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Judgment Day on G4TechTV


The one thing I like about this merger is the show Judgment Day. It's straight and to the point and gives you a good idea of the pluses and minuses of the games out there.

I find that Judgment Day is a much stronger show than XPlay. Extended Play was great, but XPlay has become a complete joke of a show.

Btw Tommy Tallarico kicks ass.
VPhys said:
The one thing I like about this merger is the show Judgment Day. It's straight and to the point and gives you a good idea of the pluses and minuses of the games out there.

I find that Judgment Day is a much stronger show than XPlay. Extended Play was great, but XPlay has become a complete joke of a show.

Btw Tommy Tallarico kicks ass.



What don't you guys like about the show or the hosts. It's much better than than XPlay IMO, it's more focused.


VPhys said:
What don't you guys like about the show or the hosts. It's much better than than XPlay IMO, it's more focused.

Because the eps I've seen (about 5 of them), Tommy has managed to come off as a complete moron in at least one aspect on each. While Adam and Morgan are goofy and make bad jokes, at least they aren't absolute morons and humorless.

I like Victor though. Seems a lot more level headed. I've agreed with him most the time.


VPhys said:
What don't you guys like about the show or the hosts. It's much better than than XPlay IMO, it's more focused.
X-Play owns Judgment Day to a very large degree. That show has just com into it’s own in terms of comedy, and it’s reviews are generally pretty spot on as well.
VPhys said:
What don't you guys like about the show or the hosts. It's much better than than XPlay IMO, it's more focused.

Tommy. Tommy's an idiot, big headed, jerk and I can't stand him for more than half a minute. How many freaking times has he rated down a game because he didn't like the general concept? I remember him downplaying pokemon because it was turn based. What were his reasons for giving SSBM a bad score? I forget.

I mean Christ, Adam hates RPGs and DBZ games, but you don't see him rating them down because they're just that. None of their writers do.

A better question is, how can you LIKE him?


Tommy's just an ass. If a game doesn't have blood, gore, and fart jokes, he doesn't consider it a game. He's too close minded to be a game reviewer.


Well I've only seen about 3 episodes so far so maybe I'm missing the instances where he comes off as a moron. I have similar tastes in games and find I agree more with Tommy than Victor.
Tommy once knocked a game because it was on PC. That meant, to him, that he wouldn't be able to go downstairs and make a sandwich in the middle of a game if he wanted - bad sign.

He also knocked ZOE2 because the main character's name was Dingo. Clearly, he needs to be institutionalized.


Lost Weekend said:
Tommy's just an ass. If a game doesn't have blood, gore, and fart jokes, he doesn't consider it a game. He's too close minded to be a game reviewer.

I wouldn't say that. He was just reviewing Top Spin and he commented that he thought Virtua Tennis was the best Tennis game to date. VT certainly does not fit the description of the games you just described. He also mentioned things like the controls and load times that were a problem in TS.


That was a bit of hyperbole (and to be fair, they're aren't very many bloodsport tennis games) , but trust me, you'll see him fit that description again and again if you watch the show enough.


I completey agree Judgment Day is the best game review show ever. You get 2 different opinions, they debate the flaws and good points of the games so that you can decide what matters to you, the style of reviewing is very quick and to the point, the reviewers know what they're talking about and use a 10 point review scale. Oh yeah and Tommy Tallarico completely kicks everyone's ass. Both he and Victor Lucas are good at doing reviews, but I tend to agree with Tommy the most and there is nothing better in this world then hearing Tommy rip apart a game you really hate. Victor Lucas usually reviews games well for hardcore gamers and Tommy usually reviews games well for casual gamers. The show is also extremely entertaining because the hosts have great chemistry and have been doing the show together for 10 years.

X-Play isn't as good for a number of reasons including the fact that the whole show is completely scripted, the 5 point review system isn't helpful at all, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb do a very bad job of reading their scripts and have very irritating voices. Instead of getting a real honest opinon and impressions of a game you get two annoying puppets reading someone else's reviews and feelings of a game. The comedy on X-Play is for middle school children as well. The writers and producers behind X-Play are from that old school of thought that thinks that video games are a subject matter primarily for small children. I don't know how juvenile you're supposed to be to laugh when Adam Sessler walks out from behind a news desk with no pants on or gets spanked by a guy dressed up as female character from Final Fantasy. The frequent comedy skits on X-Play are enough to turn any normal human being away from the show. Sessler with his big ugly green or red shoes and unfunny comedy is like the Carrot Top of the video game industry and his co-host acts like a zombie ripped straight out of Resident Evil. Of course nobody gets mad at X-Play reviews because every single game they review gets either a 3 or 4 out of 5. The fact that this scoring method does nothing to help people buy games seems to escape most people though.


Things I've heard/seen Tommy knock games for:

-Not enough gore
-The name of the game
-Not enough swearing
-The name of characters
Wow, am I the only person who doesn't just focus on the score when they read/watch reviews? It's the most pointless part regardless of scale. Judge more on a collaborative number or how you actually feel about the game. Not just one damn number.

Secondly, Tallaricos bad reviews far outweigh his "good" reviews. Like I said, he has the most pointless of reasons for knocking many decent titles when he's rowdy. It's a really annoying experience to see many of the games I enjoy and love getting smashed for silly reasons. I never seem to get this from X-Play anyway, and they also seem to review more stuff I care about. Plus X-Play offers things other than reviews, funny skits, and special segments. I want to be entertained when I watch TV, not always informed. X-Play has a couple of Japanese gaming specials, a TGS show, that hilarious retro gaming episode, and so on.

I really think X-Play gives you more bang for your buck, so to speak. The hosts are funny are easy to get along with, the reviews are actually pretty darn right for my tastes. The skits have actually gotten quite funny and appeal more to my humor, and lastly I just enjoy the overall set up of the show.


---- said:
I completey agree Judgment Day is the best game review show ever. You get 2 different opinions, they debate the flaws and good points of the games so that you can decide what matters to you, the style of reviewing is very quick and to the point, the reviewers know what they're talking about and use a 10 point review scale. Oh yeah and Tommy Tallarico completely kicks everyone's ass. Both he and Victor Lucas are good at doing reviews, but I tend to agree with Tommy the most and there is nothing better in this world then hearing Tommy rip apart a game you really hate. Victor Lucas usually reviews games well for hardcore gamers and Tommy usually reviews games well for casual gamers. The show is also extremely entertaining because the hosts have great chemistry and have been doing the show together for 10 years.

X-Play isn't as good for a number of reasons including the fact that the whole show is completely scripted, the 5 point review system isn't helpful at all, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb do a very bad job of reading their scripts and have very irritating voices. Instead of getting a real honest opinon and impressions of a game you get two annoying puppets reading someone else's reviews and feelings of a game. The comedy on X-Play is for middle school children as well. The writers and producers behind X-Play are from that old school of thought that thinks that video games are a subject matter primarily for small children. I don't know how juvenile you're supposed to be to laugh when Adam Sessler walks out from behind a news desk with no pants on or gets spanked by a guy dressed up as female character from Final Fantasy. The frequent comedy skits on X-Play are enough to turn any normal human being away from the show. Sessler with his big ugly green or red shoes and unfunny comedy is like the Carrot Top of the video game industry and his co-host acts like a zombie ripped straight out of Resident Evil. Of course nobody gets mad at X-Play reviews because every single game they review gets either a 3 or 4 out of 5. The fact that this scoring method does nothing to help people buy games seems to escape most people though.
A.) If you seriously think Judgment Day isn’t scripted, well, I don’t even know what to say to that.
B.) Morgan and Adman do write some of their own reviews.
C.) Ths skits can be (and often are) hilarious (have you seen the Resident Evil camera bit, or the Lifeline review?)
D.) I have seen many twos and even a few ones and fives on the show.


1. Who are you X-Play producer, Matt Kiel? :D

2. If the Judgment Day reviews are scripted (which they don't come across as since they're more like debates than reviews) then whatever Victor or Tommy say is written by them. X-Play is completely scripted by a relatively large staff of writers and reviewers. Tommy and Victor produce, write, and have control over almost every single aspect of their shows.

3. Ths skits on X-Play are hardly ever hilarious. I don't know how you could ever claim they are "often hilarious" unless you work for the show. Have you ever checked the X-Play message boards, or any other message board for that matter it's the number 1 complaint of the show. Everyone hates the skits. Adults don't like the childish humor.

4. The strict 5 point review scale is completely useless, that is why no respected review source uses it. X-Play is almost as bad as Daily Radar. 90% of the games get 3's and 4's. It's just a dumb way to review games.


---- said:
4. The strict 5 point review scale is completely useless, that is why no respected review source uses it. X-Play is almost as bad as Daily Radar. 90% of the games get 3's and 4's. It's just a dumb way to review games.

That's why you listen to what they have to say about the game. Also, I like that they always shows the games, and that you can hear them too. In JD, it's about 50% game footage, 50% Tommy and Victor bickering back and forth.
Like I said, why do people read reviews for the damn score? NO SCORE for any reviewer seems important at ALL. I don't understand why people make such a damn big deal about it. If you can't tell which games are better and worse from the review itself, you probably have a poor attention span heh. :p People need to focus more on whether they're going to enjoy a game than the freaking score.

Secondly, we really shouldn't argue about sense of humor. Everyone is different, I find the skits hilarious, you don't. Whether the majority do or not can't be said, we no longer have access to the old forums anyways. Majority of the people at the G4TechTV forums are actually the people who were already registered on the G4 forums and used to the
community. Arguing over humor is worse than arguing over opinions which really are silly enough in itself, but that can't be helped.


A.) lol, I don’t work for the show, I’m just a fan.
B.) If the quality of Judgment Day is something derived from just those two, something makes me think they could use a larger writing staff.
C.) I think I’ll decide what I can find funny, thank you very much. And it’s not like X-Play is just childish humor either way (I hate those occasional lines too,) but I actually consider myself to have a rather sophisticated taste in humor, and I find (many of) the skits funny.
D.) I’ll agree that maybe a 10 point scale would be better, but the point of a review is in the review content itself, not the score. If you watch an X-Play review you always get a good idea of what the game is about and what its pro/cons are, and then you can really decide for yourself if it’s your cup of tea.
Looks like Matt got owned. Anyways, Xplay was the first tech tv show I watched and it completely sucked. Annoying, childish and pathetic. I have no problem with Tallarico because at least he's honest, and I can respect that. I actually have more of a problem with Victor as time goes on, he seems to be more of the typical videogame "journalist" who rates games based on hype. Not really that much different from any of the gaming mags or gamespot/ign. Still, Judgement Day is way better than Xplay, and since they are the same type of show, Xplay should get cancelled.


BlackClouds said:
Looks like Matt got owned. Anyways, Xplay was the first tech tv show I watched and it completely sucked. Annoying, childish and pathetic. I have no problem with Tallarico because at least he's honest, and I can respect that. I actually have more of a problem with Victor as time goes on, he seems to be more of the typical videogame "journalist" who rates games based on hype. Not really that much different from any of the gaming mags or gamespot/ign. Still, Judgement Day is way better than Xplay, and since they are the same type of show, Xplay should get cancelled.



Not much to say on the matter except that Tommy guy is probably the only person on TV who has really irritated me. I mean the concept of the show seems good having two guys with different views review games, but the views seem to be normal vs. well....limited. It just doesn't seem to work. Heh..when you see in their own faq links to the guy defending his views, you gotta wonder.

I do enjoy Xplay much more even though I used to cringe at it's early attempts at humor. It's kinda funny how subtle it became so much better in later episodes.
BlackClouds said:
Looks like Matt got owned. Anyways, Xplay was the first tech tv show I watched and it completely sucked. Annoying, childish and pathetic. I have no problem with Tallarico because at least he's honest, and I can respect that. I actually have more of a problem with Victor as time goes on, he seems to be more of the typical videogame "journalist" who rates games based on hype. Not really that much different from any of the gaming mags or gamespot/ign. Still, Judgement Day is way better than Xplay, and since they are the same type of show, Xplay should get cancelled.

Why are there so many people like this who only say things like "owned" because there's someone arguing what they agree with? Silly.

When I'm looking for reviews, I'm look for more on what the game actually is other than a reviewer's skewed opinion as a review. More often than not I find Tallarico rating games based on his opinion alone rather than the game itself. Doesn't fit me. It's kind of hard to explain what I mean, but I'm sure someone gets it.

Also, cancelling either show would be idiotic. They both seem to have a decent or large fanbase and you're going to rape either group. Comcast doesn't want to start pushing away gamers as well, since they've already pushed away the larger demographic (techies),


BlackClouds said:
Looks like Matt got owned. Anyways, Xplay was the first tech tv show I watched and it completely sucked. Annoying, childish and pathetic. I have no problem with Tallarico because at least he's honest, and I can respect that. I actually have more of a problem with Victor as time goes on, he seems to be more of the typical videogame "journalist" who rates games based on hype. Not really that much different from any of the gaming mags or gamespot/ign. Still, Judgement Day is way better than Xplay, and since they are the same type of show, Xplay should get cancelled.
...I did? When? Funny, I don't feel "owned." Dam, you know these things happen so fast you can’t enjoy them like you once were, what with the economy as it is, civil strife, risk of terror at home and abroad... Ah well, you’re an idiot.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The last episode of Judgement Day I recall watching had Tommy discussing the virtues of Anna Kournikova's rendered panties for nearly the entire few minute block dedicated to the review of Top Spin Tennis.


Tommy is a freaking psycho. Seriously, the only reason that show is still on the air is because Tommy pays for the majority of it. I wouldn't be surprised to see it get cut from G4TTV in the near future (judgement day and electronic playground)

Victor Lucas would be much better off without him BTW.


DarthWufei said:
Secondly, Tallaricos bad reviews far outweigh his "good" reviews. Like I said, he has the most pointless of reasons for knocking many decent titles when he's rowdy. It's a really annoying experience to see many of the games I enjoy and love getting smashed for silly reasons.
Too bad, many people out there, myself included don't like the types of games that you do. Why shouldn't there be someone on tv who has different tastes in games than you? If you like Victor's reviews or opinons better then listen to him. Just because Victor happens to like a lot of games that I think are complete garbage doesn't mean that he shouldn't have a right to his opinion either. Tommy points out a lot of really bad and stupid aspects of games that a lot of hardcore gaming geeks and nerds are willing to overlook. And his personallity is really funny. The debates he has with Victor are unpredictable and never come across as completely rehearsed and scripted behavior. That's why JD is so much better of a show, you get multiple viewpoints on a game and the hosts have to defend their opinions. You only see Victor making valid points, I see both of them making valid points. I was practically cheering when I caught an episode of Tommy ripping apart Capcom Vs. SNK 2 EO for the Xbox. That's one of the worst games I've ever rented and I bet most mainstream gamers would be horrified if they ever bought that game or received it as a present.

I never seem to get this from X-Play anyway, and they also seem to review more stuff I care about. Plus X-Play offers things other than reviews, funny skits, and special segments. I want to be entertained when I watch TV, not always informed. X-Play has a couple of Japanese gaming specials, a TGS show, that hilarious retro gaming episode, and so on.
Well I'm the complete opposite. X-Play has doled out more than enough 3's to a lot of games that to me are 5's for me to give them any credibility. They've made a lot of recommendations I don't agree with at all. And the skits are so bad, my god. On X-Play they're functioning at the humor level of Bob Saget on America's Funniest Home Videos. Entertaining is Tommy ripping on the incredibly dumb aspects of a game that the typical hardcore gaming nerds obsess over. It's like getting a review from a normal person for a change. It's refreshing to get a harsh review from someone with the balls to insult a game series regardless of it's incredibly big and loyal fanbase.

I really think X-Play gives you more bang for your buck, so to speak. The hosts are funny are easy to get along with, the reviews are actually pretty darn right for my tastes. The skits have actually gotten quite funny and appeal more to my humor, and lastly I just enjoy the overall set up of the show.
How the hell can you think the hosts are funny? Morgan Webb is stiffer than an ironing board, her delivery of lines is awful, and absolutely nothing on the show comes across as unrehearsed. Let me ask you, when you watch the show do you ever forget that they're reading every single line off of a teleprompter?

Lost Weekend said:
Tommy is a freaking psycho. Seriously, the only reason that show is still on the air is because Tommy pays for the majority of it. I wouldn't be surprised to see it get cut from G4TTV in the near future (judgement day and electronic playground)

Victor Lucas would be much better off without him BTW.
Yeah right, that's why JD has the biggest fanbase of all the shows on TechTV. Tommy and Victor for the last 2 years have been practically idolized on the G4 message boards. Elecplay.com has had a huge following for years. Electric Playground invented the video game tv show format anyway, so I seriously doubt either show is ever going to be in trouble on G4. I don't think anyone who originated on the All Games Network (AGN) or ElecPlay.com will ever have anything to worry about on G4. They pioneered the entire concept. X-Play has had a captive audience, myself included, on TechTV for years. Lets see how well they do now.
Tommy said something bad about a game or two that many of these folks love. They are just railing him. I agree with the original poster. They give a plus and minus on each game. There is no scientific aspect to giving a game a 7 as opposed to an 8. Tommy makes it clear exactly why he is railing a game when he does it. I enjoy the show, although it is a pretty low budget production.


Hey, remember that time Tommy was fired off of the Metroid Prime project, and then gave the game a poor (and poorly reasoned) review? That was interesting! :)

I also think it would be interesting to see the history of games he has worked on vs the review scores he gave them :)
---- said:
Too bad, many people out there, myself included don't like the types of games that you do. Why shouldn't there be someone on tv who has different tastes in games than you? If you like Victor's reviews or opinons better then listen to him. Just because Victor happens to like a lot of games that I think are complete garbage doesn't mean that he shouldn't have a right to his opinion either. Tommy points out a lot of really bad and stupid aspects of games that a lot of hardcore gaming geeks and nerds are willing to overlook. And his personallity is really funny. The debates he has with Victor are unpredictable and never come across as completely rehearsed and scripted behavior. That's why JD is so much better of a show, you get multiple viewpoints on a game and the hosts have to defend their opinions. You only see Victor making valid points, I see both of them making valid points. I was practically cheering when I caught an episode of Tommy ripping apart Capcom Vs. SNK 2 EO for the Xbox. That's one of the worst games I've ever rented and I bet most mainstream gamers would be horrified if they ever bought that game or received it as a present.

So wait why don't you watch X-Play again? Also, the entertainment of a show stems from what the person likes. You already said you enjoyed JD because Tommy shares similar tastes and he knocks down games you hate. Is that not the same thing? I would also gladly take rehearsed "planned" humor than just plain stupidity. I can't find a single review from him I can share that enjoyment with.

Well I'm the complete opposite. X-Play has doled out more than enough 3's to a lot of games that to me are 5's for me to give them any credibility. They've made a lot of recommendations I don't agree with at all. And the skits are so bad, my god. On X-Play they're functioning at the humor level of Bob Saget on America's Funniest Home Videos. Entertaining is Tommy ripping on the incredibly dumb aspects of a game that the typical hardcore gaming nerds obsess over. It's like getting a review from a normal person for a change. It's refreshing to get a harsh review from someone with the balls to insult a game series regardless of it's incredibly big and loyal fanbase.

You know, I would like to know what you think about Tommy's silly knockdowns. Such as AniHawk mentioned. Title names, silly gameplay aspects, not doing the music, and so on. You like that? You want to listen to reviews from someone who doesn't enjoy a game because of the title?

How the hell can you think the hosts are funny? Morgan Webb is stiffer than an ironing board, her delivery of lines is awful, and absolutely nothing on the show comes across as unrehearsed. Let me ask you, when you watch the show do you ever forget that they're reading every single line off of a teleprompter?

Because my sense of humor is different than yours. Some people like stand up comedy, some people don't. Some like slapstick, other find it stupid. Everyone's different. Also, no I don't ever think that because I don't sit and fret over rehearsed humor. You watch movies, TV and other such right? They aren't rehearsed?
He was fired from Retro? I thought he was a contractor for them and when they cancelled all their other projects to focus on Prime they decided to let all contractors go?


It's like getting a review from a normal person for a change. It's refreshing to get a harsh review from someone with the balls to insult a game series regardless of it's incredibly big and loyal fanbase.
I thought the point of a review was to get the opinion of a person who, you know, knows what they are talking about. If I wanted a normal persons review I would ask the people down at EB. And BTW, where did you get the idea that X-Pay doesn’t give popular franchises bad reviews?
Let me ask you, when you watch the show do you ever forget that they're reading every single line off of a teleprompter?
No, but that’s because what they say doesn’t come off as bitter, poorly phrased rambling.


He was contracted for prime, and then he was let go from the project. Fired off of the project, same thing. He still lists MP on his resume too!
CrimsonSkies said:
Tommy said something bad about a game or two that many of these folks love. They are just railing him. I agree with the original poster. They give a plus and minus on each game. There is no scientific aspect to giving a game a 7 as opposed to an 8. Tommy makes it clear exactly why he is railing a game when he does it. I enjoy the show, although it is a pretty low budget production.

No, where do you get that idea? I generally don't like assholes anyway, and he really comes off like one. I also dislike him because he feels he is great at directing music and whatever he did. I hardly call a game or two of decent soundtracks great.

I don't notice these silly knock downs from title I like, I notice them on many other titles which don't interest me at all.
The only assets Morgan holds for XPlay are what's in her shirt. Other than that, she's completely USELESS!!!!! Adam's okay at times but my biggest problem with XPlay is that both hosts tend to agree on just about EVERY GAME! While on Judgment Day, Tommy and Victor atleast hold some form of contrast and they'll debate some on certain aspects on most games. Scary thing is Tommy probably represents the mentality of majority of the market out there. That's the reason why he continues to be on JD. Victor's much more open minded and I've agreed with many of his opinions.

BTW, I bumped into Adam Sessler at E3 and he truly is that geeky. It's not an act for the show.
"He was contracted for prime, and then he was let go from the project. Fired off of the project, same thing. He still lists MP on his resume too!"

There's a lot of circumstances involved with anything like this. To say he was fired without knowing the facts is overstating it. Contracted workers ( I'm sure some post here) are let go routinely from companies when the work load falls. They could be doing a kick arse job, but when the work load drops then the people who are protected are the ones who are full time employees.


CrimsonSkies said:
Tommy said something bad about a game or two that many of these folks love. They are just railing him.
:D Maybe that's part of why I love the show so much. It probably stems from my general hatred of geeky gamers, anime fans, RPG and fantasy game lovers. To finally hear from other gamers who I think actually make up the majority of the mindset of game buyers out there is a godsend.

Not to go off on a tangent but I really wish they would not have continued the fruity Anime shows from TechTV and would have instead at least put some classic video game cartoons from the 80's or 90's like Captain N. That I would actually watch. The creepy anime stuff I couldn't watch for more than 2 minutes without getting sick. The idea that TechTV has put out there that most anyone who's a hardcore gamer is also hardcore into anime is a really offensive thought to me.

There are a lot of games I really hate that never get dissed on the big game sites even though I know most gamers would never touch these niche games. These overblown hyped reviews are usually followed months later by the lamenting of people on this forum as to why great games never sell. Maybe the question should be why do crappy games keep getting overhyped review scores from the same sources. I'm not surpised there are a lot of hardcore gamers who view Tallarico as a threat that needs to be silenced, there's a scary collective hive mentality in a lot of video game hubs on the internet.

DarthWufei said:
No, where do you get that idea? I generally don't like assholes anyway, and he really comes off like one. I also dislike him because he feels he is great at directing music and whatever he did. I hardly call a game or two of decent soundtracks great.

I don't notice these silly knock downs from title I like, I notice them on many other titles which don't interest me at all.
Uh and how do these things relate to Judgment Day or the ability to review games? If those games don't interest you at all, why does it offend you to have someone else in the game industry finally come out and say this game is stupid and express what most other people are probably thinking too. Basically you hate the guy for being too honest. Good critics are critical. Tommy Tallarico is one of the only game reviewers I've seen who takes adequate time and attention to discuss the quality of the audio in each game.
---- said:
Not to go off on a tangent but I really wish they would not have continued the fruity Anime shows from TechTV and would have instead at least put some classic video game cartoons from the 80's or 90's like Captain N. That I would actually watch. The creepy anime stuff I couldn't watch for more than 2 minutes without getting sick.

Maybe so, but I do enjoy a couple of animes that came on that show. Dual! and Silent Mobius are actually pretty nice. But, I agree with you that it should be dropped now or get some new content... but with 80s game shows. This isn't just a gaming network remember? More tech shows please.
---- said:
Uh and how do these things relate to Judgment Day or the ability to review games? If those games don't interest you at all, why does it offend you to have someone else in the game industry finally come out and say this game is stupid and express what most other people are probably thinking too. Basically you hate the guy for being too honest. Good critics are critical. Tommy Tallarico is one of the only game reviewers I've seen who takes adequate time and attention to discuss the quality of the audio in each game.

Actually, I just noticed I left out the word "just" in between I don't and notice. Sorry about that, my mistake.

But no, I actually hate the guy for being a bit stupid behind his reasoning, again you skip my question about how you feel about him putting down games because he didn't do the music, didn't like the title, and so on?
I've only seen one of episode of Judgment Day so far, so I can't comment much about it.

But I can't stand about 80% of Xplay....the reviews, when they finally get around to playing them, are ok, but the rest of the show is inane nonsense. The argument over whether it's funny or not isn't the issue (Put me on record as thinking it's about as funny as moldy cheese btw.) The issue is that the frilly crap buries the reviews. I can find more useful info and faster just by going to their website than by sitting through whatever that is on the screen that they think makes games more hip and interesting.
Oh spare me. Tommy's not a threat that needs to be silenced, he's just an idiot. His reviews are more about what he likes than the quality of the game. He hates far too many genres to be a reviewer (survival horror, 2-d fighting, RPG, etc). He has said on camera that Gamecube is the only system that has fanboys, and XBOX fans would never get upset if someone said Halo sucked. LOL!

I started hating Tommy after 2 reviews: Silent Hill 3 and Guilty Gear X2. He started out Silent Hill 3 by saying how much survival horror sucks and how he hated all games in the genre. Way to go in with an open mind, champ! Guilty Gear X2 was similar: 2-d fighting games are lame, so this is too. His justifications for his opinions are nonexistent. The reviews don't tell you anything about what playing the game is like.


Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
I started hating Tommy after 2 reviews: Silent Hill 3 and Guilty Gear X2. He started out Silent Hill 3 by saying how much survival horror sucks and how he hated all games in the genre. Way to go in with an open mind, champ! Guilty Gear X2 was similar: 2-d fighting games are lame, so this is too. His justifications for his opinions are nonexistent. The reviews don't tell you anything about what playing the game is like.
Guess what that's exactly how I feel. SO I guess you think I'm an idiot too, just because I have a different opinion than you. I feel exactly 100% the same way about Survival Horror and 2D fighting games. Why can't you deal with people like me or him that have the same opinion. Most game consumers think 2D fighting games are garbage too, the majority of game buyers don't deserve to have someone voice their opinion?

And look Tommy also gave the Suffering an excellent review, and I went to E3 and thought RE4 was the best game at the show, so maybe it's not so fair for you to dismiss or devalue his or my opinions like that. Everything I've played in the survival horror genre up until RE4 I think has deservered to get horrible reviews. These games are nothing more than spooky themed action/adventure games with horrible control, horrendous voice acting, and god awful camera angles. I think it's a false genre in my opinion. Up until now it's just been a subgenre distinguished for some very negative technical aspects. I would never buy a survival horror game and if asked for my opinion on one it would get a bad review. If I was reviewing the game should I just lie and try to guess what someone who likes the genre would think of the game or should I give my honest opinon of the game and the genre?

DarthWufei said:
But no, I actually hate the guy for being a bit stupid behind his reasoning, again you skip my question about how you feel about him putting down games because he didn't do the music, didn't like the title, and so on?
Putting down the game because he didn't do the music? Are you projecting your own reasoning there or quoting him? I seriously doubt he honestly said that he didn't like a game because he didn't do the music. That sounds more like a fanboy excuse to explain why his hatred of one of your favorite games is an invalid opinion.

I've watched Electric Playground for many years and now I've seen many episodes of JD and I have never seen Tommy review a game where the little criticisms are the only things he knocks the game for. Many of their reviews (kiddy games, fruity anime games) start off with the general opinion that he does not like games like this, this type of game is not intended for my audience. It never ends there though, he will pick out some trivial things about a game that he can goof on and make fun of, but he also adds a lot of other opinions regarding the graphics, control, etc. The reviews are also done in conjunction, so if Victor covers a lot of the good points of a game that he agrees with then there is nothing good left for him to say about it. The reviews are not done independently, so if there is nothing good left for Tommy to say then I don't think it should be his job to go out of his way to find something complementary to say about a game he hates.


Tommy is a terrible reviewer on the show, this shouldn't even be up for discussion. Knocked Call of Duty because there wasn't enough gore. He railed SH3 because it's a survival horror game, he said that Wolfenstein sucks because the kick looks like a midget's foot. He should harp on portions of the games that are actually bad.

However, Adam and Morgan have said their share of dumb shit as well. They complained about having to press a button to make hostages follow you in CounterStrike. Far be it for a game to ask you to press a button...
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