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Let's welcome the newest writer to IGN!

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Jessica Chobot is apparently going to be a regular contributor to IGN. For those who don't know, she's the pseudo internet celebrity who got her 15 minutes of fame by licking a PSP. She vehemently flaunts her "girl gamer" personality and is supposedly passionate about the industry. Can someone throw me a rolleyes smilie here?

It's no secret that I'm not a big fan of IGN, although I do like going over there for their high-def videos. But this is ridiculous.

Article in question: http://insider.ign.com/teasers/626/626618.html


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Pro- or anti-nintendo?


Jessica Chobot said:
JC: And then, Nintendo, I got to go to their press conference. I wasn't too terribly impressed, but it was neat just to see a press conference, and the whole dramatics and theatrics of that whole thing. So that was a lot of fun just from an interest standpoint.

IGN: What do you think of Reggie?

JC: Well, you know, I don't know all that much about him, because I'm not really into following Nintendo to such a degree, but, how do I put it? He was like an infomercial dude. I mean that's kind of the feeling I got from it.

IGN: He's basically Ron Popeil.

JC: Yeah, he's an infomercial guy. I mean, don't sell me Nintendo's bullsh*t, because their display at—I mean I don't know what PlayStation and Xbox [had] because I'm not cool enough to sneak into theirs—but, that little GameBoy Micro? What a piece of crap. Talk about Ikea junk. The first you say… you don't say, "This isn't any new technology, we just gave it a different faceplate and made it smaller." That's so stupid.

IGN: You're passionate about this. I like it.

JC: Oh, I am very passionate with my videogames. That, and then the whole downloading all games into the Revolution. We all know that we can mod our Xboxes and do that anyway. So, what are you bringing to the table? Nothing. The thing looks like a PlayStation, to start off with. So that's that.



JC: Yeah, he's an infomercial guy. I mean, don't sell me Nintendo's bullsh*t, because their display at—I mean I don't know what PlayStation and Xbox [had] because I'm not cool enough to sneak into theirs—but, that little GameBoy Micro? What a piece of crap. Talk about Ikea junk. The first you say… you don't say, "This isn't any new technology, we just gave it a different faceplate and made it smaller." That's so stupid.

Great another objective videogame journalist at IGN. They are only hiring people that can thrash nintendo these days. :lol
I know I'm going to get flamed for this, I dunno, but the way that most of the popular girl gamers write and portray themselves would piss me off if I was a member of the opposite sex.


Yeah she's famous for the pic of her licking a PSP. Google search for 'psp licker'.

She was on G4's attack of the show a few weeks back. They did a skit where they blind-folded her and made her identify other hand held systems with just her tongue. :lol She was pretty hot.
She might be a "gamer" but she's not hardcore....... unless she acts hardcore.....

Ranger X

She look and sound just like a mandatory-girl-gamer-that-we-need-to-look-cool-and-avant-gardiste-and-bringing-women-into-this-industry-but-in-fact-it-sucks-because-she's-a-whore-and-have-shitty-opinion-not-to-mention-that-she-don't-know-shit-about-videogames-and-play-freecell-sometimes.


GaimeGuy said:
Gee, that sounds like she'd make a good, unbiased, objective reporter. :lol

Come on, who doesn't think the Revolution looks like a PlayStation? The GBA Micro comment WAS a bit far-fetched, though!

Sho Nuff

GaimeGuy said:
Gee, that sounds like she'd make a good, unbiased, objective reporter. :lol

Oh yeah, there actually exist gamers/reporters who are completely unbiased and treat every system equally. HAW HAW HAW HAW!


Judging from that that interview this girl knows nothing about video games. Those are the type of responses you'll off a casual gamer, thats misinformed.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I still miss Mary Jane Irwin and her FFCC review.

I also know that not everyone may enjoy Ivan Sulic's writing, but rest assured he can beat all of you in poker and drink you under the table in 20 minutes.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
FortNinety said:
I know I'm going to get flamed for this, I dunno, but the way that most of the popular girl gamers write and portray themselves would piss me off if I was a member of the opposite sex.


Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
fennec fox said:
I still miss Mary Jane Irwin and her FFCC review.

I also know that not everyone may enjoy Ivan Sulic's writing, but rest assured he can beat all of you in poker and drink you under the table in 20 minutes.

Man, if his writing was as good as his drinking and poker skills, we'd be looking at the first game journalist up for the Nobel prize!


0G M3mbeR
Wow another boring corperate game girl puppet for the nerds to salivate over.....how shocking :rolleyes
After reading that article linked in the first post, I feel a little sick. Must've gotten a good whiff of her "opinion." :\


SantaCruZer said:
Great another objective videogame journalist at IGN. They are only hiring people that can thrash nintendo these days. :lol

Heh, that's okay though... Nintendo can pretty much leave them out of hte loop and they'll lose A LOT (I think Nintendo fans are the largest group on the forums) of their subscribers eventually.

They'll probably change once their pocketbook starts getting a hit


—I mean I don't know what PlayStation and Xbox [had] because I'm not cool enough to sneak into theirs

Oh dear...she's one of those people who call Sony "Playstation" and Microsoft get called "Xbox".


Some of the things that girl comes out with aren't fit for a 12 year old TeamXBox troll. She loves Playstation, yet she thinks Revolution is crap because "it looks like a Playstation". Which is not only so contradictory and mind numbingly stupid that it causes my head to hurt but is also utterly wrong since Rev looks nothing like any Playstation system. Incredibly thats pretty much her most intelligent comment as well. I can only guess that her brain must have rotted away through lack of use leaving only stale air behind..

The fact that IGN have hired this fool to write articles is the last straw for me. Bye bye IGN subscription, you won't be missed.
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