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Italy Appoints Black Cabinet Minister, Erupts With Racism

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ROME (AP) — It was hailed as a giant step forward for racial integration in a country that has long been ill at ease with its growing immigrant classes. But Cecile Kyenge’s appointment as Italy’s first black Cabinet minister has instead exposed the nation’s ugly race problem, a blight that flares regularly on the soccer pitch with racist taunts and in the diatribes of xenophobic politicians — but has now raised its head at the center of political life.

One politician from a party that not long ago ruled in a coalition derided what he called Italy’s new “bonga bonga government.” On Wednesday, amid increasing revulsion over the reaction, the government authorized an investigation into neo-fascist websites whose members called Kyenge “Congolese monkey” and other epithets.

Kyenge, 48, was born in Congo and moved to Italy three decades ago to study medicine. An eye surgeon, she lives in Modena with her Italian husband and two children. She was active in local center-left politics before winning a seat in the lower Chamber of Deputies in February elections.

Premier Enrico Letta tapped Kyenge to be minister of integration in his hybrid center-left and center-right government that won its second vote of confidence Tuesday. In his introductory speech to Parliament, Letta touted Kyenge’s appointment as a “new concept about the confines of barriers giving way to hope, of unsurpassable limits giving way to a bridge between diverse communities.”

His praise and that of others has been almost drowned out by the racist slurs directed at Kyenge by politicians of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, an on-again, off-again ally of long-serving ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi, and members of neo-fascist Internet groups.

In addition to his “bonga bonga” slur, Mario Borghezio, a European parliamentarian for the League, warned in an interview with Radio 24 that Kyenge would try to “impose tribal traditions” from her native Congo on Italy.

Kyenge on Tuesday responded to the insults, thanking those who had come to her defense and taking a veiled jab at the vulgarity of her critics. “I believe even criticism can inform if it’s done with respect,” she tweeted.

Unlike France, Germany or Britain, where second and third generations of immigrants have settled albeit uneasily, Italy is a relative newcomer to the phenomenon. France has several high-ranking government ministers with immigrant roots, and few French had a problem with the appointments: Former President Nicolas Sarkozy named a justice minister and urban policy minister, both born in France to North African parents, to his cabinet, while his minister for human rights was born in Senegal. Francois Hollande’s government spokeswoman was born in Morocco and raised in France, and his interior minister was born in Spain. He also has two black ministers from French overseas territories — one from Guyana and one from Guadeloupe.

Italy is another story. Once a country of emigration to North and South America at the turn of the last century, Italy saw the first waves of migrants from Eastern Europe and Africa coming to its shores only in the 1980s. In the last decade or two, their numbers have increased exponentially, and with them anti-immigrant sentiment: Surveys show Italians blame immigrants for crime and overtaxing the already burdened public health system. Foreigners made up about 2 percent of Italy’s population in 1990; currently the figure stands at 7.5 percent, according to official statistics bureau Istat.

Some of the most blatant manifestations of racism occur in the realm of Italy’s favorite sport, soccer — which for Italians and others has shown itself to be a perfect venue for displays of pent-up emotions. In the case of a handful of Italian teams, soccer is a way for right-wing fan clubs to vent.

Mario Balotelli, the AC Milan striker born in Palermo to Ghanaian immigrants and raised by an Italian adoptive family, knows all about it. Perhaps Italy’s best player today, he has long been the subject of racist taunts on and off the field: Rival fans once hung a banner during a match saying “Black Italians don’t exist” while the vice-president of his own club once called him the household’s “little black boy.”

Balotelli called Kyenge’s nomination “another great step forward for an Italian society that is more civil, responsible and understanding of the need for better, definitive integration.”

The race situation is almost schizophrenic in Italy. In the same week Kyenge was made a government minister and Balotelli was named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in the world, AC Milan’s cross-town rival, Juventus, was fined 30,000 euro for fans’ racist taunts during a game against Milan in which Balotelli wasn’t even playing.

“There was no racism 40 years ago because there were no non-white Italians,” said James Walston, a political science professor at American University of Rome. “You need the other in order to hate the other.”

“It will take a long time — probably there will never be a completely racism-free society — but it will take a long time for Italy to reach the sort of acceptance, multi-cultural acceptance that the rest of Europe has and North America has,” he said in an interview.

Kyenge got off to a rocky start with the Northern League when, on the day she was named minister, she said one of her top priorities would be to make it easier for children of immigrants born in Italy to obtain Italian citizenship. Currently, such children can only apply once they turn 18.

The issue has vexed Italy for years and previous center-left governments have failed to change the law even though most Italians — 72 percent according to a 2012 Istat-aided study — favor it. It’s not just a matter of a passport but has real impact on the ability of an immigrant family to integrate into Italian society: Children of non-EU immigrants born in Italy, for example, can’t take advantage of the EU citizen discounts at the Colosseum and other cultural treasures, having to pay full admission prices to get in to learn the heritage of the nation where they were born. If they were Italian citizens, they’d get in free until they were 18.

But raising an issue that so riles the Northern League — during an already tense political transition — was enough to set off Roberto Maroni, the interior minister in Berlusconi’s last center-right government and a top League official. Maroni immediately demanded that his successor as interior minister make clear his position on the law.

Other members of Maroni’s party were more blunt: Italian newspapers quoted the head of the League in Italy’s northern Lombardy region Matteo Salvini as saying that Kyenge was a “symbol of a hypocritical and do-gooding left that wants to cancel out the crime of illegal immigration and thinks only about immigrants’ rights and not their duties.”


More at the link


I'm going to go on the facebook page of the Italian fascist I used to work with at summer camp and see if he has any commentary. Always a great reminder at how awful some people can be.
Good to know we're still the most hated race in the world for absolutely no reason. Thank you for reminding me earth, for a while there I started to feel we were being accepted everywhere...you constantly shatter my dreams.
Good to know we're still the most hated race in the world for absolutely no reason. Thank you for reminding me earth, for a while there I started to feel we were being accepted everywhere...you constantly shatter my dreams.

C'mon man. It's one country and it isn't even the whole country. Plenty of people love your race too.


I wonder what would happen if Italy named Balotelli Prime Minister.

Italy has a Prime Minister and not a President right?


Good to know we're still the most hated race in the world for absolutely no reason. Thank you for reminding me earth, for a while there I started to feel we were being accepted everywhere...you constantly shatter my dreams.

Someone's gonna come in and say your overreacting bro, ya betta chill out!

EDIT: too late.
Italy is in a pretty shocking state of affairs. Most people don't care enough to progress economically or politically. Quite sad really.

Important to remember that its not impossible, it wasn't based on the calender other countries fought racism, it was with decades of effort from all sorts of people. The fact hes in the government is a big thing and over the years this will become less of a shock and the racists will be pushed out.

Time washes away most evils. You just can't expect all peoples to be on the same level as another at that specific time. The United States is very young in terms of outlawing a lot of racism actually enforced by local governments. Now it has a black guy in charge.

Pretty simple example but still. Don't damn a country, a people or world itself based just on modern realities.

This is just step one. There will always be people trying to bring society back to their level. Only in extreme circumstances do they succeed.
Sad. My Italian grandparents came from Italy when my father was 3-4 years old. They're racist. My father isn't though. I always figured it's because they came from the old country.

Pick your shit up Italy.
So sad that we still have this crap in 2013, reading about all the racism in our history only to realize we are still living through it today...SMH..


Italy is such a strange country. So many awesome qualities regarding culture, food, nature and literature. But at the same time, there are also so many ugly aspects, especially their racism and politics. I want to love that country, but some Italians make it really hard at times.
I wonder what would happen if Italy named Balotelli Prime Minister.

Italy has a Prime Minister and not a President right?

We have both, covering different duties and elected in different occasions.

Bythe way, this is the usual bunch of nutjobs making us look bad. Despite the efforts of the media in demonizing immigrants, black people are not more vilified than other ethnic groups, for better or for worse...


What? Details, Ivy, I want details.

I had worked with this kid from Italy at summer camp. Now, remember, summer camps tend to draw a large Jewish population (ours probably less than most because of its origins, but it still had a sizable Jewish population). This kid, Francesco, was from Italy. We knew he was right-wing, but we all just assumed that he was the Italian version of a fiscal Republican.

Cut to him joining Facebook and friending some of us. We got this yesterday:


Which roughly translates to "4/30/45: You died Europe, died our dream". And then 88. 4/30/45 was the day Hitler committed suicide. 88 stands for the eighth letter of the alphabet aka HH aka Heil Hitler.

Here is him in his "Fascist Love" t-shirt:


He was a summer camp counselor! To children!

Funky Papa

I had worked with this kid from Italy at summer camp. Now, remember, summer camps tend to draw a large Jewish population (ours probably less than most because of its origins, but it still had a sizable Jewish population). This kid, Francesco, was from Italy. We knew he was right-wing, but we all just assumed that he was the Italian version of a fiscal Republican.

Cut to him joining Facebook and friending some of us. We got this yesterday:


Which roughly translates to "4/30/45: You died Europe, died our dream". And then 88. 4/30/45 was the day Hitler committed suicide. 88 stands for the eighth letter of the alphabet aka HH aka Heil Hitler.

Here is him in his "Fascist Love" t-shirt:


He was a summer camp counselor! To children!
And that moron has a Corto Maltese avatar of all comic characters... SMH. SMFH.

Because that's the logical thing to do? She's been there for over 30 years, I think practicing for even 10 of those is giving back to Italy for training her. But hey, she married an Italian and had children. That's great. But she should know the ride that she's in for because of that.
I had worked with this kid from Italy at summer camp. Now, remember, summer camps tend to draw a large Jewish population (ours probably less than most because of its origins, but it still had a sizable Jewish population). This kid, Francesco, was from Italy. We knew he was right-wing, but we all just assumed that he was the Italian version of a fiscal Republican.

Actually, fascists these days tend to have very left-wing ideas. THis is because they tend to be socially active, helping in universities and such. It also helps that most fascists have absolutely no clue of what their own ideology entails.

Because that's the logical thing to do? She's been there for over 30 years, I think practicing for even 10 of those is giving back to Italy for training her. But hey, she married an Italian and had children. That's great. But she should know the ride that she's in for because of that.
Again, people in italy DON'T like to be seen as racists. This small outburst is the result of her being the very first black minister in our history. It will die down very soon, especially considering the minor importance of her ministry.


contribute something
If only Dennis Hopper were still with us. www.youtube.com/watch?v=_svnsF5OLbI‎

That video is pretty inaccurate? There were bound to have been many African soldiers, officials, and slaves who emigrated to Sicily in the ninth century, but I would assume that the Moors were hardly darker from the natives of the island. At that time coastal North Africa would probably have been populated by people with a mix of Berber, Arab, and Greek ancestry.

Sicilians in the ninth century would probably have looked almost identical to the Arabic-speaking invaders.


Actually, fascists these days tend to have very left-wing ideas. THis is because they tend to be socially active, helping in universities and such. It also helps that most fascists have absolutely no clue of what their own ideology entails.

He had very right-wing ideas when he would talk about them along with being extremely nationalistic. And now I guess he's a Hitler sympathizer? Sure! Why not!


Italians have that Mediterranean hue, too dark, time to deport yourselves.

You say it as a joke, but it's not like the animosity between North and South didn't have at least a little element of that in it.
“There was no racism 40 years ago because there were no non-white Italians,” said James Walston, a political science professor at American University of Rome. “You need the other in order to hate the other.”

“It will take a long time — probably there will never be a completely racism-free society — but it will take a long time for Italy to reach the sort of acceptance, multi-cultural acceptance that the rest of Europe has and North America has,” he said in an interview.

Also you should've bolded this, OP.
There are no ways around it, the only way to have integration is to force it the hard way, let the imbeciles scream at the wind and as the generations cycle, you have a more advanced and civilized society.
He had very right-wing ideas when he would talk about them along with being extremely nationalistic. And now I guess he's a Hitler sympathizer? Sure! Why not!

Such as? Mind that theres a difference between social and economic policies, esecially in that ideological mishmash that is fascism (and even nazism).
It's true. Italian are racist, homophobic, sexist. Of course not all of them, but most of people are scared about someone else.

Edit: I'm Italian


Such as? Mind that theres a difference between social and economic policies, esecially in that ideological mishmash that is fascism (and even nazism).

We thought he was a fiscal conservative until it turned out he was also a nationalistic xenophobe. And every other phobe.


being from a family of Italian immigrants, i can tell you that people in Italy are pretty racist. Black people are really viewed as second class citizens especially in southern italy.


Lady should have moved back to Africa after finishing her education.

WTF? pretty sure ur gonna get banned.

"...Perhaps Italy’s best player today..."

Lol not even close, maybe best striker but i still expect him to be eclipsed by Sharaawy in the near future.


if I ever hit the powerball I am moving to a tiny Scottish fishing village where I am the only black guy. I will pay the people to refer to me as the wandering Moor.

Funky Papa

if I ever hit the powerball I am moving to a tiny Scottish fishing village where I am the only black guy. I will pay the people to refer to me as the wandering Moor.

Do you plan to don brightly coloured robes and a studded walking staff? I think a kofia could probably work, too.
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