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Kids today seem more interested in...

My son is 5. He loves playing games on my Wii U. We play a lot of coop as well.

I think one thing is that we dont let him watch that kind of programming on Youtube. Generally he is only allowed to watch "shows" and "cartoons". Similar to what we had when we were kids, but just a lot more choice! I would never let him watch a lets play or an unboxing of a toy etc.

I really don’t get the whole toy channel thing. My buddy has kids and often they’ll just watch playlists of YouTube videos of some stay at home dad and his kids opening new toys and and playing with them. And this dude makes money through YouTube off this. Why? Why would you video tape your kids all the time playing with toys that probably will be thrown away in a week? It’s just so wasteful and decadent to the point of absurdity.

Like I can maybe understand watching someone play a game you can’t afford or have to wait for Christmas for your parents to buy, but watching other kids play with toys is just fucking sad.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I have my grandson over. He's 10 years old.

I have an Xbox Series X, PS5 and a retro gaming console.

I set him up with the PS5 loaded with games he can play (and loads he likes), however, all he wants to do is watch people play games on YouTube.

Is this the society we are creating now?

I know back in the day we didn't have YouTube, but even so...

Is anyone else noticing this trend? Even when I offer to play with him as a 2 player, he isn't interested. All he wants to do is watch others play!
I have a 6yo son, he watches a lot of people playing games on Youtube, but he also plays a lot of games and sometimes introduces me to games that I would never have heard of. For example this weekend we've been playing Ultimate Chicken Horse all because he saw it on YT and thought it looked fun, and he was right.

I think maybe because I got him playing games from a very young age (before he knew what Youtube was) he always gravitates back to playing, he loves Pokemon, Minecraft, Astrobot, Fall Guys, Gang Beasts, Luigi's Mansion etc. mostly games he can play with me or others online. He hasn't really adopted any narrative driven games yet, but there is time and most of them probably have themes that are unsuitable for a kid anyway.
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It depends on the kid I think. My older son started playing yoshi wooly world at 3 after watching me play. He took the opportunity of me stepping away for a bit to take over the controller. My younger one at 4 preferred to watch his brother play. My older son also has more patience to keep trying too. That said he still likes to watch YouTube, using let's play video as guides and listen to soundtracks.


Gold Member
Maybe a lot of people prefer watching because game visuals have improved a lot so people sit back and treat it like watching TV or a movie. It seems a lot easier to watch someone play a game now then lets say YT was around in 1992 and watching someone play Super Mario World of one of the million space ship shooters.

Add in mandatory cut scenes and youre halfway there. Maybe all these devs adding them isn't so much for plot and ensuring artists dont feel depressed because people press x to skip, but it's done so the game has a good watchability effect on YT or Twitch.

As for me, I watch people play games on YT, but it's more about COD tips (like the guys who do gun ad recoil testing) and watching people play classic games I'll never play or never saw the ending. Or weird glitchy speedruns like how the hell does someone beat Oblivion in like 5 minutes...... float into the sky of course(!?). But for modern games, some reason I dont, but have enjoyed watching all the God of War boss fights.
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It's a weird thing to me aswell. Was only talking to friends recently about how their kids/nephews etc. watch twitch instead of playing the game, we all are old enough to have been in the day of going to arcades and putting your coins on the cab to put yourself in queue to play, and not one of us can remember really liking having to watch others play. If it looked like you would be waiting for more than 10 mins we would find a different game or ride to another shop or arcade even if it was 20 minutes away.


Gold Member
It's a weird thing to me aswell. Was only talking to friends recently about how their kids/nephews etc. watch twitch instead of playing the game, we all are old enough to have been in the day of going to arcades and putting your coins on the cab to put yourself in queue to play, and not one of us can remember really liking having to watch others play. If it looked like you would be waiting for more than 10 mins we would find a different game or ride to another shop or arcade even if it was 20 minutes away.
Putting a quarter down.... or accidentally taking it. LOL.

One time as a kid in an arcade walking around, my eyes popped open. A game said it had one 1 credit already in it. So yeah, someone forgot or put too much money in. Press the 1Up button.

Oops. A much older kid reserved it putting in a quarter already. lol.

For all the people or kids who prefer watching over playing, I can see it as more of an interaction thing as I'm going to assume they are the ones doing more comments as live feed chat on the side.


My 10 yo nephew is kind of similar. He only plays online games, or watches videos on YouTube. Anything to make him feel like he's with others and not missing out. He needs to feel connected. He hates feeling like he is missing out. Even the most exciting AAA single-player games can't grab his attention for more than a few minutes. If a game doesn't have an online multiplayer component, where he can play and chat with his friends, then it is irrelevant to him. For about 3 years it was all about Fortnite, now they've graduated to GTAO and GTA RPG (fuck if I can tell the difference, he seems so excited about this mod). Incidentally this has allowed me to figure out who still buys GTAV. It's prepubescent kids who are finally old enough to be allowed to play it.


It's pretty normal though. He probably is entertained by those youtubers plus they're doing something he likes as well so yeah. It's not rocket science


Gold Member
We used to do that... On E3 conferences...


Our generation was told we have no attention span because all we did was play games and watch movies.

This generation cant even do that, they have to play games like Roadblox, and watch quick videos of TikTOk, VLogs and people playing video games. There attention span has hit zero


I told my step daughter I would give her money if she beat Super Mario World and she started to cry legit tears. She loves games, but she can’t stand failing multiple times. If she dies too much she quits. I’m trying to get her out of believing that. I’m not sure what it is. I beat the Special Star world levels in Super Mario World at her age. I had beaten Super Metroid around her age. She likes the open world of Roblox, which is basically a sandbox of people running around. They’re being taught to move around in a digital world, but they don’t have an objective besides visiting a theme park. We also don’t allow those live action YouTubers who have 50+ million views. I swear some people use those as babysitters. I can’t even imagine how much they make from ad revenue. I’ve even told her that it’s much more satisfying to beat a game than watch someone else do it. Why bother owning a game if you’re just going to watch someone else beat it ahead of time? I get why it’s entertaining at times, but I also don’t watch past a certain point. Kids don’t care if they beat a game. They’re there to just mess around and if someone shows them something they can’t obtain themselves then they’ll just gobble it up.

Yes I have the same experience. As soon as they die a couple of times in Ratchet and Clank, Mario or Super lucky tale they get upset and dont want to play. They prefer playing Roblox, Minecraft in Create mode Etc.

My little brother use to play Games like Sonic, Streets of Rage and all sorts at 3 years old. I used to finish all sorts of games at there age


Putting a quarter down.... or accidentally taking it. LOL.

One time as a kid in an arcade walking around, my eyes popped open. A game said it had one 1 credit already in it. So yeah, someone forgot or put too much money in. Press the 1Up button.

Oops. A much older kid reserved it putting in a quarter already. lol.

For all the people or kids who prefer watching over playing, I can see it as more of an interaction thing as I'm going to assume they are the ones doing more comments as live feed chat on the side.
hahaha yeh I definately saw a few moments about whos coin it was. Yeh you could be right about interaction, in my old persons example I have made a choice to leave the house and go somewhere to do a specific thing normally with friends. Where these days they can do that and chat with friends as easy as I would watch tv as a kid I guess.
The thing is, at 8 years old, I had coded my first game on the Spectrum. Was shit - two slices of bread bouncing around the screen and you were the fly and had to avoid getting caught between the slices. Top level stuff.


I have my grandson over. He's 10 years old.

I have an Xbox Series X, PS5 and a retro gaming console.

I set him up with the PS5 loaded with games he can play (and loads he likes), however, all he wants to do is watch people play games on YouTube.

Is this the society we are creating now?

I know back in the day we didn't have YouTube, but even so...

Is anyone else noticing this trend? Even when I offer to play with him as a 2 player, he isn't interested. All he wants to do is watch others play!

Whats the difference between a kid watching someone game vs an adult watching someone play sports? The concept is the exact same.


My son is interested in games but really only playing them together. That is his nature, he wants to do something with other people. My daughter could care less about games, but she likes sewing and cooking.


Some of my fondest gaming memories are watching my neighbor’s dad play Chrono Trigger before I could afford a copy for myself.

Davey Cakes

I'm 33 and I watch people play games on YouTube sometimes. I'd still rather play games myself but sometimes it's just nice to chill with a person or a group within a community that appreciates games. If I'm on my computer browsing NeoGAF it's nice to have a video accompanying it and sometimes a Let's Play type video fits the bill. Also, it's a cool way to experience games that I don't think I would even want play myself.

Nothing wrong with new forms of entertainment.

Some of my fondest gaming memories are watching my neighbor’s dad play Chrono Trigger before I could afford a copy for myself.
And I used to love watching my dad play graphic adventure/puzzle games like Myst and 7th Guest. Though I was also playing a lot of other PC games at the time as well as NES, Genesis, Atari, etc.

Being a spectator is a different kind of engagement than being a player, but it's not one that should just be written off IMO.
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If your grandson experienced the immediate pleasure of watching videos, there's no doubt he'll seek to experience it again as much as possible.

Your brain will always find the easiest, laziest way to being pleased.
Watching a video is much more comfortable than playing a game because you don't have to think, set strategies up, skill up, or lose time by trying again when you lose.

When we were young, interactivity was the main incentive to play video games. Nowadays interactivity is everywhere. So if your grandson's goal is not to challenge himself or to become better at a game, there is no reason for him to bother.

On the same register, my stepson thinks he's learning the piano by watching those piano hero videos on YouTube.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Never understood the will of watching others play a game, if you can play it yourself.
Everyone today is forever alone. Watching someone play a game is like monetizing "hanging out with your friends and playing a game." Just basic stuff like having a few inside jokes and enjoying games with a friend. That's what people get out of it, which is a little sad - but ultimately not that hard to understand. If the person is a very skilled gamer, or a comedian of some type - it is fun to watch them play games.


Neo Member
Watching streams of games is the least of kid’s problems these days. Even when they ARE playing a game, they’re often playing some free-to-play shooter garbage. If it’s not that, they’re playing the same bullshit like Minecraft for 8 years straight. The kids these days seem to enjoy low quality crap. Put a good game in front of them, and they get annoyed, upset, bored, or confused. If you want a good laugh, look at the PSN profile of a kid. It’s always the who’s who of free-to-play shovelware, microtransaction e-begger casino games, and all the rest of the worst that gaming has to offer.

The thing is, back in the day, we used to play actual good games. I’m sorry, but Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy 7, Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid, and Super Metroid are all better than the fucking garbage your kids play. Considering that these dumb kids are going to grow up to be dumb adults with short attention spans and a poor taste in games, the future of the game industry isn’t very bright. Sucks, doesn’t it?


My nephews Switch shows his app with most playtime is YouTube at something like 800hours
The second most used app is Fortnite at like 70 hours
Followed by Little Nightmare at 10 hours although it could be skewed a little as I have my account on his switch so he can play StarLink (which he has been playing recently, won't top Fortnite though lol) but it shows up in my playtime.


Neo Member
Adults today are more interested in arguing about video games online rather than playing them.

Season 5 Whatever GIF by Paramount+

I’ll admit that you’re on to something there. I’m guilty as charged. To be fair though, sometimes we need a break from the game, and want to keep things interesting and engage with other game enthusiasts online. It’s understandable. But in addition to shooting the shit on various forums, I actually do play a lot of games, unlike a lot of kids these days, apparently. But yes, the case could be made that we waste too much time babbling with people online.
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Watching streams of games is the least of kid’s problems these days. Even when they ARE playing a game, they’re often playing some free-to-play shooter garbage. If it’s not that, they’re playing the same bullshit like Minecraft for 8 years straight. The kids these days seem to enjoy low quality crap. Put a good game in front of them, and they get annoyed, upset, bored, or confused. If you want a good laugh, look at the PSN profile of a kid. It’s always the who’s who of free-to-play shovelware, microtransaction e-begger casino games, and all the rest of the worst that gaming has to offer.

The thing is, back in the day, we used to play actual good games. I’m sorry, but Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy 7, Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid, and Super Metroid are all better than the fucking garbage your kids play. Considering that these dumb kids are going to grow up to be dumb adults with short attention spans and a poor taste in games, the future of the game industry isn’t very bright. Sucks, doesn’t it?

omegaCringe bro, even worse than OP. This whole "everything was better/harder back in MY day" is the cringiest thing you can possibly argue as a person. Don't ever let me see you do it again.


Gold Member
I have a 5 and 7 year old. We limit the amount of time they watch Youtube in general, but even more so those channels where people are just playing games or unboxing toys. The focus is on movies, or to an extent, shows. Basically, stories they can follow and less of the super short attention span garbage that's on Youtube.

They also have access to a lot of the shows I had when I was a kid, so Transformers, He-man, GI Joe, Gundam, etc. They love the Studio Ghibli Miyazaki movies. Castle in the Sky is one of my son's favorites. They have access to a lot of "good" anime. Right now, they are actually watching One Piece haha.

For games, my son loves sandbox stuff like Goat Simulator, TABS, Sea of Thieves, etc. It's very hard to get him to progress through a game. He just wants to break stuff and mess around. Avoiding failure and frustration is a big thing for both of my kids. They will try a few times, but will get frustrated and give up. I think this is pretty common in young kids TBH. It's something to continue working with them on. My son recently beat a few levels/bosses in Astro's Playroom by himself and was super excited to tell me and was very proud. I give him a lot of positive reinforcement for completing levels or objectives.


Neo Member
omegaCringe bro, even worse than OP. This whole "everything was better/harder back in MY day" is the cringiest thing you can possibly argue as a person. Don't ever let me see you do it again.

Oh I’ll do it again alright. Make no mistake about it. Also, you misinterpreted what I was saying, anyway. I didn’t say that all games these days are worse than all games back in the day. I didn’t even say that gaming overall was better back in the day. Of course there’s tons of great games nowadays. More than I have time to play, really. My point was that kids these days play some stupid fucking shit compared to what hardcore gamers used to play back in the day. That’s a fact.

That may not be true of all kid gamers, but dare I say, most of them. Let’s face the facts, they play a lot of bullshit. Lots off free-to-play garbage, lots of Roblox, lots of Minecraft, etc. Link to the Past and the original Devil May Cry are better than most if not all of the microtransaction mobile bullshit and family kiddy shooters that kids play these days. Those are just two games I pulled out at random. I could go on.

What, we’re going to just give kids a pass on the stupid shit they play, just because they’re kids, and not acknowledge it? Just because you said so, and you want a safe opinion that won’t rock the boat? Fuck that. Also, I take it that you apply these standards to everything, right? So we’re not allowed to criticize any gamer, about virtually anything, right? Is that how it works in your universe? All gamers equally play the same quality games, right?
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Whats the difference between a kid watching someone game vs an adult watching someone play sports? The concept is the exact same.

Not much but Adults cant go and play on a proffessor level if there not good enough ( which 99% cant reach that level).
Anyone can play video games, its literally in your hands to play at your house. Why watch someone else unless its competitive video gaming or once in awhile.


Is it though
It is. Playing games is not only a time commitment but demands your full attention, unlike passive entertainment like TV or music. I got three kids and limited free time to do what I want. As a result I've gotten into this horrible feedback loop of having like 10 games installed on my Series X or PS5 and always defaulting to playing Rocket League. By the time I'm done with work and done with getting the kids to bed my brain is no longer interested in learning new lore or game mechanics of Generic Fantasy Quest 4.
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Neo Member
It is. Playing games is not only a time commitment but demands your full attention, unlike passive entertainment like TV or music. I got three kids and limited free time to do what I want. As a result I've gotten into this horrible feedback loop of having like 10 games installed on my Series X or PS5 and always defaulting to playing Rocket League. By the time I'm done with work and done with getting the kids to bed my brain is no longer interested in learning new lore or game mechanics of Generic Fantasy Quest 4.

I feel your pain. I don’t have kids, but I can’t imagine working all day, then taking care of kids at home, and then finding time to play modern games. I’d be too tired. Just thinking about it is upsetting. As it is, I sometimes have trouble juggling taking care of my dog, and sitting down and devoting hours to a game.

Anyway, your problem of fatigue and a general lack of time is real, but to be fair, maybe try not playing Generic Fantasy Quest 4. Unless you’re just saying that you’re beginning to find all fantasy worlds generic and samey. In which case, I guess that just happens as we get older.


It is. Playing games is not only a time commitment but demands your full attention, unlike passive entertainment like TV or music. I got three kids and limited free time to do what I want. As a result I've gotten into this horrible feedback loop of having like 10 games installed on my Series X or PS5 and always defaulting to playing Rocket League. By the time I'm done with work and done with getting the kids to bed my brain is no longer interested in learning new lore or game mechanics of Generic Fantasy Quest 4.
I disagree. Playing something like Warzone, Rocket League or Fortnite requires little to no attention. I'm always fucking around while playing, changing music and putting a new podcast on or reading on the bbc website, and still get loads of dubs.

Buying a house and getting a mortgage is a commitment. Playing games is not a commitment.


Gold Member
I have my grandson over. He's 10 years old.

I have an Xbox Series X, PS5 and a retro gaming console.

I set him up with the PS5 loaded with games he can play (and loads he likes), however, all he wants to do is watch people play games on YouTube.

Is this the society we are creating now?

I know back in the day we didn't have YouTube, but even so...

Is anyone else noticing this trend? Even when I offer to play with him as a 2 player, he isn't interested. All he wants to do is watch others play!
Face it, we're old.

Secondly, kids look at youtubers like we looked at sports when we were young. Our athletic heroes are akin to their youtube streamers.

It's not all that strange, to be honest. We all had heroes to some extent. Imagine if we had the ability to message our favorite basketball or football player and actually get a response from them. Imagine we could have some agency in how they played, what kinda shot they took, pass they made, etc.

Watching people play their favorite past-time with that level of interaction (most for the low low price of 2 dollars to have your message read aloud on stream) is only something we could have dreamed of.

Me messaging Michael Jordan after winning his first championship with the Bulls? Please, I could die happy at that point.


I disagree. Playing something like Warzone, Rocket League or Fortnite requires little to no attention. I'm always fucking around while playing, changing music and putting a new podcast on or reading on the bbc website, and still get loads of dubs.

Buying a house and getting a mortgage is a commitment. Playing games is not a commitment.
I agree, which is why I default to playing Rocket League nightly. I've already broken past the time commitment it takes to learn the game so I can play it on autopilot while winding down for the night.

And it's not comparable to buying and maintaining a house. When I talk commitment I'm comparing to other forms of entertainment... gaming requires time, dedication and a lot of money.


I don't have kids and I might be saying a bunch of BS here.
But from what I've seen from friends and family, this is more of a thing with kids that have been glued to a screen since they were little. The kids of parent with stricter screentime rules or parents that actively engage in these activities with their kids (like playing videogames together) do seem to enjoy playing them.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I'd ban him from YouTube then lock him in room and force him to complete Demon Souls in one playthough without saving.
And I wouldn't let him out until it's done
That'll sort him out 👍
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I don't have kids and I might be saying a bunch of BS here.
But from what I've seen from friends and family, this is more of a thing with kids that have been glued to a screen since they were little. The kids of parent with stricter screentime rules or parents that actively engage in these activities with their kids (like playing videogames together) do seem to enjoy playing them.
This is true too. I've noticed my kids are less inclined to watch and actively want to play whatever I'm playing with me. But I also had an early, no Youtube or uncontrolled content, mandate with their viewing habits. Every parent I know tried to get me to have me kids watch Blippi. You know what? Fuck Blippi. :messenger_fire:


I have my grandson over. He's 10 years old.

I have an Xbox Series X, PS5 and a retro gaming console.

I set him up with the PS5 loaded with games he can play (and loads he likes), however, all he wants to do is watch people play games on YouTube.

Is this the society we are creating now?

I know back in the day we didn't have YouTube, but even so...

Is anyone else noticing this trend? Even when I offer to play with him as a 2 player, he isn't interested. All he wants to do is watch others play!

Maybe he really doesn't like playing video games. :shurgs:
Kids probably just wish they had friends to play videogames with in the same room without even realizing it. The fastest and easiest compromise to that is watching whatever iteration of whoever is the current PewDiePie spew nonsense and maymays since it requires zero effort.

Kids will probably never experience co-op same room turtles in time, toejam and earl, bubble bobble, secret of mana or even N64/Saturn co-op stuff. The funnyman with lights and colors on YouTube is one smartphone screen finger press away anywhere they want.

Davey Cakes

I'd ban him from YouTube then lock him in room and force him to complete Demon Souls in one playthough without saving.
And I wouldn't let him out until it's done
That'll sort him out 👍
Nah. Gotta give him Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. That's the Demon's Souls of OUR generation.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Nah. Gotta give him Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. That's the Demon's Souls of OUR generation.
I was thinking of something retro but I thought that would put them off.
Your name kinda got this song stuck in my head now 😩
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I think it's because kids grow up watching their parents play games and watching other people play games is just like that but streamers are much better gamers than your parents and you don't need to buy the game to watch someone play it.


I admit, I watch and read about gaming way more than I play, I think I was always that way tbh (with some exceptions, hello super addictive WoW back in the day). When I was young, I would read more about videogames in gaming mags than play them and then that just changed to surfing the web more and then watching YT vids and perusing forums. I've definitely noticed a trend with the young as well, they love watching wacky Youtubers that make me wanna pierce my own eyes and ears...people seem to be going out far less and sitting and watching far more than ever, it's not great...even I, mr unsociable went out far more than I've observed in today's kids, doesn't bode well....


I buy video games and put them on my shelf and watch reviews on those video games, I’m too lazy to play games, but it looks neat on my shelf.
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