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Killer Instinct Season 2 |OT| It's international RIPTOOOOORRRRRR day.

Well I hate to say it guys but it looks like I'm just going to have to post the OT as it is. I really wanted to get this commission in but it just doesn't look like it's going to get done in time and I don't want to keep you guys waiting unnecessarily any longer. The OT will be posted at around 9 am EST. I'm really sorry it took so long get this together. The commission is really something else imo and I think you guys really like it whenever it gets posted.

Dont worry about it! You've worked hard and it's not your fault.

Sounds like your friend really let you down, which is a bummer, since he was being paid and everything.


Well I hate to say it guys but it looks like I'm just going to have to post the OT as it is. I really wanted to get this commission in but it just doesn't look like it's going to get done in time and I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. The OT will be posted at around 9 am EST. I'm really sorry it took so long get this together. The commission is really something else and I think you guys will understand why I wanted to wait for it so badly.

The effort is much appreciated, Ser Flash.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Well I hate to say it guys but it looks like I'm just going to have to post the OT as it is. I really wanted to get this commission in but it just doesn't look like it's going to get done in time and I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. The OT will be posted at around 9 am EST. I'm really sorry it took so long get this together. The commission is really something else and I think you guys will understand why I wanted to wait for it so badly.

All good
Hi everyone, my Complete Killer Instinct Guide (ki.infil.net) is now live with my first big Season 3 release! This includes change to almost every single page to match the new S3 mechanics (and those that aren't changed will be updated hopefully soon).

Most importantly, I have full Tusk and Arbiter character pages up, complete with video! Go read about how they work while you're waiting for S3 to release! They're on my Characters page.

Hope you all enjoy the update! If you know someone who is trying to learn KI after the PC version comes out, feel free to share a link to my guide! Thanks!

This is really well done! Haven't played a great deal so this is really nice to have available. Thanks

The Flash

Dont worry about it! You've worked hard and it's not your fault.

Sounds like your friend really let you down, which is a bummer, since he was being paid and everything.

I'm going to lie and say that I'm not disappointed but the fault really falls on the both of us. There's been a lot of stuff going on in his life lately and the fact that he's put in as much effort into it as he has is a testament to how great of friend he is. Time and miscommunication were working against us. I can't blame him in the slightest. He could have easily said that he couldn't do it but he knew how much this thing meant to me and so he tried his best. It is what it is. I'll get the commission at some point hopefully tomorrow and you guys will finally be able to see it.


90% of the OT is posted on page 180. If anyone could give it a quick read to check for any spelling or grammar mistakes I'd be very grateful.
I'm going to lie and say that I'm not disappointed but the fault really falls on the both of us. There's been a lot of stuff going on in his life lately and the fact that he's put in as much effort into it as he has is a testament to how great of friend he is. Time and miscommunication were working against us. I can't blame him in the slightest. He could have easily said that he couldn't do it but he knew how much this thing meant to me and so he tried his best. It is what it is. I'll get the commission at some point hopefully tomorrow and you guys will finally be able to see it.


90% of the OT is posted on page 180. If anyone could give it a quick read to check for any spelling or grammar mistakes I'd be very grateful.

Shitty deal man! I'm sure it'll be great when its done!

I took a peak at the OT, it's looking good. I didnt read much though sorry, too much to read right now, haha.

Only issue I see, is that the introduction picture is pretty busy and kind of hard to read.

Otherwise it all looks really good, once that last 10% is done, and everything is lined up properly it'll look really good, and be filled with excellent info.

Great job!

edit: Looks like the lining up thing is on my end, my PC is attached to my TV, so I scale GAF up to 150% in Chrome, heh. It looks perfect at 100%
Well I hate to say it guys but it looks like I'm just going to have to post the OT as it is. I really wanted to get this commission in but it just doesn't look like it's going to get done in time and I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. The OT will be posted at around 9 am EST. I'm really sorry it took so long get this together. The commission is really something else and I think you guys will understand why I wanted to wait for it so badly.

Ain't no rules that say you can't edit the OT later to make it greater. It'll still be great, we're all eager to see it!

Is the scarab on her arm a reference to the movie Cronos by guillermo del toro? In the movie a clockwork beetle gets locked on an old man's wrist and turns him into a vampire by filtering his blood.

Wow, I've never heard of that movie. I never considered the possibility of Mira's scarab emblems being part of her vampirism.

I just brought up the scarabs because they can fly. I thought it would tie into a possible flight mechanic.
I'm excited more about season 3 then I was with season 2 because of the guest characters, I know some people think there's too many already but I say bring more, and I hope RAAM is real too.

I'm also going to check this out on my pc today to see if it can run it well enough, I have the GPU power (950) but I always wonder if my core2duo can handle modern stuff like this.
Ain't no rules that say you can't edit the OT later to make it greater. It'll still be great, we're all eager to see it!

Wow, I've never heard of that movie. I never considered the possibility of Mira's scarab emblems being part of her vampirism.

I just brought up the scarabs because they can fly. I thought it would tie into a possible flight mechanic.

If they are referencing Cronos, then I think it would be really cool if they had Kan Ra put the scarab on Mira. Then there could be a cool revenge story.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
What does the first time save transfer carry over? I thinking of going in cold to not have to download everything twice.

i assume the cloud save functionality is in the season 3 patch itself... so you're sort of doomed into having to download everything twice


i assume the cloud save functionality is in the season 3 patch itself... so you're sort of doomed into having to download everything twice

Hah should have clarified.
I already have S1+S2 ultra on XBO. Played a lot offline but not online.
What will I lose if I just dive into S3 on PC? Any unlöocks/progress? Titles and such I assume.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Hah should have clarified.
I already have S1+S2 ultra on XBO. Played a lot offline but not online.
What will I lose if I just dive into S3 on PC? Any unlöocks/progress? Titles and such I assume.

yeah. you'd lose everything you unlocked. colors/accessories/titles


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???


Just how the focus on the individual teams gradually fades back into the sides of Chief and Locke. Not sure if that makes sense or not.
The teams on either side? Just put them on another layer and erase around them with a soft brush.

Is that what you're referring to?
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