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Killzone 3 Review Thread [Update: Reviews In OP]


There's no way in hell I am buying this without impressions. The beta was terrible and really have no interest in the single player.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
One thing I'm curious about is the motion blur. Did they keep proper object blur in the final game? KZ2 had good motion blur while Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 both took it to new levels. The footage I've seen thus far seems to lack object blur, however, which is kind of disappointing. There is still camera blur, but that's not enough.

I fear this was toned down for the sake of the 3D mode. :\ I doubt they could do split-screen or 3D with high quality motion blur on both images. I don't see why they couldn't implement it for normal fullscreen 2D, though.


dralla said:
There's no way in hell I am buying this without impressions. The beta was terrible and really have no interest in the single player.

yeah, that atrocious "alpha code" should have never been released, I guess Sony enjoyed the new PSN+ subs though. I want to believe GG will fix everything for the retail build as they promised but... honestly, KZ2 had its fair share of problems that never got officially fixed (players got around them through custom games and filters, which now are gone) so KZ3 could be either the best or the worst mp experience of the year.


dark10x said:
One thing I'm curious about is the motion blur. Did they keep proper object blur in the final game? KZ2 had good motion blur while Uncharted 2 and God of War 3 both took it to new levels. The footage I've seen thus far seems to lack object blur, however, which is kind of disappointing. There is still camera blur, but that's not enough.

I fear this was toned down for the sake of the 3D mode. :\ I doubt they could do split-screen or 3D with high quality motion blur on both images. I don't see why they couldn't implement it for normal fullscreen 2D, though.

months ago I read an article in some Spanish magazine and they were discussing with Guerrilla the new tech in KZ3. They mentioned some features were gone from KZ2 to make room for the new KZ3 rendering engine tricks they needed for split-screen, larger maps, Move and 3D support... they said most of these missing GFX effects are "unnoticeable" for most gamers, but I fear per-object motion blur is one of them. I mean, we've seen a lot of footage already and it's nowhere to be seen anymore.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Lince said:
months ago I read an article on some Spanish mag and they were discussing with Guerrilla the new tech in KZ3, they mentioned some features were gone from KZ2 to make room for the new KZ3 rendering engine tricks they needed for split-screen, larger maps, Move and 3D support... they said most of these missing GFX effects are "unnoticeable" for most gamers, but I fear per-object motion blur is one of them. I mean, we've seen a lot of footage already and it's nowhere to be seen anymore.
That's a damn shame then.

If I recall, the blur in KZ2 was rendered by the GPU while Uncharted 2 and GoW3 both used SPUs to complete the task (same for Force Unleashed 2, actually). The quality of the blur is nearly unmatched in those games (those games feature motion blur on par with Metro 2033 in DX11 mode even). Would have been great if they could have implemented that technique instead of relying on the GPU (which struggles with motion blur).


The chirp when killing people in multiplayer returns. That's all I need. The "chirp" (or double-chirp for a headshot) needs to be incorporated into every multiplayer game.


dark10x said:
Would have been great if they could have implemented that technique instead of relying on the GPU (which struggles with motion blur).

well I recall they mentioned multiple times that they were "moving" a lot of tasks from the GPU to the Cell SPUs since that's the only way they believe you can max out the PS3 hardware. Unfortunately it seems like they didn't find the right spare cycles for per-object blur.


voady said:
Let's go for another multiplayer celebration boys&girls :D

can't wait for the 200+ GAF members applying for the KZ3 clan just to end playing with the same 4-5 people every night.


Glad Guerrilla Warfare and Operations are confirmed to be locked at 16 players. Shame only 3 maps have the Operations mode :( Inevitable DLC will solve that but I hope they'll create some maps specifically for that mode. It's like co-op, it's awesome.


DenogginizerOS said:
You should be playing BC2 with me now and then we can test the KZ3 MP against a proper background. ;)

I'm on Black Ops 360 a lot lately. Have some people from real life who just got it recently and they are hooked. It got me back online - i was in a funk for a while.


sweetvar26 said:
Is there Co-Op in the game?

offline you can play the campaign in split-screen co-op and online you have the so-called "operations" mode which is something similar to Uncharted 2 online coop but against human players.


Lince said:
can't wait for the 200+ GAF members applying for the KZ3 clan just to end playing with the same 4-5 people every night.

It was intimidating to get in the mix because the Killzone 2 OT pretty much turned into a small group of dudes from the clan flirting with each other.
dark10x said:
That's a damn shame then.

If I recall, the blur in KZ2 was rendered by the GPU while Uncharted 2 and GoW3 both used SPUs to complete the task (same for Force Unleashed 2, actually). The quality of the blur is nearly unmatched in those games (those games feature motion blur on par with Metro 2033 in DX11 mode even). Would have been great if they could have implemented that technique instead of relying on the GPU (which struggles with motion blur).
Per-object motion blur is not gone. There have been screenshots from the beta posted on GAF that show it. People said it looked like possibly a different, less good-looking implementation--I wasn't in the beta or really technical enough to say one way or the other--but it was definitely in there. If they can manage it in multiplayer, I'd think it's very likely to be in singleplayer.


Sigh so much misinformation. First, i've read any and all pieces of tech info reguarding Killzone's deferred engine and not once did they say graphics were tone down. What they did say in the interview was bullet tracking was reduced to 7/8 from 24 varibles claiming the system was unnecessarily complex for the type of game they were creating. As for per-object blur, there was no need to have to separate blurring system due to the advanced blurring they've had in Killzone 2:http://www.gamekings.tv/videos/minidocu-the-company-behind-killzone-2-full-version-subbed/

It is believed GG reduced the Motion blur because it was making people sick. Now the cost of Motion blur remains the same reguardless of intensity because of it's control points, you can control aspects of what blurs, speed at which blurring occurs, ect. And lastly, object blurring is still in there, just a little lite.
The difficulty scares me as far as overall success of the title goes. I don't mind hard games, but I worry about the overall longevity of the online community. I think its going to be another design decision GG deeply regrets.

Gamers in general don't mind bumping up the difficulty level if the normal/default is too easy. Gamers aren't going to like moving it to a lower difficulty setting if the normal setting is too hard. I just fear this will turn into the K2 aiming problems and GG being too stubborn to change until its pretty much too late.

Of course this is the only review so maybe he just sucks, yeah?
From Patrick Klepek's Twitter:

"Expected 10/10, not sure if I want now... we'll see."—a reader commenting on a 9/10 review.

I read the comment as a joke, personally.


JardeL said:

Fuck where are the small maps for 8-12 players. I usually play with my friends and we have like 8 players max and these maps look huge for small teams! :(

Also Mechs, jetpacks are restricted to only specific maps! WTF...they should have allowed them in any map at least for private games. I really hate this when GG makes certain weapons/stuff restricted to a specific map only.

Anyways, still buying...at least campaign looks even better.

PS: So there are no embargoes on the reviews? How come some Polish mag got the first exclusive review? Seems strange for a AAA game


sparkle this bitch
JB1981 said:
When are they going to blow the lid on multiplayer
bet is sucks
I don't expect much of an improve on MP, which is probably why I'm going skip it since there are several more promising titles coming out within those 3 months.


A.R.K said:
Fuck where are the small maps for 8-12 players. I usually play with my friends and we have like 8 players max and these maps look huge for small teams! :(

Also Mechs, jetpacks are restricted to only specific maps! WTF...they should have allowed them in any map at least for private games. I really hate this when GG makes certain weapons/stuff restricted to a specific map only.
Anyways, still buying...at least campaign looks even better.

I am not sure it works that way. I cant imagine the mechs in radec academy. You need big open maps for mechs to work.


pixelbox said:
Sigh so much misinformation. First, i've read any and all pieces of tech info reguarding Killzone's deferred engine and not once did they say graphics were tone down. What they did say in the interview was bullet tracking was reduced to 7/8 from 24 varibles claiming the system was unnecessarily complex for the type of game they were creating. As for per-object blur, there was no need to have to separate blurring system due to the advanced blurring they've had in Killzone 2:http://www.gamekings.tv/videos/minidocu-the-company-behind-killzone-2-full-version-subbed/

It is believed GG reduced the Motion blur because it was making people sick. Now the cost of Motion blur remains the same reguardless of intensity because of it's control points, you can control aspects of what blurs, speed at which blurring occurs, ect. And lastly, object blurring is still in there, just a little lite.

KZ2 is the only game I've ever played to give me a headache. I could not play for more than ten minutes without getting a really bad one and it really soured my experience of the game as you'd expect. Good news they've 'fixed' that, hopefully.


beast786 said:
I am not sure it works that way. I cant imagine the mechs in radec academy. You need big open maps for mechs to work.

I can understand that but what about on all the open huge maps (jet packs can work in Radec). They should allow that and I am just talking about in private games not the ranked games.


A.R.K said:
Fuck where are the small maps for 8-12 players. I usually play with my friends and we have like 8 players max and these maps look huge for small teams! :(

Also Mechs, jetpacks are restricted to only specific maps! WTF...they should have allowed them in any map at least for private games. I really hate this when GG makes certain weapons/stuff restricted to a specific map only.

Anyways, still buying...at least campaign looks even better.

PS: So there are no embargoes on the reviews? How come some Polish mag got the first exclusive review? Seems strange for a AAA game
I don't mind it much. What i do mind is the overall lack of vehicles after GG Stated they have "a lot of vehicles to ride"

"So what's the consensus on multi-player?" No one knows...


Lince said:
so lite I cannot see it in any of the released footage so far (720p).
Since recording computer graphics don't work like filming realilty, pausing the video won't create/cause motion blur unless there is some post processing involved. Pause the videos during heavy motion to reveal the motion blur lince.


pixelbox said:
I don't mind it much. What i do mind is the overall lack of vehicles after GG Stated they have "a lot of vehicles to ride"

"So what's the consensus on multi-player?" No one knows...

exactly. And then I can't have jet packs and mechs on the same map either? WTF is that! I think they just took the easy way out so they don't have to worry about balancing. But I am disappointed. Hey I want a Mech vs jetpack but I can't do that in KZ3. :-/


TTP said:
I think you just saw the US and EU models. They differ in color. The red one is EU I believe.
Ahh k thanks for the clarification. Actually TTP you might also know this; does the sharpshooter attachment use rumble at all?


We don't know that for sure so we'll have wait and see. Will there be custom control that allow that? Probably not, but we still can't rule it out. They have so much potential to create complete warzones with mechs, intruders jeeps and those spider vehicles but GG are noobs on a strict timeline. What's there to wonder about? Still love their games though...


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Can't really take much out of this if they didn't play online with actual people. My problem with the beta was that the new scoring system resulted in bots being more reliable for helping with objectives than players who just want to camp on an ammo cache and shoot at people for 20+ minutes. Maybe things will be sorted out, but it seems like a lot of shooters are turning into COD without the perks and weapon upgrades.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
PalaceBrother said:
From Patrick Klepek's Twitter:

"Expected 10/10, not sure if I want now... we'll see."—a reader commenting on a 9/10 review.

I read the comment as a joke, personally.
Dunno who's Patrick Klepek but YoshiChan was joking.

SYNTAX182 said:
So what's the consensus on multi-player?
The alpha was kind of bad (14FPS lol) but it may be all kinds of awesome now.


8/8/2010 Blackace was here
I think they have only toned down per-pixel motion blur , per-object motion blur is still the same as it was in killzone 2

dark10x said:
Uncharted 2 and GoW3 both used SPUs to complete the task (same for Force Unleashed 2, actually).
blur in U2 was rendered by GPU


revolverjgw said:
Rico is still technically a huge asshole


I never got the Rico hate, I see him as a necessary evil.
Sometimes people just need killing


+ high difficulty level

How's this a plus? I guess I won't be playing it on normal then. The previous is still left unfinished after I lost interest due to repeating the same Radec battle over and over again. Just let me change the difficulty level mid-game, like many other games do.
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