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Konami plans to outsource Castlevania and MGS


Blooper team making Silent Hill would be cool but isn’t the rumor that Sony is making it? What happened to that?
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Blue Spring

Read my tears about xbox here --->
Bluepoint, MGS Remake

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Blooper team making Silent Hill would be cool but isn’t the rumor that Sony is making it? What happened to that?
It went from its exclusive to Sony to they only have markets ( dusk golem )

not sure I believe any of them is making it tbh
Good. Let other companies handle the development while they publish the results and provide cursory oversight. I'd love it if indies could finally take a try at the Castlevania license in particular since it seems like every third indie game nowadays is a Castlevania sidescroller.


I can't take the constant influx of Metal Gear Solid rumors. I'd bet there has literally been a prominent one at least every 2-3 months since the series died. I want the series to continue in some form, especially if it's a remake, but my heart can't take this anymore.
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outsourcing not really a solution. Rogue Corps, every SH after 4, and Lords of Shadow series were all outsourced. Also, article is conflicting Konami's news of dissolving their 3 dev teams into 2. Why outsource after hiring, recruiting, and dissolving teams.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Akira Yamaoka was hinting at his next project being a return to Silent Hill, and given that he has a track record as a producer on the franchise it wouldn't surprise me if he was in a similar position on the reboot.

Thinking about it, it could be the reason for Toyama splitting to start his own outfit. Maybe his pitch to Sony/Konami was rejected in favor of one headed up by Yamaoka? After all, its long been speculated that Bluepoint are working on a MGS reboot for Sony, so I can see them running a SH reboot alongside it.
Silent Hill continues to be the worst kept secret in the industry.

Metal Gear is probably Bluepoint, as both the aforementioned and this have too much smoke.

Castlevania is one I'd be interested to see who they would outsource that one to; been a long time since we've had a strong entry in that franchise.


So wait.

Konami outsourced their IP during 360 era and those games sucked so much, Castlevania and Silent Hill go into hibernation.

Last gen they try making games in-house and those suck.

Now they’re looking to outsource again?

What a roller coaster.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
This is same rumour from before minus the Sony connection.


Writes a lot, says very little
So wait.

Konami outsourced their IP during 360 era and those games sucked so much, Castlevania and Silent Hill go into hibernation.

Last gen they try making games in-house and those suck.

Now they’re looking to outsource again?

What a roller coaster.

Put it this way, the first time they did it was to be cheap, now they are doing it because lots of those developers no longer work at Konami....resulting in.....well Metal Gear Survive
I don't think you can just outsource MGS to anyone and also I sure hope it's not a sequel or a remake. The MGS story is done. A new game should be at most a thinly connected reboot. But really the series needs a fresh take and a new story that carries the vibe and feel of it. Also, it's gotta be Japanese. I think a western MGS would feel off. That said, I can't think of a single developer that could do MGS justice.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Lords of Shadow was good but not great. Mirror of Fate was decent but maybe not as good as Lords of Shadow.

Never played the sequel.

The thing is - I'd rather get outsourced Castlevania than none at all.
Weren't they already? At least with Castlevania for the past damn decade? Those games were trash as was the Metroid 2 3DS remake by the same devs.

I'd rather have nothing than the outsourced garbage that misses the standards set by the original teams.
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