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Loyal Xbox Gaf Fam- how are you feeling right now?

Xbox fam- whats your move going forward?

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If I could justify the cost, and had more gaming time I would definitely be looking at a decent PC rig, as it stands though, thank fuck we have Nintendo.



Ends up?

Try Not To Laugh 90 Day Fiance GIF by TLC Europe
Is it so hard for you fanboys to understand that some people actually like or enjoy their Xbox'?

Fuck me tone it down.


Gold Member
Is it so hard for you fanboys to understand that some people actually like or enjoy their Xbox'?

Fuck me tone it down.

To be honest, yes, I do find it difficult to understand given the fact that there are three other viable options that have existed for a very long time now which don't exhibit the same ongoing (and repeated) issues that Xbox has over the last decade plus. One of those options plays exactly the same games plus a whole lot more and doesn't come with any additional baggage/fees.


Ok good for you, however what you said in your previous post has largely already happened.
As an Xbox player, I don't see it at all. Maybe in the future. But for now, games are being released and they play great. Persona 3, Wo Long, Infinite Wealth, Unicorn, Metaphor... all in physical, with collectors etc... And I picked only games I have interest in.

There are definitely signs of changes, maybe that support is going to drop dramatically. But MS also has plans for the future. They know the situation better than anyone else, so you should expect them to inject some energy in their ecosystem in the near future. Let's wait for the June showcase before claiming it is "Game Over" on the basis of layoffs and studio closures. Again, not saying that this is a good thing. But as a consumer, I am personally not impacted by these closures.

El Muerto

I dont know what to pick. First and foremost i'm on PC. However, I've always been a Playstation user since day 1, i have all their consoles and primarily game on them. Always had an Xbox as well and really love gamepass since getting an Xbone. I now prefer my Series X over PS5 because it's just a much better console and environment. I just play the games. If both consoles are bringing their exclusives to PC, i may just simplify my gaming lifestyle and just be only PC from now on. I love consoles but times are changing.



Much as I enjoy the schadenfreude of watching MS messing up, I hope they turn Xbox into a more open platform (straight up Windows 11 if need be). Change the console game and offer features the competition cannot.
Heck, "Changing the Game" would be a pretty sick advertising slogan.


Im stuck with the cunts since a majority of my games were brought online but i hate them for closing down tango, the others i can understand tbh


I'm here for wrpgs, I'm new to them, also other pc genres like strategy, sim, Mmos, gaas, are what I'm heading right now, count me late to the party but who gives a shit.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I’m a pc first player and own a PS5 and Nintendo Switch.

I’ve owned every other Xbox except this generation. All their offerings are on PC now thanks to gamepass.

Unfortunately there isn’t anything they offer outside of gamepass which is really just a way for me to play third party games majority of the time.


Whats with this blind loyalty. Go play games where you have your friends or have your money invested in a digital library…If is XBox, go play there… if is PC, go play there…If is PS, go play there…


I tend to only buy one console each generation (along with PC) and been Xbox for this and the previous gen. I am not sure what I will do once my series x either becomes obcelete or breaks. I certainly won't be rushing out to buy more Xbox hardware, I can tell you that much. I enjoy Xbox studios games but if they are all going to be available on every platform then what's the point of even having an Xbox identity at all? I am not a fan of how Nintendo nickel and dime their userbase and really don't trust Sony to not do the same now they will no longer have a strong competitor in the power console arena so I don't know, maybe just go PC only from here on in.


Still prefer the Xbox ecosystem and hardware. Doesn’t hurt that Sony has given me one good game this gen, Returnal.

Tango closing sucks. HiFi was legit good. The rest, meh.
Same here, as much as I think Sony make great hardware, I prefer the MS ecosystem. Prefer the Xbox controller layout too.
Nintendo has been getting much of my game time though the last 5+ years.


To be honest, yes, I do find it difficult to understand given the fact that there are three other viable options that have existed for a very long time now which don't exhibit the same ongoing (and repeated) issues that Xbox has over the last decade plus. One of those options plays exactly the same games plus a whole lot more and doesn't come with any additional baggage/fees.
You mean PC right?
I play on couch with a 65" TV plus can't afford £1200 off the bat.

Plus my Series X is great, fast, quiet.

It plays every game I like.

I'm sure there are plenty like me. Family friends, my kids.

We all have an SX's


We're pretty far into this gen to make any sort of serious decision... for now i'll give them this year and look at next year's plans before i make any real decisions. I will definitely say this is all very fucked up though. I saw one person asked why any of these studios weren't sold rather than shuttered and i think that's an excellent question. In the case of Tango Gameworks it makes me wonder if they really did lose a lot of their talent before this happened and John Johanas was hoping for the chance to try and re-staff? We will probably find out more on that eventually.
I have just bought an old 360 off Ebay (good condition is getting harder to find). Legendary piece of hardware and baffling how MS could screw up so hard after it.


I don't know. Interesting to see things play out. As of now I can play 99% of the games I enjoy on Series X.


I'm still in it, my $1 stacked gamepass ultimate sub still has a couple of years until it expires in 2026.
Is it shit these studios closed? Yes, of course for anyone without a job and I wish everyone the best.
Does it affect me personally? No. I still play the games I want and this makes no difference to me.
Totally against closing studios but owning so many requires a tremendous amount of management.

I can see the downfall of Arkane due to Redfall, Tango being shut really hurts but I saw this coming once Mikami left, and the other two studios are completely unknown to me, apparently they are mobile games studios so I am not surprised.

As tough as losing your job is this was bound to happen, and these won’t be the last ones at MS-Zenimax-ABK, there are too many studios and restructuring will happen one way (merging studios) or another (closing studios).

I can see MS assigning certain IPs to other studios such as Machinegames or Bethesda, and CoD studios being merged or axed


To be honest, yes, I do find it difficult to understand given the fact that there are three other viable options that have existed for a very long time now which don't exhibit the same ongoing (and repeated) issues that Xbox has over the last decade plus. One of those options plays exactly the same games plus a whole lot more and doesn't come with any additional baggage/fees.

No Patrick, consoles are not the only platforms capable of outputting to a TV.


The wife does not want a big/bright/loud PC sitting in the front room.
Console for me gives ease of use.
I PREFER them. Is that ok here? Am I allowed to?

If there was a middle ground PC with XBOX UI in a nice form factor for £650 I'd buy one for sure.

Any more than that and it's bye bye Xbox hello PlayStation
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I mean... I have a Series X, but I'm basically just using it for a handful of games that happen to be a little better on there than on other platforms. Most of those are actually Xbox One games that are BC. Microsoft's stable of 1P studios hasn't done much of anything for me in a long time, and the few games that do interest me from Bethesda and the like I'll generally just play on the PS5 or PC as they tend to be a bit better outside of the Xbox ecosystem. So this news doesn't impact me too much - Microsoft has been an also-ran in my book for a very long time.
The winds have been shifting for a good while on Xbox. I have been incredibly disappointed with the quality of 1st party titles going back to the Xbox One. Most releases are soulless, have no edge, have no heart. Microsoft green light decisions are a joke, they squander good studios on stupid concepts. They willingly sit on dozens of great IPs doing nothing with them. Gone are the days of the 360, what remains is shameless mediocrity hidden behind a veneer of unearned confidence.

I held out hope that the ship would right itself but that hope has now been trampled. Just a couple of weeks ago, I sold my Series X and am currently selling up my physical library. The final nail in the coffin for me was Microsofts decision to release games on PlayStation. It was a tough decision given the decades of digital content I have now abandoned.

Xbox has been ran into the ground. It is on life support, the only thing keeping it afloat is the ~80 billion in studio acquisitions. There is barely a single Xbox studio that is capable of making a compelling game. Even when a decent studio such as Playground Games is handed one of Xbox core IPs in Fable, they have to twist and distort the concept into some current day parody of itself. Rare decides to make the game Everwild, one problem, the concept was terrible and nobody had a clue what it was supposed to be... not even the developers. Imagine being in-charge of Rare and deciding to make Everwild rather than a new Banjo or Conker? Imagine deciding to make Everwild instead of a Banjo or Conker remake? Imagine making Everwild instead of well... anything else - anything at all. Halo, the largest and most celebrated IP was handed to a newly formed studio with no pedigree. Handed to a rank amateur in Bonnie Ross. Who could have guessed how that would turn out?

Ultimately, the downfall of Xbox is akin to sliding down a water slide, with the water slowing to the barest trickle. Some people got stuck halfway and just got off, left unsatisfied and unfulfilled; some people decided to stick with it, flailing away, catching glimpses of others having fun elsewhere. Occasionally picking up a little speed before a sudden jarring stop and more flailing. It may be worth returning to Xbox for those that have moved on, but Microsoft will have to earn it. No more benefit of the doubt, no more thinking there may be a great game waiting just over the horizon. No, Microsoft and Xbox have to earn it. Give us a reason to return. Compelling release after compelling release is the only thing that can save Xbox. Make them earn it.


I tend to only buy one console each generation (along with PC) and been Xbox for this and the previous gen. I am not sure what I will do once my series x either becomes obcelete or breaks. I certainly won't be rushing out to buy more Xbox hardware, I can tell you that much. I enjoy Xbox studios games but if they are all going to be available on every platform then what's the point of even having an Xbox identity at all? I am not a fan of how Nintendo nickel and dime their userbase and really don't trust Sony to not do the same now they will no longer have a strong competitor in the power console arena so I don't know, maybe just go PC only from here on in.
Nintendo don’t nickle and dime. They charge a reasonable rate for extremely fun and complete games that hold their value. Microsoft nickle and dime.
Seriously wondering what the thoughts are on your platform of choice given the recent news today and over the course of the last six months.
I jumped from Xbox to PC early in the Xbox one generation, but if you look at my post history you will see an unapologetic Phil nut hugger and a very happy gamepass subscriber. I like Xbox better than PS bc they put their games on PC day 1 and PS doesn't. Also I don't really like single player games so PS exclusives do nothing for me anyway (until Helldivers 2!!). Halo and Gears mean more to me than every single PS exclusive combined and I actually mean that.

That said...I'm well aware of what MS is and I NEVER thought that their goal was anything other than making money. It's just that for a while there, their plan for making money happened to be great for me as a PC subscriber and a GP sub.

I can't for the life of me understand how Tango was let go. They shadow dropped that game which meant it got no advertising, then the game became a darling, it's great! HOW do you close THAT studio?

I better at least find out that they are closing it in name only and that the actual talent is being kept and only the contract workers and maybe QA ppl are being let go since they already have those ppl in whatever division they are going to but that still doesn't feel great at all. Tango should be a thing. The creativity and excellence of HiFi should be championed, not shuttered smh...

That said, going to Sony certainly wouldn't help. They are also being run by their investors and bean counters. Sad day for art.


I always buy a XBox, nothing has changed in my mind.
(But I will also buy a PS5 PRO and Switch 2.)


Gold Member
I'm loyal only to my PC rig, but I'm just curious, how does these headlines change anything for someone who just turn on their box and play games on it. The answer is obviously that it basically changes nothing. If I was a console gamer, Xbox or PS, I would just keep calm, play my games as per usual - And then buy a PC, of course.


Gold Member
I will play my Xbox games where I play my PlayStation games. On PC. 😜

Just kidding, deep down, I am pangaming and will continue to buy all consoles and PC.


Not sure I’m loyal but I used to main Xbox when One X arrived. I’ve already jumped to PC but I put my vote on that because today’s news makes me question everything I thought I knew about the company. I have no idea what they want anymore. Their actions from a platform holder perspective makes no sense. Even as a 3rd party publisher it makes no sense. Is the plan to create a multi CoD studio scenario for Bethesda as well? Close all studios that don’t make enough money or let teams work on bigger Bethesda games. Less studios. Less games. Less unique games. Great idea. Not!
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Nintendo don’t nickle and dime. They charge a reasonable rate for extremely fun and complete games that hold their value. Microsoft nickle and dime.
How many times have they re-released and resold the exact same classic games time and time again with no changes on each new console when they could have easily provided a way for previous purchases to carry over? At least with Xbox they have been pretty good in that regard with access to game purchases going back several generations. Also, Nintendo have imo overcharged on their hardware and also notorious for keeping their game prices high for years after release. In what way have Microsoft nickle and dimed? Personally I have felt I've had pretty good value for money out of MS whilst been an Xbox gamer
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How did you last this long? The writing on the wall was obvious long ago.

I went from 360 to PS4 and never looked back. Been a great decision. I do still have an Xbox because my friends never figured their shit out and just stuck with what we knew in high school. So I have just enough exposure and experience with their last two consoles and Gamepass to know how shitty everything has been since the excellent Xbox 360.


How many times have they re-released and resold the exact same classic games time and time again with no changes on each new console when they could have easily provided a way for previous purchases to carry over? At least with Xbox they have been pretty good in that regard with access to games going back several generations.
Don’t buy the re-releases if you’ve already played them. Keep your original hardware and software.

Xbox did that from the middle of the Xbox One gen only. Nintendo have a long history of providing back compat (GB to GBA, GBA to DS, DS to 3DS, Game Cube to Wii, Wii to Wii U).

Also, Nintendo have imo overcharged on their hardware and also notorious for keeping their game prices high for years after release. In what way have Microsoft nickle and dimed? Personally I have felt I've had pretty good value for money out of MS whilst been an Xbox gamer
The games cost a lot because they are very good and continue to sell at full price for years following release. The benefit to that is you can sell them on for only a minor loss when you are finished.

MS nickle and diming? Are you real? Xbox Live Gold, 360 Wi-fi adapter being sold separately, 360 HD DVD add on being sold separately, locking Netflix, free to play games and cloud saves behind Xbox Live Gold for the vast majority of Xbox’s existence, DLC crap thrust in to nearly every major first party release for years, pay £30 for a deluxe rental game pass upgrade for a game you don’t own for 1 week early access.

Good grief.
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