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Is There Any Fanservice In Western Games For Straight Men Anymore?

Ulysses 31

Gold Member
You first have to show minorities are indeed oppressed and that they are oppressed by the people you say oppress them. Then you would have to show that by pleasing the alleged oppressors you would be somehow contributing to the oppression itself. Then you would have to show that moral facts exist and that when you say that it is wrong that's not just your opinion but a factual statement.

But given that, I predict, you will not show any of this, your opinion can safely be dismissed.
Good thing I’m no sjw who believes that white males are oppressors and responsible for the suffering of non-whites around the world. >.>
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Neo Member
Very few games approach The Godfather levels of storytelling, and surprisingly, one of the few that have done that featured one of the most perfect asses in video game history.

No, it would't work tonally for The Godfather, but that isn't the point. It is still possible to have both.
Some video games attempt to and that's enough. It doesn't matter if they are successful as long as they are going for that serious tone some things are off limits.


I think Ulysses was being sarcastic.

If so, my apologies. It's becoming increasingly hard to caricature certain fringe positions because they themselves border on the caricature.

Gold thing I’m no sjw who believes that white males are oppressors and responsible for the suffering of non-whites around the world. >.>

Sorry, mate. I didn't realize you were being sarcastic. A few posts on this very thread are virtually identical to yours, but sincere, so I couldn't tell.

The underlying point holds, though.
After all the "sex positivity" of the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s, it's hilarious that we've returned to this point.

Even more hilarious that feminists and pearl-clutching "activists" are leading the charge. It's almost as if they wanted religious influence out of the way so that they could sit on that throne themselves... :pie_thinking:


Why do people want sexy outfits? What's the importance?

This question is exactly as daft as asking "why do people want video games, what's the importance?".

There is no "importance" beyond the fact that people like it. That's it.

Shit, it's not like when I sit down to play a videogame or watch a TV show I'm thinking "OK time to do my duty".

I suppose that might be the clash of worldviews.
You'll have a bunch of folk who are thinking "videogames can change the world" and it's companion "videogames need to grow up".
You'll have a bunch of folk who just want to have fun and play games. Perish the thought!
When these groups collide you have some kind of conflict over what a "videogame" is supposed to be.

When I see a question like yours I feel like people have forgotten that entertainment can be just plain and simple fun.
It doesn't have to always make some profound statement or be a catalyst for change in the world.

In the context of entertainment "why do people want sexy outfits" is just a dumb question.
Why do people want pineapple on their pizza?
Why do people want popcorn with their movie?
Why do people want to listen to catchy tunes?
What's the importance?

They want it because... they like it.

Nobody in here is stating that games MUST have sexy characters. Some are asking why western developers seem to be outright avoiding them. Some are asking why some sections of the community are dead set against sexy outfits.
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It's not that I want sexy outfits (I do though), it's that I don't want other people telling me that I can't have them. The fact that people are okay allowing this oppression for sexy outfits when "diversity" is just as big a fetish is absurd. What if I told you that you couldn't have diversity in your games, huh? You wouldn't be very happy about that, I bet. So let's let the creators create it all, and let god sort them out.


Some video games attempt to and that's enough. It doesn't matter if they are successful as long as they are going for that serious tone some things are off limits.

You can still have serious tones and have sexy characters. Not all games need sexy characters, but they shouldn't be off limits if you want to include them.


But one of the most perfect asses in gaming? I mean, it's not bad and all, but this is the media that brought you such greats as Cammy and Snake. The bar is high.

They don't call her 2booty for nothing.

Alright. I'll concede. Top 20 at least. But the important thing is that this discussion created the proper context in which to post that image, such that this discussion has been enriched by its presence. This argument could've gone on for days otherwise, and that's why we need fan service in our games. Because it enriches and solves problems.


Alright. I'll concede. Top 20 at least. But the important thing is that this discussion created the proper context in which to post that image, such that this discussion has been enriched by its presence. This argument could've gone on for days otherwise, and that's why we need fan service in our games. Because it enriches and solves problems.

I said one of the best. Top 20 would fall well within that realm. We could continue to argue the semantics though, with more pictures, if you'd like.
I said one of the best. Top 20 would fall well within that realm. We could continue to argue the semantics though, with more pictures, if you'd like.
I've already conceded the point, though there is certainly room in the discussion for ascertaining what those top 20 are. Obviously, at the top is PN03. It's a little dated as far as number of polygons go, but it gains extra points for gyrating for the entire game:


So wanting to see scantily clad ladies is “fan service” now?

That seems.... like the wrong use of that word.

But besides that I can’t see what the OP is complaining about. Are pixelated bits of flesh titilating? If they are, that’s why they’re frowned upon in games these days, if they’re not, then they may as well not be there anyway.

There are plenty of special interest “female fan service” (fap service?) websites, images and videos all over the internet - it’s more available than ever in human history. Is it really necessary to have this concern for video games?

Just seems like a misplaced siege mentality about the eroding of “rights” rather than a genuine issue in video games.

Also, it’s not appropriate to conflate the lack of flesh on display with censorship. The developers themselves are voluntarily choosing the art style - it’s not being forced on them by a government body.

Im going to agree with this take. Fan service for Magna makes sense since that is actively has that sort of content, and is part of the draw to it. But western media has moved away from that for most of its films/shows. Cyberpunk 2077 has a good chance of giving you some of the sexiness. Also a game based on Frank Frazetta's art would work well.

Im not a big fan since it just comes off a bit cringy
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Lol even God Eater 3 (PS4 exclusive) now pandering to straight female / gay male as they have male party member who constantly flirt with you (no matter what gender of your MC)

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These quotes in particular have a quality of "you're a bad person for not thinking like I do" which is kind of the thing I was arguing against earlier when people look down on others who enjoy sexy female characters. I'm sure I ultimately agree with you FAR more than I do the person who swings in to shitpost "oh, won't someone think of the poor straight males" or whatever, but I still disagree with the conclusions you immediately reached and the aggressive shaming and moral superiority aspects of your post. I think that's what was suggested seemed like it could be coming from another website.

The politics of the regressive left -are- bad. Terrible, even. Identity-based group politics is the antithesis of freedom. It leads to tyranny, which is why you already see them coming after stuff that you like. Your individuality means nothing, just your group status. That is why they try to shut down people based on their race gender and orientation.

Here's the thing though. I am staunchly for freedom of speech. I am staunchly against censorship. The politics of the regressive left are trying to shut people up. They're using outrage as a weapon. They are redefining words like racism.

They think they're doing this in the name of justice but they are actually misguided. It is against the individual, against freedom of speech, against you. You're right in that the person saying it may be a good person. But what they're saying is not.

so no, I do not think we need to play nice with them. I think most of them are very good people that are very misguided. I think they believe they are defending the disenfranchised and do not realize the ramifications of their politics. I think it should be pointed out. Old Gaffers that left were not the good guys, they were the bad guys.

Was I harsh? Sure. But if someone is advocating some people should have no voice, or is anti- freedom of speech slash Pro censorship, I'm going to call them out on it..
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Because it offers the straight (white) male demographic a more visual pleasure, is it wrong?

You know, it's true that it benefits straight males, but women also enjoy looking at other women.

it's actually the number 1 result in erotic search engines.


It makes the feminist argument look even more bizarre. Did they forget lesbians exist?
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Lol even God Eater 3 (PS4 exclusive) now pandering to straight female / gay male as they have male party member who constantly flirt with you (no matter what gender of your MC)


Software Sales

[PS4] God Eater 3 (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 12/13/18) – 150,523 (New)
Read more at https://gematsu.com/2018/12/media-create-sales-12-10-18-12-16-18#5IlJlSLJbzy5iaWh.99

God Eater 3 declined from previous releases (Famitsu numbers)
God Eater - 276.104 617.828 Bandai Namco 04/02/2010
God Eater 2 - 266,326 on PS Vita, 112,024 on PSP

Not a smart move.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Lol even God Eater 3 (PS4 exclusive) now pandering to straight female / gay male as they have male party member who constantly flirt with you (no matter what gender of your MC)


There is so much Fujoshi bait in gaming, but people seem to completely ignore that because "BOOBS BAD" takes precedence.


I feel like statements such as this haven't really been well thought out.

Except... where did that society come from? How did we all come to be here?

Assuming none of us posters were created in a lab somewhere, the vast majority of us are here because of some kind of physical or sexual attraction between our parents (eeeeeewwww, gross).

What? Just because something exists, doesn't mean we need to have it overrepresented in a medium. There are plenty more life sustaining functions you seem to forget that you're not advocating for.

To quote you "I feel like statements such as this haven't really been well thought out."


What? Just because something exists, doesn't mean we need to have it overrepresented in a medium. There are plenty more life sustaining functions you seem to forget that you're not advocating for.

To quote you "I feel like statements such as this haven't really been well thought out."

You never mentioned anything about it being "overrepresented in a medium".

You said: "Why do people want sexy outfits? What's the importance?"

People want it because they like it. End of.


What kind of question is this? Why people want something that is visually appealing and interesting? You're asking as if sexy is something bad.

Not at all! Being sexy is great but I can't put it in a position of so much importance when playing a game. At least for me, this is not something that concerns me every time a play a game.

Someone above answered me saying this is a dumb question because "people just like it, as they enjoy pizzas with pineapple", but I think that this answer is, in fact, a dumb comparison. Sexuality involves so much more than that.

As a man, I really like seeing Chun-Li's muscled legs, or Cammy almost naked in every game (and like it or not, it became classic so changing it may sound strange for some old folks like me), but I've always tried to think by someone else's mind and I completely understand that this 'sexualization' of a character may sound a little too much for some people (specially women).

You know, everybody got wet when first saw "Bearded Ryu" and it turn out fine because it didn't bother enough people. I think it's all a matter of how much it will affect other players experience.

Put some clothes on a videogame character it will never turn the game less entertainment. It will please people who may feel uncomfortable and it won't change your experience. At least it shouldn't.


Whenever I read stock SJW phrases like "male gaze", "toxic masculinity", "female empowerment" or any other bullshit like that, it's hard not to cringe.


Gold Member
What I find fascinating, just a hair over a decade ago when MMOs were massive (as in the in thing at the time), our guild/clan all used to play and use Teamspeak/Ventrilo. When some games were troubled, and the guild discussed moving over to another game, one of the main concerns for the female gamers was if the character creator allowed them to look pretty and/or sexy.

WTF happened the past 4-5 years? Is it that an extreme group just overpowers those other female gamers in the noise ratio to make it seem they "all" have issue with this?

The male gamers did not give a shit one way or the other at the time, but a lot of couples played together so it was of course taken into consideration. Ironic to say the least.
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It always cracks me up how sexualized male designs aren't a problem because it's just a "male power fantasy." It's such a silly notion that all men want to be those designs because they're all cavemen deep inside. But of course women are too smart and evolved to want to be their sexualized designs, and if one does, they're victims of patriarchy and have internalized misogyny.

News flash: Many women want to be sexy and attractive. Many men want to be strong and attractive. The vast majority of us are hard-wired to have desires that all lead to fucking and pooping out offspring. If we didn't, we wouldn't be here.


You never mentioned anything about it being "overrepresented in a medium".

You said: "Why do people want sexy outfits? What's the importance?"

People want it because they like it. End of.

I didn't, what I said was "The less incidents for male gaze the better." I feel that video games relying on such low hanging fruit as breasty women weakens the genre.


I didn't, what I said was "The less incidents for male gaze the better." I feel that video games relying on such low hanging fruit as breasty women weakens the genre.

What is an "incident for male gaze".... like... wtf is this? Do you want a sharia type of society? Should we all put videogame characters in burqas? Men are hardwired to find pleasure on looking at women. It's not rocket science. Get over it.

Also... what is wrong with big breasts? Should devs only create characters with small breasts? This is nonsense.


Neo Member
Personally I am not a fan of "sexy" out of context.
Have no issues with nudity or sexuality in a game, as long as it fits.
Having a warrior woman wear armor that looks sexy but would offer no protection feels like an immature move, and doesn't work for me.
Devs should be allowed to do what they want, but if the point of adding "sexy" is just for the "Ooooh, BOOBIES!", it more then likely won't appeal to me or my wallet
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What is an "incident for male gaze".... like... wtf is this? Do you want a sharia type of society? Should we all put videogame characters in burqas? Men are hardwired to find pleasure on looking at women. It's not rocket science. Get over it.

Also... what is wrong with big breasts? Should devs only create characters with small breasts? This is nonsense.

Of course not, doesn't mean they have place in everything. They are over exposed in video games. In a world where porn is accessible from our phones 24/7, do we really need cleavage and scantily clad warriors taking us out of the narrative?
At some point they used the bathroom too, doesn't mean we need to see that kind of stuff.
Some media implies family members in some U.S. families can be taking a shower, behind curtains, while others use the toilet. Just like that wouldn't force you to look, some media portraying even bathroom visits does not mean you're forced to watch it.
Having a warrior woman wear armor that looks sexy but would offer no protection feels like an immature move, and doesn't work for me.
Works for me. It's like half the reason I play Monster Hunter. What's the point of murdering three story tall dragons with a sword the size of a tree trunk and turning their entrails into protective equipment if you can't look sexy while doing it?

Devs should be allowed to do what they want, but if the point of adding "sexy" is just for the "Ooooh, BOOBIES!", it more then likely won't appeal to me or my wallet
It must be nice, thinking you are better than the rest of us.


After all the "sex positivity" of the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 00s, it's hilarious that we've returned to this point.

Even more hilarious that feminists and pearl-clutching "activists" are leading the charge. It's almost as if they wanted religious influence out of the way so that they could sit on that throne themselves... :pie_thinking:

Sex positivity doesn't have anything to do with sexual exploitation of bodies.

You can have an open and thriving sexual life and be attracted by sex and bodies without necessarily asking for naked bodies everywhere.


Of course not, doesn't mean they have place in everything. They are over exposed in video games. In a world where porn is accessible from our phones 24/7, do we really need cleavage and scantily clad warriors taking us out of the narrative?

I don't think they are over exposed in games.

Not even in the old days. The 90's had a lot of anthropomorphic mascots full of 'tude and stuff like that. Games with spaceships, guns, cars, puzzles, you had everything. Only a small portion of gaming was of the sexy kind and even today it is like that.
Sex positivity doesn't have anything to do with sexual exploitation of bodies.

You can have an open and thriving sexual life and be attracted by sex and bodies without necessarily asking for naked bodies everywhere.
But there aren't naked bodies everywhere, so what is the issue that needs to be solved?
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