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Killzone: Mercenary |OT| No allegiance, no honour, only money


Generally speaking, the only difference in performance between physical and digital games is the loading times, with physical carts loading a little bit quicker due to a faster read speed.
And even that may be beaten by the larger cards, though it does seem to vary by a surprising amount between cards of the same size. Still, just another reason to want that 64 GB when it comes out, even if we must resort to importing (seriously don't screw this up SCEA/western retailers.)

Some of the descriptions of gameplay have me intrigued, I'll definitely to see if there's a demo and grab on sale or whatever.


Bought the game. Jumped straight into MP for a bit. It's fun but sadly it feels like the spawning is still broken in the game :S ..About to start the SP


Neo Member
This game, man. This game.

I'm trying to collect all the intel but as soon as I start a level I get sucked in so quickly that I forget why I'm there. I end up playing the mission through before I remember I was supposed to be collecting intel. It's just so much fun whipping around those gorgeous environments working out different ways to get one over on the bad guys. I think mission 5 (The Package) might be my favourite, simply because it's astonishing to look at pretty much all the way through. Every time I turn a corner my jaw hits the floor.

This game. I fucking love it. Haven't even dipped into the alternative contracts or the multiplayer yet, I'm having too much fun playing the campaign. Over and over. And over.
me too.


This game, man. This game.

I'm trying to collect all the intel but as soon as I start a level I get sucked in so quickly that I forget why I'm there. I end up playing the mission through before I remember I was supposed to be collecting intel. It's just so much fun whipping around those gorgeous environments working out different ways to get one over on the bad guys. I think mission 5 (The Package) might be my favourite, simply because it's astonishing to look at pretty much all the way through. Every time I turn a corner my jaw hits the floor.

This game. I fucking love it. Haven't even dipped into the alternative contracts or the multiplayer yet, I'm having too much fun playing the campaign. Over and over. And over.
You should try the contract variations. Seriously, it's much more fun imo. I especially like the covert ones.


Warzone was already great for getting loads of cash and an easy win because no one seems to play the objective, but I was kind of struggling with the interrogation round. The tranquilizer makes all the difference.

I'm actually surprised by how much the MP has grabbed me.


You know, this has a real chance of placing in my top 5 at the end of the year.

A real surprise for sure, especially given that it is Killzone of all things.


Any idea why i cant get online? I just finished the sp and i try to get online only to get "game server rejected the request".


Any idea why i cant get online? I just finished the sp and i try to get online only to get "game server rejected the request".

Was your Vita in sleep mode or did you leave the game to the LiveArea? If yes, restart the game or else you can't connect.
Any idea why i cant get online? I just finished the sp and i try to get online only to get "game server rejected the request".
Try exiting and restarting the Killzone "app" from the Vita UI. Often times after your Vita has gone into standby the game refuses to connect to the servers. This issue is, iirc, addressed and will be fixed by a future patch.


I restarted and still getting it.

Well, than I have to refer you to this post:

They're using a huge port range for player connections, which is a lot of the problem. The only way I was able to get around it in the beta was to assign a static IP to my Vita and put it in the DMZ of my router.

This guide might help: http://community.killzone.com/t5/Killzone-Mercenary-PS-Vita/Setting-up-your-Router-with-Port-Forwarding-as-DMZ-device-to/td-p/1409808

You'll have to put your country/birthdate in before proceeding to the forum.


Neo Member
ugh....I think some of the vangaurd systems should be unnaccessible for MP....the porcupine and that "satellite laser" NEED TO GO!!!


Well, than I have to refer you to this post:

I do not think its a connection issue. I get the message now when i start the game even before i get the Sony Computer Entertainment presents etc.. Also cannot see the leader boards.

I was also in the beta fine with no problem and i think i had checked out the leaderboard before.


I do not think its a connection issue. I get the message now when i start the game even before i get the Sony Computer Entertainment presents etc.. Also cannot see the leader boards.

I was also in the beta fine with no problem and i think i had checked out the leaderboard before.

Ok, I just started my game. Seems like the KZ: Mercenary masterserver is down right now.


ugh....I think some of the vangaurd systems should be unnaccessible for MP....the porcupine and that "satellite laser" NEED TO GO!!!

IMHO, the use of Prox Mines need to be disabled in smaller maps or, at the very least, have their damage radius greatly reduced.
ugh....I think some of the vangaurd systems should be unnaccessible for MP....the porcupine and that "satellite laser" NEED TO GO!!!

I hear you, but the Sky Fury (satellite laser) vanguard has a relatively easy counter - stay 'indoors' (out of open field areas of the respective map).

The porcupine on the other hand, tough, I usually rely on cover when I know an opponent has that vanguard.

I'm very pleased with the game though. Kudos to GG.


Just did my first mp match. Unfortunately due to the recently downed servers(i hope) i spend half it going one on one with a guy with a sniper and the other half playing against 2 to my 1 and to 3 to our 2. Still it was fine and wow porcupine is op. Also i need to get that tranq weapon..

Personally i always disliked one hit kill weapons in mp games. But what can you do.


For MP the only VAN guard I use is the JMR it's really the best balance for people who spam every vanguard. Proximity mines are the only thing I see needing balanced as there radius is far too big.

Does anyone else hope to see
in some part in Shadow Fall?


I'm having a blast with the SP in this game. Miles better than KZ3 so far and on par or maybe even slightly better than the KZ2 SP for me. Just missing that Visari Speech equivalent lol

Black Jack dealer is awesome too
This game is awesome! I'm just loving every moment of it! I can't believe the graphics on such a small device and how comfortable the controls are. This is probably going to be my second game I'm going to try and platinum (first was ME2).

Now how to get the "Spangled" trophy?

Recover after being tranquilised by an enemy in Multiplayer)


This game is awesome! I'm just loving every moment of it! I can't believe the graphics on such a small device and how comfortable the controls are. This is probably going to be my second game I'm going to try and platinum (first was ME2).

Now how to get the "Spangled" trophy?

Recover after being tranquilised by an enemy in Multiplayer)

Just play Warzone and you'll get it naturally.
Do I need to play the optional contracts on a certain difficulty to get the trophy? Can I play on easy and still get the trophies?

I already beat the campaign on veteran btw.


Do I need to play the optional contracts on a certain difficulty to get the trophy? Can I play on easy and still get the trophies?

I already beat the campaign on veteran btw.

You can get the trophy from doing any of the difficulties.

Wouldn't you like all that gold, instead of bronze and silver. :p
You can get the trophy from doing any of the difficulties.

Wouldn't you like all that gold, instead of bronze and silver. :p

After trying the Precision contract on mission 1, nope. As much as I would like all gold some of these missions look like they will be really hard. I might try over tim e to get them, but for the trophy personally I think I'm just going to go with easy.


Neo Member
Mantys engine makes this game not fun
You get a warning that a Mantys Engine is around. They show up on the map as a dot, so just keep an eye on where it is. If it's close by make sure you are facing it when it comes into view, they're quite easy and very satisfying to shoot down.

lord pie

You get a warning that a Mantys Engine is around. They show up on the map as a dot, so just keep an eye on where it is. If it's close by make sure you are facing it when it comes into view, they're quite easy and very satisfying to shoot down.

Also, the pyro grenade is very effective at taking it out. Or just cook the grenade and hold it - when you die it'll go off and take out the drone.


Been playing some MP off and on in-between GTA. Lotta fun.

Unfortunatley, I had my first ever vita freeze on my last session. Was able to quit out but this is the first time that has ever happend.

Some more shots I took:

Bonus, rocking that bling bling:
Ugh. Just visited Metacritic to check out some Lone Survivor reviews and there's Killzone: Mercenary sitting at 78. I know 78 is fucking good, but it is not KZ:M good. So many dumb reviews were phoned in for this one.

I feel bad for GG Cambridge, as there are way too many people who judge solely on aggregate review scores; GGC at least deserve to "win over" those simpletons.


Oh, you just tranq'd a guy? Here, let me shoot him and save you the effort of doing so, because I know you're just planning on doing that, anyway - maybe with a teabag or two thrown in for good measure. I mean, it's not like you specifically created and subsequently selected a loadout with the tranquilizer gun to coincide with the Interrogation objective; that's crazy talk. That's what smart players do. There's no place for them in objective-based game types. Idiot.

You're also doing pretty well with your K/D ratio this round, too, so I know you won't mind. And I need some kills to appear awesome at this game. I mean, it's not like I could obtain them in a way that's not detrimental to our team's efforts, or that I'd generally do well across the board in terms of both kills and points if I focused on the objectives at hand and let the rest just flow naturally; you know, a benefit of not being so gimped by selfish tunnel-vision. Nah. Not at all.


I've run into a few like this. Does the game support team chat if I enable the microphone? I wonder if you can communicate with people.


Been playing some MP off and on in-between GTA. Lotta fun.

Unfortunatley, I had my first ever vita freeze on my last session. Was able to quit out but this is the first time that has ever happend.

Some more shots I took:

Bonus, rocking that bling bling:

This is something I wish the game had more of, not this environment specifically, but the level you took these shots from really did feel like a sneak peak at Killzone ShadowFall.

So to make my point instead of talking around it, I liked the levels that gave us environments that were new, even if it was simply just a re-imagining of Vekta during Killzone 1, it felt fresh and exciting.

Once you start on the Helghan levels 90% of them feel like retreating old ground, especially so considering that we just had Killzone 2 and 3 being current gen games featuring that same type of environments back to back.

I suppose one exception was the slum/bar area.

If we do get a sequel, I hope we don't see not but a single level taking place on Helghan. Show us some of the other planets and unaligned independent colonies.


Finished the SP campaign..And I think this is my most favorite campaign so far in the franchise. I REALLY hope we get a sequel to this...


Ugh. Just visited Metacritic to check out some Lone Survivor reviews and there's Killzone: Mercenary sitting at 78. I know 78 is fucking good, but it is not KZ:M good. So many dumb reviews were phoned in for this one.

I feel bad for GG Cambridge, as there are way too many people who judge solely on aggregate review scores; GGC at least deserve to "win over" those simpletons.
Yeah. Generally I feel like it's not worth the time to argue over review scores, but this is one of the cases where I feel I could probably find at least a hundred games on Metacritic which scored a better average than KZ:M but which are simply OBJECTIVELY worse games.
I'm sure the people at GG Cambridge know that they've accomplished something great here - regardless of what reviewers say (or don't say), but it does feel a bit sad.


I encountered one of the most annoying people ever in a match earlier. He constantly used proximity mines, quick scoped, had a bazooka as his side arm and used it constantly, had a mantis engine, and was wearing the blast armor. He also had a tendency to camp. I thought it was funny, because he's like the embodiment of everything everyone complains about. We beat him and his team good though.

Grisby: How did you manage to take those screenshots? Vita capture card, I assume?

Vita has a built in screenshot function. Press the start and home buttons at the same time to take a screenshot. Some games don't allow for it though- Resistance and Call of Duty are the only two I can think of. Also won't work on non-Vita games (PSP, PS1).

Edit: were valor cards reset or something? Just played a quick match and I went from Ace to two. Everyone else I've played with has been a two as well.


Still loving this game. I want some DLC!!!

I love what I've played of this game, but honestly, I've barely played it yet. I got re-addicted to Hotline Miami which has taken up most of my Vita time, and I've been trying to get good at Spelunky too (bloody unsuccessfully, mind). Really need to get back and finish this. Absolutely gobsmacked by what Guerrilla Cambridge achieved with this.
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