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League of Legends Championship Series: Season 5


Top and Jungler are Koreans on Fnatic.

That Rengar looks pretty good. Pretty much everyone says that Elements early game sucks tho. It's been a fun start.


Fnatic's Korean jungler speaks perfect english, better than Yellowstar, lol. Probably a smart thing to look for when recruiting.


Wow LCS opened up with a bang! I guess Fnatic was pretty underrated by everyone except those who scrimmed against them...

This year tho... GAMBEEEEEET!!!
I hope I get to see a few performances that are gonna make me shed a tear or two for the good ol' days like mah boys at CJE (Frost) are doing over in Korea this start of the season.

Also looking forward to see H2K and UOL play...


Wow LCS opened up with a bang! I guess Fnatic was pretty underrated by everyone except those who scrimmed against them...

This year tho... GAMBEEEEEET!!!
I hope I get to see a few performances that are gonna make me shed a tear or two for the good ol' days like mah boys at CJE (Frost) are doing over in Korea this start of the season.

Also looking forward to see H2K and UOL play...

I want CJE to return to its former glory..... Shyyyyyyyy


Gnar, on the other hand, is not looking very overpowering even against a melee... Maybe it's just a good jungler. 3 deaths and almost 2 top towers lost in 13 minutes.


They need to do something to clarify which team the wolf spirit and scuttle ward are on. The coloring effects and outlines are a bit too subtle as they are right now.

edit: the indicator for the dragon stacks could stand to be larger as well


Is the riotgames Twitch stream blurry for anyone else? Even on "Source" and fullscreen, the names seem fuzzy on the sides.


Is the riotgames Twitch stream blurry for anyone else? Even on "Source" and fullscreen, the names seem fuzzy on the sides.

Yeah, everything looks a bit blurry for me. The names are kind of readable, but the nameplate thing on the bottom left is a complete mess.


Really long game between CW and H2K, it seemed to me that H2K didn't really know what to do when they were in front.


Draven died with 400+ CS and 500+ stacks, never getting a second kill to cash them in. :( I thought CW had lost for sure after the Annie ult at baron didn't seem to do much and Draven got instakilled.

Wow what a comeback though. CW was behind so much, I thought that even if Freeze did okay, there wasn't much he could do with that team. Down 5k gold and 0 turrets to 5 turrets I think.


They need to speed up the wait between games. The 3 minute pause after analyst desk should go directly to pick/ban of the next game.


Draven died with 400+ CS and 500+ stacks, never getting a second kill to cash them in. :( I thought CW had lost for sure after the Annie ult at baron didn't seem to do much and Draven got instakilled.

Wow what a comeback though. CW was behind so much, I thought that even if Freeze did okay, there wasn't much he could do with that team. Down 5k gold and 0 turrets to 5 turrets I think.
He could have cashed the stacks, but he wasn't playing too well mechanically.


Fnatic is smarter than many NA teams since they recruited a Korean that is fluent in English. That should really help to avoid communication issues.
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