue if we didn't find out it was Midgar only until the game was launched


It's like if Disney drops a trailer next year for Star Wars - Episode IV - A New Hope and we see that it's the original Star Wars with new actors and effects etc etc but then you go to the cinema and the movie ends just after Alderaan gets blown up with a bit "to be continued...". People are not going to be fine with that

What if it is the same length of any other movie, goes into new depth and stories that were not covered in the original and was a fantastic movie in it's own right? Why wouldn't they be ok with that?


It's a remake of an old game though.

Why would anyone assume that "FFVII Remake" is not a remade version of FFVII but is actually a remake of some of FFVII with the rest of the remade game to be released in 2021? 22?

It's like if Disney drops a trailer next year for Star Wars - Episode IV - A New Hope and we see that it's the original Star Wars with new actors and effects etc etc but then you go to the cinema and the movie ends just after Alderaan gets blown up with a bit "to be continued...". People are not going to be fine with that.

I don't see how it's the same as a new IP having new entries in the series.

They are pushing it as a remake of an older game but it's not a full remake. They are only remaking part of the original game.

Finally, someone made a good analogy.

Side note, it's really interesting how much Square doesn't care about their brand nowadays. Ubisoft makes one bad game (Breakpoint, 55 metacritic) and goes full damage control, apologizes, vows to make it right, also delays every other AAA game in development to make sure it never happens again.

Square releases The Quiet Man (28 metacritic) in 2018 with a straight face, they say nothing. In 2019 they release Left Alive (40 metacritic) and once again make no acknowledgement of the poor critical reception of the game.


I'm not too concerned. I could swear in press material and online for orders as well as what I assume would be on the back of the box, I've read it saying it is the first part in the story. Besides it includes elements from the spin-offs and new content to boot. And I'd wager the ending will have some neat teaser trailer for the next entry. I'm not so worried about consumer ignorance anymore, if they're not educating themselves beyond a cursory glance before making a purchase, regardless of the small price of a videogame, that's on them.

Initially I was upset wanting a 1:1 remake, but in some ways I'm actually fine with what they've done (sans the sports bra). So many times in the past I used to think of how cool it'd be to get to explore more of the games I loved, such as FF and RE, and provided its done decently, it should be a fun time. I just hope that since the engine and team is in place the next chapters release at a quicker pace. Any word of the when the Demo is expected to release?


What if it is the same length of any other movie, goes into new depth and stories that were not covered in the original and was a fantastic movie in it's own right? Why wouldn't they be ok with that?

Well that's definitely an interesting concept but you'd think that they would sell it as "A New Hope - Part One" instead of just "A New Hope".
I think even to just avoid confusion from customers?

With games that's even more interesting because you aren't just selling a story or a plot with a videogame. There's a whole gameplay aspect.

So if FromSoftware decided to do a "Dark Souls - Remake" for PS5 that included Undead Asylum, Burg and Parish, The Depths, Blighttown and Quelaag's Domain only but there was expanded mechanics and lore and everything looked amazing and we had new items and new ideas etc then sure it's not necessarily a bad thing.

I think promoting that as "Dark Souls - Remake" without being clear on it being only a remake of the early parts of the game seems off to me.

Like you'd be asking where is this Anor Londo and when will we get to fight Ornstein and Smough? With an RPG this is very strange because how are we going to ensure that progress carries over? Will progress even carry over?

Shit, will they even manage to remake the rest of the game?

There are just so many unanswered questions with FFVII Remake and the way they are selling it doesn't sit right with me.


Wait? Is this remake not the complete FF7 RPG game????

Wow....just read through the whole thread and had no idea this was actually the case.

FULLY SKIPPING THIS SHIT NOW, they're doing the Blizzard gimmick of making you pay full price for a third of the game.

Wait 2 years for the full game at 20$
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Wait? Is this remake not the complete FF7 RPG game????

Wow....just read through the whole thread and had no idea this was actually the case.

FULLY SKIPPING THIS SHIT NOW, they're doing the Blizzard gimmick of making you pay full price for a third of the game.

"The first entry in a multi-part saga, delivering a level of depth inconceivable for the original. Mind-blowing story, unforgettable characters, epic battles and technical excellence collide."

This was announced at E3 2015 too so if they have Part One in 2020 then, depending on how many parts there are, it could be a long time before we have the full complete saga.
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always chasing the next thrill
Yeah but they're already made it clear that it's not a 1:1 remak.




"The first entry in a multi-part saga, delivering a level of depth inconceivable for the original. Mind-blowing story, unforgettable characters, epic battles and technical excellence collide."

This was announced at E3 2015 too so if they have Part One in 2020 then, depending on how many parts there are, it could be a long time before we have the full complete saga.

Glad to know this, I would've been totally bamboozled by not paying attention. They've been talking about this remake for so long the fact they can't even give a complete game speaks volumes to the clusterfuck that was FF15.



CliffyB's Cock Holster
Of course its fine.

At the end of the day it will be judged as a standalone title, and whether its content justifies the price-point. Thats all the matters in the end.

Saying its "part 1", also requires it to be explained that what its supposedly offering is more than just a straight repeat of the first part of the original game, which if you need to know about you'll have to look into for yourself anyway because it likely cant be neatly summed up in simple strapline or subtitle.

Sorry, just seems like concern-trolling to me.


I don't think a lot of casual gamers are interested in a remake of a 40-hour JRPG from the 90s.

Actually the the largest group of people who think Final Fantasy 7 is either a good rpg/best RPG is exactly what makes the majority of the FF7 fanbase.

Real RPG fans have about 20 other titles they'd have remade before FF7. The majority of people excited for FF7 are not people who primarily play RPG's.
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What if it is the same length of any other movie, goes into new depth and stories that were not covered in the original and was a fantastic movie in it's own right? Why wouldn't they be ok with that?
Emm cause they are milking the consumer of the product for as much as they can, people are OK with this but not fine with microtransations and on disc dlc, can't wait for resi 4 remake split into 4 parts, costing me 240 bucks 😜


If they are charging full price per part, there will be a backlash, no matter how expanded it is, wait and see if that's the case or not, I hope its not the case as players new to part 7 might find themselves in a shenmue situation
Really this is scummy shit right here. First off it's being advertised as full and at full price at $60.00. That better have the rest for free dlc or there will be some lawsuits. This would be fine if it's done as epsidoe 1 for $20 and all 3 total 60, but you know greedy square is going to sell 3 games for $180. It's bs. I'm not buying it unless it includes everything. The midgar section isn't even that long. You aren't even past level 15 or 20 if I remember right by then. What are they thinking?


Emm cause they are milking the consumer of the product for as much as they can, people are OK with this but not fine with microtransations and on disc dlc, can't wait for resi 4 remake split into 4 parts, costing me 240 bucks 😜

Have you seen the production values of this game? This is anything but a cheap or lazy remake.
If they are charging full price per part, there will be a backlash, no matter how expanded it is, wait and see if that's the case or not, I hope its not the case as players new to part 7 might find themselves in a shenmue situation
Gamestop has it at 59.99 for base game and 79.99 for deluxe version it already has extras added, so they are selling a cut down game, calling it full and charging 60.
Really this is scummy shit right here. First off it's being advertised as full and at full price at $60.00. That better have the rest for free dlc or there will be some lawsuits. This would be fine if it's done as epsidoe 1 for $20 and all 3 total 60, but you know greedy square is going to sell 3 games for $180. It's bs. I'm not buying it unless it includes everything. The midgar section isn't even that long. You aren't even past level 15 or 20 if I remember right by then. What are they thinking?
1.) They are expanding the Midgar section with new story content.
2.) It is unreasonable to charge $20 for a game with high production values.


Gold Member
I'm not bothered by the naming but it would be better if they made reference to it somehow.

Final Fantasy VII: Midgar
Final Fantasy VII: Fellowship of Seventh Heaven
Finally Fantastical 7: Meet me in the Honeybin
If anything, it has to be called “Disc 1.”

But generally speaking, I’m fine for it to not have any specific designation. Treat it like an episodic title, the news-marketing apparatus will see to informing the public.


Have you seen the production values of this game? This is anything but a cheap or lazy remake.
Not calling it cheap or lazy, I think it looks fantastic, but this thread has got me thinking it's one game getting remade into a series rather than an episodic release of one large game.


I don't think a lot of casual gamers are interested in a remake of a 40-hour JRPG from the 90s.
A lot of gamers (casual and hardcore) played this in 1997, and a lot of those gamers who fell off gaming as they got older are back to play this. I've mentioned this before in other threads but my boss, for example, is 42, and bought a PS4 Pro for this. I was the one who told him it was only the Midgar section. The disappointment was palpable, he went through the five steps of grief in real time right in front of me.

For the record, expanding on the Midgar section of the game and releasing it in parts is fine to me, they just need to effectively communicate that change to prevent disappointment from misinformed customers, and so far, I don't think they have made a reasonable effort to do that.

I also believe if they don't make a reasonable effort to notify customers that this is not the entire FFVII experience, someone is going to try to sue them and while it won't result in damages being awarded, it will result in legal fees and bad PR for Square Enix.


Gamestop has it at 59.99 for base game and 79.99 for deluxe version it already has extras added, so they are selling a cut down game, calling it full and charging 60.
But is that part one of 3 with extras or the deluxe edition is all 3 parts? I'm honestly just trying to find out what's the price structure of this release/releases.


Gold Member
Gamestop has it at 59.99 for base game and 79.99 for deluxe version it already has extras added, so they are selling a cut down game, calling it full and charging 60.
What the actual fuck is your idea of a cut down game? That's like saying Star Wars: A New Hope is a cut down movie for not including Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Square Enix didn't take the original game and just cut it up then resale it.

All of the gameplay, models, environments, and even a good amount of story from the looks of it will be new content. That's just for the FIRST PART of this multi part Remake.
I think they should go with titles instead of numbers to separate them from the other episodic games out there.

This isn't a Telltale or Dontnod game, it's a full-fledged game, even in every entry.
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"The first entry in a multi-part saga, delivering a level of depth inconceivable for the original. Mind-blowing story, unforgettable characters, epic battles and technical excellence collide."

This was announced at E3 2015 too so if they have Part One in 2020 then, depending on how many parts there are, it could be a long time before we have the full complete saga.

Don't feed the trolls...
No you won't, sjws don't buy games, they just troll and complain. Nice try with this thread though :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I'm the furthest thing from an sjw, in fact I'm anti sjw and and think you and others here are polishing square's rod. An sjw would be wanting censorship or tifas boobs shrunk, no one here wants that. We want a full game at $60 not a partial game and the full game being $180. The midgar section isnt that long and they are charging full price.

It's an old game not new. Yeah I'm glad thsy are making it but if it's episodes it should be $20 - 30 each not 60 bones a peice.
I'm the furthest thing from an sjw, in fact I'm anti sjw and and think you and others here are polishing square's rod. An sjw would be wanting censorship or tifas boobs shrunk, no one here wants that. We want a full game at $60 not a partial game and the full game being $180. The midgar section isnt that long and they are charging full price.

It's an old game not new. Yeah I'm glad thsy are making it but if it's episodes it should be $20 - 30 each not 60 bones a peice.

Troll bait, if you think this remake is the same game as the old game, you seriously need a thicker pair of glasses. :pie_eyeroll:
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Wait? Is this remake not the complete FF7 RPG game????

Wow....just read through the whole thread and had no idea this was actually the case.

FULLY SKIPPING THIS SHIT NOW, they're doing the Blizzard gimmick of making you pay full price for a third of the game.

Wait 2 years for the full game at 20$
Yep and just like with starcraft 2 back in 2008ish we have square appolgists the same now as back then. I get it people are crazy fans for ff7, but stand on principle. As much as that sucked it's even worse for ff7 as this is a single player rpg, there is no multilayer and who knows if content will carry over, if they even finish the game. Remember this is the same company who ditched completing ff15 dlc that people paid pass prices for in advance.
A lot of gamers (casual and hardcore) played this in 1997, and a lot of those gamers who fell off gaming as they got older are back to play this. I've mentioned this before in other threads but my boss, for example, is 42, and bought a PS4 Pro for this. I was the one who told him it was only the Midgar section. The disappointment was palpable, he went through the five steps of grief in real time right in front of me.

For the record, expanding on the Midgar section of the game and releasing it in parts is fine to me, they just need to effectively communicate that change to prevent disappointment from misinformed customers, and so far, I don't think they have made a reasonable effort to do that.

I also believe if they don't make a reasonable effort to notify customers that this is not the entire FFVII experience, someone is going to try to sue them and while it won't result in damages being awarded, it will result in legal fees and bad PR for Square Enix.
I agree they should communicate it better. I'm not expecting them to actually change the game title but perhaps in the official description for the game on the back of the box art or its store page would be good enough.
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Neo Member
I agree they should communicate it better. I'm not expecting them to actually change the game title but perhaps in the official description for the game on the back of the box art or its store page would be good enough.
nobody would discover this is not a 1:1 remake by redeading the back of the box art. Calling this "FF7 remake" is just misleading
Fact #1: Everyone here already knows this game is in multiple parts.

Fact#2: None of you really care about the some random stranger experience with the game.

Does your friend or family member not know? It's your responsibility to let them know.

they better make that crystal fucking clear or they will be sitting on a nice lawsuit

This is the real reason why anyone care, malicious intent, stick it to the man, let them go bankrupt, ruin it for everyone who loves the game!

You guys make me sick.


always chasing the next thrill
Fact #1: Everyone here already knows this game is in multiple parts.

Fact#2: None of you really care about the some random stranger experience with the game.

Does your friend or family member not know? It's your responsibility to let them know.

This is the real reason why anyone care, malicious intent, stick it to the man, let them go bankrupt, ruin it for everyone who loves the game!

You guys make me sick.
Ok drama llama
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It's been their choice to break the game into parts, that's what happens when you put the director of Kingdom Hearts on a game, they are okay with using .2, .5, 2.5, 1.5, etc on a game and their audience accepting it. If there's an uproar, Square is the one responsible for creating it.


I'm the furthest thing from an sjw, in fact I'm anti sjw and and think you and others here are polishing square's rod. An sjw would be wanting censorship or tifas boobs shrunk, no one here wants that. We want a full game at $60 not a partial game and the full game being $180. The midgar section isnt that long and they are charging full price.

It's an old game not new. Yeah I'm glad thsy are making it but if it's episodes it should be $20 - 30 each not 60 bones a peice.

WHat if there is 40-50 hours gameplay in there plus another 50 hours of endgame. I would be fine with that even if it was just the bombing run.

I believe that this will be a sufficient and substantial amount of game for $60USD/$100AUD and all of you will end up buying at some stage bercause of the player testimnoials about it. Even though it is only a part of the original story, (But may add a whol;e bunch of new story never seen before).


Why not something like:
and under that
Episode 1 or Chapter 1
I don't have the skills to make a quick visual of that idea :p


I have a really big problems with things like those. The game can only end with a cliff hanger and we don't know if square will create part 2, 3 (well how many there should be, I don't know). If the game is not a success square won't create the next part.
And if they create the next part, it can take years before it gets released.

Well, I will only buy it in a complete form and if it really delivers a FF7 like experience. So maybe in a few years on next next gen hardware ^^.

What about games planned to be a three part story from the start, such as Mass Effect?
All Mass Effect games (well except for Andromeda) had a satisfying ending which end the story part of the game without big cliff hangers. Yes, there was always the "someday they will come back"-situation but the main story of every game ends with each game.
-1: One Reaper ship ... is defeated
-2: One reaper operation base ... is defeated
-3: All reapers .... well defeated (more or less)

Here we have a remake of a game where we already know how the story ends. Maybe they change some details in between, but that is all.
I really hope they don't do it the FF XV way ... horrible game, story and characters, even with the addons
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It's really not that hard, consumers like to be fully aware of what they are buying and in this case having an episode or Midgar title on the box helps clarify what the game entails. Despite what some people in the thread seem to think, not all people who would buy this game hang out on forums, stay up to date with gaming news, or whatever to already know it's just Midgar, nor should they have to in order to know what they are purchasing.
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