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IT'S OFFICIAL reviewers that gave TLOU 2 positive reviews were afraid of being blacklisted by Sony and had to "keep with good terms with Sony"


Oh no, how will I ever trust all these Taiwanese reviewers I follow ever again?!?!?.

To be honest the hate boner people seem to have for this game kinda makes me more curious to play it


It's funny because everybody's shitting on it but certain people will just say they're trolls or homophobic or whatever. It's like their little pea brains just CANNOT accept that the majority of people dislike ONE video game. Where were all these brainlets when everybody was shitting on Fallout 76? Oh that's right they didn't give a fuck because that game isn't about gay people.
Stop with the "homophobic" BS. Mass Effect had gay sex in it 10 years ago. Story matters. In today's hyper-political atmosphere people always want to blame their failure on other people. I'm surprised they didnt say "Russian Collusion" is the reason for the bad reviews.


I'm a Microsoft fan for sure but I would have a hard time believing this low score is because of some terrible narative or story, halo 5 would have been lower if this was the case.


To me after really watching the whole game (wasn’t gonna buy it) and talking with some friends, yeah I was gonna give it a 0/10, but I would say a 4/10 is good for this game
Pros are: graphics are amazing even on base ps4
The animations are some of the best in the industry
Cons: dull gameplay, to me gameplay has to be really good an is the main point of even playing a video game imo.
Story went to shit, nothing good to say about the story, went from a survival to love fest.
No online
Hardly any gameplay, last game I played that was too much talking was dirge of Cerberus.
I can understand why people hate this game, the story was awful, gameplay is awful, I don’t think this game is Superman 64 levels of bad like people seem to feel, but damn it’s pretty close and a BIG let down.


Once they announced there was no online multiplayer and I read the leaks I avoided this title like the plague. I’ll eventually get it second hand to experience this trash for myself but I don’t buy into “agenda” politics it has no place in gaming the medium should be neutral and when the developer admits to cultivating a story based on political ideology it seriously puts me off, However with that being said I have friends that bought it and played it and they’ve all said gameplays good and it looks great but the story sucks big donkey dick.
It is clear now that Neil had little to do with the original game
Sorry, but ...are you aware that Last of Us is not an Uncharted spin-off ? What is the relevance of quoting a screenwriter asserting that Amy Henning is the creator of Uncharted ( thing that I never heard anyone doubt)?
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Well, it's pretty common to see exclusive games getting user score review bombing by fanboys who obviously didn't even played the game because there were already many thousands of user reviews day one.

I received the game the day before its release, the savedata says I played 24 hours and still didn't complete the game. So I highly doubt they played the game.

On top of that I think it may get extra hate due to the game featuring lesbians and a trans character (I'd say they made it on purpose and isn't a badly modelled character as happened in games where they put a distance between shoulders and arms size very frequent in males and extremely rare in females, as happened in a few games like Mortal Kombat).
So critic reviews don't need justifications. User reviews do?

I'm trying to understand the logic.

The lengthy reviews are the justification for their scores. The user reviews are rarely anywhere near as in-depth as the worst critical reviews. There was also more BELIEVABILITY to the critic scores as they get review copies early whereas users were rating it the second it became available to play.


The lengthy reviews are the justification for their scores. The user reviews are rarely anywhere near as in-depth as the worst critical reviews. There was also more BELIEVABILITY to the critic scores as they get review copies early whereas users were rating it the second it became available to play.

5k+ user reviews were posted not even 24 hours after the released, compared to 1st one of 9k+ user reviews for its entire lifetime. That tells you most of those people are just saving those fake user reviews to post them at the right time. Probably a mix of console warriors and anti sjw lol


How in the fuck can you even give a game 10/10 when the creator himself says "Our game is not meant to be fun."? Seriously how? Game is not fun = not 10/10
But it's powerful! Durrrrr
How in the fuck can you even give a game 10/10 when the creator himself says "Our game is not meant to be fun."? Seriously how? Game is not fun = not 10/10
But it's powerful! Durrrrr
People give Souls games or Bloodborne a 10/10 and I'd rather poke my eyes out than play those tedious ass games. Opinions are subjective. So much of the criticism around this game comes off as childish to me. Don't like lesbians in your games.. don't buy it. It's not like her sexuality was a secret or has been one for what?... 4-5 years? I'm only a couple hours into the game and I like it quite a bit better than the previous one, so far. But a 0/10 from some because of sjw butthurt just seems silly. Some of you must be some miserable ass people to be around in todays world.


People give Souls games or Bloodborne a 10/10 and I'd rather poke my eyes out than play those tedious ass games. Opinions are subjective. So much of the criticism around this game comes off as childish to me. Don't like lesbians in your games.. don't buy it. It's not like her sexuality was a secret or has been one for what?... 4-5 years? I'm only a couple hours into the game and I like it quite a bit better than the previous one, so far. But a 0/10 from some because of sjw butthurt just seems silly. Some of you must be some miserable ass people to be around in todays world.

I love bloodborne, and if you gave it a 0/10 I wouldn't give a shit. If the game is not for you, it's not for you.

On the other hand TLOU2 aparently can't be criticized, 0/10 can only be trolls and not people who genuinely dislike the game.

It's official that it's being down voted by brainless goons. A review must be directly connected to your PS/xbox/steam account and shows that you've 100% completed the game to be allowed to give an opinion, not spam shitheads.

So now only people who complete the game can give an opinion? You understand that people who don't like the game are way less likely to finish it.
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People give Souls games or Bloodborne a 10/10 and I'd rather poke my eyes out than play those tedious ass games. Opinions are subjective. So much of the criticism around this game comes off as childish to me. Don't like lesbians in your games.. don't buy it. It's not like her sexuality was a secret or has been one for what?... 4-5 years? I'm only a couple hours into the game and I like it quite a bit better than the previous one, so far. But a 0/10 from some because of sjw butthurt just seems silly. Some of you must be some miserable ass people to be around in todays world.
1. You lost me at Souls games are tedious
2. I play fun games so I'm more likely way less miserable than you playing attack of the hateful lesbians. You must be miserable to be around. Not meeee.
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It's official that it's being down voted by brainless goons. A review must be directly connected to your PS/xbox/steam account and shows that you've 100% completed the game to be allowed to give an opinion, not spam shitheads.

This I agree. Reviews should not be open to people that don't play. People are like zombies, throwing 10's or 0's left and right without playing the thing.


1. You lost me at Souls games are tedious
2. I play fun games so I'm more likely way less miserable than you playing attack of the hateful lesbians. You must me miserable to be around.

I don't like souls games myself. I prefer simulation and tycoon games, overall. Is my opinion in the wrong because of that?


I don't like souls games myself. I prefer simulation and tycoon games, overall. Is my opinion in the wrong because of that?
No that's cool. Other guy came off too annoying.

Edit: anyone who dislikes Souls games don't you dare use the praise the sun response. You don't deserve it.
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As a media professional who worked in this field for over 7 years and reviewed and worked with many publishers including Microsoft, Activision, EA, Namco and many others both digitally and face to face. This is completely false and is not true.

I've reviewes games from small publishers/indie to big publishers that we gave 5s and 6s too and also gave 9s and 10s as well and nothing has ever changed and the relationship was always stable nor any kind of threat was given. Always got invitations when requested and requested filled as well.

Gave Sea of Thieves a 7/10
Gave State of Decay a 6.5/10
Forza Horizon 4 a 10/10
Gears 5 a 9/10

Never had issues.

Dumb thread. False. Is a lie.
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The only good thing about this game is graphics and environment, including some game mechanics but other than that, meh. Gameplay hasn't changed much since the first game, and story... is laughable at best. It's such a shame, some people don't want to admit that most people do NOT like this game.


Never had issues.
The only examples I can think of where people have been blacklisted (as per their own word, who knows what happened - oh and there's also Bethesda, but that's just Bethesda) is when they've broken the review embargo. At which point, you signed a contract and broke it, so...


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
The entire "Review" industry for videogames is incredibly currupt.

But it's.... the review industry... for video games lol.. so I just don't really care. They are all vying for pre-release game codes to download the games before they are out and yeah that's always obviously been complete bullshit.

If I actually think I need convincing I just wait for a game to come out and chat with my video game bros and sis's about the details.. because reviews are 99% about the story of a game and rarely go into details of the gameplay systems which I actually care about anyways.
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The only examples I can think of where people have been blacklisted (as per their own word, who knows what happened - oh and there's also Bethesda, but that's just Bethesda) is when they've broken the review embargo. At which point, you signed a contract and broke it, so...

Yeah, that does happen and is worthy of blacklisting for not following simple instructions.

Funny you mention Bethesda, the closest thing I've had an experience to when it comes too "sleazy tactics" they emailed me once when they wanted to grab a quote out of our review for advertising Wolfenstein Youngblood.

We gave the game a 6/10 but in our review we did say "game looks amazing" in terms of visuals/art. You can obviously still give game credit where it's due but bad gameplay I'd bad gameplay when which is why it recieved a 6 out of 10.

Bethesda was desperate enough to reach out to us knowing the game reviewed badly but wanted to grab the "game looks amazing" quote with our permission. Silly Bethesda.

Oah and the kicker is they asked us this after we requested the review copy and denied us. One of our writers wanted to play the game anyway and did it on his own behalf. They had the audacity to deny a review copy and then ask for quotes. Omega lol.

As to why we got denied, I am not sure. I am gonna assume website metrics is usually the case. Some publishers have higher standards than others. Microsoft is the easiest to work with along with Activision. We recieved sekiro a week prior. Halo 5 Guardians was the first game we ever did and we got that 8 days prior along with Rise of the Tomb Raider 10 days prior. Go figure.
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I give this thread a score of 0/10.

The game really hit a lot of "gamers" in the nuts.

"Oooh there's a lesbian in it. If I play it I'll be gay too! "

"A woman with muscles? Outrageous!"

"Druckman? More like cuckman, amirite?"

"Sony paid for the review! Someone on the Internet said so!"

Holy Jeebus. Get a hold of youselves. You all sound retarded.


Same thing goes for positive reviews.

User reviews? Well, it's a shitshow at the moment, it needs more control and should reflect your progress in the game. If you say it's an easy game (checks if you done it in the highest difficulty) then marks your review not vetted if you done it in easy mode. Same goes to many elements. It should be objective, and backed with something showing so, and if you spread shit then you just be marked as bullshitter and your reviews don't count.

It's mostly PC and Xbox gamers who are left dry with no major games at the moment review-bombing the game.
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I don't remember Sony being that bad the last they were high on arrogance, back in the PS2/early PS3 days. Can't wait to see it blowing into their faces, especially the US branch.

The entire "Review" industry for videogames is incredibly currupt.

But it's.... the review industry... for video games lol

Nobody ever challenge the idea that consumer press and Journalism can safely coexist, so everything is great I guess :messenger_grinning_squinting:
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Gold Member
It's mostly PC and Xbox gamers who are left dry with no major games at the moment review-bombing the game.


wtf is this? So none of the review bombs are done by playstation gamers? There's all kinds of shit I read on these forums and I've seen a number of you mention an xbox discord chat or whatever the fuck it is. I'd say you need to stop worrying about Xbox so much, because from where I stand, there's far more obnoxious Sony fans who appear all at the same time to protect 'muh vidya'. You're just the mirror equal of the other group that causes the same shit. And it's wearing thin for most of us that just want to read threads. Three of you in this thread, and I expect the other one to come racing in any moment. You guys are the reason I prefer to read B3D rather than wade through the shithole you've turned next gen into.


As a media professional who worked in this field for over 7 years and reviewed and worked with many publishers including Microsoft, Activision, EA, Namco and many others both digitally and face to face. This is completely false and is not true.

I've reviewes games from small publishers/indie to big publishers that we gave 5s and 6s too and also gave 9s and 10s as well and nothing has ever changed and the relationship was always stable nor any kind of threat was given. Always got invitations when requested and requested filled as well.

Gave Sea of Thieves a 7/10
Gave State of Decay a 6.5/10
Forza Horizon 4 a 10/10
Gears 5 a 9/10

Never had issues.

Dumb thread. False. Is a lie.

And because you never had issues, it's a lie? Love your filter bubble, can I get into? You could explain media - publisher relations a bit more, so people get an understanding why some people may be feel afraid of bigger publishers. First of all, I don't review games with any score as don't like to classify games. Read my reviews if you want to know, if the game could fit you. I'm not there to throw numbers at anyone.

But if you throw numbers, as you did and many others do, publishers can have a closer look to this number. And if this number is outside of their expectations and does not fit the verdict of most of the other outlets, you can loose. If you don't are big enough, they simply could ghost you so you won't get access to future review samples. Never happened to me but I heard of a few cases. Most of the time you can trace it back to an intern or inexperienced people in communications. Other times we are simply talking "idiots" on media side. This does not mean, that such incidents do not occur from time to time.

I doubt, however, that there is any system behind it. There are idiots in every business. It's not for nothing that companies keep blacklists of media partners.Ironically, they also have big magazines on these lists, but they continue to be supplied, because you can't do without the reach. Usually media partners end up on such lists for quite different reasons. If, for example, they report in an obviously wrong way, become remarkably lurid or it is clear that they write reports but have never played the games properly. Especially the latter is something that attracts the attention of many experienced readers.

Big problem is that lot of people who talk about games aren't "professionals", but call themselves. In addition there are many professionals who simply work unprofessionally. Not much is left. In the end, it's no wonder that streamers have taken reporting. Often there is simply no qualitative difference between a media outlet and a 08/15 content creator. In my perception, video games media is often on a boulevard level.


I've been on Earth for a few decades now and I've never come face to face with any real woman that looks like this:


They made her look even more like a man in the final game than in her initial reveal teaser:


This keeps coming up but she's an antagonist. She's supposed to be ugly and you're supposed to hate her. You want her to be all pretty and petite? She's a major cunt and she looks like one.

Unless it's some Final Fantasy, antagonists are ugly since the beginning of time in every medium. It makes sense. Why is it such a big deal in TLOU2 in particular?



wtf is this? So none of the review bombs are done by playstation gamers? There's all kinds of shit I read on these forums and I've seen a number of you mention an xbox discord chat or whatever the fuck it is. I'd say you need to stop worrying about Xbox so much, because from where I stand, there's far more obnoxious Sony fans who appear all at the same time to protect 'muh vidya'. You're just the mirror equal of the other group that causes the same shit. And it's wearing thin for most of us that just want to read threads. Three of you in this thread, and I expect the other one to come racing in any moment. You guys are the reason I prefer to read B3D rather than wade through the shithole you've turned next gen into.

With such a hostile attitude, I'm glad you don't post in the next gen speculation thread. :lollipop_wink_tongue:


The only blacklisting we know of is Colin Moriarty and that was over something completely asinie.
At my local gym, the only women that go don’t work out. They have their hair done, full on makeup, stand on their phones and chat to guys. I very, very rarely see a girl at the gym actually doing gym-like things. You know, work out and stuff.

It’s a bit sad really but there we go...

I deadss thought you were about to transition into the eat hot chip and lie meme
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