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Kids today seem more interested in...


I have my grandson over. He's 10 years old.

I have an Xbox Series X, PS5 and a retro gaming console.

I set him up with the PS5 loaded with games he can play (and loads he likes), however, all he wants to do is watch people play games on YouTube.

Is this the society we are creating now?

I know back in the day we didn't have YouTube, but even so...

Is anyone else noticing this trend? Even when I offer to play with him as a 2 player, he isn't interested. All he wants to do is watch others play!

yes, it’s been like that for a while, the problem with them playing shitty games or not playing at all is just the tip of the iceberg, they have and are going to have much more serious problem.

Talk to his parents and make sure they know that their parenting is lacking.

Gaming is fucked for a while at least, we have two generations that are like this.
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People are free to do with their time the way they choose.

Sometimes I watch way more lets plays then actually playing games because I just don't feel like playing a game but I don't have anything I want to watch show or movie wise.
I let gaming related videos play in the background while I work. However, when I have time to myself, I'll put the controller in my hands and experience a game. Nothing will replace the feeling of actually enjoying the game yourself.


Snake Oil Salesman

This is maybe kinda sorta related to the OP. Steam concurrent users through the years.
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Nothing new. Look how many people rather watch sports than do sports themselves. It's entertaining and easy.

more people do sports than watch it.

people that only watch it are usually old, unable to do it or just fat.

Sports, at least the major ones, are much more entertaining than watching some guy play a game.


Everyone today is forever alone. Watching someone play a game is like monetizing "hanging out with your friends and playing a game." Just basic stuff like having a few inside jokes and enjoying games with a friend. That's what people get out of it, which is a little sad - but ultimately not that hard to understand. If the person is a very skilled gamer, or a comedian of some type - it is fun to watch them play games.

This is it, a fucked up society where children and teenager social lives have to go though stupid online games (and this was happening before covid)


Watching streams of games is the least of kid’s problems these days. Even when they ARE playing a game, they’re often playing some free-to-play shooter garbage. If it’s not that, they’re playing the same bullshit like Minecraft for 8 years straight. The kids these days seem to enjoy low quality crap. Put a good game in front of them, and they get annoyed, upset, bored, or confused. If you want a good laugh, look at the PSN profile of a kid. It’s always the who’s who of free-to-play shovelware, microtransaction e-begger casino games, and all the rest of the worst that gaming has to offer.

The thing is, back in the day, we used to play actual good games. I’m sorry, but Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy 7, Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid, and Super Metroid are all better than the fucking garbage your kids play. Considering that these dumb kids are going to grow up to be dumb adults with short attention spans and a poor taste in games, the future of the game industry isn’t very bright. Sucks, doesn’t it?

Well said, the future has never looked so awful
I really don’t get the whole toy channel thing. My buddy has kids and often they’ll just watch playlists of YouTube videos of some stay at home dad and his kids opening new toys and and playing with them. And this dude makes money through YouTube off this. Why? Why would you video tape your kids all the time playing with toys that probably will be thrown away in a week? It’s just so wasteful and decadent to the point of absurdity.

Like I can maybe understand watching someone play a game you can’t afford or have to wait for Christmas for your parents to buy, but watching other kids play with toys is just fucking sad.
my best guess it's that it promotes toys to kids, companies often pay them to show their products and advertise them to kids.

as for let's players, a lot of kids tend to watch them because of their personalities, those kids probably don't give a crap about the games themselves and want to watch mr wacky youtuber say wacky things.
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You're not kidding, my 8-year-old has his own switch his own gaming PC, we have a PS4 pro and an Xbox series X. All he does is watch dumb videos on YouTube all day everyday the series X barely gets touched because he's just hogging the good TV.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
I have my grandson over. He's 10 years old.

I have an Xbox Series X, PS5 and a retro gaming console.

I set him up with the PS5 loaded with games he can play (and loads he likes), however, all he wants to do is watch people play games on YouTube.

Is this the society we are creating now?

I know back in the day we didn't have YouTube, but even so...

Is anyone else noticing this trend? Even when I offer to play with him as a 2 player, he isn't interested. All he wants to do is watch others play!

I used to watch people play/talk about games all the time thanks to shows like Nick Arcade and X-Play back in the day. This is literally nothing new.
So many overreactive cucks in this thread. Imagine yourself as a kid, listening to the dumb shit posted in this thread but coming from your parents. You have become what you hate, that's why ya'll salty as fuck.


I enjoy watching many Sony games on YouTube than playing them. Also more and more games are simply designed to be watched these days. Either they are very skill focused so it's more fun watching it as esports, or it's designed for speedrun or challenge runs that aren't probably more fun to be watched than spending hours just to figure out how to execute some mechanics smoothly. THere are very few games that are actually enjoyable to be played by myself. I want massive open world games with robust choice and consequences, ai that react to players' actions so I feel my time invested in the game world is worthy. These titles almost don't exist anymore.
My 12 and 9 year old are the opposite, they're saving/building PCs each so they can stream and create content rather than watch it. Each to their own I suppose, however the numbers will always be heavily biased to consumers vs creators. Also don't just give them an electronic outlet, play some sports or go for a run/ride with them etc. Build a bond outside of gaming and they'll likely want to do more things with you over time.
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Neo Member
Nah. Gotta give him Castlevania II: Simon's Quest. That's the Demon's Souls of OUR generation.

Not really. Castlevania 2 is actually pretty easy. It’s the easiest of the trilogy on the NES, and I would say it’s overall just an easy game. If you’re basing this on the AVGN video from 15 years ago, that video was funny, but was BS. Castlevania 2 isn’t hard. It’s confusingly and weirdly designed, but not hard. The first Castlevania is hard even with using save states. You should have said the original Castlevania instead. And then there’s Castlevania 3, which is possibly even harder than the first one.

I want massive open world games

Well you’ll be just fine then, because massive open world games with generic, repetitive environments are like 70 percent of all the games in development right now.


when I was a kid I enjoyed watching my older brother and his friends play games and being hilarious. I loved inside gaming/funhaus steam roulette and demo disks so fucking much.


I have my grandson over. He's 10 years old.

I have an Xbox Series X, PS5 and a retro gaming console.

I set him up with the PS5 loaded with games he can play (and loads he likes), however, all he wants to do is watch people play games on YouTube.

Is this the society we are creating now?

I know back in the day we didn't have YouTube, but even so...

Is anyone else noticing this trend? Even when I offer to play with him as a 2 player, he isn't interested. All he wants to do is watch others play!
Buy a cheap football, go over the field, or park. He'll moan but like it in the long run.
Just look how many people like to watch porn instead of having sex. Oh, wait.

Just messing with you OP. I understand your sentiment but I think watching streamers/vlogs/podcasts/ it's our version of watching Tv these days. I catch myself watching some streams of games I've already played through or speedruns of games I like for the simple fact it being entertaining, especially if the person playing it is likeable. But I too watch silent playthroughs from time to time, it is just that old broadcast TV nowadays isn't the main entertainment venue of most households.


Watching streams of games is the least of kid’s problems these days. Even when they ARE playing a game, they’re often playing some free-to-play shooter garbage. If it’s not that, they’re playing the same bullshit like Minecraft for 8 years straight. The kids these days seem to enjoy low quality crap. Put a good game in front of them, and they get annoyed, upset, bored, or confused. If you want a good laugh, look at the PSN profile of a kid. It’s always the who’s who of free-to-play shovelware, microtransaction e-begger casino games, and all the rest of the worst that gaming has to offer.

The thing is, back in the day, we used to play actual good games. I’m sorry, but Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy 7, Donkey Kong Country 2, Super Mario 64, Metal Gear Solid, and Super Metroid are all better than the fucking garbage your kids play. Considering that these dumb kids are going to grow up to be dumb adults with short attention spans and a poor taste in games, the future of the game industry isn’t very bright. Sucks, doesn’t it?
I don’t see how that’s the kids fault though. Those games are also better than the garbage I have to play today because the industry is just in a much worse place.

Add to that list multiplayer games like Diablo II, Counter Strike, StarCraft, etc. We don’t have anything that comes close to that golden age today.
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the biggest difference i have seen between myself and younger family members is their unwillingness to wait, they are always in a rush to do things, go somewhere, eat something etc etc ...
i'm willing to wait for good things to happen naturally but they want to force it to happen now.


Ah, that explains people want easy modes and immortality switches. Playing games today is hard work, man.
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Neo Member
I dont know..
My daughter (7 years old) watch a lot of youtube videos, but most of the time she is playing games, especially Minecraft, where she builds some incredible worlds for her age and pester me to install a sh$tload of mods.
She plays ps5 too, like Ratchet and Clack, but some games are just a little too hard for her age.

Davey Cakes

Not really. Castlevania 2 is actually pretty easy. It’s the easiest of the trilogy on the NES, and I would say it’s overall just an easy game. If you’re basing this on the AVGN video from 15 years ago, that video was funny, but was BS. Castlevania 2 isn’t hard. It’s confusingly and weirdly designed, but not hard. The first Castlevania is hard even with using save states. You should have said the original Castlevania instead. And then there’s Castlevania 3, which is possibly even harder than the first one.
Dracula’s Curse is one of my favorite games of all time. I’d love to see a kid play that as a rite of passage.

I grew up with those games so I’m not basing it off AVGN. Castlevania and CVIII are tough games, but completely fair for the most part. Simon’s Quest isn’t difficult in a pure sense but it does have some “which way do I go?” bullshit in it (which I guess makes it more like Dark Souls than Demon’s) and yeah, it’s obtuse and also a bit grind-y with the heart pieces. The game’s potentially frustrating design in that sense is what would make it more of a 8-bit Souls analog than the other Castlevania games, in my mind. It’s a uniquely bizarre game in the series.

If you’re going to give a kid any of the more standard classic CV games then you might as well throw in Mega Man, Contra, and Ninja Gaiden.
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Not much but Adults cant go and play on a proffessor level if there not good enough ( which 99% cant reach that level).
Anyone can play video games, its literally in your hands to play at your house. Why watch someone else unless its competitive video gaming or once in awhile.

There are plenty of recreation level sports for anyone who likes a sport but can't play at any high level. The logic doesn't make sense to me.
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I have a 12 year old and two 9 year olds.

Their main games are Fortnite, Roblox and Minecraft. They are super into Pokemon, Yo-Kai Watch and Slime Rancher. Also all the FNAF series.
They love watching people play on Youtube. They watch Streamers play their favorite games.

The 9 year olds love playing Grounded with me.
Its because todays streamers replaced the musicians we used to clamor over, find interesting andlearn everything about. Except they dont have the talent, interesting personalities or artistic merit nor do they have to try.

Wanna see him change....get REAAAAAL into the same streamers....obsess over them, be obnoxious about it......youll see him lose interest real fast if a parent likes it.
Haven't noticed it but I hear kids watching walk throughs if they wanna get to the latest sequel quickly , not my type to rush through the latest sequel , if I couldn't start from the first game in the series I just face the consequences for making bad choices as for rpgs and episodic games.
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