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Just speakin my mind....

Multi-hit rant combo ahead. If you get the feeling at any point that I'm talking about you, you're probably right.

What's the deal with game magazines nowadays? Out of the whole slew of them, like TWO are worth reading. Two and a half if you count the times that OXM has a demo CD worth buying the rag for. Subtract that half though if you consider how buggy and unreliable those lousy discs are.

Anyway, I got the new Game Informer in the mail yesterday and I'm starting to wonder if I'm even considered a "gamer" anymore. The magazine just seems to offend me more than inform me. Worthless articles a-plenty and pointless shit that only matters to fanboys and cheerleaders. Why do I care that some douche named "Reggie" now works for Nintendo? Is "Reggie" going to develop a game for me? Is "Reggie" going to do anything other than wave pom-poms and get us all to cheer Nintendo's name? Is "Reggie" going to put all the classic NES games on one cart for the GBA instead of several carts at 15-20 a pop? If he's not going to do any of that, then fuck him. What difference does it make to me if they've got some new speaker for their press conferences? Why should it take up magazine space that could go to more in-depth game coverage?

And while we're on Nintendo, I want to tell Nintendo fans to stop ruining the company for everyone else. I know I can't generalize and say all Nintendo fans are complete nerds with acne and poor social skills, but goddammit could the ones that ARE try to keep themselves under the radar a little bit more? I read about the Zelda unveiling at E3 and it was mentioned that some fans literally burst out into tears when seeing the footage. C'mon, man. I know you all are excited, but tears? Save those for something more meaningful than 4th remake of the game we all played and loved 8 years ago. That's all I have to say about that.

Moving on, when is Sony going to get with the program? I haven't seen anything innovative or exciting come out of their camp in what seems like ages. Whoever does their PR should probably get their ass back from vacation soon because I think a lot of people see Sony as "The Emporer" who's always right and damn anyone who tries to get in their way. I'd love to see Nintendo come out of nowhere and just whomp Sony's ass next generation. Not because I'm a huge Nintendo fan, but because they're the serious underdog this generation and I don't think Sony even sees them on their radar. Somebody has to knock Sony off their high horse because they stopped making us games a long time ago and it seems like now they just wanna talk about technology and how powerful everything they've got their hands into is going to be. They're going to learn that in the end, gameplay still wins over everything else.

Now its Microsoft's turn. What can be said about that company that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan? Seriously though, I think they're doing a good job with Xbox and especially with LIVE, but they need to do more than just rely on Halo 2 to deliver them to glory. The way they talk about their plans for Xbox 2 makes me feel like they are dropping most of the things that made Xbox 1 so goddamn cool. No more custom soundtracks, back to using memory cards, no playing CDs, etc. Who made that decision? It is a fucking poor one. And why WOULDN'T you have backwards compatibility with Xbox 1? Its not like Xbox 1 is going to last a million years. Hell, my first one didn't even last 2 years. Fucking Thompson drives....

Lastly, I'd like to wrap this up by asking if any of you people on here actually PLAY games. Or is it that its just more fun to slam/debate them and cheer for your favorite company? Seriously, when I got Splinter Cell PT for LIVE, I looked on this board for people to play with and hardly saw any of you on at all. Ever. Siamesedreamer and Nikashi were the only two I used to see on. And I played a LOT. Since then I've gotten several other LIVE games and I've been watching for more of you. I don't see too many of you on. I can't imagine that this kind of thing is exclusive to Xbox owners either. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the N and Sony fans here are just as guilty. Play more games, people. Play more games. I'm off to do just that. Hope I didn't piss too many of you off. Go play and you'll forget all about it. :)


Bad Art ™
Uno Ill Nino said:
Anyway, I got the new Game Informer in the mail yesterday and I'm starting to wonder if I'm even considered a "gamer" anymore. The magazine just seems to offend me more than inform me. Worthless articles a-plenty pointless shit that only matters to fanboys and cheerleaders. Why do I care that some douche named "Reggie" now works for Nintendo? Is "Reggie" going to develop a game for me? Is "Reggie" going to do anything other than wave pom-poms and get us all to cheer Nintendo's name? Is "Reggie" going to put all the classic NES games on one cart for the GBA instead of several carts at 15-20 a pop? If he's not going to do any of that, then fuck him. What difference does it make to me if they've got some new speaker for their press conferences? Why should it take up magazine space that could go to more in-depth game coverage?




evil ways



Great thread actually. I also agree with pretty much that whole rant. You summed up a lot thoughts I have had.
Uno Ill Nino said:
Lastly, I'd like to wrap this up by asking if any of you people on here actually PLAY games. Or is it that its just more fun to slam/debate them and cheer for your favorite company? Seriously, when I got Splinter Cell PT for LIVE, I looked on this board for people to play with and hardly saw any of you on at all. Ever. Siamesedreamer and Nikashi were the only two I used to see on. And I played a LOT. Since then I've gotten several other LIVE games and I've been watching for more of you. I don't see too many of you on. I can't imagine that this kind of thing is exclusive to Xbox owners either. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the N and Sony fans here are just as guilty. Play more games, people. Play more games. I'm off to do just that. Hope I didn't piss too many of you off. Go play and you'll forget all about it. :)

I play games more often than I read this forum. In fact, quite a few of us play Socom II in the GAF clan on a nightly basis. I'd say at least half my posts are in threads about getting an online game started. I'd play XBOX Live more, but there just isn't anything on it that interests me too much. I'm patiently awaiting Halo 2 and Madden 2005.

Unfortunately you are correct to a degree. The people that post more than they play have the loudest mouths.
I play games more often than I read this forum. In fact, quite a few of us play Socom II in the GAF clan on a nightly basis. I'd say at least half my posts are in threads about getting an online game started. I'd play XBOX Live more, but there just isn't anything on it that interests me too much. I'm patiently awaiting Halo 2 and Madden 2005.

You sir, are my favorite type of gamer.
I agree with you for the most part but just so you know the whole gamers not gameing thing doesnt apply to me ...at least 5 hours a day and thats after 8 hours of work and 3 with my girlfriend.


Good rant.

However, I often wonder why people claim certain fans ruin certain companies for people. You know, I like the Xbox, and the games which come out for it. I highly anticipate the four major RPGs coming out plus Halo, and whatever Rare has up their sleeves. I like the ability to make your own custom soundtracks in games, and I think the hard drive is overall, very convenient. When I go online, I see several Xbox fans who I feel are rather... overenergetic in expressing their opinions. Do I let that diminish how much I enjoy the system? Hell no. If I let that happen, then maybe I'm taking gaming a little too seriously, like they might be.


AniHawk said:
Good rant.

However, I often wonder why people claim certain fans ruin certain companies for people. You know, I like the Xbox, and the games which come out for it. I highly anticipate the four major RPGs coming out plus Halo, and whatever Rare has up their sleeves. I like the ability to make your own custom soundtracks in games, and I think the hard drive is overall, very convenient. When I go online, I see several Xbox fans who I feel are rather... overenergetic in expressing their opinions. Do I let that diminish how much I enjoy the system? Hell no. If I let that happen, then maybe I'm taking gaming a little too seriously, like they might be.

I wouldn't say that fanboys diminish the enjoyment you can get out of a system, but the vocal minority can destroy any sense of community that a system has. At least if you spend much time reading internet message boards. Community is a HUGE part of PC gaming, and if you don't like the people in the community you're not going to want to be part of it.
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