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Konami plans to outsource Castlevania and MGS


As long as Kojima doesn't come close to them, I have high hopes.
Emotion Reaction GIF


Lord of Shadows was a good game, don't know about the sequel.
gameplay was good enough.story was effective. da and atmosphere were really top level imo
the sequel lost its way on the story and too much present days killed most of the da and atmosphere so nothing of interest remained.
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Praying for MG 1-2 remake, and Ocelot, Frank Jaeger, Liquid or The Boss and Cobra unit ( this last one is a project Kojima wanted to work on for real) spin-offs

Please no remakes - remastered of Mgs 1 to 4, I want new games ( mg1-2 would almost be new, considering their plot would need to be totally readapted)


Imagine being so retarded to want MGS without Kojima. As if it would be better? Surely at that point you don't actually want MGS. Just have a new IP that would be much better.
Doesn’t have to be Solid. Could be a spin-off using the fox engine. MGR was amazing
Imagine being so retarded to want MGS without Kojima. As if it would be better? Surely at that point you don't actually want MGS. Just have a new IP that would be much better.
LOL no
This point of view " original creator, otherwise a series turns into shit" it's not always true

In my opinion, MGS is one of the few examples who could actually benefit from having a talented director as the new lead in command

Mgsv's plot was a shitfest and was 100 kojima's doing

Re2make and Re7 had no Mikami, and they are more Resident Evil than any Resident Evil since og re2, for example

Imagine a Naughty Dog made mg1-2 remake ( minus every eventual sjw shit), ND and Druckmann are great artists and a tlou1-2 toned mgs could be legendary
They have the right touch to make a strong, gory enough, and unforgettable plot

All of this is imo of course, feel free to disagree

Maybe, but just maybe, the only risk would be to lose a little political touch and sci-fi elements, but it's a maybe of course
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I think that worry is that a game without Kojima free to run riot we won't ever get the details that made previous games so well regarded. Once upon a time we had whole articles on the MGS2 ice cubes
LOL no
This point of view " original creator, otherwise a series turns into shit" it's not always true

In my opinion, MGS is one of the few examples who could actually benefit from having a talented director as the new lead in command

Mgsv's plot was a shitfest and was 100 kojima's doing

Re2make and Re7 had no Mikami, and they are more Resident Evil than any Resident Evil since og re2, for example

Imagine a Naughty Dog made mg1-2 remake ( minus every eventual sjw shit), ND and Druckmann are great artists and a tlou1-2 toned mgs could be legendary
They have the right touch to make a strong, gory enough, and unforgettable plot

All of this is imo of course, feel free to disagree

Maybe, but just maybe, the only risk would be to lose a little political touch and sci-fi elements, but it's a maybe of course

MGSV had the best open world sandbox going. And you want ND to come in and make it an on the rails experience.

Fuck me.


King Snowflake
Hopefully, these and Silent Hill all end up PS5 exclusives.
Why? I want them on PC if I had a choice and why should Xbox owners not have access to games. I did get a PS5 for exclusives, but that really just means Sony games. Choice is always better.
Why? I want them on PC if I had a choice and why should Xbox owners not have access to games. I did get a PS5 for exclusives, but that really just means Sony games. Choice is always better.
PC would be fine. I meant console exclusive.

As long as they don't have to gimp the game to account for Series S and Switch.
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MGSV had the best open world sandbox going. And you want ND to come in and make it an on the rails experience.

Fuck me.
MGSV has one of the worst open world sandbox ever
Sand or trees, some outpost, km and km of absolutely nothing

The only good things were the bases, but mgsv could have functioned with 1/4 of that map

I'd kill to have an experience with small sandbox areas, stealth heavy with an awesome story
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Put it this way, the first time they did it was to be cheap, now they are doing it because lots of those developers no longer work at Konami....resulting in.....well Metal Gear Survive
maybe...look at the credits before jotting down untruths?


I know successful stuff in all media tends to continue on and on even beyond the point that it really should....but MGS without Kojima,like seriously wtf is the point....just let it go.


Snake Oil Salesman
This is like saying "Everyone look! They're working on a new Def Leppard album!"

Only it's 1991 and Nevermind is about to come out.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Castlevania was around long before Symphony of the Night. People should try to broaden your exposure to the series past Igarashi, since a lot of them are great games.

Personally, I hope they kick off this revival with a PS5 upgrade for Lords of Shadow 1 and 2. Some of my all time favorite PS3 games. I have the art book as well as the OST. Shockingly underrated games.


Writes a lot, says very little
maybe...look at the credits before jotting down untruths?

Enough left for it to result in shit bud. Fact remains....LOTS OF THOSE DEVELOPERS LEFT KONAMI. That is a factual fucking statement. maybe look at the results of that games failure before "jotting down untruths".

Clearly enough people who fucking mattered left for the game to have such a wild difference compared to when the other staff were involved with MGS. So who ever left that team that used to make MGS clearly is the fucking reason it broke records for years.

You going to tell me those members that left and the game being the biggest flop in the franchise history are not connected or?



always chasing the next thrill
Enough left for it to result in shit bud. Fact remains....LOTS OF THOSE DEVELOPERS LEFT KONAMI. That is a factual fucking statement. maybe look at the results of that games failure before "jotting down untruths".

Clearly enough people who fucking mattered left for the game to have such a wild difference compared to when the other staff were involved with MGS. So who ever left that team that used to make MGS clearly is the fucking reason it broke records for years.

You going to tell me those members that left and the game being the biggest flop in the franchise history are not connected or?

the hate boner for MGS was pathetic..
i recently got this game for 7 euro's and i enjoy it


Writes a lot, says very little
the hate boner for MGS was pathetic..
i recently got this game for 7 euro's and i enjoy it

Nothing wrong if you love it, its simply not MGS. Its too far removed and the sales flop is deserving.

Calling something Metal Gear doesn't mean everyone who like the series by default will just blindly buy it. That game is basically metal gear by name only. If you enjoyed it, I have nothing against you and will never hate you are be mad at you for liking a video game, my comment is more so to the game flopping and not really to those who loved it.

They should have just made a new IP at least to temper expectations and give the game its own identity to allow the concept to succeed on its own instead of forcing the Metal Gear IP on to it. For all we know, it could have been a wild success for Konami as a new IP.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
I hate to say it but good outsourced projects seldom happen without good stewardship on the part of the IP holders. There are exceptions to that where someone just comes in with a killer pitch (Sonic Mania, anyone?) but those are the exceptions that prove the rule.

I have no faith in Konami to even recognize a good idea when they hear it anymore, or know what's worth investing.

If the rumors about Sony's involvement are true, that could change that estimation entirely, as they have the resources and the understanding of the market, but Konami on their own do not.


Aside from Myiazaki himself coming down from the skies to make a 3D Castlevania, my favorite scenario is if Konami hire indie devs to make a Metroidvania or, even better, a Classicvania but with a fat budget.

How cool would be a Classicvania with a proper 2D HD art! Something like Ori or Vanillaware games.


Would love a brand new take on Castlevania. Fighting against the forces of darkness never gets old. Given the historic nature of the IP I would think the next evolution being an "open" world. Have a smallish map (1/5th of botw or 1/3 of GOT) with 3 or 4 castles. Each castle having a theme of monsters and some "boss" as the lord of the castle. Last castle (CastleVania) will have Dracula. The "overWorld" (area out side of castles) is used for lore, equipment and mild exploration. The meat and bones will be the internals of the massive castles. Each one with dozens upon dozens of rooms filled with monsters and physical obstacles to traverse with your whip. With smart architecture I think this would be fun.


Would love a brand new take on Castlevania. Fighting against the forces of darkness never gets old. Given the historic nature of the IP I would think the next evolution being an "open" world. Have a smallish map (1/5th of botw or 1/3 of GOT) with 3 or 4 castles. Each castle having a theme of monsters and some "boss" as the lord of the castle. Last castle (CastleVania) will have Dracula. The "overWorld" (area out side of castles) is used for lore, equipment and mild exploration. The meat and bones will be the internals of the massive castles. Each one with dozens upon dozens of rooms filled with monsters and physical obstacles to traverse with your whip. With smart architecture I think this would be fun.

Your description seems a lot like Castlevania 2.


I hope Microsoft buys up Konami!

I don't think they are interested in buying yakuza company which mainly operates pachinko gambling machines.

The reason Konami is so shit in gaming and had fallout with Kojima is that gaming was their second source of income while their primary one is pachinko business and probably laudering money for yakuza.
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Aside from Myiazaki himself coming down from the skies to make a 3D Castlevania, my favorite scenario is if Konami hire indie devs to make a Metroidvania or, even better, a Classicvania but with a fat budget.

How cool would be a Classicvania with a proper 2D HD art! Something like Ori or Vanillaware games.
Personally, id rather have Konami and Artplay (Koji Igarashi) patch things up and finally have us play the long awaited Julius Belmont 1999 game !!!!


Castlevania was around long before Symphony of the Night. People should try to broaden your exposure to the series past Igarashi, since a lot of them are great games.

Personally, I hope they kick off this revival with a PS5 upgrade for Lords of Shadow 1 and 2. Some of my all time favorite PS3 games. I have the art book as well as the OST. Shockingly underrated games.
Truth! I’m convinced most who bitch about LoS 2 didn’t even play it, let alone the fantastic Alucard DLC. I love both LoS games. Enjoyed LoS 2 more than Dark Souls 2.


Personally, id rather have Konami and Artplay (Koji Igarashi) patch things up and finally have us play the long awaited Julius Belmont 1999 game !!!!
there isn't any drama between Iga and Konami. He's already said he would return to Castlevania.


Personally, id rather have Konami and Artplay (Koji Igarashi) patch things up and finally have us play the long awaited Julius Belmont 1999 game !!!!

Yeah, I want to see the final showdown of the Belmont clan against Dracula also. After it they can reboot the series if they want.
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