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Kyle Orland vs. GameFAQS - or "How PSP reviews are being removed"


I submitted an easter egg to GameFAQs and it was rejected. WTF!?
There's something really wrong with the staff they have working at that site. The sad thing is that it's so far out of the hands of the two admin.
A. It's impossible to write a truly negative review of the PSP unless you're a retard.
B. Not posting the scribblings of retards makes for a pleasant site viewing experience.
C. Profit!!!


I haven't see the review - and it might be utter rubbish for all i know - but the justifications for removing the review are utter shite.

Didn't sony say that that PSP was the "walkman of the 21st Century"? yet you aren't allowed to compare it to an Ipod, despite it starting to possition itself as a video capable ipod "killer"?

not allowed to mention that you have to buy a mem card for movies?

not allowed to talk about up coming games as a mark of quality (or not) of the machine?

"using future releases as a means to judge the quality of a piece of hardware is just downright wrong. "

... ???? it's the absolute most essential factor in deciding whether to buy a machine. Do you think that the Gizmondo was reviewed outside of the content due to come to the machine?? I fucking doubt it!

Also - i hope all reviews that mention things like "forth coming games like GT4 , Devil May cry, and Final Fantasy make the machine exciting" are removed, because that would be inappropriate !


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Kyle Orland still has relevence?

I didn't know people still read his blog/cared about what he had to say.

Wasn't it established long ago he's no different than any other self-rightuous college student, with the only difference being he's writing about VG journos?


I think it's crap. They claim they pulled it because he said the incorrect price.
Basically: "It'll cost $300 to play Lumines" and that doesn't equal $250.
I smell Sony contacting Gamespot and saying they don't want that crap. Coherent negative reviews on a site that's whored over by Internet newbies? That's BAD.


GDJustin said:
Wasn't it established long ago he's no different than any other self-rightuous college student, with the only difference being he's writing about VG journos?

Shame on him for paying attention. Shame.
Kyle Orland is in that sort of grey area of relevance, with the author(s?) of Curmudgeon Gamer and stuff like that. He's not the first one to bring up some moderation problems at GameFAQs.

I think you've got two mods doing separate sections, one on a power trip and the other a bit more hands-off. It might be that reviews are only reviewed on tips to the admins, and you've got some too-much-time-on-their-hands PSP fanboys.

Could be a lot of things.

-edit- Read the review from the GameFAQs admin. What the FUCK?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Flynn said:
Shame on him for paying attention. Shame.

He just sorta... appointed himself, though. He's just some kid. I used to read him, until he started begging for a writing job on his blog, and the blog itself started having more and more typos (which is horribly ironic).
well, that review is alot better than the typical gamefaqs review...

though it does seem a tad fanboyish...

and their actual reasons for deletion are BS for sure
Everyone who does this sort of thing just appointed themself. He's better than silly bullshit like NintendoNow.

As for this story, it's just penny-ante forum bullshit, it seems. An admin is carrying out a feud with what he sees as trolls.

Sho Nuff

Kyle Orland is a retard. Gamefaqs is the biggest collections of psychopathic morons on the planet, and trying to make an expose on "fair and balanced" "reviewing" there is just asking for a headache.
Now, while the PSP is an Mp3 player, it isn't comparable to the iPod

Strange how Sony thinks differently.

Aside from just barely meeting the 400 word limit placed on reader reviews

It's 713 words long ...

As a small side note, the mention of slim pickings for movies available is laughable at best. Did people blame the Ps2 when DVDs were a new breed of entertainment? No, they blame the movie studios and DVD release corporations.

People were right to blame them, but who owns the UMD format? Not Sony surely? Who knows, maybe the UMD format will be big one day, but right now it isn't with a paltry line-up of movies available and Sony should get some blame for that.

To ice the cake, using future releases as a means to judge the quality of a piece of hardware is just downright wrong.

That is just plain wrong.

If anyone needed further proof on how retarded GameFAQs is, they have it.


GDJustin said:
He just sorta... appointed himself, though. He's just some kid. I used to read him, until he started begging for a writing job on his blog, and the blog itself started having more and more typos (which is horribly ironic).

Just wait until the Video Game Copy Editor shows up!

Anyway, I think he (and I know I'm going to take heat for this) and the NGJ people are just trying to open up the debate.

As far as the begging thing goes, everybody needs to make money. Half the net was built on freeware begging, so I don't fault him for letting his site double as an online resume.

I guess I may as well mention that we published something he wrote way back when on Robotstreetgang, so I kinda have a soft spot for the kid.


"The Video Game Ombudsman" - :) :)

It's kinda funny that "Ombudsman" is one of the few swedish words that's used in english speaking countries. The only other swedish word (AFAIK) that's made it outside our borders is "Smorgasbord".
Tim the Wiz said:
Now, while the PSP is an Mp3 player, it isn't comparable to the iPod

Strange how Sony thinks differently.

Aside from just barely meeting the 400 word limit placed on reader reviews

It's 713 words long ...

As a small side note, the mention of slim pickings for movies available is laughable at best. Did people blame the Ps2 when DVDs were a new breed of entertainment? No, they blame the movie studios and DVD release corporations.

People were right to blame them, but who owns the UMD format? Not Sony surely? Who knows, maybe the UMD format will be big one day, but right now it isn't with a paltry line-up of movies available and Sony should get some blame for that.

To ice the cake, using future releases as a means to judge the quality of a piece of hardware is just downright wrong.

That is just plain wrong.

If anyone needed further proof on how retarded GameFAQs is, they have it.

and if you think that's bad...

Oh yeah, and it plays MP3's too, thus eliminating the need for an IPod or any other mp3 player, and cementing the PSP's purpose as the only gadget you'll ever need.

"isn't compara..."

However, the companies everyone is watching are arguably Sony's two biggest contributors, Rockstar Games and Square-Enix. Square has already announced a PSP spinoff of arguably their best title ever, Final Fantasy VII, entitled Crisis Core - a game nearly assured of being a massive seller in both Japan and the States. Not to mention that Rockstar is hard at work on a PSP version of the PS2's biggest franchise - Grand Theft Auto.

"using futu..."

Of course, that's not all said screen is for - you can also view photos and movies on the system via the system's memory stick, as well as compatibility with UMD movies. And that's just scratching the proverbial surface.

well, i guess no mention of the only available movie being spidey2 is OK!


Inexplicable Treasure Hate
Angst said:
It's kinda funny that "Ombudsman" is one of the few swedish words that's used in english speaking countries. The only other swedish word (AFAIK) that's made it outside our borders is "Smorgasbord".

I know "Ikea." That's Swedish for "trash," right?


Has problems recognising girls
I love this part the best though.

"Kyle Orland,

In response to your recent interview with Chris Orland [sic] (aka Typhon_Sentra, once banned), the PSP review in question was removed by yours truly. The review contains blatantly false information, and is on the verge of being a joke review, obviously making it at a minimum a troll review. Being one of the people who regularly review the reviews, Buzan's PSP review is among the worst."

Obviously he's missing 80% of the review database on the site that either has a 1/10 or 10/10 :lol

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
GDJustin said:
Kyle Orland still has relevence?

I didn't know people still read his blog/cared about what he had to say.

Wasn't it established long ago he's no different than any other self-rightuous college student, with the only difference being he's writing about VG journos?

He's actually a college graduate as of May 2004. Also, to comment on spelling errors and then make them yourself? For shame, Justin.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I just sent Kyle Orland an e-mail, and I'll be looking forward to hearing what he has to say in response, if anything. While I don't run GameFAQs, I'm affiliated with it, and I'm frankly disappointed that someone who professes to be a watchdog group for game journalism (God knows we need one) wouldn't so much as bother to go to me, or someone like me, for a comment. Especially since I've replied to him promptly on many occasions in the past.

Wow, so this is what talking shit on the Internet feels like.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Rocket9 said:
You guys should thanks Gamefaqs. Because they monopolized all the n00bs, there are much less here

I know people say this a lot, but I literally feel my brain cells dropping left and right when I hit that site. I have to make a beeline to the FAQ I seek lest I accidentally stray into one of the forums and get point-blank smacked in the face with all the idiocy.

The horrors!!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
... ???? it's the absolute most essential factor in deciding whether to buy a machine.
I agree, but unless he was privvy to knowledge of what actually *will be* released in the future (E3 announcements and all) I think it's stupid to put a numeric score on a speculation. Not to mention that you can't even define "the future" in a review that doesn't change/update over the time.


Who the hell with an actual working mind uses GameFAQs for game reviews or anything other then, er, FAQs?


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Agent Dormer said:
He's actually a college graduate as of May 2004. Also, to comment on spelling errors and then make them yourself? For shame, Justin.

The difference is that I was making a forum post, and not a self-rightous and self-serving "journalism watchdog" blog post ;)

He uses his blog to talk about all the things he believes are wrong with the VG journo industry, with no professional experience in the field when he appointed himself ombudsman, and once it got popular used it to try to get a journalism job himself. What a joke.


GDJustin said:
The difference is that I was making a forum post, and not a self-rightous and self-serving "journalism watchdog" blog post ;)

He uses his blog to talk about all the things he believes are wrong with the VG journo industry, with no professional experience in the field when he appointed himself ombudsman, and once it got popular used it to try to get a journalism job himself. What a joke.

If the video game industry had self-appointed some ombusdmen, then Kyle Orland would never have happened.

Whiny games journalists have only themselves to blame.
Shard said:
Who the hell with an actual working mind uses GameFAQs for game reviews or anything other then, er, FAQs?
well, back in the day, the animal crossing boards were good...
and the wrestling game boards are always good, elitist even...
GameFaqs has and always will be the place I go when I'm completely stuck.. It's saved me plenty of time and money avoiding the need to purchase guide books.

I can honestly say I never visited their forums or anything like that. As for their reviews... I wouldn't really care. I'm sure a good portion of people here don't even care what the GAF reviews have to say. If you're hard up for negative reviews I'm sure there are more and better places to find them than GameFaqs.
Since when the fuck has Gamefaqs allowed flamey/negative/bad reviews to be removed? Their review section would be fucking empty.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Some of the game-specific gamefaqs forums aren't all that bad.

Now, the general system boards, on the other hand, suck

Sho Nuff

kasavin said:
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I just sent Kyle Orland an e-mail, and I'll be looking forward to hearing what he has to say in response, if anything. While I don't run GameFAQs, I'm affiliated with it, and I'm frankly disappointed that someone who professes to be a watchdog group for game journalism (God knows we need one) wouldn't so much as bother to go to me, or someone like me, for a comment. Especially since I've replied to him promptly on many occasions in the past.

Wow, so this is what talking shit on the Internet feels like.

Hey Kasavin!

ProTip: Ignore everything Kyle Orland says
ProTip: He's a yahoo


First tragedy, then farce.
Kasavin, if anyone should be definding someone right to lowball a score for a game (or system in this case) for stupid reasons, it should be you. For shame.


StoOgE said:
Kasavin, if anyone should be definding someone right to lowball a score for a game (or system in this case) for stupid reasons, it should be you. For shame.

Oh yeah, StoOgE? Well, the jerk store called. They're running out of you!
While the GameFAQs boards for the most popular games are all cesspools, some boards for less-popular games are good. Especially boards for strategically involved games often feature excellent in-depth, ubergeeky mechanical discussion.


After reading the review, I'm pretty stunned it got pulled... seems like it's being held to an awfully high standard for an opinion (which doesn't seem so odd, other than for its negativity).

Still, I actually looked at a few GameFAQs reviews and it seems like they're reaching slightly higher than they might have in the past... not a bad thing.
If that message that Orland posted was indeed from the guy who pulled the review, then

1) he either has a vendetta against the guy who wrote the piece, or
2) he really is so biased that he believes that anything negative about the PSP must be a falsehood.
BY CJC (the guy who owns GameFAQS)

To sum up: Did we remove the reviews of Mr. Buzan and others bashing the PSP? Yes. Do we remove similar reviews bashing other systems and games on a regular basis? Yes. Is this whole thing blown way out of proportion? Oh, yes.

thread over :\



This is precisely why we have a Contributor Problem report form, so any registered user can report anything we've posted that "slipped by" us.

We review these complaints, determine if they're justified, and if we feel they are, we take appropriate action. That's how our system works, that's exactly how it worked in this case (both times the reviews were posted, they were subsequently reported by site visitors)

I think that's pretty lame, though -- so to have your review pulled on GameFAQs you just have to work up a few fanboys? Because I'm not sure what the big problem is with the review.


Unconfirmed Member
Kyle Orland of the Video Game Ombudsman
The incredible power of the Internet at work.

The fact that the self-promoting preppy shit got this conversation going here, after having one of his friends post about his 'crusade' on slashdot is both stunning and frightening.
Drinky Crow said:
A. It's impossible to write a truly negative review of the PSP unless you're a retard.
B. Not posting the scribblings of retards makes for a pleasant site viewing experience.
C. Profit!!!
The incredible power of the Internet at work...
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